Chapter Five

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One moon later

"How are you and the kits?" Smoke purrs, his deep voice sickening.
Coral Rose says nothing.
"Oh Rosie, you have to speak to me at dome point," Smoke nudges her shoulder.
I don't believe I do Coral Rose thinks crossly. She hadn't spoken a single word to him since the day after they arrived back here. She and Smoke shared the platform that had formerly been Coral Rose's part of her parents cave. Her brothers and Parents still remained there.
"Rosie," Smoke licks her cheek and she turns her head away, "don't be like this. I've heard you speak to your brothers. Please bless me with the sound of your voice."
"Get lost," Coral Rose growls.
She stands and pads away from him to sit elsewhere.
"That's not what I had in mind," Smoke follows.
"I didn't have the death of my mate in mind but here we are!" Coral Rose raises her voice.
"We've been over this," Smoke sists beside her, "he wasn't your mate, just a childish crush."
"And you're just a cold hearted murderer," Coral Rose mews.
Smoke growls, "Now remember, your parents-"
"Shut up about my parents!" Coral Rose shouts, "my parents did this, my parents did that," she mimicks his deep voice, "I'm sick of it!"
"Its just the hormones talking," Smoke nuzzles her side.
"Try letting your conscience talk," Cor Rose mutters.
"Hm?" Smoke aks.
Coral Rose turns her head away from him.
"Are we back to the silent treatment?" Smoke looks to the ground, "you know how much I hate that."
"Life's hard, try using someone else for your games," Ferrin rolls his eyes.
"Try killing someone else's mother!" Smoke growls.
"Your mother was sick," Tiffany explained the same as she had daily since Smokes arrival.
"And you could've saved her!" Smoke shouts.
"Boys," Ferrin looks to his sons, "make a mental note not to waste herbs on this one."
Smoke stands up and begins heading towards the patg down to the lower lart of the cave "You little-!"
"Cold hearted murderer," Coral Rose says.
"Yes," Smoke nods, "that."
"I meant you," Coral Rose growls.
"Now listen here," Smoke turns and growls, "I did not kill an expecting mother-"
"Nobody did!" Tiffany calls.
"You have to make up for your parents errors," Smoke sits beside Coral Rose again.
Suddenly Smoke is bowled over by a ball of black and green fur.
"Leaf Heart!" Coral Rose jumps up.
"Nobody talks to my sister that way!" Leaf Heart yowls before batting his legs at Smokes stomach.
"You're no family of mine!" Gray Skies lunges into the fight, blue and gray fur waving.
Rain Spell runs up onto the platform to join his brothers in the fight.
"Wait!" Coral Rose yowls, "this is my battle."
Her brothers step back from Smoke and he stands up and ruffles his fur. He has a deep cut on his nose and some small cuts scattered around his pelt.
"This is for Bear," Coral Rose slashes Smokes shoulder, "and this is for our kits," she slashes the toms throat and watches him fall limp, "they're not yours. They're Bears."
Coral Rose hears her families surprised gasps when she reveals the real father of her kits.

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