chapter twenty-six | the love shot

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The forest smells of distant rain and sappy pine needles. There is clarity in the air that relaxes the anxiety in my mind and allows me to take a free breath. I absorb the pure energy of nature as I walk down the winding dirt path. I carefully place my foot down and avoid protruding roots and rocks that stick awkwardly from the ground.

Hobi sticks to my side like glue while the rest of the boys run ahead. They talk excitedly amongst each other about what animal they could take in a fight. They've already omitted the usage of their werewolf selves and spoke about what their human form could take. 

Their debates have explored bears, tigers, foxes, and even an alpaca which Jin thinks could be quite violent if it wanted to.

His hand finds mine as we walk on the beautiful trail. Hobi squeezes it gently and gives me a soft look. "This will be fun."

I smile in return and bump my shoulder against his. "Of course. It's never a boring moment with you or your pack."

Hoseok's cheek becomes more defined as he smiles more. "It's even more fun with you, Fin." He faces me and leans close as we walk. "I don't know if you know how much it means to me that you don't care what I am... or what we are..." he adds softly.

I nod in understanding. Meanwhile, my heart is pounding from our closeness. Heat floods my cheeks as his lips gently brush over the tip of my nose.

"Of course," I answer, scarcely breathing.

The sound of the boys grows fainter as they head deeper into the forest. Their voices and chattering fade from my ears and soon there is only the sound of Hobi's soft breath and the calls of birds over our heads.

Hobi and I stop walking.

There is a new atmosphere surrounding us. The first buds of our relationships are in bloom and I am already daydreaming about how it'll grow. How we'll come to know each other better, and fall in love in ways we didn't expect.

I didn't realize how easy it was to fall until I did.

If I would have asked myself about the possibility of falling in love... I would have dismissed myself without a second thought. Love was so foreign and distant from the realm of my understanding. And now... love feels like a newfound best friend.

A bartender and a barista.

Hoseok pulls back slightly with adoration in his caramel brown eyes. He places his hand underneath my jaw and moves his fingers across my cheekbone. He gazes into my eyes and smiles. "I wouldn't mind that."

I smile shyly in return and lean into his touch.

"My sun and stars."

"Moon of my life..." he replies.

"We're absolutely stealing that for ourselves," I say with a flicker of pride.

He giggles and nods. "Yes, we are." Then he leans forward and kisses me softly. My heart melts as his hands move to my hips. They rest at my sides and pull me closer to him.

With my eyes closed, I lean forward and kiss him back.


The spot the boys found is beautiful. It is a hidden corner of the forest with large branches to overhang the small clearing. The grass in the clearing is delicately soft and tickles my skin as I settle into it. Jin has laid out a large blanket on the ground and has begun to unpack the containers of food from the backpacks they brought.

The younger three of the group search underneath rocks for worms. It is such a childish activity that brings a smile to my lips. They have been comparing the worms to see who found the longest one. Jimin appears to be in the lead judging by his huge smile and constant giggles as he teases Taehyung and Jungkook about their worm sizes.

Hoseok sits close to my side, holding my hand, and leaning against me. His eyes are closed as he breathes in the scents of the wilderness, living the moment to its fullest.

Nearby, Yoongi and Namjoon quietly discuss plans for the restaurant. Yoongi pours a small amount from the fun flask into a paper cup and hands it to Namjoon while listening intently. Namjoon talks about his feelings toward the restaurant's future, and his gratefulness for everyone's support.

Hobi opens his eyes and lays a small kiss on my cheek. I smile warmly at his touch and lean more on him.

He chuckles and lifts my tattooed arm up to his lips. Then he kisses each blossom tattooed onto my arm, traveling up my skin in a tantalizing pattern. He does it in such a seductive and mesmerizing way that leaves me an absolute blushing mess.

"Hobi..." I sigh as his pretty lips form a cupid smile.

"Fin, you're so beautiful."

"Thank you," I whisper with a heated face.

"Right in front of my salad," Yoongi says quietly.

We turn and see Namjoon and Yoongi staring back at us with eyes alight with teasing.

Hoseok gives him a sappy smile, "Don't choke on it, hyung."

Namjoon laughs loudly and smacks his hand down on a plate, almost sending the food flying. Yoongi rolls his eyes while smiling to himself. "You two are pretty cute together, but let's not make the whole pack jealous."

"You stole our sunshine," Seokjin pouts but his eyes are twinkling with amusement. "Who will go drinking with me now?"

"Still me, hyung," Hoseok replies smoothly.

"Is the food ready?" Jungkook asks. He bounds over with a curious expression.

Jin pats the space beside him. "Almost! Might go a little faster if you helped." He gives Jungkook a smug look as he sits down, now successfully roped into helping.

The others soon gather around the picnic area and settle into their spots. We pass out plates of food to each other followed by silverware and cans of soda. We start eating and I am once again impressed by the masterful cooking skills of Seokjin and Yoongi.

I wish I had learned to cook full meals rather than packets of ramen and microwavable rice. I wonder if they would be up for teaching me.

When lunch is over, I lean back on one arm with a happy belly and sigh out loud with clear satisfaction. Namjoon has laid down on the grass with an equally content expression, occasionally patting his stomach. Hobi has already begun cleaning up the plates and reorganizing them back into the backpacks. 

Jungkook stands from the group and gives me a soft smile. "Hey Fin, do you want to see what I look like when I'm shifted?"

My eyes widen with curiosity. "Oo, yeah." Then I pause, "Wait does it hurt? You don't have to show me if it hurts."

Jungkook laughs, "No it doesn't hurt. It's easy as breathing..." He pulls off his shirt and casually tosses it onto Jimin's head. Jimin shouts in protest and quickly throws the shirt back at Jungkook as he walked away from us.

Jungkook had a fit body, as expected. His sleeve of tattoos covered his entire arm with some spillover onto his shoulder. He had such a beautiful sleeve with complex patterns and symbols. I still wonder what they all mean if they have meaning at all. Sometimes one can get a tattoo simply because it looks cool, and that's completely valid.

Not everything in life needs a significant meaning. It is only meant to be fun and enjoyed to its fullest. The purest of happiness can be found in these very moments.

He gave me a shy look over his shoulder. It is such a contrasting expression and so very Jungkook.

Then his body begins to transform before my very eyes. My brain couldn't comprehend the shift but it understood when Jungkook had completed his transformation. Standing before me was a large wolf. Larger than a normal one. He had thick black fur with a sturdy build. His paws were huge. For a moment, I feel a flicker of fear as I stare at the large animal.

Then he locks his gaze with mine and I see Jungkook.

I see him in his starry puppy dog eyes and the curves of his face. I would recognize those big peepers anywhere.

"That's amazing..." I say in awe.

Hoseok looks up from his cleaning and giggles. "Aww Jungkookie... You're so cute!" He stands and walks over to him. He throws his arms around Jungkook's neck and hangs on him.

"You should shift too, hyung," Jimin encourages. He meets my gaze with a sly smile, "Aren't you curious about what he looks like?"

I nod eagerly. I stand up from the ground, still full of food, and approach them. "If you're comfortable with that, of course," I tell Hobi. I don't want him to feel pressured, but I am very curious.

Hoseok releases Jungkook from his loving grip as I come close. He takes my hand and makes a slightly uncomfortable face. "Are you sure about that?"

"You don't have to if you don't want to," I remind him. "But I would love to see it."

Jimin looks between us in confusion. "Why won't you, hyungie?"

Hoseok looks between us with a reluctant expression. "I guess I'm worried that it'll change your view of me. Having a werewolf for a boyfriend isn't normal. I think I'm just surprised how well you're taking it."

"Being a werewolf doesn't make me love you any less. It is part of you, and I love all of you. Bartender, early-riser, werewolf, it's all the Hoseok that I know and fell in love with."

Hoseok's eyes soften and his body relaxes in one motion. "Thank you, Finley. That means so much to hear..." Then he stands up and pulls off his shirt.

My heart flutters at the sight of his lean body, illuminated by the afternoon sun.

"Ready?" he asks over his shoulder.


Then he transforms into a large wolf. His thick fur is a similar color to his brown hair with some darker streaks. He retains a lean body structure with sharp features. He turns and I feel my heart warm with emotion.

It's my Hobi.

Although a little shy, he tilts his head to one side and steps toward me. I walk up to him and gently lay my hand on him. "You're beautiful," I tell him sincerely.

He closes his eyes and lowers his chin. I press my forehead against his and stay close to him for a moment, simply enjoying his company.

"Today was perfect," I add softly. "Thank you for bringing me here, and thank you for taking a chance on me.

If someone had asked me where my life was headed a few weeks ago, I would have told them that my life started and ended with Hallowed Grounds. I would be chronically single without a care in the world. Relationships would distract me from the life I built for myself. But I forgot the whole point of living a fulfilled life in the process.

The routine I filled my life with was healthy, yes, but I used it as a crutch to distract the crushing loneliness I felt. I was too reliant on those crutches and too afraid to step out of the boundaries I created for myself.

Like a barista focusing on one style of coffee for the rest of her life. Never learning to experiment and try new techniques. There are many ways to make one cup of coffee and it requires a small shot of courage to try new ways.

Hoseok shifts back into a human and Jimin scurry over with a blanket in his outstretched hand. Hobi wraps it around his waist and ties a knot at the side. His eyes are glittering with expectation, "You like it?"

"Of course," I replied emphatically. "Better for cuddling."

He cradles my face in his delicate hands and smiles, leaning close. "For cuddles... good..." He breathes in slowly and brushes his nose over mine. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Now kiss," Jimin whispers from behind us.

We giggle, mildly embarrassed by our small audience, and look back at them with shy smiles.

Namjoon is grinning while trying to cover Taehyung's innocent eyes. Jin smiles fondly with a small curve of his lips. Jungkook, still a wolf, has settled beside Jimin with his head resting on his paws. Jimin leans back against Jungkook's body, lightly petting his fur.

Meanwhile, Yoongi has laid out on the picnic blanket with a look of endearment. He gestures to us lightly with his fingers. "Go ahead, lovebirds."

"Sounds like a plan," Hobi says. He gazes at me and nods. "Kisses?"

I blush at the adorable request and nod. "Yes. Kisses, all you want."

We kiss. And we kiss again. And soon he's peppering kisses on my rosy cheeks and whispering how beautiful I am, and how much he loves me. And in the beautiful afternoon light, everything falls into place within my heart.

Absolute peace and love fill my entire body.

The beautiful smile of eight in the morning, and his radiant soul of kindness.



A/N: Thank you all for this wonderful journey! I am so happy that you stayed until the end! I know this ending feels a bit sudden, but I didn't want to force things anymore. Radiant was a happy little project that I didn't really plan on becoming popular!

If you have been reading these notes and watching my announcements, you'll know that Radiant took several attempts to write. The original idea for Radiant soon became Winter of Orphic Love so as you can imagine, I favored WOL because it was what I wanted. Still, I did enjoy this short fluffy story!

But thank you for reading and for all of your wonderful comments! I hope that you remember Finseok whenever you walk into a cafe or see a coffee-infused drink! Be sure to try out some of the drinks from the chapter titles! They are definitely worth a try! Comment your favorite drink down below!

Thank you again, and remember to take care of yourselves! <3

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