I Think I Wanna Marry You

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The Hazbin Hotel was buzzing with excitement, why? Because this was the wedding of Alastor, the Radio Demon, and Angel Dust, the former porn star. Charlie had been working non-stop just to make the hotel perfect for Alastor and Angel's special night. Angel even invited his mafia family to come to the wedding. He patched things up with his father shortly after Alastor had freed him from Valentino. Angel's mother even came down from heaven just to see her youngest getting married. I know what you're thinking, how did the Radio Demon land Hell's most popular porn star?

Alastor had his shadows keep an eye on Angel Dust whenever he would leave for work for long days. One of Alastor's shadows found Angel just outside the porn studio covered in bruises, bloody cuts, and a black eye. He would have killed himself if Alastor's shadow hadn't brought him back to the hotel, more like teleporting Angel into Alastor's arms. Angel had been swooning over Alastor ever since. Alastor had been doing little cheesy romantic things for Angel when he had a bad day. Cute love notes, bouquets in Angel's room, even watching Fat Nuggets for Angel.

But the biggest romantic gesture that Alastor did for Angel was when he went to the porn studio and threatened Valentino to give up Angel's contract to him. Angel was so happy that he kissed Alastor on the lips on impulse. Angel was so embarrassed; he knew Alastor didn't like physical contact. But to his surprise, Alastor pulled him in for another kiss, and sparks flew. They started to go on cute little dates for about two years. Alastor convinces Angel to introduce him to his family. Angel hadn't spoken to his family in over seventy years. But Alastor talked Angel into making up with his family.

He met Arackniss and Molly where were Angel's siblings and Henroin, Angel's father during a family dinner. Henroin was impressed to know about Alastor's killing broadcasts. Henroin and Angel reconnected like old times before all the abuse. Angel even learned that Arackniss was gay as well and dating none other than Sir Pentious. As annoyed as Angel was, he did support Arackniss; especially when he gave Pentious a "little" chat. Though Arackniss and Henroin did threaten Alastor that if he hurt Angel or broke his heart, the two of them would make him wish that he was dead.

(Flashback to five months ago)

Alastor went to visit Henroin without Angel; it was a personal matter. Though he didn't count on Arackniss and Molly being there as well. "Alastor, what brings you here?" Molly asked.

"I was hoping to have a word with Don Henroin." Alastor stated before eyeing the siblings, "Alone."

Arackniss had to drag Molly out of the room so Henroin and Alastor could talk. But that didn't stop Molly from listening in from behind the door and forcing Arackniss to join in. "As I'm sure you are aware, your son and I have been together for two years," Alastor stated.

"Of course," Henroin said.

"I wanted to ask for your blessing to marry Angel," Alastor said.

Before Henroin could even answer, Molly burst into the room, squealing with joy and jumping up and down like a kid on a sugar high. "What the...?"

"It was her idea." Arackniss bluntly stated.

"Oh, stop it, Nissy," Molly said before hugging Alastor tight and spinning him around. "It's about time! Oh, Angie is gonna be so surprised!"

"Molly. Let the poor guy breathe." Henroin spoke out.

Molly finally put Alastor down as he straightened himself out. After he fixed himself, Henroin pulled out a black ring box from his desk and handed it to Alastor. Alastor opened it and inside was a beautiful golden ring with a flawless cut diamond. "This was my wife's." Henroin stated, "She wanted to give this to one of our kids when one of them was getting married. It would mean a lot to Anthony if you proposed with it."

"I always thought Nissy would be the one to get married first," Molly commented.

"And I told you that Penn and I are taking things slow," Arackniss argued.

"Or you're just a scaredy cat." Molly teased.

"Non sono un gatto spaventoso!" Arackniss shouted in Italian. "Tu e Anthony siete la mia morte."

"Siamo già morti, idiota." Molly argued in Italian.

"That's enough, you two!" Henroin shouted which got Molly and Arackniss to quit arguing.

The three of them insisted that they go with Alastor to the hotel; mostly because Arackniss wanted to see the look on Angel's face when Alastor proposed. Alastor took Angel up to the roof of the hotel. That caught Charlie's attention: her curiosity got the better of her and ended up dragging the rest of the gang up to the roof. Alastor sat down beside Angel who was giggling up a storm. "Ok, Smiles, what's going on?" Angel asked.

"Oh, nothing my darling. I just wanted to make sure that we were alone for this." Alastor stated, hiding his doubts.

"Oh, why is that? Another one of your voodoo deals, Al?" Angel teased.

Alastor chuckled at Angel's joke then he got down on one knee and presented the ring to Angel. The former porn star had tears of joy streaming down his face seeing his mother's wedding ring. "Angel Dust DelRagno, will you marry me?"

"YES!" And he tackled his boyfriend-now-fiancé with a kiss on the lips. Alastor was taken by surprise by the tackle but soon wrapped his arms around the spider's waist and kissed him back.

And of course, the hidden peanut gallery had popped out of nowhere and was gushing over how cute those two were.

(Wedding Night)

The hotel had been prepping everything for the wedding with Charlie in charge of making sure everything was perfect. She hired I.M.P as bodyguards for the big night in case Valentino had the nerve to wreck the wedding. Ozzie, Fizz, and even Stolas showed up for the big event. Cherri and Molly were Angel's bridesmaids while Husker and Arackniss were Alastor's best men, Angel even had Fat Nuggets as the ring bearer. Before the ceremony began, Charlie did a final check of everything to make sure that nothing went wrong. Soon all the guests were getting into their seats waiting for the wedding to start.

In Angel's room, he was experiencing pre-wedding jitters as his mother, Niffty, and Vaggie were helping him get ready. "Sweetie, everything is going to be fine. The wedding is going to be perfect." Angel's mother assured him.

Niffty dabbed away the tears from Angel's face to prevent any of his makeup from running and being ruined. Angel was finally ready for the wedding, then he walked out of his room as Vaggie, his mother, and Niffty went to their seats. Henroin was waiting for Angel to walk him down the aisle. "You look just like your mother on our wedding night, Anthony." Henroin complimented.

"Pops, did you ever get nervous when you and Mama got married?" Angel asked.

"Let's put it this way, I almost locked myself in the room that night," Henroin stated as Angel chuckled.

"You? No way. I don't believe it."

"Ask your mother. But when I saw her walk down the aisle, all those doubts went away. And I knew she was the one for me."

The sound of the wedding march began to play, Angel took his father's hand as the two of them began to walk down the aisle. The minute, Alastor saw Angel in the light pink and white wedding dress with a red rose in his hair and a veil that covered his face, Alastor almost forgot how to breathe. Angel handed his bouquet of roses to Cherri as he held hands with Alastor. Charlie was the one who was officiating the wedding as Princess of Hell. A few guests including Molly were trying so hard not to cry. Alastor and Angel exchanged vows then they put the rings on each other.

"With the power vested in me Charlie, Princess of Hell. I now pronounce you both husband and husband." Charlie stated, "You may now kiss the bride."

Alastor lifted the veil from Angel's face then the two of them shared the most romantic kiss. All the guests clapped, cheered, or cried as the newlyweds shared the kiss. Soon the reception was held with everyone chatting, dancing, or eating. Alastor, Angel, and the family did wedding photos together. The cake was half real cake and meat cake for Alastor's cannibal nature. A few demons did eat the meat side of the cake. Then came the slow dance for the wedded couple and some other couples joined in the dance. Alastor and Angel even took turns dancing with family members as well.

Then came the bouquet toss; many single demons crowded around ready to catch the bouquet. "Hey Angie! See if you could aim for Nissy! He needs all the help he can get!" Molly shouted.

Arackniss gave his sister a death glare, "I hate you." he muttered.

Angel finally tossed the bouquet in the air as lots of demons were shoving and trying to catch it. To everyone's surprise, two demons caught the bouquet at the same time. Both FizzaRolli and Blitz had caught the bouquet. "Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me!" Blitz complained.

Molly snapped her fingers in disappointment, she was hoping that Arackniss would be the one to catch the bouquet. "So close," she mumbled.

Well, to Arackniss's surprise, Pentious ended up popping the question with a beautiful ring. And Arackniss fainted when he saw that his boyfriend had proposed. "I called it! I told you; Penn would propose after the wedding without catching the bouquet!" Angel said to Molly with a grin.

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