chapter fifteen | sugar cookie tea

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We reach the Bangtan home in record time, I doubt Yoongi took his foot off the gas for the entire drive. Judging by the pale tone of his face, this only confirms my suspicions.

The other constant that held true throughout the drive was Hobi's gentle touches and insistent to hold hands. He whispers comforting words into my ear before embarrassment seeped through his words and apologizing in a hushed tone for smothering me. I didn't feel burdened or annoyed by this, in fact, it was his low chatter and repeated questions about if I was okay was one of the driving forces that kept me from falling apart at the seams.

I wanted him to hold me, I wanted him to be near me.

In a selfish way, I wanted all of Hobi's attention. I wanted him to brush my hair from my face and continue to comfort me with the sound of his voice. It's such a lovely voice, I realize as Yoongi parks the car.

Namjoon leaves the car first, stepping out in the pouring rain and disappearing into the darkness. Yoongi twists his body to look back at us with worry shining in his eyes. His lips form a tight line as he studies me. "Are you sure you're okay?" he asks.

I nod at him, unbuckling my seatbelt. "Yeah, just a little shaken."

Hobi opens his door and casts me a lasting look. "This shouldn't have happened," he says so quietly I almost didn't hear him. "This shouldn't have happened to you..."

I swallow hard and force myself to smile at him. It feels wrong to try to pretend like the kidnapping didn't scare the absolute hell out of me. Yet I find myself repeatedly trying to convince them that I am alright and that I wasn't scared.

I don't want to embarrass myself any further if that makes any sense. Maybe it doesn't. Maybe I am lying to myself and forcing myself to fit into a mold of being a strong person. Forcing myself to mask my emotions in an attempt to recapture what was normal. Once again, I find myself rejecting change.

"It's the past now," I reply softly, opening my door. "It's done, and we're safe now." My statement feels hollow. I don't believe myself but that doesn't stop me from trying.

The soft light reflecting in Hobi's eyes dims as he looks over me. He doesn't believe me either.

We leave the safety and warmth of the car and step out into the violence of the storm. I turn my face away from the brunt of the wind, blinking away falling rain as if they were tears. I search the darkness for a beat before locating the apartment door. On shaky legs, I run to the door and skip up the wet steps.

Namjoon opens the door and allows the golden light from within to spill out, slicing through the pitch black around us. He hurries instead and kicks off his soaked shoes. He runs his hand through his damp hair before flattening it down on his head. He casts us a worried look but before he could speak, the door from upstairs opens with a loud bang.

"They're back!" Jimin shouts from above. The sound of pounding footsteps echoes through the staircase corridor and Jimin appears around the corner. He stares down at us with wide eyes, gripping the edge of the railing. "Are you okay, Fin? Namjoon told us what happened!"

I nod weakly and slip off my own shoes. "I'm okay now, they came just in time."

"Who was it?"

"I have no idea..." Shivers travel down my spine and my hand moves unconsciously to the lower region of my stomach. I shake my head quickly and drop my hand, letting it swing at my side. "They rammed into my car and took me to the trainyard. I didn't see much of them."

Jimin's eyes go wide. "Do we need to take you to the hospital?"

"No no, I'm alright. I just need to rest for a minute."

Hobi frowns, his lips forming an upside-down triangle. "If that's what you want us to do, we can but if you start feeling dizzy, we are going to the hospital."

I hesitate to argue with him but I realize it would be futile, and dumb if I really did have a life-threatening injury. He is looking out for me, and if he wants to do that then I should let him. I press my lips together and nod, "Alright."

"Let's get her upstairs, you look like you're freezing," Jimin urges and motions for me to come up the stairs.

I walk up the stairs in silence, my mind still reeling from prior events yet no words appear in my mind. I am beginning to find it difficult to continue talking with them; maybe it's exhaustion, or shock. I don't know how long I will be able to hold out.

I don't think I should pass out here. Somehow it feels rude, and Hobi hasn't really mentioned that I should stay the night. On the other hand, my car is totaled and I couldn't get ahold of my parents because they keep their phones on sleep mode. It hurts that they didn't answer, but I understand why.

Jimin opens the door for us and rushes into the warmly lit living room. The moment we enter the apartment, heads poke up from the couch and stare at us with gaping mouths. Wide awake with blankets over their shoulders sits Jungkook, Taehyung, and Seokjin.

Jin stands from the couch first and comes to my aid. "Hey, are you alright? Namjoon told us what happened on the phone..." he asks worriedly, taking off his blanket and placing it on my shoulders.

I hold the edges of the blanket and nod shyly. "Yes, I'm alright now."

"We are heating up some water," Jin explains, gesturing towards the kitchen. "What kind of tea do you like? We have sugar cookie, peach, and I think some peppermint."

"Could I try the sugar cookie?" I ask curiously.

Jin nods. "Of course." He flashes me a teasing smile, "Or I wouldn't be offering, you know."

I chuckle quietly and nod. "Got it."

Yoongi and Namjoon enter the apartment next, still drenched in rainwater and mud, with heavy exhaustion in their eyes. Jin leaves us and goes back into the kitchen to make tea for me. Hobi comes right behind him and stands by my side as if he was determined to stay close to me.

"I have some clothes you can change into," Hobi offers as he gently rests his hand on my shoulder. "Are you comfortable with staying here for the night? I can give you my room."

"I don't want to kick you out..."

"It's completely fine, don't worry about me," Hobi shakes his head and waves his hand at me. "You are all that matters right now."

My heart skips a small beat and I feel a soft warmth fill my chest. "Oh," I whisper with a fond look in my eyes. "Thank you..."

Jungkook approaches me from the couch, sparing a look for the two older boys, and then refocuses on me. "I'm glad you're okay. If you need anything, we're here for you," he says quietly.

"Thank you, Jungkook."

Hobi smiles warmly at the youngest and reaches over to fluff his hair. "Aww you're so cute, Jungkookie," he dotes.

Jungkook doesn't pull away and leans up into Hobi's hand like a puppy accepting pets. He smiles softly and enjoys the touch before taking Hobi's hand and placing it against his chest. The boys share a smug look before Hobi giggles, breaking the silence. In a sweeping motion, Hobi wraps his arm around Jungkook and pulls him into his chest, cuddling him for a moment, before releasing him. "Guess you can't sleep in my bed tonight," he teases.

Jungkook chuckles, his dark eyes sparkling with adorable energy. "Probably not. Maybe you and I can steal somebody else's bed."

Hobi grins in return, "Maybe Jin hyungie?"

"NO!" Jin shouts from the kitchen.

"Am I interrupting something?" I ask tentatively, smirking at the two boys.

They laugh together and shake their heads in unison. Hobi slips his hand in mine and knocks his shoulder into mine, "No no, we're just like that."

I nod in understanding, "You all are so close... I know I probably said it earlier but it's true."

Jungkook nods in agreement. "Yeah. We've been together for a long time."

"Let's get some clothes," Hobi tells me and leads me down the hallway, towards the bedrooms.


"You look so cute in my clothes..." Hobi comments in soft awe as his eyes wander across my outfit. He stands in the doorway of his bedroom, holding my soaked clothes in his hands and ready to take them to the washing machine. They should be ready by morning.

I fight my smile as I wrap my arms around the curve of my waist. "Thanks," I answered trying not to look so flustered. I am wearing an oversized gray t-shirt with a pair of black sweatpants. The t-shirt hem reaches my mid-thigh, it's one of those shirts that are supposed to be oversized and extra comfy. I try not to think of how it smells like him and how good he smells; that's an embarrassing secret to keep to myself.

I look over his bedroom once again and find nothing has changed since this afternoon. It is still as neat as before aside from the stuffed animals on his bed being spread around his pillow instead of sitting at its base. The curtains are closed now, and the room is lit with a soft light. Quiet shadows are cast from his figurines on their shelves and give his bedroom a child-like appearance yet the black furniture indicates that he's simply an adult with happy memories of the past, or still holds onto that sweet innocence.

My mug of tea sits on the edge of his desk with a black coaster underneath it. It is still burning hot but its smell is heavenly, traces of sugar cookies lace its steam.

Hobi glances around his room once more and reenters. He opens his closet and picks out a pair of pajamas for himself. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call for us. We're here if you need it."

"Thank you so much..."

Hobi turns to me and his eyes sadden for a moment. "I... I'm really happy you're safe, Fin. I don't know what I would have done..." He looks down at the ground for a beat. "And thank you... for not..."

I nod at him. "No worries, I understand."

"You do?"

I nod at him. "Of course. We don't have to talk about tonight. Let's rest," I suggest lightly. I don't know if I have the strength to stay awake for much longer.

"Oh, right right..." Hobi says hurriedly as if embarrassed. He begins to walk to the door but pauses again. "I..." he looks over his shoulder, "just know that I'm here for you. I don't like leaving you alone here, but you're safe..."

"I mean..." I trail off as a strange request formed in my mind. What if he stayed...? We're dating now, but... is that even allowed? Wait second, I can't just ask him to stay with me like that. I don't have that right, it's too early for that. At least I think it is.

"Yes?" he asks hopefully.

"Nevermind." I smile apologetically, "It's alright. Don't worry. I'll be safe here."

Hobi nods at me, though the reluctance in his eyes does not go unnoticed. "Sleep well and have sweet dreams, Fin."

"You too, Hobi."

With that, he leaves the bedroom and shuts the door quietly behind him.

I am all alone once again, yet it doesn't feel so lonely. I know I am in a house filled with people, brothers who love each other. I am safe here in this wonderful home, surrounded by friendly faces. I am glad I didn't go to my apartment alone. I would have never been able to fall asleep there.

Here... it's so comforting to know there are people wanting to help me.

I press my hand against my heart, realizing I am smiling to myself. I chuckle quietly, amused by my fondness towards Hobi and his brothers. Everything is changing so quickly. And yes, I do reel from these sudden changes but Hobi has such a way of making me feel pleasant and content that the changes don't feel so terrifying anymore.

I sit down on his bed and memories of this afternoon come to mind. I reminiscence in our moment together, in our shy conversation about love as I wait for my tea to cool off.

Though as the lazy minutes tick by, I find myself laying down on Hobi's bed. Stretching my legs out across his sheets and resting my head on his spare pillow. I sink down into the mattress and feel the tension in my body finally ease away. Faintly, I hear the boys' voices from downstairs but it doesn't bother me in the slightest.

I am not alone here.

And I drift to sleep before I could drink my tea.

A/N: I wrote this chapter with a soft smile on my face and I gave myself the warm fuzzies by imagining J-Hope's tender look and nudges... ahhhh it makes me so happy! I hope you guys enjoyed it as well! I wrote this in an hour because I felt bad that I haven't updated in a while. THIS IS FOR YOU, EVA! I love you all and remember to take good care of yourselves!

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