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Hey guys!!! I'm so sorry this update is so late and I haven't been able to reply to any of your really sweet and wonderful comments!!! I just really wanted to let you guys know that I'm so humbled and grateful for your comments. And now my exams are over the updates should coe much sooner and i will definitely reply to all your lovely comments!!! I really hope you love my very very long adiza-fillled apology chapter!!! Iput in a lot of hard work and so I would really appreciate if you guys let me know what you think of it! Suggestions and critism all is welcome! Infact I'd love if guys let me know what your favourite part was!

Enjoy, comment and vote!!

Ps- Here I when referring to Karan, i am talking about Karan Jotwani, there is no particular reason I chose him 😂

He rushed out of the gate, his heart pounding so hard that it felt like it would burst out of his chest. His eyes were searching for her desperately, just waiting for a glimpse of her face.

His heart skipped a beat as he saw her standing there, an excited smile on her face and loving glint in her eyes, somehow looking even more beautiful than when he had last seen her.

"Adi!" He yelled, ecstatic with joy as he ran to her like his life depended on it, a huge grin spreading acrose his face.

"Zain!" She gasped as he scooped her in to his arms and lifted her up, laughing more happily than she had heard in a long time. He spun her around so fast she almost felt dizzy, giddy with pure joy.

She giggled and he felt his heart swell as he fell in love with her all over again. Her flushed rosy cheeks, her breathtaking eyes... her soft, kissable lips.

He held her lower back possesively, causing her to wrap her legs around his middle, She looped her arms around his neck automatically, playing with his hair.

People started to look at them and she suddenly realised the surroundings around them and became concious, cursing herself for melting at the sight of him.

She tried to pull away but he just pulled her closer, refusing to let go, "Zain! Chodo na... Hum ghar pe nahi hai... Koi hume dhek lega-"

He crashed his lips against hers, swallowing her protests as he kissed her roughly. He devoured her like a man that had been starved for days, he licked her lips, savouring the sweet taste that he had been craving.

She melted in to his kiss, her heart fluttering as her hand rested on his bare chest where his shirt had been unbuttoned.

He bit her lower lip, marking her as his. Nobody had the right to touch her the way he did, nobody.

She pulled away reluctantly, again remembering they were in public. He put her down, but just to hug her tightly, cuddle her so securely that she almost couldn't breathe.

He cupped her face, his eyes welling up as he admired her gently. He stroked her cheek with his thumb softly, sighing with a smile, "Marshallah... my Adi is looking so beautiful..."

"Zain..." She whispered, covering his hand that  cupped her cheek with hers. Her eyes filled with tears seeing his love, he could never stand seeing tears in her eyes.

"God I missed you baby..." His voice cracked, tears stuck in his throat as he tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Me too..." Her whisper was barely audible as she jumped in to his arms suddenly, making him stumble back in surprise clutching her waist.

She buried her face in to the nook of his neck, clinging to him as if she was afraid he would dissapear. She fisted his shirt in her hands on his back, hooking her arms up from under his arms, the way they always fit together.

He frowned in panic as his shirt started soaking with her tears, and she shook with bitter cries. He clasped on to her fragile body as if afraid that she would be taken away from him.

He brushed through her hair with his fingers, soothing her carefully as he hushed her.

His lips rested on her scalp, murmuring delicately, pulling her closer. "Hey... no more crying... Come here... You've got me now..."

"Adi?" He questioned in concern, rubbing her back tenderly. She didn't stop crying, her fists clenching tighter. He was worried now, her crying didn't seem like it was just because she missed him. "Adi... is something wrong?"

He looked up and froze for a second, two people were watching them eagerly, narrowing their eyes as if they were trying to see clearly. Fans.

"Aditi. People are watching us, they seem like fans... if they take out their cameras then-" Aditi was so distraught that she wouldn't move out if his arms, and he didn't want to stop holding her safely in his arms either, he was really frightened about her now.

But nobody should see them.

He shielded her in his arms, using his back to cover her protectively as he nestled her in his arms. He moved her away from their line of sight carefully, still guarding her in his embrace.

Of course he wanted to show the world how lucky he was, what a beautiful woman he had fallen in love with. But she was such a private person, and she was still afraid of telling her family, he didn't want her in the harsh scrutiny of the media's eye. He knew it would destroy someone as precious, dainty and innocent as his Aditi.

She had settled now, as he swayed her lovingly, cradling her like a small child. He caressed her head, still without pulling out of the hug.

He was angry now, his arm around her waist turned in to a fist as his jaw clenched, "Adi kisi ne kuch kaha tumse? Kisi ne kuch kiya tumhare saath?"

She went rigid suddenly and he frowned as he noticed something flash in her eyes as he looked down at her, but she recovered as quickly as she faltered. She smiled that sweet killer smile of hers and sniffled back her tears, "No mein bilkhul teek hu, I just missed you... so I got a little upset..."

"Adi?" There was almost a little warning in his voice, as his protective grip refused to loosen. His eyes were sharp with severity, whoever it was would have to face his wrath. "Tell me the truth... who was it? Are they still here?!"

She squeezed his upper arm in reassurance, shaking her head at his adorable over-protectiveness with a small sad smile, "There is nobody Zain, sacch me... Abilash and Karan were also there in car with us to come here... you had told them repeatedly to take care of me while you were away. They wouldn't let anything happen."

He still stared at her in uncertainty and it felt like his deep gaze could crash through all of the walls that she had built.

His voice quivered under his breath with emotion, he used one of his hands to caress her cheek, kissing each of her heavy eyelids. His eyes were wounded. Her heart broke at his pained voice, "Aditi listen to me..."

She looked away, his gaze was too piercing, his eyes were hard with harrowing anger yet soft with love and care.

He used his finger to lift her chin to meet his eyes again, resting his forehead against hers, "baby listen... I know they are my friends but I need you to know that you mean more to me than any of that. Nothing is more important to me than you, whatever it is. And I mean whatever. It's not more important than you being safe. Understand? It doesn't matter that they are my friends, if they've done something to you-"

"No Zain!" She gasped, hitting his chest gently. "Have you gone insane? They haven't done anything! They couldn't even imagine doing anything-"

"Yeah because I'd kill them." He retorted playfully, making a tiny smile form on her lips. "Of course I trust them. I know they wouldn't. But you need to know that if they did, if anyone did, you have to tell me. I will believe you, no matter what."

She sighed heavily, her eyes glassy. She didn't understand how wonderful this man could possibly be,  how lucky she had gotten. She didn't deserve it, she knew that.

"Now I know you are upset about something. Tell me what it is, you know that when I'm here nothing can happen to you."

"Nothing happened baba..." She grinned so widely it hurt, but her eyes still sheltered her pain.

"Pakka na? I don't have to murder anybody?" Zain asks cutely, hurting her heart even further. She shook her head slowly, falling back in to his arms and allowing him to engulf her with his warmth.

"No one at all, Mr perfect boyfriend..." She mumbled in to his shirt as she leaned on to his chest, she rested her ear above his heart. She focused on the irregular beat, that was her reassurance, that was her safe place, her home. "I love you..."

He chuckled affectionately at her comment, her adorable nature almost making him forget what he was worried about.

"I love you a million times more..." His voice was a faint soothing whisper in to her ear, her eyes closed in comfort. She moaned softly as he pressed a wet kiss just under her ear, there was no better place in the world than in his arms.

"Oh hello! Love birds! We have been waiting in the car for a good 40 minutes... are you planning to shift here?" They looked up to see Karan passing the teasing comment and Abilash, Nalini, and him all watching them.

They still didn't break away from the hug, they had missed this for so long that they just didn't want to let go of one another.

"Pagal... let me speak to her..." Zain said in irritation, frowning like a moody child.

"Haaye! Aaj Mr secretive ko PDA bhi karne ki dhar nahi hai?" Abilash teased them mercilessly watching them hug each other like their life depended on it. Her hands rested on his torso, and his grip was still firmly around her waist.

Nalini held her phone out to Zain, making him raise her eyebrows at her asking what. Nalini smiled slightly, "Purvi hai, wo bol rahi hai ki tumse kuch important baat karni hai aur tumhare phone switched off hai..."

Aditi turned around to look at Nalini, still not moving out of his embrace. She stuck out her touch childishly, her yell was playful "Tell her to wait..."

She leaned up and quickly pecked the corner of Zain's mouth, and they all had to stiffle their laughter at the shock on his face. She snuggled further in to his chest, sighing in content, "I have gotten to see my boyfriend after a long time..."

He cupped her cheek, staring at her with wide eyes. He had never seen her use her rights on him, but he loved it.

She grinned before tugging his lips with her teeth and pulling him in to a kiss, she gripped his hair possessively to draw him closer, deepening the kiss. The friends watched in shock as she pulled away breathlessly, "I want to have him all to myself right now."

"Adi?" He asked in disbelief, checking her forehead for a fever with the back of his palm making all his friends laugh at his antics. But his disbelief wasn't faked, she really had never behaved so possessive before.

Abhilash yanked her hand and pulled her away from Zain, enveloping her in a warm side hug, "Look Zain! What have you done!? You have changed bhabhi completely, she is behaving as forward as you! You have ruined my quiet, shy bhabhi..."

Aditi laughed softly at his antics, suddenly embarrassed of her actions whereas Zain furrowed his brows in disappointment. He was enjoying all the attention she was giving him, he tried to tug her back, "Chup kar yaar! Why are you keeping her captive like that?"

"Come bhabhi ghar chalte hai..." Karan laughed patting her back as they led her out the airport.

Zain groaned in frustration, making Nalini smirk at his reaction and hold out the phone, "Purvi se baat karni hai kya?"

"Yaar bus wo stupid phone kaat do. Dushman banke aayi-" He rolled his eyes in annoyance, muttering profanities under his breath making Nalini laugh heartily at his cuteness.

She cut the phone and grabbed his arm to drag him out, "Come devdas... don't worry Aditi kahi nahi bhaag jayengi..."


Zain sat grumpily in the backseat of the car with Nalini and Karan, moody about having to sit separately from Aditi who sat in the passenger seat chatting with Abhilash.

Abilash looked across to see Aditi's eyes red and puffy, and realised that she has been crying. He reached down and grabbed a candy bar, handing it to her with a smile, ruffling her hair affectionately.

"Chocolate?!" Aditi screeched in excitement, her eyes lighting up. Zain's eyes softened in awe, awestruck by the beauty in her smile.

She ripped it open and started munching it quickly, as if almost inhaling it in joy. Zain placed a hand on Abhi's back, who looked round with a knowing smile, Zain smiled at him gratefully but he blinked signalling that it wasn't needed.

Karan playfully laughed, "Arrey Sambal ke Adu! Moti hogayengi!"

For which Aditi punched him in the arm pouting like a small baby, making Zain's heart melt at her bonding with his friends, he loved that everyone important in his life had fallen in love with her.

Who could resist loving someone so pure and innocent hearted, so beautiful somehow inside and out?


A group of his friends sat in Zain's living room, and they had all come to see him. She knew some of the friends but she wasn't familiar with quite a few of them, which was enough to make her feel unsettled and reserved.

Zain was chatting incessantly to a man and woman she barely recognised and had forgotten the names of, making her embarrassed as she watched from a distance. But he had just come home and these people were all already there, he hadn't even gotten the chance to freshen up, or eat something.

She went over warily, holding a tray of snacks she had made. She wasn't a great cook, usually he was the one who would make her meals and made sure she ate well but she had tried her best.

"Zain?" She asked quietly, her gaze stuck to the ground, but his head snapped up at her voice. "Bhook lag rahi hai? Tum ne kuch nahi khaya..."

He smiled softly at her adorableness, she stuttered like a shy bride, "I tried to make something- I- I don't think it's good but I've made some for everybody. If they don't want it then it's okay-"

"Okay, baby, shhh..." He cooed at her, chuckling at her cute stressing. He held her hand and lead her to sit on the sofa, placing the tray on the coffee table and kneeling infront of her. "It's okay Adi... you don't need to worry..."

"You just came back, and all your friends must be hungry too. I'm supposed to keep them entertained-" she panicked, speaking at the speed of light, wringing her fingers together nervously.

"Hey, look at me..." He said, sighing at her earnestness, entwining his fingers with hers so that she stops fiddling. "You don't have to do anything you aren't comfortable with... if you don't like these kind of things, or meeting people that you don't know then you know that I will never ask you to do so. I'm sorry if I've not been paying attention- in fact we can both go outside now, we can have a walk and get some fresh air, or-"

"No I'm not uncomfortable, it's just..." She huffed, not knowing how to phrase her words. "I'm bad at these things and I really want your friends to like me..."

"Aww baby... they'll love you I promise." He stroked her hands, frowning at her insecurities that always pestered her.

"And even my cooking?" He laughed at her expression, he knew he would never stop falling even deeper in love with this woman.

He brought her hand to his lips, kissing her gently , looking up at her in devotion, "Anything made by these hands will be great..."

She grinned, as he called out to all his friends, "Hey if you guys are hungry you can come and try this!"

His friends rushed to get a bite of the food, and he chuckled at how they savoured it's taste. She was a little overwhelmed by all the people swarming around her and he noticed her discomfort.

He rested his arms over her shoulders, allowing her to curl in to his side, nuzzling her face in to the side of his chest and letting him guard her.

Later they stood up, she had said that she wanted to at least try to mingle with the guests. His hand never moved from the small of her back, it was support for her but for him it was always keeping her in his sight, in his protection.

"Hey, it's Aditi right?" Someone asks as he comes over to introduce himself, holding his hand out to shake hers. She holds his hand hesitantly and shakes it, looking to Zain for reassurance.

"Yep. Hi..." She smiled cutely, lost for words to express herself. Zain frowned, she looked too adorable, anybody would fall for her, and try to steal her away from him.

"Did you make this?" He asked pointing at the food, she nodded slightly, worried about the response. "Well it's delicious... you're hands must have some kind of magic yaar..."

She blushed beet red, she never knew how to accept compliments. Zain couldn't handle it, desperate to kiss those rosy cheeks of hers. He looked up at his friend in dissaproval, nobody should make her blush but him, "Thank you... I don't usually cook- I'm not very good..."

"No you're great... If you keep making such things I will always be there to eat it..." She laughed softly, unaware of how to react to such attention. Zain got irritated, glaring at him.

"But it might just become an excuse to meet you-" The man flirted, making Zain slice through him with a deadly stare that  could have left him dead right then and and there.

Zain winced loudly, yelling out in pain while holding his right shoulder.

Aditi immediately become startled and petrified, turning to him, she ran a hand through his hair, "Kya hua jaanu? Kya hua?"

She pressed his shoulders, furrowing her brows in frantic worry, "Dard ho raha hai tumhe?"

Zain nodded like a small child, making her heart ache. She grabbed his hand and walked him back to the sofa, he watched her in confusion "What are you doing?"

"Keep quiet and sit down" She commanded, crossing her arms over her chest sternly, he meekly obeyed, she may be shy to the world but she scared him like hell.

She sat behind him, folding her legs under herself. She placed her soft loving hands on his shoulders and began rubbing and pushing at  his muscles, her hands travelled across his back as she tried to get a feel for where he was the most tense and in pain.

"Idiot. You must have slept in a terrible position on the plane aur ab dekho, tumhare halat... I had asked you to be careful na?" She nagged him in concern, and he smiled goofily at her care as he melted in to the bliss of her magical touch. He wondered how he had managed to get so damn lucky.

"mmm..." He groaned in satisfaction as she smoothned out a tense knot at the base of his neck, he leaned his head back on to her shoulder making her giggle at his dramatic reaction.

"God your hands... they're blessed Adi.." He kissed her neck where he could reach when he leaned back  making her laugh louder, stroking his stubbly beard across his jaw.

"Stop it zainnn, your beard is tickling me..." She pushed his face away as she continued to knead her hands in to his shoulders, he grumbled in annoyance.

"You want me to shave it then madam? If it's getting in the way of our romance..." He asked, grouchy about her rejection, the room were observing them subtly, in awe of their cute relationship.

"Never!" She gasped, shaking him by the shoulders. "I will ditch you and go..."

"You wouldn't dare!"  He exclaimed, grabbing her wrist to pull her in front of his face. "You love me too much..."

"I would dare. But I won't have to because you love me more and so you'll listen to me..." She retorted teasingly, poking his nose.

He smirked at her proud confidence, inching closer, "What makes you say that huh?"

"Nobody else can control your short temper but me... You would do anything for me..."

He beamed at her trust, his eyes almost watering. She knew it, she had him wound around her little finger, he was completely hers, " You're right, I'd do anything..."

He leaned in to his kiss her but this time she stayed aware of their surroundings, pushing him away gently whispering, "Not now Mr Imam..."

"Now is hurting any less?" She asked, her hands were almost tired of rubbing in to his muscles tediously but she was still frantic about his health. He bit his lip realisation, realising that he had to pretend he was still in pain like he had done to get her attention away from that man.

"Maybe a little bit..."He lied childishly, wanting the heaven of her hands a little longer. She became a little suspicious seeing the cheeky smile on his handsome face.

"So it still hurts when I do this?" She presses his left shoulder and he immediately fakes crying out in pain, making her widen her eyes in conclusion.

She smacked his shoulder making him wince in shock, "Hey! What are you doing?"

"Jhoot bola mujhse! Liar!" She hit him again, frowning in exasperation at his childish behaviour. He bit his tongue wondering how she had figured him out.  "Itna bada actor hogaya tum? Mujhse jhoot bolega!?"

"I'm not lying-"

"Oh really? All this time your pain was in your right arm... now it suddenly switched to left huh? God how do I deal with you..." She sighed in frustration, crossing her arms over her chest in anger.

"I'm so-"

"Daaradiya mujhe Zain! You shouldn't play with my feelings like that na..." She pouted and his heart broke, he traced her lips with his finger, resisting the urge to kiss that pout away.

"I'm sorry... mujhe maaf karo na..." He held his ears innocently, with those puppy dog eyes that she could never refuse. She smiled slightly, pinching his ear and pulling it playfully making him yelp cutely.

"Never try something like this ever again... samji?" She reprimanded him, as he nodded repeatedly. "Okay fine...maaf kardiya... par kyu kiya yeh sab huh?"

"You were giving him the attention you were supposed to be giving to me... why is everyone trying to steal you away from me?" He scrunched his eyebrows, his nose turning red like a annoyed kid, she giggled at his endearing jealously.

She ruffled his hair affectionately, "Mujh par haq jatana chati thi kya?"

"Haan kyu nahi? You too were doing the same na? When Purvi's phone call came?" He retorted, making her blush red and get flustered in frustration.

She shoved his chest, fighting like a small girl with disdain on her face, "Yes. Maybe I was. I wanted to spend time with you after seeing you for so long... I wished you were here for so many days. Now I've finally got you again I can't tell everyone else to leave you alone?"

His features softened with tenderness at her admitting her feelings honestly, he smiled ardently, unable to stop himself fro pressing a kiss to her forehead, "Of course you can baba... Tumhe poora haq hai mujh pe... you are always first priority."


Nalini had convinced Aditi, Zain, Poonam, Sanjay, and Abhilash all to join her at the club since she had grown bored sitting at home doing nothing. They all sat in their respective cars as they drove there, Zain drove with Abhi in the passenger seat and Nalini and Aditi sitting in the back.

Zain seemed unusually reluctant, but they all ignored it as they were excited to have a night out together after a long time. But Zain was craving a warm night in with Aditi, just cuddling with her on the sofa away from all the noise of the outside world and the formality of having to hide their relationship.

He moved the rear-view mirror to focus on her, he watched as she talked to Nalini animatedly, her face glowing with happiness. She was clad in a red  dress, off the shoulder and barely skimming her knees. If it was his choice, he'd only ever have her wearing that around the house, for him, cause god was she looking hot.

He searched for any sign of discomfort on her face, she usually never liked to come to such places but he sighed in relief seeing that she didn't seem to be having any problem, if she did he would turn around right now and take her to the comfort of her home. 

He parked the car, and they all unbuckled their seatbelts to leave. He walked around to her side and opened the door for her, and she smiled gracefully as she stepped out.

She walked a little too fast and tumbled because of her heels, almost falling to the ground before Zain clutched her by the waist and held her up against him, frowning in worry as he looked down at her,  "Aaraam se Aditi..."

"Sorry..." She mumbled, dusting herself off. He linked his arm with hers, scanning over her body for any injuries, scared she will fall again. She pulled away, knowing they couldn't be seen like this together in such a public place. "Not here Zain..."

"Then why did you find it necessary to wear those towers on your feet if you can't walk in them properly?  You're going to hurt yourself" He examined her feet, leaning down to check for any bruises or whether the heels were broken. "are you going to be able to walk without help? Shall I go and try and find somewhere that will sell some normal shoes?"

"I'll be fine. I just have to walk slower.Haina Nallu?" She tried to convincing him, dragging Nalini to help her. Nalini nodded, holding her hand supportively.

"Yes she just has to get used to them, and I'm here, I'll make sure she won't fall..." Nalini reassured, walking Aditi in to the club before he could object, leaving Zain and Abhilash behind, yelling back at them, "And anyway she looks smoking hot in these..."

"Yeah that's the problem..." Zain mutters, making Abhilash laugh, throwing his head back hysterically as he clapped the back of the his lovesick friend.


Aditi didn't know whether she was making a mistake approaching the group of her college friends she had seen in the club. They used to harass her relentlessly about her reserved nature, her looks, her weight but she thought that many years had passed and such childish things could be left behind and she should introduce herself maturely.

"Hey guys..." She tried to sound enthusiastic, as she held her hand out to shake Ashwati's hand, she used to be the ring leader all those years ago, and it seemed she still was. "Do you all remember me? I'm Adi-"

"Aditi Rathore. Of course we know... after all you have become such a big star now..." There was something snide about the way they smiled at her, there is a scowl in their eyes but she was too innocent to recognise it as jealously.

"A big star! No of course not... but I'm glad to hear watched the show?" She blushed, shying away at the compliment. The other girls giggled under their breath at the way they so easily played her.

"Of course, we wouldn't miss it for the world. So how is your life going Adu?" She laughed ostentatiously, leaving Aditi feeling a tiny bit uncomfortable.

"It's going good thank you. It's not very interesting, how about you all? How are you guys?" She tried to shift the attention away from herself as she always hated being the focus of a conversation.

"We are the same as always adu and obviously we have been all keeping in touch, so its you that we are all interested in. Have you found yourself a man yet?" The fake Ashwati squealed again, leaving her flustered. She went bright pink as she violently shook her head no.

"I think it would be better to stay single for a while, enjoy some alone time..." She bit her lip down as she tried to stop her smile as her mind drifted to Zain, waiting for at the other side of the club, probably already worried, looking at his watch impatiently till she came back.

"Oh... it's your choice is it?" Aditi frowned as her tone turned more spiteful, and the girls turned on her suddenly like a pack of wild animals hunting prey. "I thought it would be because nobody wants you still..."

She stepped back, taken off guard by their sudden attack, as all the girls laughed harshly. That laughter that haunted so many of her shitty memories that led to her shy nature now. "It's nothing like that-"

"We saw that you broke up with your last one, seems he got tired of you too, fed off your fame for a bit but then got bored of you..." Their rough words were like salt in her wounds, as if they were ripping open her buried memories. Her ex crossed her mind and she went stiff.

"No he was abus-" Her eyes glassed over, and they smiled wider, smelling her vulnerability like an animal smelt fresh blood.

"He moved on to someone prettier and skinnier right?" They hissed, just like what they were, poisonous snakes.


"You are just as undesired as our college days it seems... I'm so sorry babe..." She patted her arm, feigning sympathy. Aditi went silent, the confidence she had arrived with had vanished, she felt sick in the stomach as they hit her where it hurt the most.

" I- I don't know, maybe... I just- I'm just planning on focusing on my career right now."

"But my dear, " She stepped closer to Aditi, her dagger- like eyes cutting through her  guard and making her feel as small as she did all those years ago. "no matter how far you advance in your career you're always going to be the one no one wants, that everybody gets bored of... They'll always be looking for more, they'll be never satisfied with you no matter matter how advanced you are. Because you'll still be the same Aditi rathore right? Not pretty enough, not fun enough, not thin enough for anybody to be attracted to."

Zain had coming looking for her, and had frozen a few metres away from them, witnessing the horrible conversation. His eyes were bloodshot in rage, his teeth gritting just thinking of what she must be going through. He stormed toward them, rolling his sleeves up.

The girls frowned as they saw him approaching, blinked in disbelief before concluding that it ust be true, that Zain Imam had accompanied Aditi to the club. Obviously they all were head over heels for Aditi's hot co-star, they all corrected their hair, and licked their lips. The desperately hiked up their skirts and pulled down their tops, opposite to everything they should be doing.

"Aduuuuu!" Ashwati giggled, returning to her fake friendly persona, squeezing her arm like they were long lost best friends. "You didn't tell us that Zain had come with you! Come on! Introduce us!"

The other girls had all tried they moves, batting their eyelashes and tried to grab his attention. He didn't pay any of them any attention when he reached them, Ashwati tried to place her hand on his bicep, " Hi Zain-"

But Zain shoved her off,  grabbing Aditi by the wrist roughly and yanking her into his arms, gripping to her waist. He pulled her so fast that she fell in to his chest, clutching to his collar to steady herself, staring up at him with shocked eyes.

Before she could protest he slammed his lips against hers, knocking the air out of her lungs. He pushed his tongue to the seam of her mouth and she granted him access before she could even realise what she was doing. He delved in to her mouth, kissing her fiercely. The world fell away around them, it no longer mattering that the girls gasped in utter shock watching them.

He was drunk in lust and desire, and rage running like adrenaline through his veins, desperate to touch her as his hands moved across her body hungrily, running across her curves as he claimed her as entirely his. Though his lips were demanding, and he crushed her body in to his, igniting a smouldering heat deep within her at his angry dominating touch somehow the caress of his lips were softer than she could ever have imagined.

Her hand travelled to his neck to slant his head to deepen the kiss, arching in to his chiselled chest, letting out a low moan at the pleasure of his body pressing against the softness of her curves. His hands slipped under her shirt, running down her spine, sending shivers through her blood. She was on her tip toes, her toes curling in sensation as he refused to part his lips from hers.

His heart thundered, biting her sultry lips, god these girls didn't understand how special this woman was. A taste of her was like tasting nectar, like walking on air, every single other thought in his mind was obliterated. After tasting her nothing would ever be sweet enough, after knowing her golden heart no one's heart is pure enough, after loving her... no one was good enough.

He grazed his lips down her neck, sending her head spinning, he knew her resistance would crumble as he reached the sensitive spot inbetween her collarbone and her neck. A wave of pleasure runs through his body as he inhales her intoxicating perfume, and her fingers tangle in to his hair drawing him closer. Her skin burns where his lips brush, arousal stirring in her stomach. His hands skim down her body, lingering on her stomach. She moans softly, her head falling back in bliss as he starts sucking on her skin, he knew well that he would leave behind a harsh red mark, but thats exactly what he wanted. He wanted everybody to know how much she was loved, by him.

He nibbled her skin possessively, making her wince slightly, immediately causing him blow over the skin gently soothing it. Aditi glanced up to see the college friends glaring at her with dark red, embarrassed, shocked and insulted faces and pulled away fro Zain reluctantly.

He looked up at her in puzzlement and it's when he parted from her that he regained consciousness of his surroundings, realising hwta theywere doing in a public place. Luckily not many people noticed over the loud music, and the people who did notice were too drunk to pay attention anyway.

He hugged her from behind, his arms still securely around her middle and his chin resting on her shoulder as she steadied her breathing to face the girls. He laughed seeing the sour envious looks on their faces, he kissed her hair, making her squeezing his hand that was around her in a plea to stop now, turning shy.

"Not only am I insanely attracted to her, I love her. And I won't be looking for more as I have already got the best. Just because she is innocent and will never even consider speaking back to you doesn't mean you can say whatever you want to her out of your fucking jealousy." They parted their speechless mouths like fish, Aditi shushed him, not wanting to create any more drama around them.

"I'm mindful that you are girls and I don't talk to women with disrespect, but if I ever hear you say anything else against Adi, I will change my mind. Understand?" His words were worse than if he had slapped them across the face, they nodded silently.

"We don't want the public knowing of our relationship, and now if it gets out we know who is behind it. So if you want to, you are free to, but we will take action against it."

They nod and turn to leave, but Zain called them from behind stopping them in their tracks, "Uh excuse me-"

They looked around at him, "Could you apologise to my girlfriend before you leave?"

"Sorry Aditi..." Ashwati whispered so quiely it seemed that the word sorry pained her to say. Aditi accepted their apologies sincerely, and he sighed sadly, she was too sweet for her own good, she would get herself in trouble. But he would always be there.

"In fact, maybe next time you meet her she won't be the same Aditi Rathore that you have to say so much about, she'll be Mrs Aditi Imam..." He studied her face with so much divine adoration that they burnt with jealousy, turning and storming off as soon as possible.

As soon as they left, she looked at him in embarrassment, she wrapped her arms around her waistband , laying her head on his chest, "I'm sorry..."

"What did you do pagli?" He stroked her hair, looking down at her fondly. This is why he wanted to keep her away from the media, god knows what rubbish they'll say about her, and she'll only ever blame herself.

"I don't know... I just- What if they tell everyone about us?" She closed her eyes, as he rocked her gently to the music. His hands supported her back, letting her melt in to his embrace.

"Whatever happens we can deal with it later... but I wasn't going to let them talk about you like that. What they said wasn't true, they were just jealous. I love you, you know that right?"

"I know..." She whispered, laughing wistfully as he spun her around cutely before leading her back in to his chest.

"And I'm never going to want a girl the way I want you... And I'm never going to need somebody like I need you... Okay?" He cuddled her closer, burying his face in her hair. He kissed the top of her ear lobe, before leaning down to hum the song playing in to her ear. She frowned her closed eyes, guilt eating away at her. He loved her too much, she was scared she would break his heart.

A tear rolled down her cheek but she didn't say anything, it would be wrong to say something when she was hiding something tha ould hurt him badly.


She fell asleep in the car and he didn't want to leave her alone in her apartment so late at night, so he carried her inside his apartment and laid her in hs bed. He tucked her in carefully, taking a spare blanket before turning out the lights, they had slept beside one another numerous times, it was basically an everday thing but he still didn't want to just assume she would be okay with it, he would never compromise with her feelings. And after her past relationship, he knew how important consent and permission was to her.

Abhilash walked in to the living room while walking to the kitchen to get some water, and sees Zain lying on the sofa, staring at the ceiling, "Hey buddy..."

Zain smiles over at him, and sitting upright, "Hey... what's up?"

Abhilash pulled out a chair to sit in front of him, clearing his throat cautiously, "Can I talk to you about something?"

Zain frowned in worry at his sudden formality, was Abhi going through something? He would do anything to help him without hesitation, if his friend needed him, "Of course yaar... kya hua? Batao na..."

"I wanted to wait until Adu discussed it with you first..."

"DIsscussed what with me?" At the mention of her name he turned stiff, terrified. A million ghastly scenarios hit him in gut, she hadn't told him anything. He remembered the way she sobbed violently, the fear in her eyes as she clung to him the airport. There was a sinking feeling in his chest, "Discussed what with me Abhi!?"

"She hasn't said anything?" Abhi gaped in shock, completely clueless. He has told her to tell him, what did he do now she didn't? Take away her right to tell Zain herself or betray his best friend's trust?"

"Said anything about what?! Abhi!" His trembling voice was hysteric now, he was distraught and on the edge of his seat already ready to run in to his room to bundle her in to his arms here she she would be safe. "For god's sake Abhi! You're fucking scaring me now!"

"Shit man..." Abhi ran his hand through his hair in exasperation, sighing at his state, not wanting to interfere but knoing he had to do what was right. "Okay...  when you were in Delhi-"


What happened guys? Any guesses at all?????  I've tried to make up for the super late chapter by giving you all such a long update but I relly hope that it didn't bore you!!!! This was at least 3 days of really hard work and so I hope I'm not asking to much by asking if you all could comment and vote for this chapter? I just really want this story to have a rank, I really hope you all think I have done enough to deserve it!

Please comment and like! Until next time xxx

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