Part XVI - Christmas Day and Some Scheming

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Published: May 30, 2023
Words: 1758

Some music if you'd like
Mentions of needles if that disturbs you
{Blaza PoV}

Tbh once again woke me up, now telling me that he and Meme were leaving the hospital but they would come back tomorrow. Joocie and Ally had left when I was asleep apparently, leaving me and the man in the suit alone in the room.

He threw a glance at me and closed his laptop, turning to me.

The man scoffed and said "You're Blaza? That kid talks a whole lot about you."

Hearing Socks being mentioned so much was beginning to affect my stability, I pushed it out and said, "Uhh.. yeah, I am.. who are you?".

"I own the agency he works for, he's our main stage idol so I had to check on his condition."

"I.. what does he do for work..?"

"He's an Idol..? I thought you knew."

"N-No.. I didn't..."

"Ah, well. I hope Sock's condition gets better. See you around Blaza."


Now that everyone was gone, I decided I could sleep comfortably for some more time. I guess there was nothing else to do now, the one person I actually would have a conversation with is.. gah! Why did I remind myself..

I closed my eyes and tried my hardest not to listen to the sounds around me, not the greatest to focus on. I pulled my hood up and tucked my legs close to my chest and drifted off to sleep.


I didn't know how long it had been since I fell asleep, but the same kind nurse that had been helping me throughout the day was trying to wake me up.

"Ehm.. excuse me Mr. Bee.. the hospital room is open now if you'd like to go inside."

"Oh.. thank you."

The nurse led me inside and I walked in, Socks was on a hospital bed with several medical items surrounding the bed, it made me extremely scared seeing him like this.

I sat down on one of the chairs as the nurse closed the door, I guess I never caught her name.. The chairs were extremely close to the hospital bed, and the bed was so low that I could see over the whole thing.

"Nmh.. where... am I...?"

I immediately looked up and saw Socks trying to sit up, I stood up and made him stay laying down.


"Yep, i-it's me.. you're in the hospital."

I could feel my eyes starting to tear up, this gave me flashbacks of the nurse's office the first day we met. I tried to push my emotions back but I eventually felt a tear roll down my cheek, I wasn't mainly sad though, it was more relief than anything else.

"..No... please don't be sad.. I'm okay..."

"It's not that, I'm just glad you're okay."

"Oh.. okay."

Socks smiled weakly at me, it's a shame he would miss Christmas, he seemed pretty enthusiastic about it all week. Unless..

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and messaged Socks's group chat, he didn't have his phone and probably wouldn't have it for a while so I didn't have to worry about the plans being spoiled.

Socks eventually found the strength to sit up and claimed it didn't hurt his wound, I didn't buy it, but I was happy to see he was doing better already. I stood by his bedside and talked to him, I guess there was nothing else I could really do.

Despite just coming out of surgery, Socks seemed completely happy, almost like nothing had happened. Two nurses walked in the room, holding IV tubes, they said that they needed to start giving Socks the IV fluid, he looked nervous when hearing that they would use a needle.

I grabbed his hand and made him look at me while they were inserting the IV in his arm, I had volunteered at a clinic on summer for some income, and that was a trick that people used on kids often. I guess it works on almost-adults too.

I could see slight discomfort when they put in the needle, but he did really well considering he didn't get any pre-treatment for it. The two nurses left and I let go of Sock's hand, he still held onto my hand though, he looked really nervous now. I assured him that they didn't need to give him any more needles.



"Uhm.. could you stay the night..?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know.. just ignore me I guess."

"No, you can feel or think whatever you'd like. And just so you know, I had complete intention of staying with you the full 2 weeks.."

"If I could hug you right now, I would." Socks laughed at his incapability to move much.

I carefully hugged him, trying not to tug at any wires or touch his stomach at all. He adverted his eyes and laid back down onto the bed, letting go of my hand, it was just then I realized how cold his hands were.

I checked my phone.. 10:34pm, I wasn't even somewhat tired but Socks should be getting rest.

"Socks.. it's 10:30.. you should be getting to sleep."

"Heh.. okay. I'll try my best."

I turned off the lights and curled up on one of the armchairs, I usually slept like this, so it was nothing new for me. I closed my eyes and started to drift off to sleep.

{Socks PoV}

I wanted to pull down the blinds, but I couldn't get out of bed. I could only sit myself up and wait for Blaza to wake up, that might take a few decades.

I guess I hadn't told him yet, but I was really grateful that he literally saved my life, if he didn't do anything, I would probably have bled to death.

Oh! That's right! It's Christmas today! I suppose the gang will be doing something at Ally's like they were talking about. That's alright, I'll just have to try my best to recover quickly!

Blaza started shifting around and eventually woke up, he looked confused for a second, and then for a second I saw a sad look across his face.

"Good morning, Blaza!"

"Good morning, Sunshine."


"Gah! Not what I meant to say."

We both laughed it off, Blaza hiding his face with his hands out of embarrassment.

"It's Christmas today! I wonder what everyone else is doing.."

As soon as I said that, Blaza checked his phone and smiled faintly, I had no clue why, and I didn't feel like asking. I heard knocking on the door, so Blaza got up and opened it. He stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him.

I was left in the room, just watching one of the monitors, I didn't like how these machines were actually inside me.. it was an unsettling thought.

After a while of trying to trace which wire connected my vitals to the machine, I saw the door open slightly. I heard whispering and then Blaza opened the door, bringing in a few chairs. That was odd.. but I guess I wouldn't question it..

I was about to say something when at least 10 people came through the door unexpectedly.

"Merry Christmas!!"

I couldn't help but breakout in a smile, seeing everyone go out of their way for me hit where it hurt the most. Not a bad hurt, though.

Most people sat down in the chairs Blaza had brought in, there was an awkward pause when there were no more chairs and Meme just sat on Tbh, but we brushed that off.

As our usual Christmas tradition, we had names in a hat and when that person got called, we would all give the gifts we had for that person to them.

This year would be no different, Joocie had brought the hat, and that's when I noticed the small mountain of gifts piled in the corner. It warmed my heart knowing everyone cared so much about eachother.

Everyone went silent when my heart monitor started going really fast. I felt somewhat embarrassed but it's not like my alarm clock where I could just throw it at a wall.

We started with the first name.

"Aaaannnd.. the lucky first person issss.. Woolf!"

Everyone got up, other than Woolf and looked for their gifts to him. I noticed my gift to him sitting near the edge so I asked Tbh to bring it with him.

This went on for a while, sooner than later, we had done Ally's turn, Joocie's turn, Woolf's turn, Oof's turn, Muffin's turn and Nadwe's turn. There were a few people outside of the country that couldn't make it.

Blaza got called next, he immediately got flustered when everyone got up. That's when I realized I may have hid my gifts for him a little too well, they weren't anywhere among the remaining gifts. I winced at the thought it might be sort of weird that I didn't give him anything.. but it wasn't intentional! I could give them to him as soon as I was discharged from the hospital.

The next while went by, almost everyone had left, except Blaza, Meme and Tb who decided they would stick around for a while.

"We should have a picnic or something when Socks is better!" Meme said, sounding to optimistic.

"Love what about the weather?" Tbh said as he looked through the weather forecast.

"One, I didn't think of that when I said it. And two, STOP CALLING ME THAT!!"

I had an idea, although Blaza would have to leave the room for me to say it to the two..

"Uhm.. I'm going to the bathroom.. I'll be right back."

Hehe! The perfect scheming opportunity!

Once Blaza had left, I pitched my idea to the two lovebirds.

"How about we have a picnic for Blaza's birthday?"


"Lower your volume.." Tbh murmured, looking disturbed.

I don't know if he had a coffee or what, but Meme was unusually hyper today. He was normally very sleepy and had his head in the clouds. Mabye he got too rilled up from earlier..

The two left after Blaza came back, Meme shot me a wink before leaving with a devious look on his face.


Hey! It's me! Craig!! Sorry for the cliffhanger, this chapter was getting a bit too long. But you know what I did?

Ignore how low-quality the monitor is 😭

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