Iffy Introduction

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(Y/n) ran as fast as they could.

'Chi is going to kill me!'

A couple of stumbles, trips, and a cramp later, I arrived at Chichi's house.

(Y/n) knocks on the door, huffing and puffing.

The door opened, and I'm pulled inside. I didn't even have to look up to see who it was.

"Where have you been?! You should have been here earlier!" Chichi practically screamed in my ear.

A boy which I think is her son, and a man, who I'm pretty sure is her husband cringe at her loud voice.

When she was done lecturing me on time management, she introduced me to her family.

"Gohan, this is your auncle (Y/n). (Y/n) this is my son Gohan."

I smiled brightly, and sat on my knee, so I'm his level.

"Nice to meet you squirt," (Y/n) said, booping his nose.

"Nice to meet you too (Y/n)," Gohan giggled, booping my nose.

(Y/n) chuckled, and stood up straight again.

"(Y/n), this is my normal husband Goku. Goku, this is my sibling (Y/n)."

I rolled my eyes.

"Chi, no one is normal. Everyone is weird in their own way. Even you."

Goku seemed to smile a little at that.

We shook hands.

"Are you a fighter?" Goku asked.

"What an out of the blue question," (Y/n) chuckled. "But to answer your question, yes."

Goku's face lit up.

"Oh! Can we spar-"

"Goku! No! You are normal!"

"Chichi, let me answer his question."

Chichi spun on her heel, and walked to the kitchen.

"I don't think we can spar just yet. I'm looking for a trainer so I can get better. I can tell just by looking at you that you fight often, so I wouldn't really be a good match for you."

"Oh! Really? Maybe Mr. Piccolo can train you too!"

I glanced down at the small boy.

"Mr. Piccolo? Who's that?"

"Piccolo is er..a friend of mine. He's very distant," Goku answered.

I nodded, showing that I understood.

"He'll be training me today. Want to come?" Gohan asked.

"No! No! My sibling is not going to a training session with that..that-"

"Chichi! What has gotten into you?" I questioned my sister.

"You haven't seen him before! He's an alien from space!"

"Chi, you're delusional."

"A-Actually, he is an alien," Gohan meekly clarified.

"For real? That's cool."

Goku and Gohan looked surprised.

"You don't hate aliens?" Goku inquired.

"Hate them? No! I don't discriminate."

The boys smiled.

"That's good to hear."

Gohan glanced up at a nearby clock.

"We should get going if we don't want to be late."

I nodded.

Gohan and I waved at Goku as we left the house.

"Alright kiddo, how far is he away from here?"

"An hour."

My eyes widened.

"What?! It would take us double that to walk there!"

"Who said anything about walking?"

I rubbed my temples.

"How else are we going to get there Go..han.."

Gohan is flying.

My sister's kid is FLYING!


"Lots of practice."

"That's so cool!" I exclaimed. "Wait, are you going to carry me?"

"Yeah. Is that okay?"

"I'm just not sure if you'll be able to lift me."

Gohan picked me up with ease.

"Well, let's get a move on," I chuckled.

Gohan smiled, and we started for the training ground.

---Small time skip---

"We're here."

Gohan landed us smoothly, and I jumped out of the small boy's arms.

I stretched for a moment, and adjusted my eyes to the empty wasteland.

"You're late," A deep voice stated.

I jumped a little.

Gohan and I turned around.

A green, pointy eared man stood in front of us. He wore purple training clothes, along with a white turban and cape.

"What? Do I really look that hideous?"

I snapped out of my shock.

"N-No, that's not-"

"I don't have time. Gohan, let's hurry and start."

Gohan sent me an apologetic smile before scurrying away with the man.

'So that's Piccolo?'

After watching them train for a while, I wandered over to a nearby rock and meditated.

The next time I opened my eyes, the sun was setting, turning the once blue sky to a variety of pinks and oranges.

I jumped up and looked around.

The two boys were nowhere to be found.

I sighed heavily.

'How am I supposed to get home?!'

"They really left me out here," I mumbled to myself.

I checked my pockets for my phone.


I rubbed my temples.

'Think (Y/n), think. Which way did you come from?'

I turned around and shuddered. The dark wooded forest gave me the creeps.

'I do remember us passing over the forest though.'

I took a deep breath, and walked into the dark thicket.

I stumbled and tripped over protruding roots.

Scratches, and scrapes coated my legs and arms.

'I'm going to need so many band-aids.'

I froze as a low growling noise came from behind me.

My breathing sped up, and I didn't move a muscle.

Not until I heard the growling noise grow closer did I jet away.

The animal was on my tail.

I knew I was going to be dinner for a bear or something if I didn't think of something quick.

But I didn't have time.

I was pounced on.

My (e/c) eyes met the dark eyes of a wolf.

'I'm going to die!'

I tried to scream, but nothing came out.

I shut my eyes tight.

Instead of feeling the wolf's canines digging into my neck, I felt the wolf being kicked off of me.

"Get up."

My eyes fluttered open to see Piccolo.

I scrambled to my feet, ready to thank him, but I stopped.

'They LEFT me out here!'

"Why did you do that?!" I screeched.

Piccolo covered his ears. They're probably sensitive, but I didn't care.

"Look, you aren't important to me, so I forgot about you. The kid on the other hand, remembered you were still there halfway into the fly back home."

I grumbled under my breath.

"Can I just go home now?"

"I just saved you from a bloodthirsty wolf. The least you can do is say thank you," Piccolo grunted, crossing his arms.

I mimicked his stance and frowned.


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