Prologue: Tortured Soul

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Fury's narration

Let me ask you something...

Does life suck for you? As feel like the universe hates you so much that it doesn't want you to have a single moment of happiness?

If so...welcome to the club, buddy. and me.

Ever since I came into life, reality has done nothing but give me the middle finger for even existing.

Don't believe me? Why don't I tell you my whole deal then?

First off, before I was even born, my grandfather was not confirmed dead or missing during the Great War, meaning they didn't even bother to check the whole world for whatever happened to him.

When I was born into this world, my mother came down with an illness that burdened her.

Can you imagine being cursed enough that your family is already dying before you were born?

How about imagine being 10 years old when your mother dies after giving birth to your little sister?

Is that not already enough for one guy to bear?

Or how about one big catastrophe taking away another family member?


Normal POV (Fury's Age: 10 years old)

A village west of Green Hill

It was a normal day there as people went about their day, doing work or playing with the children.

Kyle Howler, a young gray wolf, was playing hide and seek with his father.

His father peaks around the corner and finds him. "Found you!"

Kyle laughs at the funny face his dad made as he found him, hugging him after coming out.

His father chuckles with him and smiles. "Son, you know I love you, right?"

Kyle nods and nuzzles him. "Yeah dad. You say it all the time."

His father nods and returned the nuzzles. "I say it because I mean it."

Kyle asks him. "Dad, why do we have our stuff packed up?"

He responds back to him. "Because, we're going to move to a city soon to meet some family I knew when I was your age. They found a nice house that we can buy near them so we can visit them any time we want."

Kyle smiles. "Cool! I'm going to see what a city looks like!"

His dad chuckles at his excitement. "Just wait out here Kyle while I go check on your step mother."

Kyle nods as his tail wags. "Ok dad!"

He waits for his dad outside for the next few minutes, unaware of what was going to happen next.

The sky starts to darken as clouds form in some strange spiral, almost like some monstrous form of art.

Kyle was immediately scared as he saw what happened, not knowing what he was supposed to do.

Suddenly, a large portal appears in the sky, swirling in colors of blue and gold, showing great power from within.

The young gray wolf had to cover his eyes from the bright light that was covering the area, not able to handle the equivalent of a giant lighthouse nearly blinding him.

Soon after that, two balls of energy and light were hurled out of the portal, one gold and the other purple.

The bright objects moved at unbelievable speeds as they knocked each other around the village.

People run away as the balls crashed or rammed through the houses and huts of the village, demolishing them to the ground.

Kyle could only watch as they went around as fast streaks, circling, hitting and knocking each other.

Kyle's step mother came out to see what her step son was doing, equally shocked like him at the destruction around them.

She then looks and sees Kyle frozen in fear and gets on top of him to shield him from the carnage.

There's barely any warning as one of the energy spheres is knocked straight into the hut, blasting both of them into a rock and knocking them out.

30 minutes later...

Kyle wakes up and sees the hut is completely demolished, no sign of their former home and their possessions.

He spots his step mother on her knees in front of a body, weeping in pain at whatever she was seeing.

Kyle runs over to her. "Mom! Where's dad?"

Upon looking into the crater that was his former home, he saw a sight that scarred him.

Kyle holds his step mother's arm. "Mom! Let's get a doctor! Now!"

His step mother looks down at what was left of her husband. "I...checked his pulse.....he's gone....."

Kyle tears up and shook his head. " can't......."

The young wolf couldn't take the news and ran away from the place, letting the long stream run from his eyes.

It was only until he reached a lake that he stopped and noticed something.......different about himself.

His fur was completely green, like that of an emerald.

When he tried to rub water on the green, it didn't work.

He then realized that whatever killed his father gave him his new look.

But there were still unanswered questions as to what took everything from him on that miserable day.


Fury's narration

Ok...maybe that part of my past was a little bit overkill to compare to "normal" people...

But you get my point, right?

It's so easy to go about your early years thinking the world is all sunshine and rainbows...

...only for tragedy to come along and tell you that the world doesn't revolve around you.

I guess what makes my drama worst is that I have a permanent scar from the enemy.

I learned in my teen years that multiple realities exist, meaning that there's another version of somebody out there.

My hunch was that whoever destroyed my home and scarred me was the evil doppelgänger of someone powerful.

That's the only explanation for things like portals and objects moving faster than light around the place.

Not that what I found out mattered at the moment, but part of me desperately wanted revenge.

Can you imagine being reminded of who changed you forever taunting you in your dreams, laughing at you and saying how pathetic you are?

After we buried my dad, me and my sister moved with my step mom to Westopolis to try to start over.

My step mom worked herself hard to keep a roof over us, having to work back to back jobs just to make sure we had food on the table.

She was never the same emotionally either.

In the night she was miserable, but she was completely cheerful in the mornings and most of the day.

I never understood my mom's creepy attitude changes as a kid, sometimes scared of her on occasion.

But it didn't take long during our two year stay at the city for another scar to mark it's way onto me.


Normal POV (2 years since anomaly)

Westopolis Streets

Kyle was with his step mother heading home after watching a movie at the theater.

He ran around her in excitement. "Did you see how he flew in there and knocked him down? That was awesome!"

His mother giggles at Kyle's energetic emotions. "It was nice to see. Did you have fun seeing it?"

Kyle nods with a big smile. "Yeah! Thanks mom!"

The two walks down the streets on their way back home for the night.

It was getting dark, so they decided to use alleyways as shortcuts, though this was a big mistake.

They were almost home when someone blocked their path, wearing a hoodie, jeans and shoes as he starred at them.

The figure tells Kyle's mother something. "Where's the reward? You know how the business goes."

The mother's eyes widened as she got protectively in front of Kyle. "I-I don't have it with me now....just give me another month and I'll give whatever it is."

The guy shakes his head as he pulls out a pistol. "Times up, babe. No more excuses."

Kyle shivers in fear at the sight of the metal weapon pointed at him and his mother, the fear in he could see in her eyes being enough to realize that there was no certainty in this situation.

His mother nearly screams at the guy as tears stream down her face like what happened two years ago. "Don't do this, I have two kids to watch over!"

The figure says something that would stay with Kyle for the rest of his life.

"You should've thought about that first before you made the choice."


Kyle falls over, thinking that was he because he was shot, but the body falling on top of him gave another answer.

He watches in horror as his mother falls down from being shot, the gunman running away after having done the deed.

Unlike the movies, however, this was real...

Kyle was on his knees in front of his mother's lifeless form, trying to do something to help her.

He even tries in a vain attempt to get the bullet out of her body, but it was all for nothing.

Kyle let's rivers fall from his eyes as police sirens could be heard coming to the alleyway, someone apparently having called them there.

But the sounds around the boy were drained out as he registered the loss he was just given.


Fury's narration

After that, me and my sister were brought to an orphanage.

The bad guy got away scot free from his crimes, leaving a destroyed family in his wake.

You can imagine how many times I prayed that there would be a superhero to go catch the guy who killed my last parent.

Heck, I would even take an antihero as the guy who got revenge for me.

But no one answered my pleas for help in any part of my life.

I wasn't there long, with the Robinsons hearing what happened and decided to take me in.

But...they were unable to secure the right to adopt my little sister.

There was a law at that time stating that you were not allowed to have someone over to babysit the child unless they were a relative you trusted, due to a rise in kidnappings in the city.

Since the Robinsons barely had much of a family tree left, that meant that there wasn't much left for Mrs Robinson call over to watch my sister if she had to go somewhere.

This meant that I was separated from my sister... and wouldn't be getting her until child protection agencies deemed the Robinsons suitable to take her.

So just to recap...

My dad was murdered by a mysterious enemy that was long gone.

My original mother was already gone due to illness.

My step mother was shot and killed, with no justice served.

And finally, I can't see my sister anymore.

But this whole thing isn't about me being miserable all the time, because you'd be bored in seconds.

All of this is just the beginning of what goes out to save everyone from the villains that threaten the city.

The fear...

The anger....

And the hatred....

It all builds up to what else happens when you feel vulnerable and trapped.

One day....

I exploded.... and it took a few more steps in my life for me to go...



Hope this was worth it.

Maybe it'll get better as it goes too.

If you have any questions please let me know

I'll see you in the next chapter!

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