Party Rockin'

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Surprise, surprise! Another chapter!!
Thank you for the support! ^^

(Y/n)'s POV

(Plant name)'s condition had been getting worse and worse.

They're almost completely brown now.

' have they gotten that bad overnight?'

I slid the hangers in my closet around furiously, as I searched for something to wear.

After finding, (outfit of choice) I put it on, sliding in some shoes, and made my way to the bathroom.

I styled my (straight/curly/braided/etc) hair, and gave myself a lopsided smile in the mirror.

"I'll be fine. It's not like Piccolo will be there anyways."

'The chances of that are slim.'

I read the clock, and sighed.

'It's 3:23, and the party doesn't start until 5:00.'

"I have some time to waste."

I picked up (Plant Name) and left my house in the woods.

I took a trail leading up to the mountains, letting the calming breeze flow across my face.

"It's a radiant day outside," I muttered to no one in particular.

Once I reached the top of a mountain, I sat down, placing (Plant Name) by my side.

"Maybe this will help you?" I questioned.

To whom, I'm not sure.

The question seemed directed towards myself.

I slowly felt the energy around the tree decreasing.

"What can I do to help you?!" I exclaimed, nearing my edge.

"What am I supposed to do? I'm not good with plants, that's why I got you for him," I grumbled, pulling at my hair.

I gathered my emotions and let them out, an uproarious scream coming out as the result.

"WHAT AM I DOING?!" I yelled right after.

My scream and words echoed all around me, as I buried my face in my knees.


Crying, something I didn't do often.

Not because I thought crying made me any less strong, I just chose to deal with my frustration and anger in other ways, like training.

But this is a situation I'd never dealt with before.

I hadn't liked anyone else before I met Piccolo, hell, I didn't even know what actual love felt like before him.

All I knew was family.

After some time, I wiped my tears away, and looked over at (Plant Name).

I'm not surprised to see that they hadn't gotten any better.

"I'm so sorry (Plant Name)."

The plant didn't respond.

I shook my head, picking up the browning bonsai tree by the pot.

"Let's get you home (Plant Name). I have a party to attend."


I arrived outside of Capsule Corp, already in the partying spirit.

Nothing could bring me down from this moment.

Until I felt a certain someone's power level grow closer to the location.

I shrugged, and walked up to Bulma, and began a conversation about the decorations outside.

"You like the balloons?"

I nodded, a smile on my face.

"They're just all around, not to mention the happy atmosphere!" I exclaimed, seeing Goku playing with Goten, along with catching a nice moment between Vegeta and Trunks.

"Hey (Y/n)!"

I greeted Krillin back, and waved at 18.

She sends me a smile, Marron waving at me.

Bulma looked behind me.

"Oh! (Y/n), Piccolo is right there-"

"I..I know Bulma. Don't worry about it," I sighed.

The woman raised a brow.

"What's wrong? I thought you were trying to find him."

"Not anymore," I responded.



I smirked and shook my head as I recognized the voice immediately.

ChiChi stomped up to me, grabbed me by the ear, and pulled me away from Bulma.

"I can't believe you!"

"You can't believe what?" I calmly asked, simply complying with my sister.

Once she brought me somewhere away from everyone else, ChiChi let go of my ear.

"You like Piccolo?"

I furrowed my brows.

'How the hell?'

I hadn't told anyone about my crush on Piccolo.

The only person who might've had a hunch is Gohan.



I sweatdropped.

"I'm sorry. Do you want the truth?"

ChiChi's expression screams, 'I want to slap the crap out of you.'


"Okay, okay, just calm down."

ChiChi did what I suggested, and sighed.

"Alright, so, yes..? I do like Piccolo, I think. It's just complicated at the moment."


"What I'm about to say stays between us, alright?"

ChiChi nods.

"Well, I got him a bonsai tree as a gift right before we were supposed to hang out a while ago. Though, he never showed up that day, and ever since then, I feel like he's been avoiding me."

"How's that bonsai tree?"

"(Plant's Name)? Oh, they're about to die," I replied, glancing up at the sky.

"That's what I had thought. I'm sorry to break it to you, but Piccolo ditched you."

A heavy sigh left my lips, a weight pushing down on my shoulders.

"That's what I thought, but I didn't want to believe it.." I whispered.

ChiChi hugged me tight.

"I'm sorry (Y/n)."

I wrapped my arms around my sister, and stayed quiet.

We pulled away after what felt like hours.

"Go have some fun, you deserve it."

I laughed.



Once the food was done, I hurriedly grabbed a plate, knowing that Goku and Vegeta would eat it all if I didn't.

I decided to sit on a bench by myself, though someone joins me.

"Goten? Hey!"

"Why are you sitting alone?" Goten questioned.

I chuckled, shrugging.

"I'm not sure."

Goten hopped onto my shoulders, sitting on them.

He sat his plate on my head.

"Make sure the grease from your food doesn't leak through the plate Goten," I said, a small smile on my face.

"It won't! I heard Bulma telling Mom that she bought leak free paper plates!"

"Oh? Is that so?"

"Uh huh!"

Goten and I talked for a while, simply enjoying each other's company, until a voice interrupted us.


"Hey Gohan!"

Gohan smiled, and gestured for Goten to leave us be for a moment.

Goten got the hint, and flew off of my shoulders.

"We'll talk about washing windows with pickle juice later, okay?!"

"Alright!" I called after him, stifling a laugh.

"So.." Gohan began, sitting down next to me.


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