Part 1

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The story begins with Laksh telling Ragini that if she had confessed her crime before then he would have forgiven her, but instead she was continuously lying to everyone. Ragini could not face anyone; so she bends her head down and cried. Then Durga Prasad told everyone about Raglak's divorce. Laksh too accepted it and Ragini's eyes were full of tears and guilt. Her heart was asking someone to come and hug her because she feels her heart so heavy. Now Ragini could not bear any words from anyone. So she just walked off from there. Swara was feeling sorry for her. She tried to talk to her but she just went off.

Then Shekhar with his family went from there after a thought of Swasan's divorce and Shekhar and Sharmistha's reunion. Swara felt that she doesn't want to go but she just shooed her feelings away. Both Sanskar and Laksh look at her going away. But Swara turned and looked only at Sanskar and Laksh noticed it. Then she went from there.

After a while in Maheshwari Mansion, everyone's heart was feeling like a great disaster and storm had got ridden from their lives that too for Laksh. At Gaddodia's house, everyone was angry on Ragini except Swara and Sharmistha as they took pity on her. But Ragini was not in her senses to look everyone's anger and hatred. Her mind was completely blank and face was pale.

Ragini was in her room and same does Swara, Sanskar and Laksh. They four were thinking about their life and their old love. Swara was thinking about Laksh's harsh words and Sanskar about his new found feelings on Swara and Ragini about her marriage and her love for Laksh and Laksh about breaking Swara's trust. They didn't get sleep and all the four were just walking in their respective houses whereas the elders have slept peacefully.

Swara saw Ragini and went to talk with her same does Sanskar with Laksh. Sanlak now patch up and talked their heart after a long time. Swara tried to talk to Ragini but Ragini was not in mood to talk to her and her dadi too warned her already to stay away from everyone. So she went to her room and locked herself.

The room was filled with complete darkness like her heart filled with guilt, pain, hatred, obsession, love. She doesn't know what to do. Her heart ask her cry loudly by hugging anyone or anything whereas her mind was saying that if she cries then she would definitely die due to loneliness. Just then she saw her mother's photo (Janaki's photo) on the wall. Now not only her eyes but both her mind and heart wanted her. But how could she come. She feels that she now needs a motherly love and care. Next question in her mind was who would give it that too now. She then thought something went from there with a determined face.

At Maheshwari Mansion,

Laksh was standing near his balcony looking at the moon and lost in some thoughts. His room door was not locked. He felt like someone was standing behind him and he turned. He was shocked to see Ragini standing with her head bend down. He thought that it was just his imagination. So he closed his eyes and opened it. But she was standing there in real. His frustration, anger, bitterness on her had come out. He was about to shout just then.

Ragini: Laksh. Please listen to me. Please.

She says with her head bend down. Tears were flowing through her cheeks continuously.

Laksh: Stop showing your crocodile tears. Now what is your plan? Why are you here? You want to brain wash me again? No you can't do it again. Don't stand before me and show your face again. Just go away from here or else I might even kill you in frustration. I am controlling myself just go away from here.

He turned to the other side and closed his eyes and tightened his fist.

Ragini: Laksh. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee! I want you to hear me just for 5 minutes. I won't disturb you then. Promise! Please Laksh listen to me. Please.

She asked in mere pleading. Laksh too felt that she was pleading so he turned towards her. Even now Ragini was not looking at his face and his eyes. This somewhere bothered him.

Laksh: What do you want?

He asked with little irritation and little care.

Ragini: Laksh I want you to be my mom just for a while. Please Laksh. Don't deny Laksh. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
This time she looked at Laksh. He was surprised and shocked due to her demand. So he looked her like what was your next game? Ragini understood it and said.

Ragini: Laksh please don't look at me like that. I know now you are so much confused and doubting my demand. You may also think that I could ask it to my dadi or Sharmistha maa or Swara or dada or papa or at least Annapurna maa. You know what I can't. When I thought to go to dadi I stopped due to her warning. I could go to Sharmistha maa or Swara because now they could stand with me but something like wall was preventing me to go to them. I then thought to go to papa or dada but my dadi itself was not convinced with me, so definitely they both would not even turn towards the direction where I am. I could go to Annapurna maa but her mind will be full of thought that I had ruined her son's life. You may think that how dare I am to come to you for whom I had done many thing that he could not forget it for his whole life. You are the only person suffered more because of me. But I have come to you because I dare Laksh.

Her unshed tears sparkled due to the cold light from the moon. Laksh's eyes frozen on it until Ragini continued.

Ragini: I lost my mom when I was too small Laksh from then I am longing for a mother's love and care. I know my dadi was with me. But she had done her responsibilities correctly and just gave a limited love and unlimited care. So I thought that when I was married, my husband would give all the love and care which I was longing for. For that reason only I fall in love with you when my dadi said that you are my husband. But everything was shattered. And so I dare to come to you. Please Laksh be my mom for a while Laksh. I want to say and ask many things to my mom Laksh. Pleaseeeeee Laksh.

Her voice was cracking and could not utter a word more than that. So she joined her hands and stood before him like a child asking ice cream from its mom. Laksh's mind was warning him not trust her but his ears were filled with his heart's words asking him to give in to what she wants. His heart could not see her in that condition. She was in the position that a stone hearted and cold minded man will be melted into water. Then why can't Laksh's heart be?

Laksh: Ok.

What happens next? Is this the time for Ragini's change or Laksh's change or of both? If yes what will that change bring to their life? Keep guessing. Stay healthy. Take care and keep smiling. 

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