Chapter - 9

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Viraj went to his parents' that Sunday, he avoided going for the last two weeks for two reasons, for the first, he got busy in his work and parallelly handling cases on Rajendra Narayan, and the second is obviously to avoid his mother who is now glaring at him for answers...

"Don't look at me like that, let me eat", he said getting irritated with her looks...

"Yeah... Why not, eat shamelessly after spoiling that girl's life... ", Yamini said glaring at her son... Viraj, served himself more ignoring his mother's 'irritated' sigh...

"I mean really  ?? Didn't you plan anything properly  ?? Idiot, proving Rajendra Narayan bad will only stop him from having the boy's custody but for Ojaswi to have it, she should be capable of handling the kid, how did you miss such a small logic, I understand about Ojaswi, she isn't used to this world, but you Viraj, you knew how these things worked...", Yamini Prakash continued scolding her son who is eating as if he is starved for years...

"God! Answer me, or I won't let you have the fruit custard", Yamini warned, well that's the only sweet dish he loved more than the spicy food...

"Amma, I'm not stupid, okay... I analyzed everything, Rajendra Narayan was given Adiyansh's custody just because he was proven he could be a better parent, and also, the court believed Ojaswi to be the right guardian for the boy despite her not having the security, the court today wanted... But the thing is when I testified against Ojaswi, they got a reason to snatch the custody", Viraj replied

"You are saying as if Mr. Sundarrajan is doing it purposely", Yamini asked

"Maybe I do", Viraj said not disclosing the exact matter to his parents...

" What do you mean  ??", Yamini asked but Viraj stayed silent, Yamini took a harsh breath controlling her anger... Seeing her hardly holding, her husband who is a very less talker opens his mouth for the first time...

"Mr. Sundarrajan is doing everything purposely, he is that girl's maternal uncle", Ravikanth said monotonously

"What  ?? Explain... ", she said giving strong looks to the both the father-son

"This is why I stayed calm", Viraj said glaring at his father

"Well easy for you to say, you go from here pissing her, I will be the one suffering her wrath", Ravikanth said returning the look...

Yamini Prakash sighed and walked to the kitchen, there started the ignore game...

She didn't respond to anything Viraj Or Ravikanth asked... Since Viraj had some work he needed to leave...

"Mom... Bye... See you in the evening", Viraj said, yet no response, he walked into the kitchen, hugged his mother from the back, kissed her cheek, and ran away...

A wide smile formed on her lips, it's very rare to see this playful and naughty side of her son after he joined the police forces...

Ravikanth came there and gave a small smile seeing her smiling widely, but her smile turned into a frown seeing her husband, she turned and continued with her cooking...

"Bl**dy son of mine, spoiled my wife's mood for me to bear to consequences... ", he muttered followed by some colorful curses for his son which were heard by his wife who passed death glares at him before switching off the stove and walking away.

Viraj went out and completed his work before returning at night...

All the three sat for dinner, Yamini Prakash has cooled down now and they are talking randomly when suddenly she remembered something...

"Viraj... I don't think Ojaswi is fine, you know last week too, she sent the vegetables through her friend... I thought it was just a day since she received the harsh blow, so maybe she needs time to get back, but it's been two weeks since I heard from her... ", Yamini Prakash expresses her worry...

" I know mom,  when is the next delivery  ??", he asked

"Tomorrow", she said

"Okay, call me if she doesn't turn up tomorrow as well", he said finishing his dinner... "I have a call to make, will be back", he said walking to his room...

He finished the call and is about to go down when he saw an unfamiliar figure in his home... He doesn't want people to know unnecessarily that he is the son of a collector and the ADGP, well it's not completely hidden too, but the matter is just known to the higher officials and some very few people, they are not viral and they don't want to be either... So he decided to stay up...

"So sorry ma'am, Krishna couldn't come this week too, you know her situation", Ashwin said politely after handing over the vegetable bag to the helper...

"That's okay, I really wish I could be of some help", Yamini Prakash said genuinely...

"Thank you ma'am, that means a lot, and once again my apologies for coming here on such a short notice, I had to attend an official work tomorrow morning, so had to come today to deliver to you, Krishna prefers to do early deliveries but never late...", Ashwin said

"Yeah... I know, she is a girl of strong principles", Yamini Prakash said fondly remembering her conversations with the young woman...

Ashwin nods, greet her and her husband before walking away... And Viraj enters after he leaves...

"Who is he  ?? And why is he here to deliver the vegetables instead of Ojaswi  ??", Viraj enquired

"If I didn't know you better, I would have thought you love her, and is actually jealous of her friend", joked Yamini Prakash earning glares from his son... "Fine... Stop with those angry stares, I am just teasing you", she said lifting her hands up a little

"You can tease me with any girl in this world but not Krishna Ojaswi, she is that Diwali cracker, I never wanted to see, let alone buy or bursting it", he said, his dad who is drinking water suddenly spilled all of it hearing his comparison...

"Sh*t that came out wrong, by bursting, I didn't mean that... Dad, you have a dirty brain", he whined the last statement making his mother burst into fits of laughter clutching her stomach seeing his expressions... His father just smirked at him...

"Mom... You didn't answer me", Viraj asked in his cold tone which meant no funny business... Yamini Prakash sighed before opening her mouth...

"He is that guy I told you about, Ashwin, Ojaswi's friend, he is delivering the vegetables for the past 2 weeks and today is the 3rd time... ", Yamini said

"Okay, I'll go and see her tomorrow, and will also plan something... ", he said casually before changing the topic... The trio talked a lot before dispersing to their own rooms...

The next day, Viraj started to Krishna's place, he rang the bell but none responded, he kept banging on the door thinking Krishna committed suicide, well seeing the door locked from inside and no one responding for 10 minutes of continuous calling bell, that's what came into his police brain before he could break the door, it opened revealing a girl with face red with anger...

"Can't you wait for a second, exactly how stupi... ", Swapnika stopped her sentence in mid realizing who just came to meet them... Well, unlike her best friend, she is a huge fan of Viraj Subramanyam same as other girls in the city...

"Sorry, I didn't see you, please come in", Swapnika said opening the door widely and he stepped in...

" It's fine", he said in his monotonous tone, he knew she really didn't see him, she was busy setting her hair after opening the door too, so he let it go...

"Actually I am here to talk to Ojaswi", he said, and a pool of pain passed through Swapnika's eyes thinking about her best friend...

She slowly pulled off the huge curtain that separated the hall into two halves, revealing a devastated Krishna sitting on the floor surrounded by Adiyansh's toys, his clothes, and photographs...

Despite his hatred for her, he felt a pang of pain in his cold heart seeing her... No man in his right mind could ignore her condition, miserable is a very understatement for what she looked like right then...

"This is what she is doing for the past two weeks, eats just once a day, that too if I keep forcing her, she will freshen up in the morning, cooks his favorite food, then sits with his things like this, and I'll find her there in the same condition in the evening when in return from work also... She doesn't talk much, I have never seen her so broken, she was strong even when she left her parents, since she has Adiyansh then, she loves the little boy more than anything ", Swapnika said wiping the few tears that slipped seeing her best friend's condition

"What exactly happened two weeks ago", Viraj asked... Though he had a fair idea of it, he wanted to listen from their perspective...

"It was the day after she applied for the caretaker post in the children home, she was called for the interview after two days, they also said they liked her profile, so Krishna was sure she would get the job... ", Swapnika started

Two weeks ago

Krishna dropped Adiyansh in the children's home, she requested the home authorities to tell him that it was just a camp, and after a lot of requests and literally begging, they agreed to lie to the child... Also, her love and gentleness with the kid impressed them... They decided to offer the job even without an interview and Krishna is on cloud nine, they asked her to join after 3 days though she told them she could join immediately...

She left with a heavy heart but the fact that she would be literally staying with her Adi after these 3 days caused a sense of relief, and for Adiyansh, he got so happy seeing the children there and he decided to get the most out of this camp since his Krishna won it for him, also he loves to make friends with new people so he enjoyed it...

A day after that, She received a call from the children's home, that her appointment letter is canceled since there was a restraining order from the court against her... That small piece of information shattered her... The thought that now she couldn't even see Adiyansh has broken her, but she didn't give up, she went to the home, she tried to request, beg, she even tried to catch the Authority's feet just to see Adiyansh but they didn't budge, well not their fault... They were bound by law... The very same law which is only applicable to the common man in this society...


"With her every trial failing, a piece of her broke, and here she is, completely shattered", said Swapnika... Hearing Ojaswi's struggles, he felt so bad and hell furious with the authorities...

"Ojaswi... Get up... You'll be meeting Adiyansh... Right now... Come with me", Viraj said getting up from his seat and walking toward her...

For the first time since he came, she looked at him... She knew all the time about his presence, she can see him too if she wants to lift her head from the toys but she chose not to...

"Why are you here  ?? To see if I am dead completely or is there some part of me still alive  ??", she asked spitting venom...

She hated him with passion and she made sure she shows him that in her every word to him...

"Shut up, will you  ?? Come with me, you will see Adiyansh now", he said strongly, seeing his determination, she got hope again... And she stood up but she remembered what happened when she trusted him last time, her Adiyansh is in children care now instead of a safe home, even though that house belongs to Rajendra Narayan...

"I don't trust you anymore, because of you, my Adi is in children's home today, what if he is sent to another city if I went against the court orders... No... I can't take that risk", she said looking at him with hatred and disgust... Well, that didn't affect him a bit though... 

"Huh... I take the responsibility for it Ojaswi... I promised you, I'll get your brother back and I'll keep it no matter what... ", he said walking out... She fell to the floor and burst into tears after he left... Swapnika consoled her friend like always...

After 3 days, Ojaswi receives a call from Yamini Prakash... She takes it apprehensively... Yamini Prakash asks her to meet her at her place the next day evening, Krishna agreed nonetheless...

"I did as you told, now what ?? and Why do you want her to come here ??", Yamini asked her son after hanging up...

"I want to settle this issue amma for once and all, I called your friend, and one of the best lawyers, Ramakrishna uncle... And he hates meetings at restaurants, so I called him home... Well, also... he was missing you it seems", Viraj teased his mother, he very well knew she had a crush on Mr. Ramakrishna, and he actually loved Yamini but before he could propose, Yamini got married to Ravikanth... 

"Really ?? Did he say that ??", Yamini asked Viraj and he nodded with a chuckle seeing his mother getting excited like a teenager...

"But Viraj... Why did you call him home, you know your father, he would get mad, you know how possessive he is... He'll kill you as well as me...", Yamini said 

"Amma... it's fine, Appa is not gonna say a thing, as he wouldn't know", Viraj said...

"You don't know him, these policemen are always suspicious... I can't handle these people", She said with a disgusted feeling...

"Excuse me, what do you mean ??", Viraj asked glaring at her...

"Your glare wouldn't change the truth of your mentality, you suspect everything and everyone...", Yamini said irking her son more...

"Huh... whatever, I have already invited Ramakrishna uncle here, I also told him not to disclose our relationship before Ojaswi... You too take care of that...", Viraj said...

"Why ?? Ojaswi is a nice girl, I think she can know the truth now", Yamini said...

"I don't trust her, I don't trust anyone mom", Viraj said

"This is what I was talking about, you guys doubt even your own shadow... Uff...", Yamini said sighing...

"Okay...Okay... I get it, please drop the issue, I also called Malini, Ojaswi's lawyer before half an hour, she would detail everything to Ramakrishna uncle", Viraj said walking away to his room...

The next day, Ramakrishna visited Yamini's place, She welcomed him with a wide smile which pissed her husband... He is early than every day since he got to know about her wife's ex-crush's arrival, Yamini herself told him about her 'FRIEND's arrival the previous night which irritated him to the core, but she convinced him... But seeing that wide smile on his wife's face, he regretted his decision to allow this man inside...

"Hey Ravikanth, hope you are doing good ??", Ramakrishna asked and Viraj's father just nodded, Viraj and Yamini chuckled at his expressions...

"Of course, you'll be good, you have the most precious woman as your wife", Ramakrishna said with a smile, there's a little sadness in his voice still, first love is hard to forget, this is true in his case, though he is a contented man with his wife and kids, he couldn't completely forget Yamini and Ravikanth knew this... He just glared at him, not responding anything...

"Opho... Yamu, he is the same, angry young man, except for, not so young anymore", Ramakrishna said to piss him more...

"Cut the crap Ram, stay away from my wife, and what's with this 'yamu' ha ?? call her Yamini or Mrs. Prakash or Mrs. Subramanyam is far better...", He said in his cold tone... 

"Prakash... he is our guest", she gasped rubbing her husband's arm...

"It's fine Yamini", Ramakrishna said with a smirk and settled down... Viraj is about to take a seat in front of him when his father pulled him to him...

"You did it on purpose, didn't you ??", Ravikanth whispered to his son... and a smirk formed on Viraj's face...

"What are you talking about dad ??", Viraj acted, well, he did call Ramakrishna to his mother's place purposely, but he didn't want to hold the meeting in public places as it is a sensitive case and he feared confidentiality issues, he could hold it in his place but then how could he piss his father, who refused to help him in some case matters, Viraj needed a number to carry forward an operation, which his father refused to give citing many stupid reasons and this is how he takes revenge...

"I know why you are doing this... stop with your very poor acting", Prakash said to his son...

"I am just a good son to mom, she is missing her crush, so I just found out a way to make her happy, you know, when I told her yesterday about her crush's visit, she got so excited", Viraj said stressing on the 'crush' part fuming his father...

"What ?? Really ??", his father shouted making Yamini and Ramakrishna look at him weirdly...

"I was kidding, stop making a fool out of yourself and don't embarrass mom, don't make her regret choosing you over her crush...", Viraj said smirking inwardly... his father couldn't sleep for the next few days after this stroke... 

"Never mess with me", thought Viraj in his mind...

"Viraj Prakash Subramanyam, You'll pay for this, I promise you, mark my words, I'll do the same to you when you get a wife", Said Prakash

"I won't be possessive like you, I'm damn sure...", Viraj said confidently... "Anyways, I'm off limits to marriage, I'm committed to my bachelorhood", He said...

"You will be way more possessive than me, you went on me son, I know you and about marriage, you never know what's written in your fate", Prakash said

"Appa... please... stop talking this fate and sh*t, there's nothing like that, we write our own fate", Viraj said...

"Huh whatever, now if you want that number, then sit beside Ramakrishna, I'll sit on the other side of him", Prakash said, so that he could keep his wife at a distance from that man, Viraj chuckled yet nodded and settled beside Ramakrishna...  

Malini arrived after a while and detailed everything to Ramakrishna, Ravikanth Prakash had to go out urgently, but he asked his son to take care of the problem named Ramakrishna till he returns... Viraj is having the best time enjoying his father's jealousy... 

After some time, Krishna arrived there, she politely greeted Yamini, Malini, and Yamini Prakash introduced Ramakrishna to her... 

"This is lawyer Ramakrishna, one of the best lawyers in family law, my friend", said Yamini

"Namaskara...", she greeted him with a smile but ignored Viraj...

"Arrogance", Viraj muttered, Krishna, who is standing beside him heard him, she glared at him but he gave her a challenging glare in return... 

"Take a seat", Yamini said and Krishna took the single seat which is beside Viraj, she took it with no option left...

"Thank you so much ma'am, for doing so much for me, you even called one of the top lawyers for me...", Krishna started but Yamini Prakash interrupted her...

"I didn't call him, Viraj did, I just gave him, his contact, that's all", Yamini Prakash told her... she kept looking at Krishna to see if she would thank Viraj or not and Krishna awkwardly muttered thanks to Viraj making him smirk proudly... He enjoyed defeating her...

"I have all the information with me, so let me reiterate, and correct me if I'm wrong", Ramakrishna started getting to business and everyone listened to him paying extra attention...

"You were rejected the custody of Adiyansh, based on family grounds, according to them, you lack social security, financial security, family support, and last but not least, you were booked under section 201 'bribery against public officials' right ??", he said and Krishna nodded glaring at Viraj...

"Don't glare at me, you committed the offense", he whispered near her ears pissing her...

"You are an insensitive jerk, who wouldn't listen to me even for a minute, what can I do ??", she whispered back...

"Shut up", he said loudly gaining attention, he shook his head in 'nothing' when everyone looked at him, and she chuckled at his expressions... Well according to her, he is embarrassed as he behaved like that in front of the district collector but only he knew his expressions were because of his mother's teasing smiles at him... 

"Firstly, we need to prove how efficient you are at handling the kid, secondly, settle the case which is at court, when is the hearing ??", He asked Krishna

"day after tomorrow", she said

"Okay, since you have a very reasonable explanation to do what you did, mostly you'll be fined, settle it and you'll be okay", he said and she nodded...

"After that, we need to create such a situation where the court is forced to ask the child's opinion, and that could happen only when you have the needed social and financial security, um.. what about your family, my suggestion is to go and ask them to support you, the custody will be yours", He said

"Family... huh, they won't support me, sir, they don't want Adiyansh", She said shaking her head...

"Then there is only one way...", He said and everyone looked at him with anticipation, some knowing what it is, but Krishna hoped it is not what she is thinking but fate is so cruel...

"Get married, it's the only way you have", He said

"Huh... what an irony, I left my family and the thought of 'Marriage' for Adiyansh, today, they are refusing the custody just because I don't have these two things", Krishna said with tears in her eyes...

"What do you mean ?? Could you elaborate if it's not personal", Lawyer Ramakrishna asked Krishna

"It's nothing major, I first took the responsibility of Adiyansh, when he was 16 months old, after his parents' sudden demise, my family didn't want me to do it, but I fought with them to keep Adiyansh, they agreed, and in return asked me to get married, I gave in, having no option but told them, I would marry only when the person accepts Adiyansh wholeheartedly... Let's just say people aren't that big-hearted anymore... no one was ready, and I had to move out of my home unable to bear the pressure to get married and to leave Adiyansh", Krishna said half-truth...

"I wish I could say we can use this statement in the court but we can't, in the type of grounds, they suspended your custody, you definitely need a family to get back your brother, so, get married, at the earliest if you want him at the earliest...", The lawyer said

"I will if that could get my Adi back, but if I marry a wrong man, who couldn't accept Adi, it would be very problematic for him later, and I don't want that, I don't care how he treats me, but I want him to treat Adi right... It takes time to find someone like that, is there a way, I can get back Adiyansh even though it's for some time?? It's been 2 and half weeks since I have seen him, I just hear from his caretakers that he is fine though he is missing me a lot, he still thinks that it's all a game and is waiting for the end", she said, her voice broken... 

Yamini's heart clenched understanding Krishna's pain, she could clearly understand her pain, she herself is a mother and even though Viraj is a grown-up, she still misses him and hated his work which is keeping her son away from her, and Adiyansh is still a kid, she could imagine Krishna's broken heart behind her broken words...

"so, you are in touch with the caretakers ??", Viraj asked and Krishna gave an 'Are you serious?' look

"This is what you got from everything I said ??", She asked him, he continued glaring at her asking her to answer his question...

"Yeah... I help them look after Adi, The reason I'm sane, even after 2 and half weeks of not seeing Adi is those calls...", she said

 "You are not sane, even now", he muttered and she glared at him...

"so you are bribing them to give you information about Adiyansh", asked Viraj in a serious tone...

Yamini Prakash held her head knowing, that now her son wouldn't leave Krishna for breaking the law but what she heard surprised her...

"No, it's not a bribe, it's just a form of 'Thankyou' I give it every month to the caretakers in his school too, I want them to treat Adi with care, and not get angry when he gets handful, so as a token of gratitude for their patience, I give some money, and I didn't break any law, I was restrained from meeting him, not from knowing about him, going against the law is something you asked me to do that day, you wanted to take me to Adi despite court's restraining orders, remember ??", Krishna told him in her fighting mode tone...

"Wait... he did what ??", Yamini Prakash asked getting surprised, her son wanted to go against the law, for this girl ?? Woah.... something interesting is brewing between them thought she... The very first time, she heard about Ojaswi, she is very impressed, and the thought of Viraj came into her mind, after her many encounters with the girl now, she would love to have her as her daughter-in-law and that's when a fantastic plan came into her mind...

"Well... You were practically dying, a sobbing mess, if you die, I don't want to take that sin on my head, that's why said so", Viraj answered Krishna, indirectly making it clear to his mother that he in no way has feelings for the stupid girl if at all he has, that's only of hatred but his mother's mind is already made up and now no one can save him from her determination and planning...

After exploring some options, everyone left to their places, Viraj stayed the night at his parents as it was very late after his Ramakrishna uncle left, he knew better than to leave his mother alone with Ramakrishna, his father would make a fuss about it, it's not that he doesn't trust Yamini, he does more than his life, but he is a very possessive man and doesn't want his wife to spend alone time with any other man except for him...

Krishna called her friend Ashwin and told him, she want to marry and asked him to arrange all the blind dates he suggested before, shocking him... 

Ashwin agreed nonetheless, getting happy for his friend, though she is doing it out of compulsion, he wished her to have a companion for her, who could take care of her always... 

Note - The next 3 parts are ready too, and I would post them soon, based on the response... If you like the part, do let me know, through votes or comments... only if you like...

One question, liked Viraj who got ready to break the law for Krishna ??

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