Promise on our child Laksh!

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At Baadi,

Everyone was shocked and happy to hear about Laksh. But they were worried about his behavior towards Ragini. Ragini was in dida's house sitting on the floor in a dark room.

Ragini's POV,

I could clearly say he was 'my Laksh'; only my Laksh. I don't know the reason for his ignorance and not accepting that he is Laksh. I always used to his ignorance. But still it hurts me freshly. When he first ignored me by choosing Swara I felt like I have no life and then his second ignorance on the marriage day made me to attempt to end my life. After a long time this third ignorance. Why I am always ignored? Why? Ok now leave that. I have already fought many times to get my love. This time too I will fight but along with my child. Yes my champ will help me in proving that he was my Laksh, his father and my husband. What hurts me more is that he knows that I am pregnant. He was the one who was eager to have a baby. But when that time had come, he was ignoring it. Why? Because of some reason he was ignoring us. But I could say that he was always with me. I know even though he acts like he hurt me, he was the one who had saved me from falling down. He couldn't even ask me whether I am alright because of some reason. What is the reason? I need to find that soon. Yes I must.

With that she wiped off her tears and slept for facing a very big day tomorrow. It was all seen by Laksh who was standing outside a window with tears in his eyes. He could only tell that 'I LOVE U RAGINI, I REALLY REALLY LOVE U RAGINI'. Then he went from there.

Next morning,

At Baadi,

AP, DP, Sanskar, Swara had stayed at Baadi last night. They saw Ragini coming out of Dida's house with a file and her mangalsutra. They stopped her and offered to accompany with her. But

Ragini: No papa. It's my life. Only I should take every move. I don't want to disturb u all. I will definitely bring 'my Laksh' back. Just bless me and send me alone. Please.

But AP: Ragini beta. I know it was ur life and u should do anything to bring back ur husband. But before all that I am her mother. I need to see him. I didn't leave him stay away from me at least one day. But now he had left me and stayed alone for 4 months. Even though he could leave me, I couldn't. I hope u understand.

Ragini had tears in her eyes. She could feel her pain as a mother after all she was going to be a mother in few months so nodded in yes. AP, DP, Ragini had went to Abhimanyu's house and Sanskar had went to get some proofs that Laksh had only disappeared and some identities of Laksh along with police (which was done by Swara alone in serial. Here since she is pregnant she was left in Baadi).

At Abhimanyu's house,

Ragini rang the bell and Mansi opened the door. She was about to shut the door but saw police standing behind them. So she gulped and asked what they wanted. At that time Abhimanyu had came and was shocked to see AP and DP along with Ragini and police. Yesterday he had buried his heart to hurt Ragini but today he had to throw his heart away forever to hurt 'his parents'. AP became emotional looking at Abhi but he turned his head to stop himself falling down. DP controlled AP and signaled her to wait for some time. Ragini was standing there emotionless and this hurts Abhi.

Police explained that they had come here to check if he was Laksh. As in serial they show id proofs of Laksh and Abhi. Ragini ask him to show birth mark and when it was found, Abhi proved it wrong. At that time Sanskar came and give some proofs that Laksh was alive and had disappeared for 4 months and at that time Mishka unknowingly said she had saw her father only 4 months back. Everyone became suspicious but Mansi sent Mishka inside to avoid the further questions. Now,

Abhi: So I have proved that I am Abhimanyu Khanna. So please go away. Let me stay with my family happily. Please I am begging u. (He said by killing his heart which in turn hurt everyone but except Ragini because her heart says he was just acting)

Ragini: So Mr. Abhimanyu Khanna. (Abhi's heart sinks in deep pain but had a straight face to cover up his emotions) U doesn't know who Laksh Maheshwari was. Right?

Abhi nodded his head in yes. Ragini: So how come did u know my name? (Abhi was shocked and reminded every incident that had happened yesterday night to avoid finding his lies) and said: U only has told me.

Ragini: Oh yeah. But how come did u know my name when u has admitted in the hospital? (Abhi was caught now and he had no idea how does she find that he had helped her) How can u say that u r my husband and fill the formalities in the hospital? (Abhi was trapped now and every one were eagerly waiting for his reply)

Abhi tried to say: I know u because my daughter had already told about u and

Ragini interrupted: But Mishu yesterday only had introduced me to u. Am I right?

Abhi don't know what to do. His mind was blank and trying hard to give an answer. Ragini took her files and kept on the table as a proof. Ragini sensed his inability to answer her questions. At last,

Ragini: Ok now stop it Laksh. I know that it was u. Please stop this drama and accept that u r Laksh Maheshwari. U adores me with this mangalsutra now and says that I am ur wife Ragini Laksh Maheshwari. Let's get blessings from papa and ma Durga Prasad Maheshwari and Annapurna Maheshwari. Let's go to our house Maheshwari Mansion. Everyone were waiting for u. especially ur champ, junior Laksh Maheshwari (Abhi closed his eyes to control his tears. His cold heart was melting with her each word. He could not take it anymore. He wanted to break his promise. But)

Ragini: If not u r not accepting it, then promise on our child that u r not his father and u r not my husband, u r not Laksh Maheshwari.

Everyone had frozen hearing this. They all now were waiting for Abhi's response.

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