🌪️ 15. Project Jupiter

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Despite advanced electronic equipment, the only certain proof that a super cell has produced a tornado comes from a direct sighting from a reliable eye witness—Tornado Hunter, Stephan Betchel

With excited storm chaser chatter filling the air waves, Halle tuned in to the fire departments safety communication system. The department had its own special Skywarn-trained local group of spotters to report tornado conditions. Charlie Munson and other seasoned spotters favored the frequency. She also knew Munson drove an ancient Subaru Outback and stayed well away from the rest of the pack. He would be able to alert them if their southern escape route became congested.

A voice with a pronounced Southwestern accent crackled over the radio. "Looking at the sky. I'm really worried about all the teams out there."

Halle depressed the mic's button. "Charlie, what's happening?" She waited for his response.

"News stations have advised evacuation from Hilard and Weymouth counties. "You know what that means. Families are going to bail out of their homes and get stuck in traffic. People with solid structures would be better off sheltering in their basements."

"Thanks for that intel, Charlie. We'll keep you advised what we see to the north of the system."

"Copy, that. Be careful."

She turned to James. 'That exodus is going to cut off our escape routes." A couple of ambulances flashed by with their sirens wailing.

"Latest radar data from SPC says there's another supercell moving in from the east." Debris flew past them in the fields as the wind picked up.

"If the two systems combine...."

James grimaced as he finished her sentence. "We're screwed. We couldn't abort this mission even if we wanted to. We're trapped like siting ducks between two systems that might merge."

"Speak for yourself. I'm not giving up. All we have to do is outrun the storm, get ahead of it, deploy the probes and dump out of its path."

James shook his head. "Easier said than done. I need to let my father know our escape route. When he tried to call on the Weather Warrior's two way radio communication system, he realized that the two teams had became separated and lost communication. "Shit, I forgot the two way radio system's only operational at about a half mile's distance."


Lars banged his hand on the back of the steering wheel. "Damned traffic." They had been inching forward behind fifty vehicles at a maddening crawl
as each one stopped at a battered stop sign and turned left onto Bailey Road.

Irwin grabbed the system mic. This is Weather Warriors2. "We're on route 4 and about to turn left onto Bailey road. Does anyone know how the traffic is south of that juncture?" Radio chatter echoed their dilemma.

Amy's clear voice answered. "This is Storm Riders. There are traffic jams on several of our own escape routes. I'm traveling north-east on Hardwick. All other roads are backed up for miles."

"Not good," Irwin answered. "We're heading your way. How's the weather look on your end?"

"We're hearing the tornado is rain wrapped. We can't see it's ugly butt. If this thing turns, we could have a problem. What's the Fujito rating?"

"Per damage sustained in Quiton, F-3. But this thing keeps resetting and strengthening. We have tornadic winds topping two hundred miles and hour."

"Everyone needs to coordinate alternate escape routes."

"Copy, stay off dirt roads. Over."

"Let those two nuisances work their salvation out themselves," Lars fumed. "We have to focus on carving out our own escape route." He glanced at the street atlas software. "I'll turn off at county road 15. It connects with Bailey road. We'll bypass this mess."

"That's a dirt road. We could get stuck. Again."

"Do you want this probe deployed or not?"

Irwin remained silent.


"Lars, I'm having second thoughts."


"No. I've never felt so alive. This is better than working remotely in an office."

"Then, what's wrong?"

Irwin blinked rapidly. "I know the military has been developing technology to weaponize the weather." He hesitated. "What if the higher ups don't want Project Jupiter's data to create an early warning system or tornado proof architecture. Could they use it to assist Project Chimera's process to create tornadic storms at will?

Lars looked at the scientist and smiled. "It wouldn't surprise me. What astounds me is how long it took you to figure that out with your over zealous conscience."


"Oh, don't Lars me. You've always been too naive and altruistic for your own good."

"And you've always been needy and grasping." Irwin was surprised when Lars winced.


"Don't what?" Irwin raised his eyebrows.

"Don't make this about us."

"There is no us."

"I'm sorry." He spoke so low that Irwin could barely hear him.

"About what?"

The mask of arrogance fell from Lars face. "I was never easy to get along with, but I was jealous of your success."

"And like The Grinch, you've grown bitter," Irwin laughed softly as he experienced a mixture of pain and relief at his former lover's admission. "You treat James like that little dog, Max."

"He was never that cute."

Irwin placed his palm on the back of Lar's hand that gripped the steering wheel. "Lars, we're in this together. Everyone's depending on us to get that storm data, but all I care about is having a second chance with you." He exhaled. "And getting us all out of this storm alive."

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