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"If there is any one thing to not forget; is that there is only one of us. That is what makes us all unique and that's what makes us special. Embrace each other and everyone in what it is that they do or who they are. If we were all the same, that would be boring. Dream to live and live to dream. There is nothing that any of you aren't capable of doing. Find what you're passionate about and do it, never mind what anyone thinks or says who isn't encouraging. You only have one life, make the most of it. It can be anything you want it to be; your life is what you make of it. Don't forget, you always have a choice. If you're ever down, remember it's never too late to turn it all around. Live and let live, it's all about acceptance; accept the things you cannot change and be okay with it. Use your "war" paint to fight for your right to be free and be who you want to be. Kill people with kindness and treat others how you want to be treated. Life's short, but can be an amazing journey."

~Ashley Purdy



Soo half an essay later..haha I love Ashley tho. Can't I just have him and Andy?? Black Veil Brides is an amazing band (in my opinion) and if you haven't listened to them before I suggest you do! I, personally, like their older stuff more than the recent album, but that's just me. Hope all of your days were amazing! xx

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