Chiraag's Change...

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The jealous Chiraag switches off the TV and looked at Ragini with red eyes.

Chiraag yelled at Ragini: I have said everything about me; even now you love him! HE DOESN'T DESERVE YOU RAGINI! ONLY I

Ragini interrupted him by speaking up in a low voice that only he and she could hear: If he doesn't then you also doesn't deserve me Chiraag!

Chiraag was shocked and he felt offended while Ragini wipes her tears off and looked at Chiraag with determined face.

On the other side, Laksh wipes his tears off and looked at Sanskar with his puffy eyes. He said: I am going to search for my Ragini, Sanskar. I would return home only with her. I won't return without my wife.

Sanskar shook his head and said: But Laksh! We don't know the exact location of Ragini. Then how can you...

Laksh interrupted: I can and I will Sanskar.

Sanskar sighed and said: Ok let me also accompany you.

Laksh shook his head: No! It's my life and I should be the one who should suffer and try for the better. I have learned this little late but still I have learnt it. Let me do myself Sanskar. I will definitely get which is destined to be mine and I am sure I will get Ragini. You go home and take care of everyone. Inform me if you get any information of Ragini through the police or our investigators. That will be the great help from your side Sanskar.

Sanskar didn't want him to leave alone at this situation so he tried explaining: Laksh! Listen. I...

Laksh sighed and said: Let me go alone Sanskar!

He said with a tone of no room of argument. So Sanskar had no way but to nod at Laksh and leave in another car. Laksh sat on his seat and looked at the road determinedly.

"Lets' get you matter what happens!" He smiles a little and drove the car towards the direction he felt his heart asked him to go.

On the other side, Ragini was shown taking a car and driving away from the Chiraag's place while he looks at her going with a serious face. His man who was also looking at the disappearing image of Ragini's car with concerned face then he looks at Chiraag and tried to say: Sir! It's very difficult even for a well experienced man to get out of this forest. Then how could she? Also she is pregnant...

He was interrupted by Chiraag: She will! If that Laksh's so called love is true and if he deserves her, she will definitely reach him or he will find her within that 1 day I had given her.

With that Chiraag went out of the room leaving his man pray for Ragini's success. Chiraag entered his room and ran his fingers in his hair. He remembered what Ragini had said to him.


"You are obsessed on me Chiraag. It's not love! If you love me, as you said, then you would have came directly to me and proposed me and tried to woo me only by being yourself. But what have done? You tried to come before me like Laksh. You know why? It's because even your brain and heart knows that I love Laksh no matter what happens. But you are not in the state to accept it. I don't know if he deserves me or not Chiraag. All I know is he loves me a lot. May be he is not a perfect one. Well I am also not a perfect one. But we both were perfect for each other. (A beautiful smile spreads on her face.) He did a lot for me. He even tried to commit a sin knowingly, only for me. How much he would have suffered at that time. (A sob left her mouth.) Without even knowing the truth I made him suffer. (Her tears ran rapidly for hurting Laksh.) Why you have done this Chiraag? (She took his collar in her fist and looked at him with teary eyes. She shook him for an answer. But he just stood numb.) Ok! Let it be. Now, what have you got? Me!? Love!? Care!? Or at least Peace!?' Say! Have you got any one of these? (Chiraag's head bends down and tears formed in his eyes.) The answer is a big NO! See what your obsession had got you Chiraag. These obsessions only give hatred and revenge Chiraag. The best example is standing before you and trying to make sense to you. (She looked away and wiped her tears off while Chiraag was looking at Ragini intently like looking through her soul. She cleared her throat to make her tone and herself stronger.) I want to go to Laksh. I want him, only him. (She stayed calm but suddenly she said in a firm voice.) I DON'T WANT YOU, CHIRAAG!"

Flashback ends.

Her last words rang inside his ear making him to shut it tightly like blocking them from affecting but it was too late. It had already affected him. He shook his head and took deep breathe. He remembered what he had done after hearing her heartbreaking words.


Ragini was sitting near the window while rubbing her belly. She muttered to her champ. "Don't worry beta! Everything will be alright." At that time she heard some unbolting the door. She looked up to find Chiraag entering the room with no expression on his face.

Chiraag in a cold tone: I will let you go. (Ragini's eyes lit up in happiness.) But only for 1 day! (She looked at him confused.) I will give you a car. Its fuel tank is full and also it has the food and water which you would require for one complete day. I will let you go for 1 day Ragini, within that 1 day if you reach Laksh or at least cross this forest then I won't come to your life. Never! Ever! But! If you can't at least get out of this forest then you will be with me throughout your life even if you wish or not I don't care about that. So deal?

He asked arrogantly. Ragini was shocked and scared. But it's the only way to prove him that her love will take her to Laksh. So she nodded yes.

Flashback ends.

He took his mobile and checked the GPS of his men's car which was following Ragini's at a distance. He had sent them for her safety. He found that she was moving in the opposite direction of the exit of the forest. He sighed and just then his eyes fall on his right hand. He remembered something that happened in his childhood.


A small boy, about 5 years, was sitting under a tree in a park by hugging his knees close to his heart and hides his face from everyone through it. He was sobbing his heart out which was heard by others but didn't came to him and pacified him as he was wearing dirty and torn clothes which made them shrink their nose in disgust. In between all these people, another small boy about the first boy's age comes towards him and placed his tiny hand on the other boy's shaking shoulder. Due to the sudden and soft touch, the first boy looked up from his hiding place to meet the another boy who was looking as such like him except he was wearing rich and clean clothes with a fresh and smiling face.

Second Boy in concerned tone: Why are you crying?

The first boy doesn't know why but he felt comfortable and safe towards the second boy. So he showed his right hand which was bruised by his care takers. He said in a small and cracked voice: I...I...its hurting.

The second boy inspected the bruise and felt sad for the first boy. He then licked his right hand and placed it on the second boy's bruise like he was applying the medicine. He repeated the act till he felt satisfied. The first boy was just looking at the second boy in adoration and awe as he was the first one to care for him.

After applying his saliva as medicine, the second boy looked up at the crying face of first boy. He took out his neatly folded kerchief and wiped his tears off with a small smile. His contagious smile made the first boy too smile.

Second boy in a cheerful voice: Don't worry! I had applied medicine naa, the pain will be gone soon.

First boy felt happy for the first time in his 5 years of life. He said in a small but happy voice: Thank you!

Second boy grinned at him and forwarded his hand: I am Laksh! Call me as Lucky!

First boy nodded and tried to give his own hand for shake but it was paining. Lucky noticed it and felt bad but immediately covered it up by hugging the first boy. The first boy felt the warmth of a comforting hug through Lucky. He hugged him back and said: I am Chiraag.

Lucky broke the hug and asked: Don't you have a pet name Chiraag?

Chiraag felt bad and shook his head in no. Lucky felt sad for making him sad so he immediately covered it up by using his cheerful voice: It's ok! Lets' give a pet name to you!

Chiraag smiled at his attitude and looked on at Lucky while he was tapping his chin like thinking deeply. Suddenly he smiled brightly and looked at Chiraag with twinkling happy eyes. Chiraag's eyes too lit up seeing his face. Lucky said in a proud tone: As you are looking like me, I am giving you a pet name as 'Twinie!' Did you like it?

He asked with hopeful eyes. Chiraag smiled and nodded which made Lucky to grin and jump happily. Then they both talked or say Lucky told his twinie about his family and friends also his favorites. Chiraag was listened everything with a small smile on his face. He was happy that Lucky didn't judge him like others did by his old and dirty clothes also treating him like his friend or say own brother. Time passes quickly and Lucky noticed that sun was setting. He realized that he needs to go home. He rolled his sleeves on his left hand and looked at his wrist where there was no watch but a pencil drawing of watch showing the time as 5 pm. (Like Shinchan! Hehehe)

Lucky with a shocked expression: Oh god! It's 5! I need to go home. Mom will be worrying for me. If I didn't reach home soon then my bald father will take lecture for the whole night. But you know what my sweet and angel mom along with my knight in shining armor brother Sanky will save me from my monster dad.

He chuckled for his own joke while Chiraag's mind was just repeating the words 'mom' 'dad' and brother' and made him think 'why don't I have a family...LIKE HIM?' That's when envy formed in his mind. Lucky didn't notice the sudden change in Chiraag. He just hugged him and waved him 'bye' happily and said 'let's meet tomorrow!' Chiraag looked, while hiding behind a tree, at Laksh in the threshold of park hugging a woman calling mom and talking with her while she was hearing everything with a big smile. It was the first and last day he had talked with Laksh. Though Laksh would come daily and wait for Chiraag, Chiraag didn't go and meet him because of the envy at his little heart. But he would always notice and observe what all Laksh does.

Flashback ends.

A tear drop falls on Chiraag's right hand. He looked at the tear while remembering the little Laksh's face when he helped him. He remembered Laksh's face when he had taken care of sick Ragini. He remembered Laksh's face when he stood for Ragini at the time of fake pregnancy. He remembered Laksh's face when he was informed that he was going to become father. He remembered Laksh's face when he was about to promise on his own child. He then remembered Ragini's words.

"Laksh maybe immature or idiot as you says Chiraag but he is so kind and good at heart. He had taken revenge on me as I had tortured his family but not for himself. He can't make others suffer and will help the one who is suffering Chiraag. And only for that heart I had fallen."

Sobs left his mouth. He couldn't control anymore. He cried! He cried for what he had done to a soul who was the first one to be friendly and cared for him. He cried in guilt. He cried as he regretted his past actions. He remembered what Ragini had said when he gave the car keys.

"I know I had hurt you Chiraag. But the pain I had given you now will be the lesson for you tomorrow. You may feel bad because of my rejection today but you will be thankful when you find your soul mate one day. God may make you suffer Chiraag but he won't leave your hand. All I can say is 'believe in yourself'! Be happy with what you are having! Goodbye Chiraag!"

Chiraag looked up at the ceiling and said in a cracked voice: I have never believed in you God! All I did is cursed you, my fate and my life. I haven't tried to make it better. All I did is envy on a person who was the first one to give me a hug, the first one care for me, the first one feeling bad for me. (His tears fall down uncontrollably.) I am regretting everything now. I am feeling guilty. I am sorry for what I had done. Please punish me for what I had done. But...but please unite them! Even now I don't know if you are real or not. But if you are real then please give Laksh's love back to him. Make him happy. He deserves happiness. Please! Please let Ragini meet Laksh and prove the world the power of their love! Please!

With that Chiraag falls on his knees and cried to sleep.

It was becoming dark outside; Ragini was still driving towards the direction her heart asks her to go. Suddenly she stopped the car. She went out and looked around her. All around her is only large trees and shrubs. She felt her hope breaking down. She cried agony 'LAKSH!'

Laksh who was seemed to be lost in his thoughts suddenly startled up and looked ahead. He was driving without his knowledge. He gulped in fear and again made his mind to search for Ragini. But suddenly something caught his eyes. He immediately stopped the car and ran towards it.

Today's part is quiet boring naa without Raglak scenes? Don't worry the next we will have only Raglak scenes!! So...even now you want to kill Chiraag? If so...please leave him! I don't want any fight between Chiraag and Laksh. Ok? How is today's part for you guys? I think next part may be end. Then I will start to write time to change!! It's been a long time that I had updated it. Anyways! Have a nice day! Keep smiling! Take care! Love you all! Bye! (Next update will be soon...I think soo!!)

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