Chapter 5

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Demon lead her pack into a war a very big war. Bruno was at her side, Tessa and jaguar were behind them. demon's daughter jinx had been killed by a pack of rogues and demon was getting revenge for her daughter. demon saw the other pack and the two packs clashed. Demon went for the leader of the pack and they fought. Tessa went for a black male Pitbull and bite down on his head. Tessa got thrown off by the pitbull and hit the ground with a thud the pitbull jumped on her but bone daddy jumped on him and Yanked him off Tessa. "Thanks bone daddy" Tessa barks and bone daddy nods and Tessa runs off to help her sister Juno.

Demon throw the rogue leader off her and lunges for his throat when he whips his claws down her side. demon howls In pain and slashed her claws down his side. claws and teeth clashed and the sound of flesh and fur tearing rang around them. The rogue leader growls "you won't leave to finish this your messing with king the strongest rogue leader" the leader growls. "I'm demon leader of raging fire pack and daughter of the great leader siren" demon snarls. King slashed a deep wound in demon's chest. demon clamped down on king's foreleg and swung him over her shoulder. "Mom" beauty yelps and demon spun around to see King pinning beauty to the ground. "get off my daughter" demon charges across the clearing and body slams into King. Demon stood over beauty and King flung himself at her. his claws slashed deep into demon's throat. "Mom" beauty howls In horror as her mother fell to the ground with blood pulsing from her neck. "mom" beauty cries "mom wake up please" beauty cries loudly. "mom please don't leave us please" beauty cries out for her mother. huntress and siren ran up. "mom" huntress cries "no no mom wake up please mom no please" huntress cries. Siren hurls King into a tree and his back broke against it. "mom wake up you can't leave us" huntress barks her voice cracking with grief. "Mom no" huntress howls loudly as rain began to fall. "demon" Bruno ran up to his mate his daughter still howling in grief. The pack joined the grieving daughter with howling. Bruno looked over the body of his beloved demon. Tessa limped out of the woods "what happened" Tessa asked then she saw demon's body. "no demon" Tessa shot towards her friend and crouched beside her. "you can't be gone you just can't be" Tessa cries "im so sorry tes" Bruno touches his nose to Tessa's shoulder. "No no not demon" a dog pelts from the brush. "demon no no no" the doc cries and stands beside the body of the lifeless she-wolf. "who are you" Bruno asked. "it can't be" bird barks "Quinn" bird looks shocked. "hello bird" the German Shepard barks with grief in her voice. "thank you bird for caring for my daughter" Quinn cries and buries his nose into demon's wet pelt rain fell harder upon the pack.

"Demon was a mighty leader the best thing to happen to this pack after siren died" risk barks. "demon was a great and powerful leader and her spirit lives on among us" bird barks. the packs howls for their fallen leader. Huntress and beauty leaped up on there hind legs and howled for their mother. siren howls loudly from behind his two older sisters. "we'll miss you mom" huntress howls. "goodbye mom" beauty and siren barked loudly.

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