Chapter 31- Who will survive?

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The moon was disappearing, signaling that the sun was about to make its presence. Ram quickly marched towards Lakshman's chamber, because that was where both Lakshman and Urmila were grounded for 24 hours by none other than Sumitra and Sunaina. Going by their wordings, both of them need to learn to live together. So, both of them were grounded in Lakshman's room hoping that would work, while Ram and Sita were tensed because there is a possibility that they will find just a single or no soul over there. 

The sound of familiar anklets filled the corridor and a small smile automatically formed on Ram's lips. They both had decided to meet outside Laksh's room and see which of their sibling is alive.

"Morning" both of them muttered at the same time and blushed, gazing towards opposite directions trying to cover it up. 

"Ready?" Ram questioned holding the handles of the giant door as the guards were off duty.

Sita gave a short nod and taking a deep breath Ram finally opened the door.  The scene made both of them aww. Laksh and Mila were leaning by the wall sleeping, their hands still tied. Urmila's head was resting on Lakshman's shoulder while Lakshman as usual was stiff being protective in his sleep as well.

Ram Sita looked at each other dumbstruck. To others, they must be overreacting but only they knew what their siblings were capable of doing.

"Ahem! Ahem," Ram cleared his throat which made Lakshman wiggle his burrows.

"Wake up sleepyheads!" Sita said unknowingly about Laksh's habit.

Hearing Sita's words, Laksh woke up with such a jolt that he forgot about Urmila whose head was resting on his shoulder.

"Oww" Urmila's cry was heard after a thud.

Laksh stared at them wide-eyed while a cursing Urmila stood up rubbing her forehead.

"You dev-" she started but Laksh was immediately by her side covering her mouth with his hand to stop her.

Urmila was about to kick him when Laksh whispered in her ear
"Don't forget what we discussed last night" faking a smile at Ram and Sita.

Ram and Sita were confused as to what was happening. Realization dawned upon Urmila and she sobered herself ignoring her anger, flashing them a best possible genuine smile.

"Didi, bhaiya what are you guys doing here at such an early hour?" She asked as if it was the most genuine question at that time.

"Just checking whether you guys are alive or not," Sita mumbled

"Ohh didi, what could happen to me with such a humble human around?" Urmi stated in a matter of fact.

Ram and Sita were shocked but there was someone who was more shocked but immediately covered it up

"It was my pleasure to have your company princess. You are such a kind soul." Lakshman answered adding more to the duo's confusion.

Ram and Sita both looked at each other as if the other one had grown horns over their head.

Laksh and Urmi gave each other smiles. There was an awkward silence around the room. Lakshman finally decided to break it.

"What are the plans for today?" He questioned.

"Umm...yeah. The elders are busy today so we will be taking the princesses to Guru Vashishth's ashram today. So, yeah you guys should get ready." Ram spoke

"Sounds good to me. See you later than" Urmila said and left the room with Sita, practically dragged her out after greeting the brothers.

When the girls left Ram narrowed his eyes at Lakshman, which he was expecting, and ignored it to the fullest.

Ram cleared his throat, trying to gain Lakshman's attention but he is also a smart one.

"Bhaiya, you are still here? We will be late for the ashram. Go get ready." Before Ram could protest Lakshman succeeded with his escape plan and Ram was on his way back to his room to get ready.

Lakshman sighed in relief for anyhow preventing the questions. But he very well knew sooner or later he would be interrogated. Cursing his luck he dressed up for the day.

Sita's Chamber

"Mandavi!" Urmila ran inside the chamber and took the older one in a bone-crushing hug.

"Ur.....Urmi. I am unable to breathe. Leave me" she said in a muffled tone.

"Who the hell told you to act so brave? You know how much did you scare us." Urmila complained while Mandavi looked down.

After this little emotional reunion, the girls went on talking.

"By the way, Urmila did you know there is someone more concerned about her. Like even more than us." Shrutkirti said with a smirk, Sita tried to hide her smile as Mandavi blushed a little and frowned at her

"Kirti! Shut up!"

"No, she won't," Urmi said and jumped onto the other bed where Shrutkirti was sitting, to cover up for what she missed. Mandavi tried to protest but was helpless in front of the younger ones.

Shrutkirti explained to her how Bharat has visited Mandavi about 100 times since the incident, taking care of the smallest of the things she could need.

By the end of the narration, three of them were smiling towards Mandavi sheepishly.

"What? It's normal. We are just friends " She raised a question

"Nothing, yeah it's completely normal I agree. It's every day people go around risking their lives for their 'just friends' ." Urmila being the witty one replied.

Mandavi rolled her eyes at her "You guys are just exaggerating"

"Pranam Rajkumari" A dasi greeted

"Pranam" the four of them greeted back.

"Rajkumar Bharat has sent a message for Rajkumari Mandavi." She stated and three pairs of eyes immediately turned towards Mandavi with smirks, while she cursed her fate for landing her in such a situation.

"What did he say?" Urmila asked excitedly

"Rajkumar says that it is not important to go to the ashram for her, she should rest today and not exert herself. " the dasi said

"So sweet. Will, he also stay back with her?" Urmila questioned teasingly

"Sorry, Rajkumari, he didn't mention anything about it."

"Shut up Urmi," Mandavi warned and then turned towards the dasi "ignore her and inform Rajkumar that I thanked him for his concern but I am fine and I would like to accompany everyone."

The dasi nodded and left with the message while Mandavi prepared herself for another teasing session but to be honest her heart was flattered with the concern the prince was showing towards her and for that she could definitely handle some teasings from her sisters.


Hey guys. How are you?

My apologies for the delay but my schedule is tight.

This update is dedicated to layachikku for not forgetting this idiotic author of yours. Love you bud

And definitely for Ridhima123_ for being my constant supporter and hitting my DM's and telling me that I have to update😂. Check her work, this kid is amazing and love🖤

Raghili and mythooolover have turned 1 and I cannot thank you guys enough for your love and support. 1 year is a big thing for me. Thank you sooooo much.🖤 I didn't want to disclose this without a 1-year update so I am late but never mind celebrations are not time-bound.

So this was Chapter 31 of Raghili.

I hope you like it.

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