A romantic flashback...

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That shopkeeper informed her family about Ragini and they rushed to the hospital. Ragini gained consciousness and could remember that when she about to fall unconsciously someone had saved her. She could not remember that face but she clearly knows that he was wearing a specs. Then she came to the reality and just then doctor came inside and asked her if she was fine and Ragini too shook her positively. Ragini asked doctor what had happened to her. Doctor quite surprisingly asked if ur husband didn't inform u that u r pregnant. Ragini could hear only two words 'HUSBAND' and 'PREGNANT'. She doesn't know how to react. Her eyes widened and she kept her hand on her stomach and tears fall down like waterfalls. After a long time it was due to happiness. But her mind remembered the word 'Husband' and asked the doctor if her husband came here thinking about Laksh. Doctor too shook her head and said that he had gone outside just now. Ragini then in doubt asked her his name. Doctor was surprised and said 'Abhimanyu Khanna'. Ragini's happy tears turn into the heart break tears. She expected that it would not be Laksh. Because now her mind was set that he would never come back. But her heart was not listening to her mind and cried heavily thinking about him. Then she got down from her bed and about to leave the room just then a nurse came in and gave Ragini's file to doctor and doctor gave that to Ragini. Ragini was not interested in looking at it, so she just took away and went outside the hospital.

Abhi was standing in a corner holding a newspaper to hide his face. He could clearly see that her happiness was completely broken by his disappearance. His eyes blurred. He felt very bad for Ragini and thought that it was the time he should always be near to her but he couldn't. His tears fall down and his heart was stabbed by a dagger of pain and it was bleeding. He just wanted to run to Ragini and hug her tightly saying loudly that his Laksh had came but he could not do it due to his promise. Just then he saw Ragini's family surrounding her and asking about her health. She informed that she was pregnant and first everyone were happy but realized that her love who had given that happiness was not near to her. So Swara came forward and side hugged her saying that

Swara: This child would bring back ur love Ragini. Don't worry.

These were the words for which Ragini longing for. She started to cry out her heart whereas others felt sorry for Ragini. Sanskar too came and hugged her and consoled her. They took her to the house but she went to Dida's house only even after everyone's compulsion. That night she was remembering Laksh and their beautiful moments and Abhi too was thinking the same. They both remembered a moment when Ragini faked her pregnancy and family members believed it.

Flashback, (May be mature....if u r not comfortable then skip to next part)

At night 10 pm, Ragini was in her room and arranging the clothes. Her face looked pale and her eyes were full of guilt and her heart was heavy. Laksh entered the room and found Ragini was lost in some other world so that she didn't even notice him and her back was facing toward him. He thought to give her face a smile which suits her very well. So he locked the door silently and removed his blazer and shirt. Ragini didn't even know that Laksh was present there. She was just standing simply thinking about her big lie to all. Laksh then romantically looked at Ragini. He then took a jug of water and poured on her head. Ragini now came to the reality and found that she was wet. She was shocked and turned. She was even more shocked to saw a shirtless Laksh standing with the empty jug and a smirk on his face. Ragini's eyes widened and blushed to see him like this and so she turned to the other side and said

Ragini: Laksh. What is this? What have u done now? And why r u standing like this?

She blushed more while asking those questions. Laksh with wide smile slowly came near her and hugged her from back.

Laksh: Ragini don't u feel chill. Come on remove ur clothes or else u would catch cold.

Ragini turned pink now and stammers while saying

Ragini: Laksh. Have u lost ur brain? What r u saying? Day by day u had become very naughty Laksh. Leave me. I will go and change or else I would catch cold.

She tried to go away from him. But Laksh tightened his hug and said

Laksh: Ragini why r u trying to go? I will help u in changing ur dress. Come on just co operate with me.

Saying this he put her hair front and got a clear view of her back and kissed her back so sensually and his hands were roaming on her bare waist. Ragini closed her eyes tightly and felt his touch. He then removed her lace of her blouse and unpinned her pallu. Ragini's face now turned red and she could not resist him. She pushed him lightly and sat on the couch in balcony. Laksh followed her with the same smile on his face. He sat on the other side of couch and Ragini saw him at the corner of her eyes by not turning towards him.

Now her face got a smile and shy. It was so pleasing for Laksh and was happy that she had smiled at last. This was the thing actually he wanted but now his mind diverted and his heart was jumping to have her for the whole night. So he moved towards her and sat near to her. Ragini could feel his fragrance and she looked at him directly to his eyes. They both have an eye lock and the moonlight was falling on them and a smooth breeze with fragrance of love was present making that place naturally so romantic. He made her to sit on his lap and cupped her face and kissed on her forehead then on her both cheeks and same does Ragini. Finally they looked at both of their eyes for a permission to kiss on the lips. They both closed their eyes in approval and kissed so passionately. Their kiss last for about 10 minutes and they broke their kiss for some air. They merged their foreheads and looked at each other. Ragini blushed and Laksh saw her lovingly. Then he removed her pallu and lifted her in his arms and laid her softly on their bed. He then started his work and they consummated their marriage.

Next day early morning, Ragini was sleeping very peacefully after many days on his chest. Laksh was giving her a complete hug so that she feels more comfortable with him. The sun rays falls on Raglak and Ragini first opened her eyes and remembered their romance and blushed. She was wearing only his shirt and she looked at him. He was sleeping so cutely and like a small kid. She smiled at him and kissed him on his forehead. Just then Laksh hugged her tightly and said with closed eyes and in sleepy tone

Laksh: I thought that u would give me a cute and complete morning kiss. But u had only done quarter of it. I need a complete kiss baby.

Ragini smiled and at the same time, she blushed.

Ragini: Laksh, enough of romance. I need to go down or else everyone will come here and question if I am not feeling well thinking that I am pregnant.

Now Ragini realized what she said and became worried and her eyes were filled with tears. Laksh too opened his eyes and looked at Ragini. Ragini was sitting and hiding her face in her arms. Laksh felt bad and he took her in his embrace. Ragini hugged him tightly and kept her face on his chest while Laksh consoled her by patting on her back.

Laksh: Ragini. Please stop crying. I don't want to see u crying. I thought to make u smile but u r crying. What shall I do now?

Ragini didn't speak and just crying her heart out.

Laksh: Please mera bachha, I know how u r feeling now. U feel that u r getting the care and love which u doesn't deserve at present. Don't worry Ragini. Everything will be alright. I know that this love and care will only be urs after few months. U know naa Ragini I have started my work.

Ragini with tears in eyes and shockingly looked at Laksh. He smiled and winked at her. This made Ragini to laugh loudly and she could feel her heart so light. Laksh too was smiling with her.

Ragini: Laksh, u had really gone mad. If this is the way to console ur wife? Saying she hit at his chest. Laksh teasingly looks at her and said

Laksh: Ragini just wait for 2 to 3 months. Then we will get our real baby. Ragini blushed and asked naughtily

Ragini: So much confidence?

Laksh: Of course mera bachha.

He said naughtily. Ragini laughed and hugged him tightly and said

Ragini: U r the one who could make me happy when I am sad or crying. I love u so much.

Laksh: I too love u my dear. Ragini I promise that I will take care of u and our champ. We both will have a cute and small family. But Ragini I need first boy like me and then girl like u.

Ragini looked at him and asked

Ragini: Laksh generally boys would demand for a girl but u r asking differently. Why?

Laksh: Because Ragini life is uncertain. If anything happens to me, before he could complete Ragini kept her hand on his mouth and shook her head in 'no'. Laksh took off her hand and cupped her face and said

Laksh: Ragini, listen to me completely. If anything happens to me then my little champ will take care of u. And if he was like me then u will always see me through him naa?

Ragini felt so much love and care in his words. She could not control herself and quickly placed her lips on his lips and kissed more intensely. Laksh didn't expect that and responded to her kiss. They kissed for a bit long time and they had an intense eye lock.

Flashback ends.

Both Ragini and Abhi smiled remembering it. Then they slept happily after many days.

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