Part V - Stargazing and Discussion

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Published: April 11, 2023
Words: 1082
Hm. Cute.

{Still Socks PoV}

After Blaza and I had gotten ready, we walked to school from his house, talking to each other along the way.

I think I may have set a biiiit of a negative reputation for myself at this new school, people shot glances at Blaza and I as we walked closer and closer to the school.

The bell rung just as Blaza and I walked into class. We found the seats we had on my first day and talked while we waited for other people to arrive.

The same people that have been.. trouble the past few days shot us death glares from across the class. Understandable why they were giving us looks, but everyone else in the school?

As soon as everyone had arrived, the teacher started talking about something. I couldn't care less about the lesson so I pulled out a scrap piece of paper and started doodling on it to pass the time.

"Wow.. uhh sorry if you minded me looking but your drawing is really good!" Blaza whispered to me.

I normally would have been sorta upset about someone watching me draw without asking first, but I don't think Blaza meant to.

"Thank you.. this is just a random sketch."

"Still really good.. mind if I watch?"

"I don't mind."

Blaza discretely shifted closer to me, but kept a distance to not get noticed by the teacher.

My hands got a bit shaky knowing someone was watching what I was doing, and on top of that I felt sort of pressured to do a good job. After a while of sketching, the bell rung to dismiss us from class and everyone stood up to leave.

Blaza and I got up and started heading to our lockers, still talking as I grabbed my history textbook.

Then those same little clique of people from the past days came to us again. I swear it was always in this passing period that something went wrong.

"Hey you two."

Blaza scoffed and turned around to face them.

"You both sent Sam to the hospital."

I caught a glimmer of a knife in my peripheral vision, I made note of it and pretended not to notice it.

"So, we decided we needed a bit of payback.."

Blaza grabbed my hand and dragged me away, not even looking back at those people.

I was surprised they let us go that easy, I was expecting more of a scene but I guess Blaza was done with their shit.

"Do you mind skipping class? I don't feel like dealing with that bullshit today."

"I don't mind, not like my grades can get worse."

{Time skip 1 week}
{Blaza PoV}

November 15, 2020

About a week has passed since I met Socks, and I must admit, I've grown
quite fond of his company. We started hanging out outside of school
a lot more, which I don't mind, what else would I do anyways?

My ex-friends have left us alone, though I've heard rumours spreading
like melted butter. Of course I'm a weird kid now, but to be honest I didn't
really care about my high school reputation. All I really needed now was
Socks, which always sort of confused me because I was known for having
severe trust issues.

Things change, I guess.


It was a mild day, with hazes of pink and blue in the sky, forming a cotton candy mix I could get lost in forever.

I stepped out onto my balcony and admired the sky for a while, I could easily pass hours sky gazing.

I had somewhere to be though, so I picked up my bag and started walking. I was still admiring the sky on my walk to Socks's house.

I knocked on Socks's door and waited a few seconds to see him, cheery as ever. "Come on in Blaza!" He said while gesturing me inside, one thing I liked about his house is that we didn't have to go to a separate room to have privacy as he lived alone.

We both sat down on his couch and talked for a while, that was a thing I found incredibly easy between us, bringing up casual conversation was easy.

After god knows how long, the sky started to darken and stars began poking through the dark void of the sky.

"Can I take you somewhere tonight?"

"Sure, I got nothing else to do tonight.."

Socks grabbed his house keys off the kitchen counter and walked over to the door, opening it for me before stepping outside and locking the door behind us.

I followed Socks as we set off into the distance, I didn't know how he knew "A place" as he was only living here for around 2 weeks. I don't know, he may have done some exploration in his free time.

Eventually, we reached a dark forest and Socks started treading through the thick trunks of tall trees.

I followed him, tripping over roots a few times and hitting my head on a few branches on the way.

After a few minutes of silently trudging through thick forest, we reached a massive clearance in the middle of the woods. The starry sky shimmered with a green, blue and violet haze mixed with glimmering stars dancing from above.

Both Socks and I laid down on the soft grass, the delicate wind brushing the tips of the grass to graze my face.

"You picked the best night to go stargazing Socks! Not one cloud in sight!"

"Heh.. guess I did."

Socks and I started pointing out constellations we could spot in the sky, we did that for a while before returning to silence for some time.

I heard Socks sigh before saying "Hey Blaza..?"

B: "Yeah?"
S: "I wanted to ask you something.. and I completely understand if you don't want to."
B: "M-kay.. ask away then."
S: "..I'm moving back to the U.S soon, and I wanted to know if you.. wanted to come with me..?"
B: "I-I.. uh.."
S: "Take your time."

I just laid there thinking for a while, it was a lot of ideas flooding my mind at once. Why did he want me to come with him? Did I want to leave Europe? What would my mother do about moving? I just let out a sigh and shut my eyes, still thinking.

"I-I'll come with you."

Sorry for the shorter chapter today

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