Part 14

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Ragini was in deep thoughts while Laksh sat on the bed and gazed her intently. 

Feeling his gaze, she looked up at him but he still stared at her. His each and every action makes her feel happy but deep inside she is scared of it. She badly wanted to confront him about his actions but she didn't as she don't want to embarrass herself asking silly questions that's when Laksh jumped shouting "Idea!" Ragini placed her finger on his lips immediately scaring that someone might have heard him. Feeling her soft hand on his lips made him remember their last night's almost kiss moment. His cheeks burned and turned into a lighter shade of pink while he rubbed his nape looking away. She took her hand away and asked "Please don't shout, someone might hear us! Now tell me what the idea is?"

"Idea... What idea?" He asked clueless and suddenly shouted remembering his idea "Yeah idea!" Ragini looked at him pleadingly to not to shout. Laksh bit his tongue and hold his ear and muttered 'sorry' cutely. 

Ragini nodded and signed him to continue. "So the idea is, I will go and get fresh up and change into the spare clothes that were in your cupboard, which I have no idea how it came here. (He smirked at her while she bit her lower lip and looked anywhere but at him. Then he continued) after that we would go outside the room and if someone catches us, then I would say that I was here to get some signatures from you and if they ask for document, I would say 'Oh my bad! I forgot them in my car, wait let me take it and come' (He said while imitating how he would react making her smile at his actions.) So how is the plan?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows while rubbing off his imaginary sweat as if he had given a plan to avoid world war III. She chuckled at his action and said okay though she was not so sure about it.

He walked towards the bathroom while she looked at his back with lovely gaze. Suddenly he turned and smirked asking "Wanna join me in the shower?" She gasped while her cheeks became crimson red. She immediately shook her head and ran towards the window. He enjoyed her reaction with a stupid grin on his face and then went inside the bathroom.

After a while,

Ragini was nervously walking in the corridor with a fear that someone might catch her. While Laksh walked beside her coolly without giving a damn about his surroundings and trying to walk closely with Ragini. Though some people saw them, they didn't ask anything. Ragini was so thankful to god that she didn't run into her family members whereas Laksh was least bothered about it. Finally they both reached Laksh's car. He opened the car to get in but suddenly Ragini asked "Why did you come here last night, Laksh?"

He turned around and looked at her intensely while she looked at him for her answer trying to control her abnormally beating heart due to his stare. He took a step forward, standing close to her and cupped her cheeks saying "I will answer you when the time comes." With that he leaned down making Ragini's eyes go wide. He placed a small butterfly kiss on her left cheek making her shut her eyes tightly and clutch his shoulder for support. He moved an inch away and adored her face and whispered "Take Swara and go to a mall. I will bring Sanskar. Let's start the operation today!"

Her eyes quickly opened hearing him which makes her come out of her world. She couldn't speak, so she just nodded making him smile. He finally let her go and made his way to the car and started the engine. He left not before saying a bye and sending a wink on her way.    

She gaped at his disappearing image with a surprised and confused look on her face. That's when she felt someone hitting her shoulder playfully. She turned around to find Arjun standing beside her while smirking at Laksh's disappearing car. Her eyes widen knowing that he won't stop teasing her until he hears everything that happened. But if he comes to know what happened then he would tease her even more. She pouted. He turned towards her and wiggled his eyebrow asking "So? Both were sharing a lovey dovey moment that too in public. Care to explain what I missed?"

Ragini narrowed her eyes at him and said "It's not a PDA and he just came to say about the first plan for our operation. That's all, don't over imagine!"

She snapped at him but in turn his smirk widens more. He said "I didn't even ask 'why he came here' then why are you explaining it to me? Something fishy! I can smell that you are hiding something!"

Ragini palmed her forehead internally but showed as if she doesn't care about his blabbering and turned around and went inside her house while she heard him saying in girly voice "Hey I want the details woman!"

This time she palmed her forehead in real and ran inside making him laugh loudly at her.

At MM,

Laksh climbed up the stairs while whistling and playing with his car keys that's when he saw Sanskar climbing down. Sanskar looked at him and greeted him with 'morning' while Laksh returned the same. "Bhai, actually we have to attend a meeting but you know what is weird in it. The meeting is going to be held in a mall! I don't know why, maybe we should attend and find out." He said like he has no idea about anything. {The poor boy doesn't know that Sanskar already know about their plan as Ragini had sent Uttara the message which she passed to him. Both Raglak didn't know that Sanskar knew about their operation.}

Sanskar gave a knowing smirk and said "Maybe we should ask Ragini about the reason!" Laksh gave a confused look and that's when Uttara came with a knowing smile saying "Of course, only Ragini Bhabhi can answer it!" Laksh narrowed his eyes at them both and asked "What are you both blabbering?" Sanskar chuckled at him while Uttara said "Hey buddhu! Sanskar bhai knows about our operation Swasan and Ra..." She was about to say Raglak but Sanskar interrupted her by smacking her head and completed her sentence by saying "and Ragini's plan to unite us."

He smile convincingly and so did Uttara. Laksh looked at Sanskar shocked and asked "How? When? How come I didn't know about this?" for which Uttara said "Sanskar bhai kind of heard my conversation with that camel last night and he said he was willing to be supportive to us as he wanted to unite with Swara Bhabhi." Laksh was happy to hear it but pouted saying "You guys didn't even inform me about this last night itself?" Sanskar raised his eyebrow and said "We were waiting to inform it to you lucky! But alas you were nowhere to be found inside your room last night. So you tell us now, where were you last night?"

Laksh anywhere but at them and mumbled "Just a walk!" Uttara asked in mocking tone "At that time!?" Laksh narrowed his eyes at her and said "Yeah! I felt so." She smirked at him and asked "If that so, then how come you woke up so early this morning?" Sanskar too smirked and waited for Laksh's answer. Laksh rubbed his nape not knowing what to say and let out what first crossed his mind "I wanted to plan for our operation so I woke up early and went to Baadi to discuss about it with Ragini." He half lied knowing that if he said the truth then they would start to question him about his feelings which he himself was not sure what to call it as.

He for sure knows that he cares for her... maybe a lot. He do knows that he likes her so much. And now he feels that he wanted to stand by her side with every step she takes. And there is a little feeling in him that tells that he is incomplete without her, whenever he was around her his eyes were only on her. He just doesn't want to jump into conclusions saying that it is called love, after what he had faced in his past. He just wants to go along with his feelings and find what he really feels about Ragini, or say his wife.

"Lucky! Lucky!" Sanskar shook him making him come back to reality. "Yeah" He asked clueless. Sanskar hold his shoulder and asked in serious tone "I wanted to ask you something." Laksh looked confused but still asked "What's that?" "Do you still have any feelings for Swara?" Sanskar asked hoping that he would 'No' also to make sure that in search of his happiness, he shouldn't hurt his little brother.

To his pleasant surprise, Laksh chuckled at him and said "I am not into Swara after all she is your wife and my sister-in-law!" He smiled genuinely at Sanskar making him hug Laksh in happiness. 'Because I am into her sister or say my wife!' Laksh thought to himself and smiled even more. They three finally got inside the car and moved towards their first plan of the operation Swasan and Raglak!

At Baadi,

Ragini was standing infront of Swara's room and thinking how to ask Swara to accompany her to the mall. They both still didn't have a proper conversation after the truth was out because Ragini stayed at a distance from her family to not to hurt them anymore. So now it's making her nervous to speak to her own sister.

Suddenly the door opened and Swara came out and noticed Ragini infront of her room. She frowned and asked "What do you want?" Ragini looked at her and said "Let's go for shopping!" She said coolly taking Swara in surprise. But before she could say anything Ragini dragged her out of the house.

At Mall,

Swara was confused not knowing what exactly Ragini's plan was. She then decided to go along her plan and find out what she is now planning to do. Ragini was constantly looking at her phone then here and there like looking for someone not knowing that Swara was observing her every action. Suddenly Ragini's phone vibrated and when she looked at the message, she smiled happily. When she looked up, Swara was already looking at her with frown.

Suddenly from nowhere Arjun jumped in between them scaring the poor sisters. They both gasped in shock. When they found it was Arjun, they sent him their meanest glare which made him shiver in fear.

"H-hey" He stammered in fear while Swaragini stood like a statue still glaring at him. He raises his hands in surrender and said "Ok sorry! I won't pull that monkey stunt again. Is that enough?" Swaragini just nodded while Swara asked "What are you doing here?" Arjun looked at Ragini and then at Swara. He then said "I just came to buy some groceries but I didn't know what to buy as I have never shopped before. But then I saw you guys here so I thought to surprise you both and then ask for help!" He completed with a pout while Swara nodded and was about to ask something but Ragini interrupted her saying "Ok Ajju! I will accompany you and Swara, you continue your shopping. We will be back soon!" With that she ran away dragging Arjun along with her before Swara could say anything. Swara looked at their disappearing back and muttered "Weird!"

Swara kept walking while looking for something to attract her attention but got bumped with a wall or say a hard chest. She was about to fall but that person grabbed her by her waist. She slowly looked up to find Sanskar already looking at her intently. "Sanskar" gasped Swara while Sanskar whispered "Swara" like he was surprised to see her there and also in his own arms.

"Yaaay" Cheered the four musketeers seeing them from a distant.

After a while,

Swasan were sitting in a canteen in that mall and were talking like good friends. They were constantly noted by four pair of eyes or say just two pairs. As the pair of Laksh's eyes was busy in gawking at Ragini who was standing close to him hiding behind a pillar while the pair of Arjun's eyes was settled on Uttara who was standing close to him hiding behind another pillar and watching her both brothers. Uttara was happy that both her brother's couldn't move their eyes away from their wife's. She suddenly turned towards Arjun and found him staring at her like solving a puzzle. Feeling her gaze made him come back to reality and looked away while she looked at him in confusion. But then she shrugged and looked at Raglak while Arjun thought 'What this fatty is doing to me?'

Though Ragini's concentration was fully on Swasan, she could feel Laksh's hot breath near her neck. She tried to ignore him and his presence but failed miserably. She remembered how he had made her upset last night and their almost kiss, so she decided to avoid him just to save her heart from another heartbreaking moment. While Laksh noticed that she was avoiding him from the way she looked away whenever he looked at her and just one word answer when he messaged her that they arrived and no special greeting for him. He was completely frustrated by her ignorance so he grabbed her arm and turned her around and pinned her with the pillar earning a gasp from her. Their eyes locked, breath mingled, heart skipped its beats, shiver running down their spine, goosebumps on their skin.

"I know I shouldn't have said that." Laksh started but Ragini interrupted him saying "You no need to say anything Laksh, after all that's the truth." But Laksh placed his finger on her lips making her shut and gaped at him. His gaze falls on her lips making her heart flutter and feel butterflies in her stomach. He then looked at her eyes and said "Just listen to me!" She weakly nodded making his finger drop. "I am really sorry for hurting you Ragini. I shouldn't have said something that would hurt you. Please forgive me Ragini. I won't repeat it again. Seeing you upset makes me feel sad. I promise you that I won't hurt you or let others to hurt you. Forgive this impulsive man for one last time Ragini. Please!" His eyes flared with honesty and pleading emotions but still they didn't hide the warmth that can be brought out from his heart only by Ragini. Though she was upset with him, seeing his honesty and hearing his promise she said "I forgive you Laksh." She whispered making him grin like he had at last conquered the whole world. He took a heart shaped balloon that he was hiding from her sight and gave it to her saying "A new start for our friendship!" She smiled making his heart flutter and took the balloon from him.

Ajjuttu were looking at them in awe while Sanskar too noticed them and smiled widely making Swara to ask "What's behind that smile?" He immediately turned his concentration to her and said "Just remembered how you would fall down from bed while sleeping." She blushed remembering their moment while Sanskar chuckled at her.

That day went with the two pairs giving a new start to their relationship while another couple started to have the symptoms of love.

Love is in the air!💖

So... how is the part? What about Raglak scenes? Got to know about Laksh's POV... when will he realize it's love. Let's just wait and teach him😉.  So... next... what will happen? Finally Arjun came today!! I think you guys should start to hate Arjun because every character cannot be positive till end........😑













Just kidding! 😝😅🙈

Keep smiling and take care! Love you all! 💕

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