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Laksh reached MM so tensed and shouted Ragini's name to reach her soon. But instead of her reply he heard the loud mourning and groaning sound of pain. It was from Swasan's room. Laksh was confused and reached there. He was shocked and frozen on his steps at the sight before him.

Swara with tears and hands on her 8 ½ month baby bump: Ragini! It's paining so much... I can't bear it. Aaaaah! Sanskaarrr!

Ragini trying to comfort her: Please be calm Swara... Laksh will be soon here. We will take you to hospital.

At that time, Laksh: Ragini!

He entered the room like a zombie looking at the scenario before him. Ragini felt relief seeing him.

Ragini with relief: Laksh you came! We should take Swara to hospital. I think she is in labor pain. I tried to call Sanskar but his phone was not reachable and so I called you.

Swara shouted: Aaaahh! Maaa!! It's paining a lot Ragini. (She cried loudly)

Ragini's eyes became teary to see her sister like that she nudged Laksh's arm to pick her. Though he was still in zombie state, he picked her and moved towards the car.

At car,

Laksh was driving fast. At back seat Swaragini were sitting while Swara's hands are clutching Ragini's arms tightly for her support which made Ragini to hiss and Laksh to notice it. He glared at Swara through mirror.

Laksh while gritting his teeth seeing Ragini's pain: Take your hands off Ragini, Swara. You are hurting her.

Ragini glared at him: Laksh, you concentrate on driving, also it's not paining.

But she yelped when Swara gripped her hold more strongly while shouting in pain.

Laksh narrowed his eyes at Ragini: See it's paining for you. Swara...

But Ragini interrupted being irritated due to Laksh's antics: Offo! Her pain cannot be compared to anything Laksh. So concentrate on the road and drive fast. Don't look at here. Got it?

She scolded like a mother and he pouted like a kid in between poor Swara was shouting in pain. Finally they reached hospital and admitted Swara in labor ward. Soon Laksh informed everyone who had gone out for their work. Ragini was pacing around worriedly while Laksh was walking beside her like a love sick puppy to make his love calm down.

Laksh with concerned voice: Ragini! Calm down. Nothing will happen. Stop pacing around. Sit down for a while. Come on.

Finally Ragini accepted and sat down on a bench while he sat beside. Ragini was doing silent prayers for mother and baby's safety. Laksh was running his thumb over Ragini's hand soothingly where Swara had a death grip a while ago. Ragini felt warmth in her heart feeling his soothing fingers.

Laksh: Ragini?

Ragini: Hmm?

Laksh: Does it really hurt that much while giving birth to a baby?

Before Ragini could answer they found Sanskar rushing towards them and got inside the labor ward. Soon the family members too came. By now Ragini felt strong and so she made Sharmistha calm down. Laksh was also supporting his family members. Within few minutes, they heard a loud scream and a baby sound. All smiled widely along with tears. Well it's the first heir of both Maheshwari and Gaddodia family they are more than happy now. After all elders seeing session, Raglak entered in.

Ragini's eyes were filled with excitement and she was literally jumping to see the baby while Laksh had a very hard time to control his over excited wife. When they entered in they saw Swara lying on the bed with tired face but had a satisfied look and Sanskar was beside her with baby on his arms. They looked like a perfect family which made Laksh and Ragini to look each other and her baby bump both silently wishing to have their baby in their arms soon.

Ragini took the baby from Sanskar like a delicate flower, her mouth was in 'o' shape and her eyes, they were lit up in excitement and happiness while her face was glowing more seeing a just born baby in her arms. Laksh was enjoying the reaction of his wife and took a picture without her knowledge. Then he moved close to her and peeped inside her arms. There an angel was blinking its eyes looking at the new faces which were excited to see her. Their excited face brought a big smile and giggle to her face.

Ragini with awwww look: She is so cute also she is looking exactly like you, a mini version of Swara. Aww! Sweetie you look so beautiful.

Ragini said and kissed her cheeks lightly making her to giggle more which made Ragini to grin. Laksh while defending for his brother: Hey her eyes were exactly like Sanskar's. And see her nose, aww, no doubt its copy of Sanskar's.

Ragini defending for her sister: But Laksh see her cheeks and mouth it's like Swara's.

Like this both were defending each other's sibling while Swasan were giggling seeing their cute fight.

Now baby was in Laksh's arms. Laksh while wiggling his eyebrows asked: So sweet heart, you came to this world even before 10 months to meet this handsome chacha right?

Ragini and Swasan narrowed their eyes at them but Laksh was busy in grinning at the baby. He found the baby lightly pushing its tongue in between her lips.

He looked horrified and said dramatically: You are sticking your tongue out to me... to your handsome chacha? Ouch! It hurts sweat heart.

The baby giggled looking at his antics while Ragini and Swasan burst out in laughter.

Ragini while laughing: See Laksh, even the cute baby knows that you are not handsome so stop saying this around.

Laksh narrowed his eyes at her and raised his eyebrow while Ragini stick her tongue out. Laksh immediately looked at the baby and said: I got to know where you had learnt it. Don't get close to your maasi. She is teaching you bad things.

Ragini widens her eyes and shouted: Laksh, you are the one filling bad things into the poor girl's mind. Give her back to me.

Ragini said to tries to take the baby back while she saw Laksh and baby both sticking their tongues out at her. Ragini whined and said: That's not fair. (Now she looked at the baby.) Even you too joined with him? Go! I won't come to you.

She pouted cutely while Laksh was still sticking his tongue out to irritate her more but the baby opened its arms to Ragini like to carry her. Ragini ginned and took the baby back while moving out the baby blinked its eyes at Laksh like winking and he was shocked.

Laksh looked at Sanskar and said: She is exactly like you Sanskar. Getting good names from everyone and showing that big tail (naughtiness) only to me.

Sanskar: Lucky! I won't leave you. (He said and chased Laksh who ran out of the room to save himself from his brother leaving Swaragini to laugh looking at their husbands antics.)

Finally, Raglak reached home. They both were lying on their sides of bed looking at the ceiling while thinking about the baby and their cute moments.

Ragini broke the silence: It does Laksh. (Laksh looked confused.) It pains a lot. (He understood that she was answering about his question at hospital, so he turned towards her completely and looked at her curiously.) The pain and that feeling cannot be described Laksh. There is a saying that 'every delivery is a rebirth to every woman'. A woman would undergo many changes just to give birth the gift of her love in this world safely and healthily. But the moment she sees her baby's face, she feels her pain is worth to see the beautiful creature she had made inside her. Maybe it hurts a lot but in result you get an immense happiness of your life. The best moment of life will be having the baby in your arms after suffering a difficult phase, delivery. She feels completed when a baby is in her arms and her husband beside her. That's what she says 'a perfect family'. Every woman's basic wish is to give her children a secure and perfect life and she works hard for it throughout her life with her husband always beside her as a pillar. (She looks at Laksh whose eyes were glassy.) All I want is that only Laksh. You beside me and our love in my arms, that's enough for me Laksh.

She whispered at end. A lone tear escaped from Laksh's eyes. He didn't mind it. He just cupped Ragini's face and kissed her forehead and lingered his lips there like making her calm and sooth her heart. And it does. She feels safe and all her worries going away from her mind and her heart. He broke the kiss and moved towards the baby bump while his eyes locked with hers. He slowly moves her saree from her baby bump and kissed softly. Ragini gasped and looked at Laksh like what he was going to do. Laksh smiled looking at the baby bump.

Laksh: Champ! You know naa your mom is so soft and pure hearted soul. She may be strong...very strong by heart that she could bear any pain for you and me. But I couldn't. I can't see her in pain champ. a good boy you will come to this world without making your mom cry. Okk baby?! Will you promise your dad that you will not hurt your mom? I also promise you that I will be beside your mom now and forever. Along with you and your future baby sister, we four will make a complete and perfect family. As a father I will make sure that you will get everything from us and as a husband I will be always with your mom at whatever the situation may be. It's this papa's promise!

Laksh kissed once again and looked up at Ragini who was watching him with teary eyes. Suddenly her eyes widen and hands placed on her baby bump. Laksh frowns and looks at the baby bump and then at Ragini. Now Ragini was smiling widely with teary eyes. She took Laksh's one hand and placed it on her baby bump. Laksh felt that his little champ was rolling in his mom's womb. Laksh was surprised and then grinned. They both enjoyed this new feel of parenthood.

Laksh kissed on Ragini's forehead and said: I love you Ragini!

Ragini smiled at him and said: I love you too Laksh!

Laksh was even more surprised and excited: So you are not angry on me?

Ragini shook her head in no and said in a serious tone: But still I need an explanation for your act Laksh.

Laksh nodded firmly and said: I will... but not now. It's already a late night after a long day. You need to take rest. I will surely say everything to you tomorrow. Pakka!

Ragini smiled and nodded and slept while Laksh caressed her face and baby bump while looking at the ceiling thought in his mind 'Tomorrow I will end everything!'

I know...It's a small and boring chapter... I am sorry for not writing any Raglak scenes I wished to write a part with Raglak speaking about their future and baby. Well only one devil felt that nothing is gonna happen for Ragini. Smart devil! Huff! is this part? And about mom said it's normal to deliver a baby at 7 month too... so I used Swara's pregnancy. And this innocent author also came to this earth before completing 10 months...I am a 9 month baby came out of my fast and easily... even before doctor comes into ward making my mom smile widely...Enough of my funny history! Beware... I am gonna put a bomb...this ff may end in 3-4 parts...also from tomorrow my college is reopening so I think I can update only on Saturday and Sunday! To say this only I rushed and typed this part. If there is any mistakes please ignore it...have a nice day...kept smiling...take u all...bye!

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