I Need To Feel Him

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My Body felt so hot and I could feel the sweat running down my bare chest. My body had wanted to let out a loud groan one invoked by the powerful feelings that were burning inside me like a flame. Before I could Relieve my body of the strange knot feeling in my chest and my throat of the scream that itched to escape I was pulled awake by my brain. I Cursed my brain for waking me up as I looked in my mirror to see my face all red and beaded with sweat. My chest too, was covered in sweat and there seemed to be light scratch marks across my chest., that must've been me. I bit my lip as I looked down to find an uninvited friend standing high in my boxers. It was the first lewd dream I had ever had and it was of... HIM. God the very thought of him sent a shiver of sexual need up my spine. The dream must have been a great one because my lungs seemed to beg for air as if I had just run a marathon. There was a scratchy feeling.... It was in the back of my throat. My throat was sore, I must have been very..... vocal during that dream. The idea that others might have heard such lewd sounds coming from my mouth caused my face to heat up in embarrassment. The feeling of lust then overtook me again for a second as I brought my hand to my face. I lightly rubbed my bottom lip with my thumb rather sensually before removing my hand and biting my lip. I drew a little blood from my Dragon Slayer fangs, instead of not noticing it, or feeling an unpleasant pain, it seemed to... somehow... excite me more. Why in the bloody hell is this happening to me?! It was like I was overtaken by some hungry animal and it craved one thing.... Bodhi. I shook my head from the lewd thoughts and memories of the dream and rose to my feet. The boner in my pants made it rather difficult to change my clothes and once I pulled on my jeans I let out a groan I had intended to keep to myself, at the tightness in my pants. "God I really need this to go away." I grumbled before slapping my hand against my face and slowly sliding my hand down my face. I had experienced Morning woods for no reason, but this, this was caused by THAT dream. Thinking of it turned my face red again. Once again I shook the sexual memory out of my head and left my room. I don't know where the sense in visiting HIM after something like THAT happen, came from but I felt the need to. When I reached his room I gently knocked on his room. "Bodhi." I called rather quietly, so as to keep from awakening him if he was asleep. I had no answer, but acting on impulse , I opened the door. I thing these impulses that remained were from those strange feelings that danced inside me before. When I opened the door I found Bodhi standing in nothing but short shorts. With him so...exposed it only stirred up the sexual desire inside of me. I couldn't keep control of this need, this lust, this desire, it was welling up inside of me and my limit was already beginning to break. " Hey Daiki. why are you here?" Asked the firey headed male, before he casually stripped his shorts and got changed right there in front of me. GOD!.... Seeing him even more exposed standing in his underwear like that, it only cause the erection in my pants to stand up taller. I took in sharp breath as I felt my breath hitch in my throat. The scene put me in a temporary trance and I found myself mesmerized by the perfect figure of the male. I made no effort to look away as I memorized and studied his body. As he proceeded to get dressed I ran a hand through my white hair, gripping a hand full of it. I had to tug on something or I might lose control of myself, however i couldn't keep the needy groan from escaping my lips. After he finished dressing the young male turned to me, he seemed to hesitate in his spot for a moments before walking past me. I could've sworn he noticed my problem, but he didn't say anything about it. I mentally thanked him for that. " Let's go get breakfast. " the younger male proposed. The idea sounded fine to me I could use a distraction from these strange feelings. As we walked towards the lower deck to grab a bite to eat, Bodhi stopped in his tracks in front of me. Before I could look to where he was and see what it was that causing the sudden stop, I felt my self rub against him. His hand... It touched my....... Ehem, and caused Me to reflexively let out a groan of pleasure. If he didn't know why I was so dang horny before he would surely know now, but it would seem whatever had Bodhi's attention was doing a hell of a job and the younger male didn't even react to touching my hard on. How in contrast the 2 of us were. Bodhi, was standing before me pretty damn calm while I was slowly loosing ever ounce of self control. I've never even had sex but my body seemed to want it so badly, my instincts were active to guide me in the right direction. Before I could stop myself form acting on the sexual impulse my hand was already extended and I had already slapped the red head's ass. The response I got was an elbow to the gut, to be completely honest, being elbowed like that was something I needed, it pulled me out of those sexual feelings more. Standing before us was Rika, luckily the little action had happened right before she approached us or it would have surely made a lot of things awkward. After quite sometimes Me and Bodhi grabbed breakfast and Rika proposed going on a mission. I could use the cash and a distraction. The quest we had chosen to go on was a modeling type one, they wanted us to dress in various outfits and get pictures taken. It seeed I could calm the dirty feelings but I couldn't get rid of them, because the thought of seeing Bodhi in a swim suitt just made me want to snatch him up and take him somewhere private. After another long while we left for the mission, turns out we weren't the only one's to take the request. 2 other members of our guild, Idris and Ghost accepts it as well, annoyingly enough the Idris guy was a source of Bodhi's anger and I didn't care for anyone being angry today. When we got to the mission we were made to wear swim wear, formal wear, etc. The photographer moved around and snapped pictures and occasionally paired us up in pictures. In one particular picture the photographer seemed to want a picture of Me and Bodhi together. You see their was stories of me and Bodhi being Gay and Being together and it seemed to get a HELL of a lot of attention.... Especially from girls..... They called it Yaoi... I wondered what the bloody hell that weird ass word was, but I didn't care enough to find out. I was so angry, so VERY angry when Bodhi asked Rika to go out with him during the photoshoot. What was so much better about her that I didn't have? I grumbled these thoughts as I had a fist clenched in fury, however this didn't stop my sexual feelings that had been on high alert today. When he paired me and Bodhi together he had me stand directly behind Bodhi and have my arms wrapped around his waist with my chin on his shoulder. Bodhi had his hand one of my own and faced the same direction as me... Towards the camera. Between shots of the pose I impulsively bucked my hips lightly against the young male as I moved to teasingly bite the male's ear. Everyone was looking right at us but Bodhi blocked my lower half and it looked only as though I was whispering commentary into Bodhi's ear. It was times like these that I was glad Bodhi was such a Stoic, he didn't freak out when he felt me grinding against him lightly though I could've sworn I saw a light shiver run up his spine when I bit his ear it was so subtle it could've just been my imagination. Some demonic beast in me glanced up at Rika while doing such inappropriate things to her boyfriend an impish smirk that I hadn't noticed, made it's way onto my face. Soon the photo shoot was over and I confronted Bodhi about his relationship with Rika. " Bodhi can we talk? " I asked grabbing his wrist before he could retreat to the hotel with the others for the night. "I.... " I began pathetically as my gaze fell to the ground. "I don't want you and Rika to be together!" I sounded rather loudly as I began to feel more bold. My feelings for him were making me so brave, my heart.. it couldn't stand by and let them be together without at least trying to fight for the person I love. " I-.... I can't bare to see you with her, you-... You mean the world to me... You were the first person I got close to, and you've been with me since I brought you to fairytail. The first person I wanted to tell about my past, the first person I wanted to confide in when I was feeling weak. I hated it! I hated falling for you! It threw my heart into disarray and it made me want to change all my traditions and make new ones with you. I had been alone for years and then you somehow managed to sneak your way into my heart." By this point my words were shaky and I was practically shouting, I was too nervous to look him in the eyes. What could those blue-green orbs hold at what I was saying now? Those blue-green eyes that had stolen my heart forever ago. As I spoke I couldn't believe I had waited so long to say anything about my feelings. I knew the answer, i knew exactly why I hadn't said anything... I was scared... like I am now. Scared of running him off, scared of losing him to someone else. The idea of my fears coming true, god it crushed my heart, it was like my heart was being ran over by a truck. I don't want to live with this pain. My heart... It belongs solely to Bodhi, if he wouldn't take it, then this tightness in my chest....it will become normal, I would be feeling this everyday.... that scares me. " I know you don't feel very much emotion or express very much so this whole speech probably doesn't faze you in the slightest, but... I.. I need you, I don't wanna live in a world where I can't be with you And yea, that might be selfish but I want to be selfish! You are one thing I don't want to share with anyone, I'll share the clothes off my back with others but I won't, I can't share you. I..... I Love you Bodhi Ashroar! Maybe I sound like an emotional girl, or maybe I'm cliche, but I don't give Damn! I care so much about you, and if you don't believe me then I will shout it from the top of every mountain range until you do! I care so much, and I'm scared, I'm scared of your response, i'm scared of the thought of you not feeling the same, the thought of you only seeing me as a friend, i'm scared of the thought of never being with you and i'm scared of this confession, because if you don't feel the same then our friendship might not be the same now that you know this fact. Part of me wanted to keep these feelings to myself just in case you said no, but I know I need to relieve myself of this before I crumble. " I blabbered like the emotionally driven hopeless romantic I was. "Daiki.... Come with me. " he sounded so stoic and void of emotion. The words made my heart sink, how could he be so void of a reaction after that? But I knew him and I knew how he was, I didn't expect anything more for the scarlet haired kid before me. In silence I followed diligently after the younger teen as he seemed to lead me back to the hotel. "Where are we going? " I couldn't help but question as the sun began to set behind us, darkness setting in the sky all natural light behind us lighting our way as we travel further out of its light and further into the artificial light of the city. The younger teen continued to lead me in a similar direction to the hotel we had been registered for prior to the photoshoot. The path before us falling ever darker as we inched further from the light of the setting sun, and as the large orange celestial body sank further behind its curtain of trees. Once the sun's rays were no longer in sight we found ourselves before the white light of the extravagant hotel in which we were staying. If we were coming here why'd he ask me to follow him? I already knew the way here myself. This question danced around in my head for a lingering moments as the scarlet haired teen led me into the pale hallways of the lobby area. The walls a white and the fluffy carpet an eggshell sort of white. While my hair matched the walls Bodhi's stood in strong contrast to the lack of pigmentation in the lobby. We slowly grew nearer to the metallic doors of the elevator which also, in its own right contrasted the colors of the area. Bodhi lpressedd the indicated button to summon the thing and once it opened up, it revealed an empty metallic shell with vibrate red matting on it floor. This time my own hair contrasted the scene as we stepped into it and bodhi presses a button to his floor, when I moved to press my own button he stopped me. " no. " he sounded in that stoic voice that at this point held an attractive charm to it, to me. I yielded to his words and let him proceed to lead me in whatever curious plan his closed-off mind conceived. Finally we reached his floor and he made quick effort to lead me to his room. Ok, so maybe he was gonna talk to me about my confession? I wandered as an anxiety set in my heart and my pulse quickened. The prospect nerved me greatly, might I be rejected? All the worst outcomes flooded my thoughts with each step closer to the doom, and closer to the door that kept me concealed from a quick escape if such a result should occur. Soon enough I stood before the pale eggshell colored door frame leading to my grave. As my brain began to shut down a small beeping filed my ear as the red light on the door turned green when Bodhi slipped in his key card. The young male lead the way in and gesture for me to enter after him before closing the door behind me. I gulped as my hand began to sweat rivers, beads of sweat forming on my forehead. My heart beat quickening and rattling my ribs cage as my stomach began to twist and turn into knots. God I was scared, I was TERRIFIED of rejection, I questioned if I'd even be able to live with myself if this male so handsome yet so mysterious, were to deny me mutual feelings. As if sensing my distress the male placed his hand on top of mine. This male held so much control over me that even this mere gesture was immediately able to calm my nerves. My heart rate slowed and I slowly regained control of my breathing as I grabbed his hand just as he went to remove it. For a few fleeting seconds we stood their in a comfortable silence his hand in mine before finally he pulled his hand away from mine. What he did next took me by surprise. He moved both of his tanned hands to his white T-shirt slowly tugging it over his head revealed the attractive and toned muscles underneath. My breath caught in my throat as my gaze set on the gentle stretch and contraction of his muscles as he pulled the shirt off and threw it to the wooden floor. He didn't react to my gaze, though I'm POSITIVE he noticed it on him, as he continued onto his shoes and pants. I imagine I was standing there with wide eyes and my mouth hung open as I looked on the male with surprise. What on earth was he getting at? My innocent thoughts couldn't seem to find the answer but my instincts perhaps from being a dragon slayer seemed to know EXACTLY what was going on as the hard on from the morning returned. Once the shorter male discarded his pants his pursuits continued to his boxers. My heart rate quickened again and slowly that switch flipped again, the one that had caused me to be so possessive and sexual all day had flipped and I immediately moved to tear my own shirt from my chest. Bodhi's expression held no readable emotion but once he was stripped down to nothing those instincts, those impulses of whatever beast my conscience held rolled over ever part of my body, taking over every cell, every nerve as my arms wrapped around the tanned waist of the male and tossed him onto the bed. A faint lustful smirk spread on my lips as a small sort of squeak escaped the male's lips as he bounced once on the bed. It was cute but I knew Bodhi would perhaps deny it if I called it a squeak to his face.

With Him on the bed I crawled onto the bed on top of the younger male a devious smirk spread on my lips. It was like Bodhi was the Prey and I was the predator, though this was all purely instinctual

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