After a long time, a romantic dance...!!!!!

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Some days passed but nothing changed between Raglak. Mishka was trying hard to make Ragini to speak with Laksh. She was like a cupid between these love birds. Laksh also tried his best to speak with Ragini but she doesn't paid attention to him. But she started to become normal with others all. But still she was in the same look; she didn't wear mangalsutra and sindoor.

One day suddenly AP and Sujatha asked DP about Swara's baby shower. They said that they will also inform about Ragini's pregnancy on that day. Laksh felt very happy but Ragini who was smiling till now stopped showing any reactions. No one notices this except Laksh. Now Laksh prepared himself to make Ragini to speak with him. According to him, if they speak their heart out then they will feel relived and their problem will also be solved. Now Laksh determined to speak with Ragini during this function.

The very next day evening was baby shower. Gaddodias' too joined in morning for helping in decorations. Ragini was asked to take care of Swara. DP, RP and Sanskar were gone to office for an urgent meeting. Mishka was playing with Arun as it was holiday. Everyone was busy in their work except Laksh who was busy in thinking how to meet Ragini. He slowly peeped inside Swasan's room and found Swara sleeping and Ragini was sitting near Swara while caressing her belly softly with a small pure smile. Laksh who saw that, wanted to caress both mother and champ in his embrace but whenever he goes near Ragini she glares at him or moves away from him. So he just simply stood there admiring his love caressing his world.

At Raglak's room,

Laksh was coming out of his bathroom in a white and red sherwani and found Ragini standing before the mirror in a blood red color lehenga. Laksh was mesmerized in Ragini's beauty. He just keeps on looking at her without even blinking. Ragini, who was wearing her ornaments, notices this. At first she locked her eyes with his on the mirror. The intense gaze of Laksh made Ragini to blush but suddenly she remembered about his promise. She immediately stood up and started to leave the room. But Laksh held her hand. Ragini turned and glared at him but he smirked at her.

Ragini: Leave my hand!

Laksh with a smirk: Never!

Ragini little irritated: Leave my hand!

Laksh sensed her irritation and said: U hasn't got ready completely. Something is missing in ur beauty.

Ragini was confused and said: What do u mean?

Laksh immediately dragged her so that she falls on his chest and her hand was locked at back with his. Laksh was happy that he was watching Ragini this much closely after many days. Even Ragini feels the same and Laksh can easily sense it because of her fast heart beat. But she covered her expression with anger face. Laksh smirked at her. He slowly took a mangalsutra from his pocket and made her to wear it. Ragini looked at mangalsutra and then at him with wide eyes. She pushed him and released herself from his lock.

Ragini shouted: What have u done? What does u want? And why r u doing like this? Why?

Laksh casually: Because today there is a function in our house and everyone will be coming to our house. I don't want anyone to question u 'where is ur mangalsutra? Where is ur sindoor?' So I made u wear it. (Saying this he was about to leave but he turned and said) Also I don't want anyone to drool over my beautiful wife. So wear them and come down.

Saying this he went from there. Ragini was standing with an irritated, confused, surprised expression. She then took sindoor and filled her hairline. She then stepped down. She was receiving the guests and speaking with them but her eyes were searching for him, Laksh. Even she herself doesn't know why but she was searching him. Swara was in the stage and all ladies surrounded her. All the gents were looking at their ladies and all the ladies were blushing except Ragini because her prince was not there. She was searching for him. But then the function starts and all the rituals were started and going on. At the end, Ragini felt a hand on her waist and she knows who's that was. She without even turning,

Ragini: Laksh (After many days she says his name) take ur hand.

Laksh felt very happy but with a smirk, he said: Sorry Ragini. My wife missed me so much so I can't leave her.

Ragini: Take ur hand I said.

Laksh tightened his grip which made Ragini to gasp and this widens his smirk. Ragini started to breath little fast, she turned towards Laksh and glared at him and in return he gave a flying kiss to her. Ragini was shocked to see this Laksh. She tried to remove his hand but he started to walk with her. He then stood on the stage with Ragini side hugging. Ragini tried her best to escape from him but she couldn't. She just faked a smile to everyone.

Laksh: Hello beautiful ladies and handsome gentle man! But less than me! (Every man sends a death glare to him whereas all ladies looked at him with a sweet smile. Laksh winked at the ladies and ignored the death glares of men. Ragini saw this and fumes.)

Laksh: So thank u for all of u to attend this function and blessing our beautiful, sorry, bubbly bhabhi! (Swara glares at him whereas Sanskar giggled to which he got a punch from Swara)

Laksh: And so I am standing here to announce that u r all will be again invited to next baby shower within 5 months. (All looked at him confused whereas Ragini understood what was he upto) My Ragini is pregnant of 3 months. I am going to be dad in 7 months!

Everyone clapped for them but Ragini just faked a smile. She turned around to glare at Laksh but he was not there. Suddenly lights all gone and a spot light reaches on the top of stairs. There our hero, Laksh stands with a guitar and mike in his hand showing his back towards everyone. Ragini looks at him confused.

Laksh while closing his eyes: haan ha...

haan hasi ban gaye
haan nami ban gaye
tum mere aasmaan
meri zameen ban gaye

Laksh turned like everyone was facing his front.

haan hasi ban gaye
haan nami ban gaye
tum mere aasmaan
meri zameen ban gaye

Laksh opened his eyes and looked only at Ragini with all his love.

haan hum badalne lage
girne sambhalne lage
jab se hai jaana tumhein
teri ore chalne lage

haan hum badalne lage
girne sambhalne lage
jab se hai jaana tumhein
teri ore chalne lage

He walked towards Ragini. Ragini was lost in his eyes and looked him without even blinking.

har safar har jagah
har kahin ban gaye
maante the khuda
aur haan wahi ban gaye

He walked circling Ragini and she too keeps on looking his eyes by turning towards his direction.

haan hansi ban gaye
haan nami ban gaye
tum mere aasmaan
meri zameen ban gaye

He forwarded his hand for a dance and she too gave her hand. He twirled her and made her fall on his chest while her back touches his front. He again twirled her having an eye lock with her. He stops the dance and came in front of her.

pehchaante hi nahi ab log tanha mujhe
meri nigaahon mein bhi hain dhoondhte wo tujhe

pehchaante hi nahi ab log tanha mujhe
meri nigaahon mein bhi hain dhoondhte wo tujhe

He cupped her face and keeps looking at her eyes with his love for her.

hum the dhoondhte jise wo kami ban gaye
tum mere ishq ki sar-zameen ban gaye

He broke the eye lock and looked at everyone and closed his eyes.
haan hansi ban gaye
haan nami ban gaye
tum mere aasmaan
meri zameen ban gaye

He plays the guitar while closing his eyes. Ragini was mesmerized in his song and as well his love for her.

A small silence after the end of song was broke by the big applause of guests. Everyone praised Laksh whereas he was just looking at Ragini and now Ragini came out from his magical eyes. She masked her face with angry expression and moved towards her room. Laksh tried to go after her but everyone surrounded him clapping and praising him. Ragini went to the room and sat on the couch in balcony.

Ragini's POV,

What happened to me? Why I was looking at him with all my love? Why I have danced with him? Why I have let him to touch me? Oh My God! I know I love him very much and haan I still love him and always love him but, but whatever he did to save Mishka, ok I can forgive it but that promise! How can I forget that? He tried to promise on his child that he was not his father! How can I forgive him for that? I know he had done that because of his impulsive brain but still he doesn't know the value of me and his child because he got us very easily. Ya I can accept that for my hand he had got many slap from my father. But what else he had done? I know the value of love because I got him after a lot and lot of struggles but he had not faced those struggles. Because of that he doesn't know the value of his love and his child. I am not going to forgive him very easily this time. Let him suffer for my love and his child. Then only his impulsive brain will work properly. (Ragini took a deep sigh with a determined face. She then went down. Laksh was standing hiding behind the door looking at her. After she left he goes and sits in the same place where she was sitting for a while.)

Laksh's POV,

I know Ragini what u would have thought. U thought that u should give me a good punishment for my behavior and also to control my impulsive brain. But how long can I tolerate punishments. U knows naa Ragini I hate punishments. So I am going to gain back my lovely Ragini by becoming naughty Lucky. (He smirked.) Haan I am going to change as Lucky to correct my Ragini. (His smirk widened.) U could have given punishments to Laksh but u can't give it for Lucky. I will see how u will escape from this Lucky without forgiving Laksh. Lucky or Laksh always loves Ragini and can do anything for her love. Wait and watch Ragini baby! (He smirked of his thoughts and goes down.)

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