Sick day

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Hey guys, I just wanted to thank you all so so so much for all the lovely lovely comments you all leave me because they are genuinely the sweetest ever and I am completely overwhelmed by your love and support and I'm so glad that you all liked it. Please keep on letting me know what you think of it through comments and votes. And also pleae do leave suggestions on what you would like to see happen...

I hope you guys like this one as much as the last.


Aditi yawned as she woke up, stretching her aching joints. She lightly grazed the blankets around her in confusion, suddenly confused where she was. She sat up and leaned against the headrest, with a hand on her head, looking around with narrowed eyes.


It was Zain's bed.

A small smile appeared on her face at the thought of him.

"Zain..."She called out for him, snuggling in to the pillow that smelt so strongly of his musky scent.

She frowned when he didn't reply in that husky morning voice of his.

"Zain?" She dragged herself out of bed, realising that he had made her wear a sweatshirt over the clothes she was wearing yesterday.

She smiled as the warm feeling melted her heart, she walked out of the room in to the living room.

Her heart broke.

He was sleeping on the sofa, curled up like a baby with no blanket and cranked up in an uncomfortable position.

He frowned and whimpered in his sleep like a wounded animal, she rushed to him and kneeled beside the sofa with worry etched on to her face.

She ran her hand through his hair softly, whispering to him gently, "Zain? baby?"

He just groaned in his sleep, shifting slightly, and shuddering as if he was cold.

She held his upper arm as she leaned up to place a tender kiss on his forehead, her tone strained with concern, "Uto Zain... What's wrong baby?"

She frowned as his forehead burnt against her lips, she pulled away to check his temperature against the back of her hand.

He was burning.

"Zain uto... you're burning...." She shook him carefully, panic spreading across her face.

His eyes fluttered half-open, his raspy voice was obviously pained "What's wrong? Are you okay? Did you sleep well?"

"Am I okay!?" She exclaimed, her eyes widening in hysteric irritation. "You're burning baby..."

She squeezes his shoulder lovingly, scanning over him, her voice perplexed, "How are you feeling?"

Zain sighed, shivering with cold, "Not so good... but I had some painkillers in the night..."

"Why didn't you wake me up idiot?" She pouted as she brought back a thermometer.

He gave her a lopsided grin as he watched her awestruck, at the adorable panic on her face as she fussed around him.

"You look so cute when you sleep... mera maan nahi laga..." He murmured in to her face, his breath washing over her nose.

"Shut up... and sit up... come on..." she tried to pull him up, but he grunted in exertion and flopped back on to the bed.

"Please adu... sone do na..." He begged adorably, batting his eyes lashes and pouting with those puppy dog eyes that she couldn't deny.

"You need to go to the doctor baby..." She complained, glowering.

"But my throat hurts, and I'm so cold,  and it feel like someones hitting my head with a hammer..." Zain whined like a small child, taking her arm and hugging on to it, making her heart ache.

"Aww baby... I'm sorry..." She played with his hair lovingly, "but that's exactly why you have to go Zain..."

"Its just a viral fever adu... let me sleep..." He pleaded again, and she just couldn't say no to that face.

"Fine." She gave a defeated sigh, "But let me go make you breakfast, and you have to eat it okay? You shouldn't take medicine on an empty stomach..."


"Nahi..." She scolded, making him smile at his caring girlfriend. "No excuses..."


"Look Zain... I made your favourite pancakes..." She looked around at him expecting to see his melted brown eyes light up as they always did.

But he just moaned in pain and twisted and turned restlessly on the sofa, which hurt her like a pang to the chest.

"Zain, eat a bit na? Come on... Then you can have a tablet and you will feel a bit better." She tutted at his state as she leant over him.

"I don't want it..." He grumbled, she pulled him up to sit, squeezing in beside him.

"Please baby?" She asked him cutely, fluttering her lashes which played with the strings of his heart.

"I feel too sick..." He groaned, furrowing his eyebrows immaturely. "Stop asking me so cutely... I feel bad refusing..."

He leaned on her chest, his eyes falling closed in the solace of her arms, she tried again, "Are you sure you won't have them for me Zain? Don't they smell nice?"

"Adu..." He warned playfully, making a sneaky smile brighten her face.

"Look I'll tell you what..." She cups his face with her free hand to make him look at her, "One bite of the pancake... one kiss..."

His eyes shone as he looked up at her like a child on Christmas day, "Seriously? Promise?"

She grinned at his absolutely endearing childishness, "Haan. Pakka..."

He smiled up at her gorgeous morning face as she cut the pancake in to small chunks, wondering whether she would ever not look as stunning as she always did. With make up, without make up, laughing or crying.

She looked at him, as if suddenly realising he was staring at her hopelessly, "Jaldi kha lo..."

She fed him a tiny piece, her nimble fingers brushing away the crumbs on his cheek.

"Well?" He asked, raising his eyebrow with a wink.

"What?" She asked, pretending but not being able to pull the smile of her face.

"Where is my kiss?" He asked childishly , melting her heart helplessly.

With a smile she leaned over to press a kiss to his lips, but she bent back a bit in shock as he pulled away, exclaiming, "Hey careful baby... I've got germs... you'll catch it..."

She pouted like a child, disappointment in her eyes, "But then how will I complete my promise?"

"It's okay, don't worry about it baby-"

But suddenly she planted a big wet kiss against his cheek making him grin so widely his teeth must have ached.

But then she ruffled his hair, to which he scrunched up his face in adorable distaste, "Don't touch my hair..."

"Its a mess anyway Zain." She sighed again, chuckling under her breath. He could be relentless in his antics sometimes.

"Hey! My hair is always perfect."

"Whatever. Just have another bite..." She traced his lips with her fingers, as if trying to pry them open.

"I'm full..." He whined, grouching.

"You've only had one bite Zain! How will I give you medicine?" She chided him like he was a school kid, which just  made him love her all the more.


"One more bite... one more kiss..."

And like magic... he shut up. The sulk vanished from his face and he eagerly opened up his mouth for her to feed him.

She smiled, feeding him the next bite and attacking his other cheek with a sweet kiss.


"Okay... I'm sorry baby..." She tried to peel away from the tight grip he had on her waist as they cuddled together on the sofa while Zain was trying to sleep, his head resting on her heart. "But its my call time... I have to go to set..."

"Don't go today na..." He tugged her back in to his arms, nestling her in to his chest.

"If we both don't show up? Wouldn't that be odd? Suspicious?"

"Then I'll come with you..." He murmured, his lazy grumble grazing her collar bone.

"Are you mad?" She hit him gently, trying to wriggle out of his grip.

"Yes I'm mad. Madly in love with you..." He pressed a kiss to her forehead and she hit his shoulder, hiding her smile under a look of disgust at his cheesy line.

"Stop with the cheesy lines, its only for a couple of hours,  let me go jaan..." She pleaded with him reasonably but his grip didnt get any looser. He clutched to her as if his life depended on it, nuzzling his tired head in to the crevice of her neck.

"Do you think I'm crazy to let you go to shoot with Zaan yourself again? That bastard is going to make a move on you and I won't be there to do anything about it." He got riled up, straightening with fisted hands and a growl.

"Zain... Calm down..."  She rubbed his back with reassurance, "He won't try anything..."

"If he f*cking tries anything... I'm telling you-" He spoke through gritted teeth, his jaw clenched.

"He's not a bad guy baby... I'll be fine..." She pressed her lips against the pulse on his neck, making his eyes close in its sensation. "You can't say anything to him. Everybody will find out about us..."

"Why can't everybody just find out!" He yelled in hopeless frustration, still raging at yesterday's events. The thought of Zaan looking at her in so much awe was imprinted in his mind like a nightmare.

"Come on Zain... you know we can't do that..." There was a break in her voice, as it saddened, which he couldn't bear. He couldn't stand her moistening eyes.

"I know... we won't tell anyone, I promise..." He pulled her against him tightly, laying her head against his chest and cacooning her in his arms, his voice was pained.  "I'm sorry baby... please... don't get upset..."

He smiled slightly, resting his cheek on top of her head as he inhaled deeply, taking in her addictive scent all over again, "Mein bus poore duniya ko meri daulat dikhana chata hu..." (I want to show the whole world my wealth)

She shoved him away lightly, a tiny smile gracing her glowing face, "Don't try Neil Khanna lines on me mister... they won't work... I'm going to set now... okay?"


"Zain." She shot him down directly as she stood up, and he weakened innocently at her fierceness.

With an affectionate smile, she leaned down, pressing a peck to his lips, it didn't need any words to explain the feeling behind it but she gave it words anyway, whispering softly, "I'll be fine, I promise..."

"Stay away from him okay?"  He murmured against her lips, tickling them.

"Zain. Leave it." She sighed, running her hand lazily through his hair. "It's always you. Its always going to be you... "

"Now let go, I'm going to be late..."

He smiled in relief, his grasp around her middle was tight, "I dont want to let you go just yet..."

"I'll be back before you know it..."

He leaned over and captured her lips urgently again, reluctant to let her leave.

"Zain... sleep now...okay?" She pulled away and stood up again and he sighed in defeat, letting go and laying back on the sofa with a huff. 

She grinned at his childness, pressing a kiss to his head before picking up her keys and leaving through the back door instead, so nobody could see her leaving his flat.


After a few scenes she sat and finally got to enjoy the freshness of water running down her sore throat. Screaming for so long hurt, really hurt.

But she couldn't sit still, fiddling with her fingers and twiddling her toes.

She just worried about him constantly, whether he felt any better, whether he couldn't sleep, whether his fever had gotten worse, whether he needed medicine or any help.

She wanted to go back to him.

With a sigh she switched on her phone, scrolling through the instagram to calm her invading thoughts. A small smile lingered on her face as she looked at all the pictures of her and Zain that their fans had posted. They tried to hide their relationship, but some feelings can't ever be hidden, she stared at it longingly.

But then like a car crash...

Her heart fell to the pit of her stomach.

The comments.

'How can you imagine her with Zain? She's so fat. Zain deserves better.'

'This girl used to be so pretty. But how could Zain find her attractive now?'

'How is she a heroine? She should seriously lose some weight. Its lazy and disgusting. Zain shouldn't have to cope with a costar looking like this.'

It hurt like hell.

She swallowed the lump in her throat, her eyes falling shut. Tears flowing down her cheeks.

Zain would have been furious if he had seen the comments, or her so upset.

But yes. She wasn't taking good care of herself nowadays, the nature of her work never allowed to eat proper food, or take time out to go to the gym. She was worn to her last bone.

She had gotten out of that relationship of hell, where her ex would repeatedly belittle her for the way she looked. Force her to go to the gym and eat small meals. But Zain never put any demands or restraints on her, infact fed her with all her favourite foods to make her happy.

But now she was like this. Feeling fat. And ugly.

She knew he deserved better.

She felt guilty that he had to cope with her broken unattractive self.

She never understood what he saw in her.

She sighed shakily, looking down at the cereal bar she had clutched in her hand to eat during the break because she had forgotten to eat breakfast in the midst of looking after Zain. She looked over the bar, the comments emblazoned on her mind. She flipped it over, reading through the amount of calories and fat content.

She decided against it.

She'd lost her appetite.

She chucked it in the bin, before returning to the shoot.


Precap- the 400 episode celebration

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