Chapter 6 - The First Day

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| Peach - The Next Morning |

I hesitantly made my way to the large table placed in the center of my room. This was it, the first day. I was already dressed in my white and pink jumpsuit; I planned on driving a bike today. My dandelion yellow hair was pulled back in my lucky blue hair-tie. Daisy gave it to me when I was young, and it has always brought me good luck.

"Welcome!" the chef toad announced when I walked into the room. I jumped a little, startled. No restaurant does that back in the Mushroom Kingdom.

"Thank you, kind sir," I replied, taking a seat at the table. It looked like everyone was already there; Mario, Luigi, Toad, Rosalina, Yoshi, Birdo, Bowser, Koopa, Paratroopa, Wario, and Waluigi. They were all gobbling down their gourmet meals, wanting to eat a lot of food before the big race.

"And what will you have, madam?" chef toad asked politely.

I opened the menu, fumbling through the pages. "Oh, um... I'll take the Belgium Waffle, with strawberries and whipped cream please."

The mushroom jotted down my whole order, writing it in waiter-form. I never understood all the abbreviations restaurants use. "And for your drink?"

"Just water, please, with extra lemon," I recited, closing my menu and handing it to the toad.

"Coming right up," he said. He began walking back to the kitchen to prepare my meal.

I turned my attention back to everyone at the table only to realize everyone was staring at me. Apparently I was the only one in the room talking when I was giving my order.

I started profusely blushing. Dang...

The room was very tense, filling with the nervous air. I could almost hear the nerves crackling inside each person, slowly dying down. This was a serious competition, and no one can deny it.

| Fifteen Minutes Later |

My food arrived, and I was well prepared. My fork was ready; I was holding it up in the air.

"Your meal, madWHOO," he exclaimed as I almost stabbed him with my fork.

"Oh, I am very sorry, sir. I'm just very hungry." I was getting really warm. Man, they need to turn the heat down in here!

He placed my food on the table. It looked so good! There was a medium cooked waffle with whipped cream spread all over it, with fresh cut strawberries drizzled on top! Mmm!

I dug into the meal, delivering myself to waffle heaven.

| Fifteen Minutes Later |

Everyone gave a sigh of relief as I took the last bite of my waffle.

"What?" I asked, surprised.

"You take FOR-EVER to eat! I finished ten minutes ago!" Yoshi screamed.

"Exactly, that's why we broke up," Mario said all up-in-your-face like.

"No, it's because - never mind. Let's go now."

Everyone stood up as we made our way to the race track. I was walking with Toad.

"So, Toad, have you been practicing your racing?" I questioned, attempting to be friendly.

"Actually, no," Toad replied. And indeed, I was surprised. "I haven't been racing in a while now. The sponsors of this race just saw my previous races and invited me."

"Wow, you must've been good!" I commented.

"Yeah," Toad said with a single chuckle to himself.

I noticed Mario walking with Rosalina. I didn't know they had met before, suddenly becoming curious. I should talk to her after the race.

Before we knew it we reached the track, our karts all lined up. Everyone found theirs according to the style they chose before the race. I hopped onto my purple Duke with Slick wheels, my Peach Parasol ready to take action for gliding. I started the engine, warming it up.

"Okay racers, listen up. This is the first race of the Mushroom Cup, Mario Circuit," Lakitu began. "You will receive a certain number of points based on what place you come in. There are some ground rules, though. Number 1: no damage of any kind will be added to any of these courses. Number 2: good sportsmanship is required. And Number 3: have fun! So let's get this race started!"

Everyone's engine began roaring. Well, that is, the dumb racers; the smart ones know to start right as Lakitu counts down to 2; that way you start off with a speed boost. I needed the speed boost this race, because I started in 12th.

"3, 2, 1, GO!" Lakitu lively shouted.

I had gotten the speed boost, in fact, and was now up to 7th place. I pushed on my speed pedal just a little harder, bringing me up to 6th. Let's go!

| By the Second Lap |

I was now in 3rd place. Mario and Rosalina were in front of me, constantly battling for 1st place. All of the sudden I ran into an item block, it dissolving as I drove through it. I looked at the wheel on my handlebars to see what item I had gotten, and it was a blue shell.

"Yes!" I cheered, setting it off immediately. Mario looked confused as it was flying above him, for he was currently in 1st. In a flash it struck, taking Mario out AND stunning Rosalina. Talk about hitting two birds with one stone!

| By the Final Lap |

I had maintained 1st place, but Mario was gaining up on me. I could just feel it, and I was constantly looking over my shoulder. He had an angered expression on. I roared my engine a little harder, gas exhaust coming out the back, causing Mario to hack little.

That did not really help me though; it just gave him another reason to try harder. The finish line was coming into view, but we were still in anti-gravity mode. Mario bumped into the back of my Duke, causing both me and him to rotate. For a second our eyes locked, and I saw what looked like hurt in his eyes. But that disappeared the second I crossed the finish line.

In 1st place!!!

I pulled my bike to a halt, Mario crossing the line only a second behind me. He was just glaring at me with slitted eyes. Honestly though, I did not care.

Once everyone had run across the black and white line, I looked up at the screen of the scoreboard:


I could not believe it. First place on my first race! While I was jumping for joy, though, everyone else was glaring at me, doubting our friendship.


Hey hey so how have you been? I am SO STINKIN SORRY I have not been on, I've been really busy with tests and stuff. But I made up for it with this really long chapter, I never write this long! What do you think? Put it in the comments!

I would also like to say thanks to everyone who reads and votes! Truly appreciate it like you don't even know! Especially pinkandpeachy , Super-Mario99 , foreverafanpaige , and Queen-Alissa ! Thanks for everything guys!

Well now that I'm on winter break, I will update more often. Also MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE! The holidays are going so fast! Have a merry Christmas and a GREAT New Year! Make a great 2015! ^_^


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