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The royal family of Ayodhya was having dinner. Dinner was the time when the whole family was together and talked about their day. The endless chatter of the princes was a bliss for their parents.

"Shatrughan don't play around with your food finish it" warned keikeyi

"mata i don't like this vegetable" replied an irritated shatrughan

"chote i think you don't love your life that's why you dare to mess with mata keikeyi" whispered lakshman

"lakshmannnn" keikeyi scolded

"mata don't worry as an elder brother i will scold him. Chote finish your food don't give excuses see i don't trouble anyone. Learn something from me" said lakshman pretending to be innocent covering his previous comment.

Everyone in the hall started giggling heartly. Lakshman is always like this. That little prankster. Not only the royal family but he is the prince of whole ayodhya's heart just like ram. The only difference being ram was serious and lakshman was full of life. Ram also had a naughty side but only a few people had seen it.

"ohh this boy! Always in a mood to have fun" laughed kaushalya

"Didi this all is the result of your pampering. Even keikeyi didi is not at all strict with him. He doesn't listen to me at all" said sumitra in disappointment

"sumitra now don't blame me for not being strict with him. In front of his silly jokes all my anger disappears" said keikeyi while ruffling his hair.

Lakshman laughed a bit when sumitra glared at him in anger he became quiet. Everyone laughed at his helplessness. But there was someone in the hall who was recording these memories in his eyes king dashrath for he knew within a few days the princes had to leave them but he did not disclose it and enjoyed the moment.

Guru Vashisth told the king that the princes had to leave for gurukul the day after tomorrow. Even though the king was reluctant to send his kids away because of his fear but he could not do anything. It was raghukul's ritual that the princes had to go far away for their education for 7 years. Now that the princes had attained a proper age how could he stop them. But what about the curse? After his repeated prayers guru vashisth allowed to send the princes home for a vacation thrice.

He reached kaushalya's chamber where everyone was present. Today he dismissed the court earlier to give them the news.
"Maharaj you are early today. How wonderful come have sweets with us" offered keikeyi

"yes pitashree come na mata has made special ladoos for us" said Bharat

He sat with them and ate a few sweets with them.

"Kids listen to me i need to tell you something important. Now that you all are 8 you are grown up and according to our rituals this is the time you need to go to gurukul to get education. You will stay at guru vashisth's ashram for 7 years and you will be trained in scriptures ,warfare
and all kinds of arts. "

The princes were quiet as well as the queens though they knew this was to come but still the pain of seperation was not easy to bear.

"pitashree when are we to leave" asked ram

"day after tomorrow "

"so soon? "asked bharat

"yes child we cannot delay that anymore" reasoned sumitra trying hard not to cry.

"boys you should go and start packing your stuff" said keikeyi

All four of them left to their respective chambers leaving behind the parents.

"Maharaj is it necessary to send them.
Can't they take education here in palace in front of our eyes. I don't want to send my children away. " protested kaushalya.

"no kaushalya it is our responsibility to send them to gurukul even if we don't want to" said the king

"maharaj is right didi. I know it is tough but it is for their own benefit" said keikeyi more like trying to pacify herself.

"You all must wait after 7 years when our sons will be back they shall be undefetable no one will match their valor. Their name will always be taken with respect. The entire Bharatvansh will sing their praises. They will take the name of raghuvanshis to new height. For this we must sacrifice our love and send them away. Moreover they are together and always shall be" declared sumitra with tears in her eyes silently praying to mahadev to take care of her children especially ram and lakshman.

Everyone though sad but were convinced with sumitra's statement were now looking after the preparations to bid farewell to the princes.

Princes chamber

Later that night the princes were having a hard time to sleep. The thought of separation was all that was going in their mind though they were excited to go to gurukul to leran all kinds of wepons warfare and scriptures but the thought of going away from family was painful.

"why are you three not sleeping. Its too late you should sleep" said ram

"bhaiya even you are not able to sleep. I want to sleep with mata today. Than for 7 years i won't be able to see any of them" requested shatrughan

"mee to" said bharat and lakshman in unison

Ram smiled. Even he wanted the same. Being the eldest he could not show his emotions but he was feeling the same as his brothers about seprating from their parents.

Bharat and shatrughan went to keikeyi. Ram and lakshman went to sumitra and kaushlya. They both were equally attached to both of them. Even though they both loved keikeyi as well but the bond of Ram and Sumitra and Lakshman and Kaushalya was indeed special. Since their birth most of times Sumitra and Kaushalya had to sleep together in one chamber with ram and lakshman. Shatrughan and bharat however spent most of their time with keikeyi because the three of them used to go for vacation toghther to keikeya.

Ram and lakshman reached sumitra's chamber and what they saw was shocking. The ever strong and wise lady was in tears hugging the photo of Ram and Lakshman. They both knew that their mother never used to shed tears in front of anyone but she was soft at heart. Lakshman was truly sumitra's copy. She was standing beside a window and did not spot them. They both hugged her from behind.
"Mata please don't cry. We will be back soon. " both said in unison

Sumitra turned and hugged them.
"These are happy tears my sons. Both of you have grown up and are going to become warriors soon. I cannot tell you how happy i am. "

"even if they are happy tears we don't want to see them. "

"okay. Now tell me what are you both doing here at this hour? " she said while breaking the hug

"we all were not able to sleep so we decided to sleep with matas today".

She ruffled their hair lovingly.
" let me change and wash my face than we will go to kaushalya didi. Happy? "

"very much" both of them said overjoyed

At kaushalya's chamber

Kaushalya and sumitra were at the sides of the bed and ram and lakshman between them. Ram beside sumitra and lakshman beside kaushalya.

"Ram now you being the eldest have to take care of your younger brothers very well. Love them soo much that the don't miss us." said kaushalya

"ram is responsible he will look after his brothers very well i know but who will look after him" said a sad sumitra

"Don't worry mata i will take care of ram bhaiya more than he takes care of us. " said lakshman

"of course my child" smiled both the mother

"didi you are giving instructions to ram he is already very responsible tell something to your notorious one" said sumitra

"hmm. I will! i will! Laksh dont trouble anyone especially not with your silly jokes. Rest he is obedient sumitra don't worry he never goes against ram's wish. " said kaushalya

"hope so. Laksh dont trouble bharat and i am warning you no masti with his colors. I request you dont make a laughing stock of me" requested sumitra always in worry about her little prankster.

" mata what you are asking is too much i will try but i cannot promise"said lakshman while hiding behind ram.

Both kaushalya and ram controlled their giggles. Lakshman will never change.
"lakshmannnnn" commanded ram

"okay i promise i won't " said laksk

"see sumitra i told you. You worry a lot" smiled kaushalya.

"I trust ram only he can control him. now lets sleep"said sumitra

"mata tommorow we will make mata keikeyi bharat bhaiya and shatrughan also sleep with us. " said laksh.

"okay fine. Now good night" kaushalya answered

"good night"


So sorry guys for the late update. Was binge watching a web series. Dont be upset with me please*appologies"

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Take care!! Stay safe!!

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