Chap 2 decision.

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You walk over to lady





You: Lady dimitrescu, an honour to meet royalty.

You kiss the lady's back hand making her hold her face.

Alcina: my what a charmer~

The Heisenberg twins look on in envy. Karl was depressed not to play his game while Karla was more depressed not TO play HER game~

You: sorry dear, but perhaps when I have time.

You give a grin and go over to the lady of the snow.

Alcina: we will return to my home where you will meet my daughters.

Alcina stands up and goes to the front door opening it. You follow behind. Before tipping your hat to the rest of the covent

You: it was an honour to meet you all. Miranda, hisenberg's, Serina, Donna, Angie...creature

Salvatore gives a growl for not getting a bit of respect.

 The two inhumans, enter a carriage being pulled by more obedient beasts.


You exit the cart and helped Alcina from her carriage.

Alcina: thank you.

She goes to the front door and opens it revealing a beautiful double staircase hall.

You look around and you notice Mrs. dimitrescu is gone. I fly then flies around and lands on your arm. You pick it up and noticed it was different from normal flies.

C: I smell an interesting scent.

B: indeed. It's enticing

D: and a handsome meal to grace our door.

Then three saprate swarms come and form into a shape. Three identical women but different in hair colour walk out. Blond. Brunette and ginger.

They go around you sniffing you, then stab a sickle into your leg making you flinch a little. They get the other leg and get you on your back. The brunette leans onto you and smells you.

B: man blood.

They then started to drag you across the halls giggling and laughing while you had a smile and raised eyebrow not even feeling the pain. They then enter the room with a fireplace light up and Lady Dimitrescu searching with her back turned and crouching giving you a good view.

C: Mother, I brought you an offering.

Alcina: is that so and with having our guest here we might-

She gets up and turns to see you making her gasp.

Alcina: girls, unhook him immediately!

B: what, mother-

Alcina: I said unhook him. He's a guest not dinner.

They pout and take their sickles out, making you stretch your legs before getting back up making the girl's look at you confused.

C: wait your not in pain, dammit

You: ha, no, barley felt it

They look down to see the wound fusing back together. You shake it of.

Alcina: I apologize Mr. Black hat. I was trying to find a bottle to split for us. Sorry for leaving you there. 

She pulls out a vintage wine from behind her.

Alcina: I forgot to tell my daughters about your arrival though. I thought my daughters would've been taken longer to drain the blood from that maid.

You: it's okay. Lady Dimitrescu.

The three girls look to eachother confused.

B: mother what's going on 

Alcina: well, introduce yourself first.

The eldest started of with unhappy look on her face.

B: I am Bela Dimitrescu. Daughter of Alcina Dimitrescu.

C: I'm Cassandra, I want to see how you work from the inside and outside.

D: hi, I'm Daniela and I'm the youngest of my sister's.

You look to each one of them before giving a grin and facing back to the lady.

You: you have such a beautiful home, but then again the tenant that live here are equally as Beautiful.

You give the daughters a wink making them go a little red.

Bela: quite the flirt~

You: I know how to treat my hosts.

Alcina: though I wouldn't mind how I show you how I treat my.. special guest~

She leans down giving you a peak at her valley ample chest. You raise your hand slowly taking the glove of and give a smile.

You: earlier you wanted to know how I tasted, blood wise.

You lift your other hand and take that glove of. You make your index grow longer and Sharper. You stroke it on your palm before stabbing it in making it bleed.

Alcina: are you sure Me. Blackhat

You: I'm sure.

She gently takes your hand and drags her tongue along the gash. Savoring the flavor like wine tasting. Her eyes widen by the sheer taste. She begins to hungrily lick his palm in ecstasy.she even licks and sucks each finger while looking you in the eye, caressing your dark gray skin with her tongue. 

She pulls away leaving a string of saliva. She then let's put a moan and wipes her mouth with a handkerchief.

Alcina: pardon me. I thought when I saw your heart your blood would taste like an expired homeless man, but your blood. It's some how amazing and has a kick in the back of the throat. quite the addictive.. flavor~

Daniela: oh mother let me have a taste

Bela: no me!

Alcina: if it's the choice of Mr. Blackhat that is.

You close the wound up and give your iconic grin.

You: you'll just have to be patient girls.

Alcina: your a flirt and a tease...I like that~

You: now where should my room be. Or would we be sharing~

You grew a bit thanks to your powers almost touching noses with Alcina. She mearly rubs her index finger to your lips then down your neck.

Alcina: don't worry you'll get a room. Though I would've made an exception.

Meanwhile with the girls they stare daggers at their mother for hogging they're new treasure.

Alcina: Bela, keep our guest here company I'll find the keys to the guest bedroom. Daniela and Cassandra see if you could find some food for tonight.

C.D: yes mother.

The three women leave, leaving you alone with Bela. You sit down in the chair and Bela picks up the handkerchief while also giving you a good look under the robes. She moves it aside giving you a better look. She then gets back up and smells the rag with your blood.

Bela: mmm, mother was right, your scent is intoxicating~

She sits on the arm rest of the chair you sitting on and gives you a grin.

You: my, aren't you playing a dangerous game~

You put a finger on her chin before dragging it down her neck making her shiver. But then the phone rings somewhere in the home, making her groan. She gets of and leaves with a sway in her hips.

Bela: I do hope we could play later. If you have time.

You: it will be done.

She winks and closes the door behind her. You get out of the chair and examine the room. You then see the wine on ice on the table. You pick it up and examined it looking at the date. Lyndon nineteen twenty-eight

You: good taste.

You put it down hoping to open it later. You then notice a glass with a silver handle and red glass.

You: and good style. My kind of woman.

You then go through the door that the women went through. Since you were dragged here very quickly you didn't get a chance to look around.

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