Lost Season Two

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"You're lighter. I can belay you down and bring you back up just as easy. Shaft may be narrower down there, too."
"You left out the part where you just wanna see if I'm gonna be eaten by something."
       - Locke and Kate

"Life's not so bad, right? Sure the Others are coming to, like, eat us all, and every once in a while someone blows up all over you, but you do get to sleep in every morning."
        - Hurley to Jack

"I guess I know why the shark is hanging around — your shoulder."
"Oh, well, I'll just stop bleeding then!"
        - Michael and Sawyer, adrift

"Does any of this look familiar from when you were coming back?"
"Well, yeah, there's my favorite leaf. How could I forget this place?"
        - Locke and Sawyer, in the middle of nowhere

"That's right, Jack. I've been running in the jungle toward the sound of gunfire because I don't care about Michael."
        - Locke, with a rhetorical question

"So what do you think's the story with that Libby chick? She's kind of cute, right? You know, in a I've-been-terrorized-by-the-Others-for-40-days kind of way... I think I have a chance with her. I mean, it's the classic desert island scenario. If I ever had a shot, this is it."
        - Hurley to Charlie

"Can I ask you something?"
"How long do you think it would take to train an army?"
        - Jack and Ana Lucia

"It looks like the good folks of Island Town are about to form a posse — get themselves armed up. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Jack didn't find himself that horse of yours and start leading the charge in a big white hat."
        - Sawyer

"What are you doing here?"
"One second, I'm like this close to the high score on Donkey Kong."
        - Jack and Sawyer, as he mans the hatch computer

"You were so busy worrying about each other you never even saw me coming, did you?"
        - Sawyer, to Jack and Locke

"If the alarm goes off, don't tell him what it's for."
"What is it for?"
        - Locke and Mr. Eko

"You have good ears."
"You have thin doors."
        - Locke and Henry Gale

"Do Jack and Locke know about this?"
"Jack and Locke are a little too busy worrying about Locke and Jack."
        - Sayid and Ana Lucia

"Don't knock the obituaries, the nicest part of the paper. No one ever says anything mean about people once they're dead."
        - Helen to Locke

"10 mangos."
"Okay, I'll call you with the aspirin and raise you with a bottle of Amoxicilin."
       - Jack and Sawyer, playing some high stakes poker

"I'm done trading. I got enough food now to open a chain of mini-marts. Hey, you think Sayid needs a job?"
        - Sawyer

"I like that I have a good relationship with my mom. I like making my grandpa, Tito, laugh. I like chicken."
"Well, that last one wasn't about you, Hugo."
"I like that I like chicken?"
        - Hurley and Dr. Brooks

"Can you taste that? That is freedom, baby. You know what tastes even better than freedom? Cheeseburgers."
        - Dave to Hurley

"Everybody on this island is building something. I'm trying to get us saved."
"People are saved in different ways, Bernard."
"I think I liked you better when you just hit people with your stick."
        - Bernard and Mr. Eko

"I'm flattered."
"Yeah, why is that?"
"Because you chose me to go with you instead of Sawyer."
"I asked Sayid first but he turned me down."
        - Kate and Jack, on a mission of diplomacy

"Whaddya say Doc? I figure the Irish always drink when somebody dies."
"I'm not Irish."
"Neither am I."
        - Sawyer and Jack, with the last bottle of whiskey on the island

"I figured if we are going to war we'd want the one guy who's been in a war."
        - Sawyer about Sayid

"I don't know what is more disquieting — the fact that the rest of the statue is missing, or that it has 4 toes?"
        - Sayid, seeing the statue

"Do you not hear me, brother? I crashed your bloody plane!"
        - Desmond to Locke

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