Beginning Again

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3rd Person POV

(Y/n) embraced the Namekian, their hand running up and down his back. As their fingertips brush against the soft fabric of his gi, they feel..warm, despite the cool nature they've been surrounded and encased in. They don't even realize that Piccolo had wrapped his own arms around them, until he spoke, his voice hesitant and low.




(Y/n) continued to embrace him, allowing him time to collect his thoughts. It seems that the hug had caught him off guard..and it amused them.

"..have you..?"

(Y/n) sighed, resting their hands against his back. "I'm..I'm still pissed at the fact that you didn't ask me about what you saw before jumping to conclusions.."

"..and the fact that you treated me like shit."


"-but, I'm willing to forgive, if you tell me something like this won't happen again."

The two separated.

Piccolo nodded, looking the warrior in the eyes. "It won't."

"What won't?" (Y/n) teased, crossing their arms.

Piccolo huffed, matching the human's stance, and glancing off to the side.

"Tch, you know what I'm talking about. I don't have any reason to repeat myself."

(Y/n) laughed, waving him off. "I was just messing with you. Besides, I missed my sparring partner," they said, nudging Piccolo a tad.

The Namekian looks down at them with an annoyed expression, even though he isn't in the slightest.

He always looked irritated, did he not?

He sets a hand on their head, causing (Y/n) to freeze. They slowly look up at him, a little confused. After all, it's unlike him to show bits of affection.

"Something wrong?"

He meets their eyes, and replies, "No. It's getting late, that's all."

The human is aware that that was in fact a fib, but they weren't going to push it. The man just apologized for his wrongdoings, so he'll be let off the hook for the time being.

"I should take you home-"

"-Wait..Uh..before you do that."

Piccolo moves his hand, his arms returning to his chest. "What is it?"


The sound of branches snapping cut (Y/n) off, the two warriors' attention now on the forest. Piccolo narrowed his eyes, slowly heading in the direction the sound came from. Thanks to his A1 hearing, he locked onto the sound, recognizing the small voice located just behind some brush. When (Y/n) attempted to join him, he told them to stay outside of the thicket, not giving the earthling any information before moving inside. It didn't take long for the Namekian to return with Gohan and Chichi, the two looking guilty and embarrassed. More so Gohan than Chichi.

"What were you two doing back there?" (Y/n) asked, a chuckle slipping from their lips. " know how mom can be," Gohan replied, gesturing to his mother. Chichi has her arms crossed, her nose turned up. "What? Goku mentioned that you two were together, and to make sure that Piccolo didn't screw anything up..I came to eavesdrop."

"Oh, so you admit to eavesdropping?"


The earthlings looked at each other and laughed, Gohan eventually joining in until he directed his attention to Piccolo, who's attention was on the (eye color) eyed warrior.

Piccolo's POV

It's odd.

I partially think it's because of how close I've gotten to Gohan, his family, and his friends, that I feel this..warmth in my chest.

This comfort.

It's not something I'm necessarily fond of, but after seeing the way joy looks on (Y/n)'s face..

..I think it's a feeling I can grow to like.

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