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Here we are
We are crumpled
We are broken
We are scarred
We are hurting
But we are here
We got up out of bed
Even after last night was spent crying
Wanting to die
Wanting to harm
But we got up
And we looked you in the eye and smiled
And you smiled back
Oblivious to our pain
Because we are so good at covering it up
You had no idea
And then we laughed
We joked
And we put on a mask
And when we went to the bathroom
We let that mask fall
And we cried
But you didn't know
And that's not your fault
We scream for help inside
But we say
"We're fine!"
And you believe us
You think you know us
But you know our mask
You know us as them
And they look happy
So you believe them
But we hurt
And that's ok
So here we are
They are left behind and this is us
Hello again
This is me
This is me
And hurting
And crying
And wanting to fall and never get up
But this is me
You have the privilege of meeting me
You have met me
Now what
Will you throw stones?
Will you hug me?
Will you cry to?
Or will you walk away.
Never look back?
This is me terrified
And the rest is left on you.
Here's a gun
Will you pull the trigger?

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro