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Sans launched bones at Jay, which he quickly evaded by bolting aside or jumping up when some stuck up from the ground. Another set came rising up from the ground, and Jay jumped up to fly over them. His wings flared out and rocket feet fired up for maximum agility in the air as bones still came after him from below and above. The activation of his rocket feet didn't bother Jay since Sans already knew who he was. Jay did loops and dives when bones came near him.
Sans now used Blue Attack on Jay, and he started jumping to evade the bones that came after the blue ones. Sans added another challenge when he sent bones on both sides. Jay jumped back and then forwards to escape the falling bones. Next up was the blue attack horizontally, Jay being tossed back to the wall of the hallway. Bones were expected, so Jay jumped off from the wall before they came out.
Jay evaded left and then right as bones flowed out of the ground from one side to the other.
Even after all these attacks, Jay didn't pull out a single weapon of his nor did the attempt to hit Sans with one.
The simple sight of Jay evading the attacks surprised Sans...and frustrated him because of him still thinking about bringing Jay down.
'Not giving up, huh? Well, he did say to "give him everything I've got". Let's see if Mr. Scales can dodge this.' Sans thought as he tracked Jay's movements, moving his hand to summon his next attack.
Jay was about to run directly at Sans to escape by when he noticed something, making him skid to a stop.
Above Jay appeared one of Sans's gaster blasters. Already prepared to fire.
[I suddenly regret not escaping sooner...] Jay thought.


The gaster blaster fired its beam. Jay flung his wings forwards to activate the standard shield, but it was too late. The beam engulfed Jay, burning him. Jay screamed as the pain of the burning spread across his entire body. It seemed like this was already the end...



Even with the laser pushing him back, Jay struggled to advance forwards one step at a time. His shield has now deployed completely, protecting him from further damage by the gaster blaster laser. Once near the blaster, he reached out with one hand to grab on to one of the blaster's eye sockets and bring it close. Both heads collided into one another, making Jay stare into the blaster's eyes.
"Bad boy." Jay said, letting out a feral growl to the gaster blaster. In return, it let out a scared whine as it looked into Jay's angry slitted pupils.
But that moment of staring into one another was broken as more gaster blasters appeared around them, looking angrily at Jay holding their comrade by the eye socket.
[Oops.] Jay thought with an alarmed look.


The gaster blasters fired at Jay from all directions, so he had no choice but to let go of the blaster and fly up to evade the lasers.
Once in the air, bones were thrown at him in all directions. Jay evaded them by flying in zig zag patterns really fast while pulling up his shield to block close-call bones.
A minute later he had an idea on how to block the bones while not using his shield for too much. As one bone got near him, Jay snatched it in midair and used it to bat away the other bones.
"Wait! That's illegal!" Sans called out in shock when he witnessed Jay use his bones against the others...and make a joke first.
From the looks of it, Sans the gaster skeleton was already starting to wear out from all this fighting. However, Sans lifted both hands in order to let out his final strong attack it seemed.
Noticing this, Jay landed back onto the ground and prepared for Sans's final move.
With a bright-glowing eye, Sans summoned all of his gaster blasters.
All aiming at him.
It looked like Sans was planning to finish him off with a full on blast, but Jay knew how to evade it.

[Okay then. Bring it in three...two...one...NOW!!!]



There was a huge explosion as every gaster blaster fired their lasers at Jay, sending smoke and debris outwards. It seemed like he was obliterated completely, but his nearing shout proved otherwise.
SaaaaaAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNSSSSS!!!" Jay yelled as he flew up towards the ceiling.
"You gotta be KIDding me!" Sans said in disbelief, adding a pun to his exclamation.
"I never kid!!!" Jay called out as he flew down and blasted towards Sans at high speeds. Jay held forwards a fist as he prepared to punch Sans with one final blow as he added:

"Because I. Am. The acclaimed. TWINKLETOES!!!"

Instead of hitting Sans, Jay flared his wings open and put a stop to his speeding blow real hard. The halt kicked up a lot of dust and small rocks, blurring Sans vision. Sans was found with his eyes shut and ready for the blow. When he opened them, Sans found Jay's fist centimeters away from his gaster skeleton's bony snout.
A long time passed before Jay flicked his finger at Sans's snout. "Come on. I still remember the ultimate joke you did at the party." Jay said, smiling as his visor came off and clicked back into place.
Sans was silent...then began to titter. Jay couldn't hold on either and started to giggle. Inevitably, both fell in a fit of laughter until they had tears slipping off and their stomachs hurt.
"Wow...that was awesome. Pfft! Oh dear goodness, just give me a while to chill out." Sans said while trying to calm down his remaining laughter.
Though their time got short as a banging noise sounded at the end of the hall behind Sans.
"Oh crud! The Royal Guard! We gotta get out of here so they don't catch and blame us for this mess!" Sans said in a hurry before taking Jay's hand with his bony one and leading him to one of the pillars.
"Wait! Why are you—?" Jay asked Sans. "Don't worry. I know a shortcut." Sans said. Immediately after, when they got behind the pillar's shadow, both Jay and Sans were enveloped in a blue light before they were brought to another place in an instant. They had been teleported. Which was weird because that instant transition made his scales feel shuddery.
"Yeah. I can travel through space along with another person." Sans explained. "Well...thanks." Jay said, shaking off the weird tingling.
"At least now nobody will know what messed up the corridor...and King Asgore will be pretty crushed by the mere sight of the battle area. But that's something to worry later. Now come on, follow me so we can talk in a more secure place." Sans said before walking down the path they've appeared near to. Jay didn't follow him at first, making Sans stop in his tracks and look back at him.
"Relax. I'm not gonna bring you to another place and continue fighting." Sans said assuringly with a honest smile
[If he's up to something else....No. I think he finally understands now.] Jay thought, smiling and nodding at Sans before he began following him.

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