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C h a p t e r 1 2
s l a m m e d


"Are you trying to break my arm?" I yelled at her while she roughly grabbed my hand without giving a fuck about my injury.

"No I am trying to mend it.. but if you didn't shut up I just might out of irritation" Natasha hissed through her teeth, exerting pressure on my shoulder, which made a sudden burning pain shoot through my right hand.

"Shouldn't you be gentle and less wrestler like then?" I huffed as another wave of pain hit me as she carelessly took a hold of my wrist tightly in her hand.

"Did you just call her manly?" Milo's snide remark made Natasha's eyes flair with anger.

Great, if she wasn't indented on breaking my hands yet, she surely would now. No thanks to Milo.

I fixed Milo with an angry glare,promising him of a hell later with my eyes.

"N please ignore him and do your work" Adam calmly encouraged her to continue but I could feel through the harsh pressure on my wrist as she dug her nails into my skin that his calming words were not calming enough.

"I swear Glazer, if you do anything stupid and brake my hand.. I will fucking chock you with my broken arm" I threatened her when she still didn't loosen her grip.

"And I swear Warner if you don't shut your trap I WILL break your arm and then shove it up your annoying ass!" She barked back a threat her eyes mirroring the same hatred and imitation reflecting through mine.

I opened my mouth to curse her but Jake wedged a piece of cloth in my mouth, effectively shutting my complaints.

I would have never willing trusted my life in hands of such an impulsive, short tempered, unreliable, crazy girl; if I wasn't stuck in this fucking situation.

Our first game of the season was going fantastic against the st. Terence, up until one of the player from the opposite team in his hurry to grab the ball slammed into me out of nowhere, making me lose my footing and fall hard on my right hand. Which resulted in me dislocating both my shoulder and elbow.

Seeing my hand twisted in a weird angle had made me sick in the stomach. While the excruciating pain brought water to my eyes. I was both helpless and desperate and the only person who could help out-since I didn't want to be benched or sent away for medical attention-was Glazer.

At first when she walked over with some of her friends in toe, saying she could help I got suspicious and told her off. She was even ready to leave but Adam and the rest of them begged her to help and forced me to let her.

How on earth did she knew how to pop back bones in place; was a mystery to me. Yet for the sake of my friends and my team I had reluctantly placed my broken arm in her uncaring hands.

I really shouldn't have given in to peer pressure.

I gave her one last suspicious look before nodding her to go ahead. She immediately twisted her own hand around mine. Grabbing my shoulders she counted to three but twisted and jerked my hand right after one.

An unwanted grunt left through me as my body shook with the sudden blinding pain that erupted behind my eyes causing momentary blackness while my bones settled for a quite hum and slight numbness.

"What happened to 2 and 3?" Parker and another girl behind her asked together with wide eyes.

"Oops" The devil smirked and shrugged her shoulders at them before looking back at my arm.

As soon as she let go and stepped back I wiggled my hands around and did some hand stretching. assessing my condition. There was still a little pain in my shoulder but it could easily be ignored.

For the time being.

Without wasting another minute I got up and headed straight towards coach but not before pausing to fix Glazer with a hard stare and purposely shoving her aside with my good shoulder as I continued to head towards my intended direction.

After reassuring the coach and the other authorities present; that I was fit to play the last round, I signaled my team to quickly gather around for a new game play strategy.

"You are welcome" Natasha sarcastically spit at me as she walked past me to hand over the basket ball to our coach.

I should have thanked her. I did wanted to thank her, but in doing so I would give her a right to gloat. And I didn't wanted to give her the satisfaction of me thanking her for something just quite yet.

Besides, it wasn't like she hadn't been unnecessarily incentive towards me while she obliged to help me.

So yeah. I wasn't going to thank her.


The scores was even at this point. St. Terence had definitely took advantage of our new changed tactics and giving themselves an fair and equal opportunity to win.

That is if we don't snatch the final score from them.

I looked at Jake from across the court. Both of us thinking the same thing.

just one more basket and we win.

I had the ball with me and I was not going to easily let the opposite team grab it. Even tough my hand seemed better, I didn't want to risk our chances. So I dodged my way around the others, passing the ball back and forth to Jake.

So far I was determined to make the final basket but at the very last moment as I mulled over the possibilities of my injury getting in the way, I decided against that decision and quickly scanned my team's position to see who was open for me to pass. My eyes settled on the left side of the court, four paces away from the basket.

I briskly changed my direction, confusing the player hot on my feet and passed the ball to Milo from behind my back while screaming his name.

Milo skilfully grabbed my pass and expeditiously made his way towards the basket while I held my breath alongside the crowd.

The opposing teams player tried to block him but Milo still manged to hit a slam dunk at the very last second. Giving us our wining basket.

A collective sigh left through my team and I let my body kneel down as relief and joy washed over me. The thought of my first victory in this new land, overwhelmed me.

The crowd almost lost it as the whole stadium was filled with cheers along with the sound of despairs from the St. Terence. The joy and excited shouts coming from the bleachers where My school and St. Mary's girls sat, was almost ear piercing. Though in a good way.

Milo pulled me up and I joined the rest of my team as we gave each other sweaty but happy hugs and pats before shaking hands with the losing team as a sign of sportsmanship.

Our mascot Div who was dressed up as a Knight ran after the St. Terence's mascot a chipmunk, poking him in the ass using his plastic sword, drawing a collective laugh from everyone.

I stepped back a little to avoid getting my bruised arm wedged between excited boys as the whole team jumped at Milo to shake his hair or give him proud pats.

While they merrily exchanged high-fives and aggressive fist bumps, I caught sight of Glazer suspiciously walking away from the trophy that was placed near the teachers table. She also held in her hand some white power like sustenance which she cleverly concealed behind her back before catching any eyes.

My eyes trailed her as she confidently walked back to her place on the bleachers beside her friends. Even from such a distance I could clearly spot the huge smile that was plastered on her face, accompanied by a mischievous glint in her eyes.

She was up to no good.

Adam and the guys suddenly jumped at me then. Screaming in my ears, they patted my back. The sudden jittery movements made my right hand hurt again but I ignored it seeing their happy faces.

My name was then soon announced to receive the trophy.
As a captain, it was my duty to accept the trophy but after knowing Glazer touched them, I was smart enough to not go anywhere near them.

I instead encouraged Adam to go and receive it from my behalf after seeing Natasha throw a flying kiss at him.
Deciding it to be a sweet revenge for whatever she had planned.

As expected the smile that minutes ago was as bright as the sun outside, completely vanished from her face as soon as she saw Adam walking forward to receive the trophy.

I threw my good arm around Parker and watched with an ecstatic smile as Adam grabbed the Trophy and held it above his head, showing it to everyone before he kissed it.

For a second I got disappointed. Did I assume wrong?

But then when Adam walked back towards us the trophy suddenly exploded in his hands mid way.

Some screamed while others stepped back. The crowd had gone eerily silent as we all observed the scene before us, utterly dumbstruck.

Adam stood shocked in his place, covered in blue paint still holding the trophy with Glazer right behind him; hiding her face behind her hands.

I was the first one to burst out laughing. Within seconds the whole crowd gathered at the St. Mary's basketball court had joined me. Adam turned around and looked at Glazer causing her face to go red. She suddenly took off and ran out of the court while the rest of us still laughed.

Still smiling I walked up to Adam and took the blue colour dripping trophy from his hand and he in return gave me a knowing look.

"You knew she messed with it..didn't you?" He asked whipping away the paint from his cheeks and eyes.

I didn't bother with a reply and only laughed at him more.


I knew the bus was waiting for me at the gates but I took my sweet time in walking up to there. I marveled at the unique blend of various flowers and lush garden trees that adorned the entire campus of St. Mary.

The vibrant shades of colour against the rough texture of gray stone gave an elegant feel to the school. It also reminded me a lot of the summer's from a forgotten memory.

I was busy admiring the stone path when I heard someone call from behind. I turned around right in time to catch a tripping Glazer from falling and breaking her cleaver brain like an egg on the stone path.

She clutched on to my wife beater while I let her dangle in my arms for few seconds; admiring the soft oval shape of her clear olive toned face and almond shaped eyes, that were the color of whisky under evening sunlight.

"Did you just fall for me?" I teased her as I helped her stand up straight and she retaliated by punching on my still a bit soar shoulder.

"As if!" She rolled her eyes.

"Hey!" I warned her, rubbing on the stop where she punched.
"What do you want?" I added when she kept glaring.

"How did you know?" She crossed her arms. Her unwavering glare not loosing their intensity.

"Because I am smart" I winked at her which made her made angry and red.

"You ungrateful piece of shit! Don't forget that you won because of me! If I hadn't helped you would have been sitting on the bench crying like a baby!" She blared at me.

"We would have won anyway..so really don't give yourself too much credit-"
I held up a finger to stop her from cutting me "-ah ah...but you are right. I did win today because of you" I gave her an sincere smile but she narrowed her eyes at me.

She frowned in confusion and I used that moment to step forward and look her in the eye. My finger still hovering just inches away from her lips.

"And I will win again because of you" I took a slight pause before saying the next part with a smirk,"when you lose the bet."

My laughter died before it even came out as she suddenly grabbed my hand and bit me. Again!

"What the fuck" I barely got a chance to hold my hand and she stomped on my foot before angrily walking away.

"Fuck Ow!" I cursed as I tried walking faster towards the awaiting bus and away from the land of this lunatic.

I can't believe she fucking bit me again. Fucking rabid rabbit. Can she ever not be physical.


We laughed louder when Adam finally walked out of the bathroom. He had been showering for an hour. Trying to get the blue color off his face but it had not helped much. His face and hands were still blue. A lighter blue but blue nonetheless.

"Smile Smurf" Jake quickly took a picture of Adam's grumpy face and then ran the hell away from Adam's angry arms.

"Still want to be friends with her" I chuckled as he rubbed some face cleaning solution that he borrowed from div.

"It was a prank. Something you do a lot too. I am still friends with you aren't I?" He pointed a finger at me.

"Yeah but I don't turn you blue" I tried to argue but he gave me a knowing look through the reflection of the mirror, pointing out the fact, that since I knowingly let him take the trophy I was also partially responsible for him being a blue smurf.

I rolled my eyes and leaned at the wall, momentarily looking at the high window on the opposite wall before turning my attention back at him.

"Fine! Your wish...but know that when she bites you or hits you with a bat...because she is a fucking lunatic... don't expect me to not laugh or say I told ya so" I raised my hands in air and gave him a sincere look.

"Yeah yeah.." he chuckled whipping the water off his face using a wash cloth. He checked his reflection in the mirror and sighed.

"What do I do about this? It won't come out till tomorrow..might even take a week..I would have to walk around like this...everyone is going to make fun now" he looked panicked.

"Don't worry I have already handled it" I smirked, crossing my arms.

"How so?" He leaned at the basin and frowned. Div entered the bathroom right then to inform me that he had completed the task I had entrusted him with. Adam gave us both a suspicious look before crossing his arms too.

"Explain" I hinted Div to narrate what I had asked him to do.

"I have informed everyone that Blaze has warned, that if he caught anyone making fun or even speaking about this he will flush their heads in the toilets" Div repeated the words I had made him practice before sending him off to inform everyone, smoothly and then left the bathroom.

Adam flashed me a grateful smile and threw his arm around me steering me in the direction fo our dorms.

Once there I grabbed my pillow and cover and reached for the door but Parker stopped me.

"You still have a soar shoulder. Until it isn't completely healed you shouldn't sleep on hard ground" he reasoned with me.

"Yeah man. Sleep here on your bed. I promise I will clip Milo's nose later so his loud pig snores don't disturb you" Jake chimed in and got hit square in the face with a pillow my Milo.

"I don't snore" Milo scoffed and the guys immediately started mimicking his snores and Milo hit Parker and Adam with the pillow too.

Jake and Adam immediately retaliated by swinging their own pillows at Milo.

"Really guys? Pillow fight...what are you a bunch of girls?" With a laugh I dropped my pillow and cover back on my bed.

When I turned around I was greeted with three smacks on the face with three different pillows.

"TAKE. YOUR. WORDS. BACK." Milo raised his pillow over his head in an attack pose. His face serious about his threat.

"NO!" I chuckled and then grabbed for my own pillow as the three raised their pillows high above their heads.


Not a single dull day here huh?
And for those who are wondering. Yes! Boys have pillow fights too and guess what...they
l o v e it.

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