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c h a p t e r 1 8
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"It was really hard getting hands on some of this stuff", said Rhydian, adjusting his hat, as he looked cautiously behind his back. 

"Which is why I am really thankful," I said, handing him an extra 100 bucks before shouldering one bag containing all sorts of wires and ropes along with my paint cans while passing the other to a nervous Parker.  

"Always a pleasure doing business with you Blaze" Rhydian pocketed his money with a smirk and then crossed his hands together eying the bag carefully. 

"Out of curiosity... Is all this stuff going to be used for another one of your pranks?"  he inquired.

"I'd like to know that too," Parker muttered beside me as he adjusted the weight of the bag in his hands. 

"We'll have to see, won't we" I threw him a wink and started retrieving back.

Not really getting my answer, Rhydian shrugged and started climbing his skateboard. I pause on my track as it suddenly dawned on me.

All of this would be for nothing if the bet wasn't on anymore.   

"Hey, Rhydian! Is the bet still on though?" I called back to get his attention and he immediately turned around and flashed me a brilliant smile.  

"Great! when will this stupid bet end? I doubt either of you is going to stop trying to out best the other" Parker mumbled again while Rhydian made his way back to us excited. 

"Oh yeah, it's on! In fact after what you two did back in Delegres...Everyone and I really do mean everyone has lost their minds. The bets have doubled up since I last saw you. I didn't even have to fake the bets or spread a false rumor of there being a tie to lure them into raising the stacks anymore" he said, excitedly.

"Wait... what?" I asked, taking an angry step towards him. Suddenly pissed by what he was implying. 

His face immediately consorts into a shocked one when he realizes he slipped up. 

"Hey man we all have our ways of working alright!" he raised his hands in surrender. "Fine yeah..maybe we had been lying about there being a huge load of betting going on for you but reall-" 

I should have known better. 

"Was it already decided who was going to win?" I cut him off. 

"Blaze-" Parker tried pulling me back but I shrugged him off.

"Tell me Rhydian. Was it?" I spoke calmly but my hands bowled up into fists by my side. 

"Dude..come on...it's..." he sighed, "Yeah... Yes..we had already decided to declare the one with least bets to be the winner for the sake of profit... No matter who proved to be better..." he trailed off looking down at his skateboard and slowly retreated back to create some space. 

"Damn it, man!" I cursed, running my hands through my hair. 

"Oh come on Dude... I really don't see what the big problem is" he said, shrugging his shoulders. 

"The problem Rhydian is that I  thought it was fair!" I hissed at him. 

"And it is! That's my point Blaze... I am not interfering in the bet anymore. We didn't have to spread a false rumor or fake bets this time. Just listen to me okay... Damn Jana is going to kill me if she finds out I told you everything... Look before we had 45% bets coming from St. Terence and 26% from St. Mary but now we have about 72% bet's from St. Mary and a 86% from St. Joseph" he said. 

"Congratubloodylation" I snorted.

"Let me complete... Besides this we are also getting about 64% bets from outside" he said. 

"Outside?" Parker frowned at that. 

"Uh huh! The bets are not just coming in from St. Joseph and St. Mary anymore. Student's from the other district schools are also betting on you guys. That's how far things have blown up thanks to their Delegres stunt. And ever since the back to home week stared more students are calling in every day to bet more money from their rich parent's wallets. So even if I wanted to I couldn't fix it anymore. It's too big now.

"All the rich brats will have my head if they found out the bet was rigged. And there is always one sore loser who likes digging dirt. It has happened once before and I know it will happen again and I am not stupid enough to put myself or my friends in that position again" he confessed.  

"Yeah, he is right Blaze. If any authorities get a word of this you guys will be in a lot of trouble" Parker piped in. 

"Yeah...which is why we have had to lower the bet rate and we are even going to wrap this up before the start of the first week of the next session. So whoever wins now... Natasha or you, it will be fair." he said, before climbing on his skateboard and leaving me and Parker alone behind the old church road. 

I let out a puff of air and shouldered my bag. 

Well, that is reassuring.

"Well, then it's a good thing that I am already prepared" I blabbered to no one and started walking ahead. 

"You are planning something again, aren't you?" Parker asked as he fell in steps with me. 

"Yes," I said simply, not feeling the need to lie. 

"Why? You know Father Joseph is already pissed at you for what you and Natasha did in Delegres. Besides everyone is coming back tomorrow...can't you just take a break or something? Do you want to get expelled? Is that what you want?"  Parker grabbed my shoulder halting our walk.

"I just don't want you upsetting Father Joseph anymore than you already have. Trust me, Blaze, you have already pushed him over the edge. One more nudge and you will be in a lot of trouble. And anyway I promised Adam I'll keep you out of trouble" he said. 

I laugh at that. 

"Me and out of trouble? sounds like a tough job" I joked.

"I am serious Blaze," he said. 

"Since when? I thought you are Parker!" I gave him a shocked look and then laughed as he threw his hands in the air.  

I started walking again but he grabbed my arm to stop me and face him.  

"What's your reason Blaze? I thought you and Natasha must have made up now if you two had no problem working together there. The sole reason behind this stupid prank war between you two was your dislike for each other. Which is now no longer an issue so explain to me why wouldn't you let this childish game come to an end now?" he asked. 

He looked really irritated but I couldn't understand why. I didn't even want to understand it. What he was suggesting was ridiculous.  

"Okay, first of all, Natasha and I did not and never will make up. Just because we did something together doesn't mean we automatically became best palls. We still hate each other just as much as before." I run my hands through my hair in frustration and drop my bag on the road before continuing.

"Secondly, this isn't some childish game. This is serious Parker. Didn't you hear Rhydian? It's the ultimate test of proving who is the best. Not just in HoneyTop but outside of Honeytop too. And that is me. Not that Pesky Glazer."

He opened his mouth to argue but I cut him off.

"As for my dear Uncle, I don't care how mad he is or what actions he takes against me.." I turned away from him and picked up my bag, "it will never be worse than what he already did" I said, resuming my walk. 

I hear Parker sigh loudly and then stomp his feet behind me, resuming his walk too.

"Fine then just don't include me in any of your plans please," Parker said, falling in line with me again.

"Actually...I do need your help in one major thing" I threw him a smirk and he started shaking his head no.


While others had been thoroughly entertained by my Delegres endeavors, Parker much like my uncle had found it not quite entertaining.

After our short trip to Delegare, I hadn't been thrilled to find out that everyone had been busy packing their bags for the two weeks back to home trip, before the start of the next semester.

Even though Adam had been polite enough to invite me to come spend the two weeks at his place back in London, I had declined his offer, as I wanted to stay back and enjoy some quiet time for once.

Come Monday, everyone had left for home. Leaving only Parker, me and some other nine juniors alone in the otherwise crowded boarding school.

Even the streets of HoneyTop felt vacant with the lack of students from three big schools parading around on Saturdays.

The emptiness was welcomed though. It was nice not having people keep their eyes on me all the time. The chatters and murmurs were starting to get to me. This newfound silence made me suddenly realize, how much I missed my old school setting. Where everyone ignored me. Left me to my own damn business.

St. Joseph, was opposite in every way, from my previous life. While the teachers of my previous schools would blissfully ignore my very existence and would never find the need to pester me with silly questions. The teachers of St. Joseph, however, were determined on getting me to actively take part in every damn class, no matter how hard I made it for them. 

Every day was the same routine. They would come to class. Try and get me to participate nicely. I would do my best to get on their nerves. They would sometimes send me out of the class or to the deans office-where in I would then further irritate my uncle- or simply choose to ignore my crude comments and carry on.

Then repeat the whole thing again the next day and then the day after that.

Sometimes I really admired their patience with me. I guess I have always been so used to being sent out of class, even before starting anything just because the teachers were aware of my reputation.

To never once have a teacher make honest efforts to make me pay attention in class. That it felt bizarre, to suddenly have all these teachers so ready to spend their energy and time on trying to make me a better student. Even though I vexed them to no end. 

Like that one time when Mr. Shallom had stopped by our dorm room after school hours to hand me a copy of his private notes, detailing the correct method and steps of the chemical experiment that I had screwed up with when I was busy ranting to Adam about Natasha. 

Even the staff here were overly nice. What with their, helpful gestures. 

Our warden, Mr. Lorace had made me a duplicate copy of the key to the gym room, after he caught me practicing with make-do equipment out in the field, just so I wouldn't catch a cold and could train and practice properly.   
Who does that?

Even our residential cook, Jim Yun, started leaving me a big bowl full of cereals and milk in the dinner before he busied himself with preparing breakfast for over 300 boys after he caught me once going through the pantry after a particularly exhausting morning training session.   

I still feel bad for not even bothering to learn his name before that.

Then there were also the students and my peers. Sure, even in previous three schools, I had made up a reputation for myself but never had that reputation gotten me this much attention.

I was always the guy that sat at the very back in class that no one bothered to look twice upon. And forever alone in lunch room too. The closest to any interaction I ever came with my classmates or anyone for that matter was when one guy had said 'excuse me' while trying to get past me in the hallways. 

That's right. Even that just happened once. Once!

Here, in St. Joseph though, I not only had everyone wanting to talk to me. They even treated me like their hero by cheering me on. The juniors would often wait to get my approval on something or the other. 

Above all this though, what truly baffled me was the realization of having managed to find four friends.

Friends who actually fought with me, when I tried being unreasonable, while also being ready to fight for me if I needed them.

I looked through the window back in our dorm room as Parker got in a car with my uncle and then watch them leave the building with a satisfied smile.

Yet again trying to figure out how come I found myself in this place, surrounded by such people. More specifically these four people, who I have accepted as my friends. 

Adam who made Parker promise to look out for me. And Milo who left me his notebooks to copy all the classwork and homework that I had missed. 

Jake who actually completed my pending projects for me so that I wouldn't lose credit and a friend like Parker, who even though disagrees with me and my plan, gave in to help me out.      


"Okay boys, get in your positions, it's time to welcome everyone back to school" I ordered my nine little minions and watched with a pleased smile as they scattered off to their respective places.  

I had done a lot of thinking on whether or not I should include these little innocent looking monsters in my plan.

For the most part, I managed to get everything done on my own but when I couldn't figure out how to launch color filled balloons at everyone, I figured to bring them in.

It was almost comical to see how eager they were to help me. The minute the words 'wanna help me in a prank' left my mouth they started jumping up and down like boiling eggs in water.  

I waited for the crowd to trickle in slowly to the entrance garden. Where all the students were busy animatedly exchanging their experiences of being back home. Some of them hastily made their way to the dorm rooms to settle their luggage. While others just hovered around. 

I could also make out among the sea of people, from behind the bushes, few parents that had personally came to drop their kids. I saw fathers pat their son's back. And mothers wipe away tears or fuss behind them.

I almost wanted to cancel the plan, but then went along with it anyway. After all, it would be a shame to let all the preparations go to waste. Not to forget how disappointed my nine minions would be.

I started the fog machine, that I borrowed from our drama class and wait for my minion number 2 Drake to start the speakers. That was hidden in the bushes.

Loud booming sounds, similar to that of a gunshot and firework echoes throughout the garden, followed by my smoke. It immediately makes everyone jump and scamper off in fright.

Scared everyone starts, trampling their way towards the other side of the gardens, heading for the football field. Where in I had very carelessly lined up trip wires in zigzag patterns. That was further connected to another network of thin ropes that again was connected to makeshift catapults, made from wooden rulers, elastic bands; fixed up top them were plastic bowls from the kitchen.

The bowls contained in them a gooey concoction of wet mud and slime. As soon as some students and parents fell on the ground, they launched them off into the air. Shooting muddy slimes into unsuspecting faces. 

One lady that stood by the sides, laughing at her husband as he tripped over; got the muddy slime thrown right into her open mouth.

Ooooh, that's bad!

I laughed and moved on to phase two. Three of my minions carry the big and heavy bucket filled with color balloons while minion number 1 and 5 started throwing the color filled balloons randomly at people.

While they are doing that, Me and minion number 6 and 8 dash around the square and start pulling at the thin almost invisible threads that were placed in the corners of the foyer, in small loops.

As soon as we tugged at them, two boys and one man gets hanged upside down. We laugh as the man lets out a very feminine scream and give each other high five.

From the other side, I spot minion number 9 signal me for phase three and I give him a go.

Soon after that, we hear the deafening screams of people getting spooked as he dangled from the theater balcony, mannequin heads that I had taken from the drama class's supply closet.

I had even covered them with fake blood and then tied a rope around their necks making it seem like decapitated heads. For the added drama.

Minion number 1, 2, 7 and 6 then run back to me after everyone that was in the housing building runs out too covering their faces. 

Guess the stink bombs planted in every dorm room-besides mine of course- had worked out. 

Once all have gathered on the other side of the football field which they assumed was safe, I dig out my remote controller from my back pocket and look down at my minions. 

"Ready for early Halloween guys?" I ask and they all bob their heads excitedly. Minion number 1 already gearing up to hit the play button for the haunting music to start.

Out of all the supplies that I had asked Rhydian to get, this was the most expensive one.

It was a Halloween prop. A remote-controlled hand that digs itself out of the ground. I had to get Rhydian to special order it from the internet. Twenty corpse hands for a price of 120 bucks each hand.  

Last night I had sweated my ass off, digging small holes throughout the half football field and then placed them there activated and ready to scare the shit out of people.

And judging by the way everyone screamed and tried running away to safety, I would say it did scare the shit out of people. 

We all laughed our asses off with my minion number 2 Drake, literally rolling on the ground laughing as we watched a man push his wife forward and towards a crawling hand to save his ass.

Encouraged by his reaction I steered one of the corpse hand to follow after him. With the backdrop of chilling music that had scared screams in it which helped in getting people worked up.

It became, even more, funnier when the guy threw his hat over it, covering the hand. Which made it seem like his own hat was following him around. 

Seeing the hands move around some of the parents ran straight for their cars. One of the parents was in such a hurry to leave that he hastily grabbed his boy in his arms, held his fainting wife with his free hand and dragged them out of the entrance. Not even bothering to take a chance with his car. 

Guess Father Joshep just lost a student. 

I am then about to make another corpse hand somehow crawl over a car to stop people from leaving when I am stopped by Jake. He too was covered in muddy slime with few smears of paint on his what looks like an expensive suit.

I laughed at him as he tried to give me his best angry face, but failed miserably.  

"Hey man! Welcome bac-" he cut me off by turning me around unexpectedly. He then pointed at the left side, towards the entrance through which, I saw my uncle's car get in.


"Abort! Abort! ABORT!" I yell for my minions, and get them the hell out of the place, before running back inside with Jake myself.


"We can say that he was with us, in the room, helping us unpack" Milo suggested, walking beside Adam to my right.

"You really think Father Joseph is stupid enough to fall for that?" said Jake, shaking his head at Milo's logic

"I thought I told you to keep him out of trouble not to be his accomplish Parker" Adam chided him, throwing me an accusing look too.

Parker immediately looked away with guilt.

I almost felt sorry for getting him involved but he was the only one who could help me get my uncle away from the school before the arrival of students and parents or I would have never even gotten past my first phase. 

I had come to observe during these two weeks of solitude just how close Parker was with my uncle.

When I questioned Parker about their relationship he said he was helping him to prepare for Oxford. I did feel a tad bit jealousy at first seeing him spend so much time with my uncle. Especially that one afternoon when I saw them laughing about something in the back gardens, but I soon discarded it.

It wasn't my business on what or who my uncle chose to laugh with after all. But I did know that Parker's closeness with my uncle could come in handy.

And it did. 

How had he managed to get him to leave? I had yet to ask him, but for now, my only concern was to make sure that Parker and my nine minions don't end up sharing a punishment with me. 

"I tried," Parker said.

"Well, you clearly didn't try harder" Adam countered back.   

I laughed at that and stopped on my way. They followed suit.

"Relax guys, I am not going to be in any trouble," I said.

"As usual" someone snickered from the side, drawing all our attention to him. 

"Perks of being the headmaster's nephew people" Bill added, with his group throwing me dirty looks from behind him. 

 "Shut up Bill!" Jake tells him off and we resume our walk but two of his friends block my path. 

"All the rules are only meant for us, right? When it comes to him it's always a free pass." Mac another senior and Bill's friend spoke with a venomous tone.

"Just leave man, this doesn't concern you" Adam, placed a hand on his chest, making sure he kept his distance from me.

"The hell it doesn't. Warner here thinks this place is his private property because his dear uncle is the dean. Even after everything he did today and back in Delegres, he would get away easily. And I don't like that." he jabbed a finger in my chest. I grit my teeth and clench my fist.  

"Oh I am sorry sweetheart but I really don't care about your feelings," I said.

"You better shut the fuck up or-" he started but I cut him off

"Or what huh?" I yelled back, pushing Adam to the side and getting up in his face.

"Or I'll have to show you your place" he threatened. 

"And where is that?" I asked taking another step towards him. 

"Probably hiding behind the bitch that gave birth to a dirt like you," he said. 

I punched him square in the jaw. He wobbled on his feet for a second but then soon regained his balance and then threw a punch at me. Hitting me right under the eye.

The guys try to hold us back but we push them aside and get into a fistfight.

Bet update check! Yet another prank check! Angry boys fistfight check check!
Did you have any of your own checklist for this chapter?  

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