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"I wanna build a relationship with someone who cares about "why" I've been quiet all day not someone who gets mad because I'm acting different".

"Never trust a person that has let you down more than twice once was a warning second was a lesson and anything more is simply taking advantage."

"My girlfriend's best friend told me You might not be in the wedding but I will be and I've never been put in my place any harder."

"I don't chase people anymore I learned that I'm here and I'm important I'm not going to run after People to prove that I matter."

"Staying up late with other people is such a weird thing like u get this special bond and convos get so deep I love it."

"That awkward moment when you think you're important to someone and you're not."

"I love talking to you even if I have nothing to say."

"Never lose yourself while trying to hold on to someone who doesn't care about losing you."

"Do you ever just crave someone's presence? like you would literally be happy sitting next to them in silence."

"You're soulmate is not someone who comes into your life peacefully. It is who comes to make you question things, who changes your reality, somebody who marks a before and after in your life. It is not the human being everyone has idealised, but an ordinary person, who manages to revelutionize your world in a second."

"Those teenagers who sit on their room and cry themselves to sleep were once children with light in their eyes and hope in their hearts."

"My dad just said to me if you miss a bus you don't go and chase it you wait for the next one so why chase after a boy who's not worth it and wait for the right one to come who's going to make you happy. Im sorry but that's the best thing I've heard in a long time."

"Major shout-out to all the friends that stay up to talk to you through things, answer immediately when it's serious, drop everything to help, and act as basically a therapist, you don't get enough credit like 99% of the time but you are so important."

"Why waste money at the zoo when you could just look at my siblings for free."

"If I say good night and an hour later you see me online it's not that I lied it's just that I failed."

"I swear my best friends make my life 100x better."

"Overthinking killed my happiness, lies killed my trust and insecurities killed my self esteem."

"I read a post that said only those who care about you can hear you when you are quiet. I FELT THAT."

"Dont play with my emotions because that is a game that I don't lose."

"If she calmly leaves she's not coming back."

"I'm so sensitive you could literally text me in a different tone and I'll get sad."

"I'm just saying girls are starting to become more and more heartless you better appreciate your girl while she still cares .

"Read this twice... You will never be too much for someone who can't get enough of you. Read that again."

"You're my best friend and if anything  ever happened to you I would lose my mind."

"I'm glad I met you. Now do me a favour and stay."

"My best flex is having a best friend I got super close with under a year."

"Forgiving someone is easy but trusting them again is a totally different story."

"Instead of doing homework I like to stay on my phone and worry about how much homework I have to do."

"Don't be afraid to lose people. Be afraid of losing yourself by trying to please everyone around you."

"The day I lose my mom is the day y'all going to lose me to."

"Siblings really know how to unlock a supernatural bonus level of anger in you."

"I automatically go silent when I hear something that hurts my feelings."

"Who remembers in primary school when the teachers told you a story about a boy or girl that swung back his chair and cracked his head open and died."

"The truth is most girls don't care about 6 packs or how much you can lift at the gym. if you really wanna impress her make her laugh so hard."

"Don't push away the people who truly care about you because one day you will push them away and they won't come back."

"I can't believe that I believed every lie you told me."

"The fact that I have more clothes to sleep in than I do to go out in says a lot about who I am as a person."

"Each of my friends specialise in their own type of stupidity."

"The worst feeling is feeling unwanted by the person by the person you want the most."

"The awkward moment when you have to quickly wipe your tears and put on a fake smile because you hear someone coming into the room."

"Hardest pillow I had to swallow was learning how to pick myself back up and cope without the people who I thought would be in my life for a long time I realised you have to do it for yourself because the only person that will put you back on your two feet is you."

"It's sad that no one understands our generation apart from ourselves. Adults only want to focus on the fact that we sneak out and do bad stuff but they never acknowledge that we do that to distract ourselves from the world we don't even wanna be in."

"That girl you called a 'slut' she's a virgin. The boy you bullied because you were jealous just committed suicide a couple of seconds ago. The boy you called 'poor' has to work every night to support his family. That girl you pushed down the other day. Is already being abused at home. The girl you called 'fat' is starving herself. The old man you made fun of because of his 'ugly scars' is the one who fought the country. The boy you made fun of because he was 'crying' is the one whose mother was dying. You think you know them. Guess what? You don't.

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