Introduction & Description

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This is a small tale of Viraj Subramanyam and Krishna Ojaswi......

DCP Viraj Subramanyam, a dynamic and fierce police officer, a man of principles leading an alone life away from his family due to his profession which is not an easy and safe one at all...... Duty is his utmost priority and he fulfills it with utmost sincerity forgetting all the relations when his uniform is on......

He never hesitates to even kill if he finds them guilty, criminals might get away from the law, but not from him..... Viraj is also famous for being the encounter specialist and cleaning the city by plucking away the criminals just like a farmer plucks away weeds.....

He is obedient towards his duty and expects the same from everyone.....

Rainbow can make him smile in any situation lightening his mood...... The most innocent days of his life are related to it, though he is not that innocent child anymore, he still cherishes the beautiful memories whenever he sees Rainbow..... Surprisingly, People around him associate him with the very same word......


Environmentalist Krishna Ojaswi, a strong woman, born to revolt, famous for getting many factories shut down with her infamous protests to save the environment..... Coincidentally the people around her too associate her with Rainbow but the Rainbow in her is different altogether.....

When her 2-year old cousin loses his parents in an accident, she brings him home going against her parents..... And from that day, her world revolved around him and this irked her parents, she even denied marriage as her prospective grooms according to her parents are not ready to accept her cousin's responsibility.....

This triggered her parents anger and she was asked to choose one among the two and was told if she chose her cousin, they will disown her, without any hesitation, she chose her cousin and moved out of her parents place and started living with her cousin who she loves more than anything in this world.....

What happens when her world gets shattered when her brother is taken away from her in the name of custody and the very reason being Viraj ??

What would she do to fight the battle and how would Viraj handle himself when he realises how he had unknowingly destroyed a little boy's life and pushed his sister into darkness forever ??

To what extent would Viraj go to help the girl get his brother back ??

Will the sparks fly between the both ?? Will they realize it sooner or his love for his profession and her hatred for him suppresses their inner feelings.....


Rainbow, the only thing that's common between them and the only word that can define the two but differently.

DCP Viraj Subramanyam, a man of principles. Never hesitates to even kill if he finds them guilty, criminals might get away from the law, but not from him. Also famous for being the encounter specialist and cleaning the city by plucking away the criminals just like a farmer plucks away weeds...
He is obedient towards his job and expects the same from everyone...

Rainbow can make him smile in any situation lightening his mood. The most innocent days of his life are related to the word. Surprisingly, People around him associate him with the very same word.

Duty is his first and foremost priority, On realizing family being an obstacle in his work, left it behind to pursue his goals in public service. Known as the Lucifer by the criminals but a demigod to the people living in the city.

R - Responsibility
A - Ambitious
I - Impulsive
N - Notions
B - Brilliant
O - Obedience
W - Workaholic

Far from his world mentally but very near to him physically lived, the Environmentalist Krishna Ojaswi, a strong woman, born to revolt, famous for getting many factories shut down with her infamous protests to save the environment... Coincidentally the people around her too associate her with Rainbow but the Rainbow in her is different altogether.

R - Revolt
A - Affectionate
I - Iconic
N - Nature
B - Beautiful
O - Optimistic
W - Warm

All she has is her little cousin, in the name of the family as she is disowned by her family because she decided to take care of a 2-year old cousin who lost his parents in a fatal accident. But what happens when she loses his custody to his vile uncle because of the very own people's police, Viraj Subramanyam, and his love for his duty.

She is everything he dislikes, and he gave her a huge reason to hate him.
Will their R.A.I.N.B.O.W destroy each other or they will manage to find a middle ground ?? Let's travel together and find out.

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