Mr. maheshwari

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Assalamualaikum....hii friends.I hope you all are liking the story..
Let's start......

All were shocked after listening all this
Anisha: this much happened and you didn't bothered to share with us...I am so upset with you and turns her face angrily..
Mayrah: I also agree with ani...we were friends right or i think you don't consider us your friends after listening all this ragini again started crying..
Aliya: enough both of you already she is in pain don't give her more pain with your harsh words...
Farheen: but ragu you should have talked with us...we could have help you.
Ragini: what should I tell you that I have fallen in love with guy whose real name i don't know...where he is now i don't know.... I don't have his contact number...I don't know nothing about him...I thought with time i will move on. May be it was just attraction....but no after 2 years also I am not able to forget him...I tried so much not to think about him...but I can't and she cried helplessly...
Everyone has tears in their eyes because they can't see their friend like this....they hug her and console her...
After sometimes..........

All are sitting and thinking what to do next...
Mayrah: now what only 2 days are left for wedding
Anisha: yeah what we will do now
Ragini: we are doing nothing after 2 days it's my marriage and i am going to do this...
All were shocked after listening this and they shout:what

Fareen: what are you saying.
Ragini: yes...I can't destroy my parents happiness for my just one sided love...I am doing this marriage just for my parents..
Aliya: are you sure ragu...will you be happy in this marriage.
Ragini: I don't know but i will try to move on.and she tried to stop her tears which were ready to flow.
Aliya:no ragini it's not right you can't do this with your self as well as your would be husband...
Fareen:i think aliya is right atleast we can try to talk with your husband if he back out from marriage then
Ragini cuts her in middle:no i don't want anything like that but i want to confess everything to Mr.maheshwari.I want to start this relationship on trust and with honesty.for that i need your help.
Mayrah: now who is this Mr.maheshwari.
Anisha: her would be husband stupid
Fareen: but why are you taking his name so formally...they all looked at her who bite her lips and looked down
All: don't tell us you don't know his first name..
Ragini looks up and smiles nervously to them and they sigh
Mayrah: waw ragu just waw you fell for a person who's real name you don't know and now the person with whom you are getting married his name also you don't know....

Aliya: what help you need ragu.
Ragini: i want you all to find out the room number of   Mr.maheshwari so that i can confess him everything before marriage then it will be his decision to marry me or not..
Anisha:if you want this then we will help you...All nods and leaves......

Anisha: ok girls we will devide in two teams you check left side then we will check right side
All: ok
Fareen and aliya moves to right side and anisha and mayrah moves to left side

While checking the rooms anisha moves inside a room and mayrah moves ahead...

Anisha was checking the room when someone says from behind:excuse me?Who are you and what are you doing in my room
She get froze and turn around slowly and there stands a handsome guy who was waiting for answer but anisha was lost in looking at him
Guy: excuse me are you all right
Anisha comes to her senses and says: yes I am fine and this is not my room oh I am sorry I thought its my room...actually all are same that's why and she left from there hurriedly...
The guy smiles and say: cute girl

Here mayrah was moving here there and finding ani
Mayrah:where this ani is.....suddenly she collides with someone and about to fall but two protective arms held her and she gets lost in that beautiful eyes
The guy: i am so sorry and makes her stand straight 
Mayrah still in transe:it's my pleasure
Guy: are you all right? He looks at her weirdly
Mayrah:more than all right.
The guy shrugged his shoulders and leaves....mayrah was standing still looking the way he went ani comes there and patted her shoulder she comes out of her transe and both ask together:found the room
Ani: i think it's not here let's go to other side and both leaves....

Aliya and fareen were checking the rooms and they found the room they give high five to each other and aliya call ragu and tell her the room number.....
They were standing in front of a room and ragini was hell nervous.
Fareen:go ragini all the best we will be nearby don't be nervous....
She nodded her head took a deep breath and knock the door
And she heard a voice: come in
She looks back to her friends who were motivating her...
She puts her hand on door knob and opens the door....she moves inside and sees a guy who's back was towards her...
Ragini: Mr.maheshwari
and the boy was about to turn when ragini stops him:plz don't turn first listen to me...I want to confess something and she explained everything to him how she met bunny?how she fell in love with him?how he went away from her before she confessed her love to him?she tells each and every thing.
Ragini:now it's your choice that you still wants to marry me or not....
she was still looking down the guy turn around and looks at ragini who was looking down and fiddling with her dupatta....
Mr.maheshwari: ragini.
But she didn't look up
Mr.maheshwari: why you are telling me now.
Ragini still looking down:because i want to start this relationship with trust and honesty....
Mr.maheshwari:ok then if you are doing this much for this relationship then it's also my duty to give something to this relationship...
Ragini didn't understand what he is saying and he notice the confusion on her face
Mr.maheshwari he turn his back towards her and says:let me explain you there are still 48 hours left for our marriage I am giving you 48 hours to find your love.find your bunny so that you won't regret later.and it will be fair enough you want to start this relationship with honesty then i also want to start this relationship with honesty so i am giving you last chance to find your love....
After 48 hours I will wait for you in mandap if you didn't find him then you will forget him and will marry me
Ragini was shocked after listening this she was not understanding what is happening but nevertheless she agreed for the deal just to try her luck last time.....finally she looks up and says:
Ragini: ok i accept your deal but why you are giving me this offer Mr.maheshwari she ask curiously looking at his back
Mr.maheshwari:because i don't want to come between in two lovers....and don't be so formal ragini you can call me by my name after all we are going to get married in next 48 hours

Ragini:woh actually i don't know your name she said nervously....
He laughs and turns around and says:my name is......

To be continued.......

So how's the chapter plz do tell me and are you liking the story or not

Till then bye friends......
Take care.....

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