Part 30

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Next day morning, Ragini woke up first and found her handsome husband sleeping with his face pressed on her chest and hands wrapped around her waist in protective grip and not to forget the slightly opened mouth. She admired his features and placed a soft kiss on his forehead and smiled to herself. "Don't you think it's a crime to take advantage of a sleeping man?" Laksh whispered and slowly opened his eyes and smirked at her cockily. Ragini blushed at his comment but still defended herself by saying "I am not taking advantage of any guys but my husband, and I find no harm in doing so."

With that said she tried to get up from the bed but was pulled back by a grip on her collar. She found him lying on the bed with one hand balancing his head and other gripping her collar. He suddenly pulled her so that she falls on his chest. Before she could recover from his action, he pushed her to the bed and hovered over her. He gently placed a kiss on her forehead and whispered "Good morning, wifey!" Ragini smiled at him and wished him back. She then placed her hand on his chest and said "Ok now move, I need to make breakfast." "Yeah, I need to have my breakfast too, down there." He whispered and cupped the place in between her legs suddenly making Ragini blush immensely. She hit his hand lightly and pushed him off her but he was too strong for his own good. "I am serious, Laksh. I am hungry." She said and pouted her lips so that he will leave her alone.

But nope, Laksh was in too good mood today to let her go. "I am also serious Ragini. I am hungry... for you." His eyes immediately dilated with desire while it roamed down her body. Ragini couldn't do anything but blush at his words. She then pulled her puppy dog face and said "Please Laksh, I want food." "Fine then, but I will let you go only after I get my good morning kiss." He said and pouted his lips for her to come and give his' 'morning kiss'. But she immediately covered her mouth with her hands and said "No! My morning breath stinks. I am not going to kiss you with that." Laksh gave her a bored look and said "Do I look like I care?" With that said he was about to claim her lips but Ragini outsmarted him by punching on his stomach and used his moment of weakness to rush towards the restroom.

"Hey, be careful. You must be sore from the last night activities." Ragini heard Laksh saying from the other side of the door. She smiled at his care and said, "I might have been sore if not for your warm bath last night." With that, she started to do her morning business and took bath relaxing her sore muscles from the cuddling of last night. After the bath, she realized that she had forgotten to take her dress, so she came out wearing nothing but a towel and expected Laksh to be inside the bedroom so that she could have another episode like last night. She blushed at her own thoughts and slapped her forehead.

But when she came back to the bedroom, she found the room empty. She pouted slightly but then dressed herself in another one of Laksh's shirt and started to make her way towards the kitchen to make breakfast. She thought that Laksh might be watching TV in the living room as it was a weekend and he won't go to work on weekends. But she was welcomed by the sight of Laksh in kitchen making breakfast in nothing but in his last night boxers and an apron covering his muscled chest. His long legs and strong shoulders are on display along with his bareback. Her mouth watered at the sight of her handsome husband. She was sure that it's a sight for sore eyes.

"Don't you want to hug this hot chick?" Laksh asked wiggling his eyebrow at Ragini while looking at her over his shoulders. Ragini chuckled at his choice of words and hugged him from behind. She pressed her cheeks on his hardback and placed her arms around his waist. His fragrance and the way his muscles moved while he was making breakfast for her, made her feel hot. She started to give butterfly kisses on his back still hugging him. Laksh groaned feeling her hot lips. Already her fresh smell was so tempting and now feeling her small kisses makes his blood rush towards a certain part of his body.

"Ragini" He called her slowly and heard her whispering a 'hmm'. "Don't you want your breakfast?" He asked trying to calm down. "I want..." Before she could complete Laksh interrupted her sentence saying "My little Laksh" making Ragini gasp at his stupid teasing. She blushed remembering how she had a taste of his 'little Laksh'. But then she broke the hug and hit his back for teasing her. He chuckled feeling her little fist hit his hardback which was like a massage for him.

He then turned around and looked at her with his intense eyes and asked "What do you want Ragini? Breakfast or me?" Ragini gulped seeing his intense eyes. She just took a deep breath and said "I want breakfast..." Laksh's shoulder slumped down and an adorable pout formed on his lips. Ragini smiled secretly but still continued saying "But before that, I want a kiss." Laksh's eyes brighten like a kid who got extra chocolate on his classmates' birthday. He immediately leaned down to claim her lips but before that Ragini placed a finger on his lip and whispered "Just a kiss, ok?" Laksh smirked devilishly and said, "Let's decide that later." With that said he was about to claim her lips once again for a hot and passionate kiss but before that they heard their front door being banged.

They both pulled apart and looked towards their main door in shock. But then Ragini's face turned neutral. "Thief" Laksh murmured in panic but Ragini said in a robotic voice "Friends". Laksh looked at her confused and was about to ask something but then they heard the main door being opened and a very familiar voice came "I can smell food!" "Uttara" Laksh said in the same voice which Ragini used just a moment before. They heard another familiar voice saying "Calm down fatty, the food is going to be ours' at the end!" "Arjun" Ragini said in the same tone. They sighed and looked at each other longingly.

"I will go and greet them," said Ragini and was about to go but was stopped by Laksh who took her to their bedroom without making much noise. "You are not going to come in front of them like this!" Laksh said in a commanding tone making Ragini look at herself. She was just in Laksh's shirt. She flushed thinking how Ajjuttu would have teased her seeing her like that. She immediately took a dress from their cupboard and rushed inside the dressing room to change into it while Laksh looked at her activity and smiled to himself. He then quickly puts on some track pant and T-shirt and goes out to meet his cockblockers.

When he went to the living room, he saw them sitting on the couch and watching TV like they own the house. Laksh was glad that they are comfortable here but still, he was irritated that they spoiled his romantic mood. When he reached the couch, he slapped Arjun's shoulder stronger than the usual making Arjun curse while Uttara watched the scene in front of her and laughed at Arjun's face. Laksh smirked feeling his ego satisfied a bit and sat down in between Arjun and Uttara. "So what brought you both here?" Laksh asked with his eyes bored on TV.

"What? Can't I visit my Ragu?" Arjun asked frowning at Laksh's sudden cold welcome which was very unusual. Uttara looked at Laksh and pouted saying "I missed you both so much bhaiya. So I decided to visit today." Laksh rolled his eyes at them and said "You both had been here just 2 days before." Ajjuttu looked offended and said at the same time "So? We shouldn't miss you guys?" Laksh rolled his eyes again and said, "Just accept the fact that you guys are missing my wife's food!" Ajjuttu shrugged and started singing

"Food gives me energy,
Energy, energy;
Food makes me happy,
Happy, happy;
Food is everything,
Everything, everything;
Food is my life!"

"For god's sake, forget these rhyme things. It makes me wonder that you guys are still kinder garden children." Laksh shrieked making Ajjuttu roll their eyes this time and said at the same time "We are adults with hearts of children." They giggled when Laksh smacked his forehead for even trying to make them feel that they are adults.

"Who wants food?" They heard Ragini's honey-filled voice uttering sweetest words making Ajjuttu's mouth water. While Lakshturned to look at his beautiful wife in a  peach-coloured skirt and black sleeveless top showing off her curves, he gulped his saliva feeling his eyes dilated with lust and love for the woman in front of him. 

The 'kids' near him started screeching for food in her hands while his heart and body screamed to have her as his food. Ragini blushed feeling his intense stare and bit her lower lip in shy making Laksh's eye drawn towards it and his heart go crazy.

She went towards them and gave everyone a plate and started to serve them. While Laksh stood up and helped her. In the name of helping her, he touched her skin whenever he could. 'Of course, he is Laksh Maheshwari; Laksh Maheshwari will never leave opportunities' Ragini thought and rolled her eyes.

Their day was well spent with Ajjuttu's company. They laughed, fought, played, danced, sang, did many crazy things. At the end of the day, Arjun said, "I am leaving!" Laksh grinned internally but let out a sarcastic sigh while saying "Finally!" Arjun rolled his eyes and said, "I mean that I am leaving Kolkata tonight."

Silence filled the room but it was busted when Ragini shrieked "What?" while Laksh looked at him with shock look. Uttara sat calm and didn't utter any word. She looked like she was in her own land. Arjun sighed and said "I am sorry..." He started saying but got interrupted when Laksh said angrily "You should be!" "Please hear me out first!" Arjun said pleadingly. "My life, my company, my future and everything is in Mumbai. I came here for Ragini. Now that she is happy and got you, Laksh; my company and workers needs me now. I took the decision last night. I was about to inform you all by the morning itself, but then I didn't have the heart to get rid of those beautiful smile from your faces." He then smirked cockily and said "After all, everyone will miss this handsome charming man!" He winked at them.

Ragini choked back tears trying her best to give her best friend a smile but couldn't. Laksh puts a comforting arm around Ragini while Arjun smiled at them. His gaze then moved towards Uttara who was still sitting in the same posture but then she smiled looking at him, a fake smile, "Finally! I can have a peaceful life without your stupid jokes." Arjun smirked at her and said "The feelings are mutual!" And that wiped away her smile. Tears brimmed in her eyes but she looked away to control them. Before Arjun could regret what he said, Ragini pushed away from Laksh's arms and hugged Arjun tightly. "I will miss you!" She whispered and remembering their moments. Laksh stood up and hugged them both while saying "It's hard to say but still I will miss you!" Arjun smirked at him and puts an arm around him too. "I will miss everyone too" His eyes moved towards Uttara.

The trio broke the hug. Arjun closed his eyes tightly controlling his tears while Laksh rubbed his shoulder knowing what he was trying to do. Soft and short hands wrapped around his waist. He opened his eyes and looked down to find Uttara pressing her head on his chest. Without saying anything he hugged her back while placing his chin on the top of her head. He smiled feeling how she fits perfectly in his arms. He felt his T-shirt getting wet. He sighed and rubbed her arms in a soothing way.

She then broke the hug and whispered "Goodbye!" Before he could say anything to her, Ragini asked "When is your flight?" "In 2 hours" Arjun responded making her feel sad. "Don't worry guys, it's not like I am going forever. If you all miss me so much, just ring me a call, I will there banging your house doors in next second!" Uttara rolled her eyes and said sarcastically "You can come in next second only if you are a Doraemon or have magical powers!" Arjun grinned at her feeling that she is back to the form again.

At last, they accompanied Arjun to the airport and send him off with teary eyes. Raglak dropped Uttara at MM and drove towards their home. Ragini was still upset on Arjun. Laksh didn't try to make her speak as he thought that she needs to get back her thoughts. After reaching their home, she still had a sad face giving some fake smiles occasionally to Laksh trying to convey that she is ok.

When they finally landed on bed, Laksh took her in his embrace and said "Let it go, Ragini!" Ragini sniffed hearing it. She cried in his arm, missing Arjun already. "Shh! He will be staying just a few cities away, Ragini. We can chat with him whenever we want, have face-time, catching flights, messages, etc. Just don't be sad like this. I feel pain here." He whispered and rubbed his chest making Ragini look at him. She then nodded at him and gave a small smile. Comfortable silence filled the atmosphere. They just stayed calm in each other's embrace. Laksh slowly called Ragini's name making her hum on his chest. "I have something to show you." "Now?" Ragini asked tiredly. "Yes, now only!" With that, Laksh broke their embrace and went towards a drawer. Ragini closed her eyes and sighed.

"Here!" Laksh's voice made her open her eyes. Her eyes are welcomed by a diary having a saying "Because every picture tells us a story!

That made her curious. She sat on the bed with legs crossed while Laksh moved behind her and hugged her from back. She finally opened the diary.

"So what story is it going to remind me?" Ragini asked softly. "You will know!" Laksh whispered in her ear making her shiver. She turned the next page to find their wedding photo. They both were grinning at the photo. Ragini frowned seeing it.

"How come we are smiling like this?" She asked with frowned eyebrows. "The original picture was actually depressing. But then our life had changed drastically that I want to travel back to our wedding day and smack the head of the groom Laksh and order him to smile while cracking my stupid joke to the bride Ragini so that she would grin like this." Laksh said with dreamy eyes making Ragini look at him intensely. "But it won't happen in reality. So I thought why not edit or face swaps the image. And the result is in your hands." Laksh said making Ragini gasp in surprise. She again looked at the picture and said "This looks so real!" Laksh grinned hearing her surprise and her like for the picture while Ragini turned to the next page.

"Hey, this one..." Ragini started her sentence which was finished by Laksh "This one was taken while we have gone for skydiving." Ragini grinned and looked at the next photos while they shared their memories at that captured moment. Finally, a page came where the photo in it, shocked Ragini. "This...!" Ragini was too surprised to utter a word. "Happy 10 months anniversary love," Laksh whispered and moved towards her lips and kissed her softly and passionately. 

After the kiss, Ragini looked at his eyes still in shock and surprise. "I really didn't know." Ragini muttered while Laksh smiled softly and said "And that's for what I am here to remember it to you." Ragini smiled at him lovingly while Laksh pecked her lips. He then glanced at the diary and said "Here comes the real surprise!" Ragini frowned and looked down to find some cartoon. 

"What's this?" Ragini giggled at the picture. "Find the word!" Laksh said eagerly while hugging her close. "Honeymoon...?" Ragini asked while raising her eyebrow. But she didn't hear Laksh's answer. So she turned her head slightly to find him giving her a mischievous smile making her eyes go wide. "Oh my god, we are going for a honeymoon!" Ragini squealed in happiness while Laksh throw his hand in air and said "Yes wifey!" His excited action made her giggle. "So where are we going?" She asked excitedly and fully turning towards himself. "Turn the next page." He said while wiggling his eyebrows. Ragini excitedly did so and exclaimed looking at the picture. "Paris!"

Laksh grinned and nodded while Ragini smiled triumphantly and hugged him. Laksh hugged her back and they both stayed like that for a while. "But why all the pictures were cartoon?" Ragini questioned still hugging Laksh while he smirked but didn't answer her. She suddenly pushed him off and said in shock and surprise "Don't tell me..." With that, she quickly turned the next page to find what she had guessed. 

Ragini gasped in surprise. "WE ARE GOING TO FREAKING DISNEYLAND!" Ragini screamed in excitement and happiness. She couldn't control herself and started to jump on the bed while Laksh couldn't be more proud of himself at that moment seeing his beautiful beaming and jumping happily. Suddenly Ragini hugged him tightly and muttered "I love you so much, hubby!" while pouring her love through her butterfly kisses on his chest. Laksh's cheeks gone red suddenly. And at that moment, Ragini looked up to find him blushing. She broke the hug and smile mischievously saying "Aww, you are blushing!"

Laksh tried to cool his cheeks while giving fake glare towards Ragini. "No, I am not!" But Ragini was not in the mood of giving up her teasing. "My hubby is blushing. So cute!" She gushed over her husband and pinched his cheeks. He slapped away her hands and gave her a warning stare. "No, Ragini. I am not blushing." Ragini giggled and ran away from him saying "You are!"

With that, they started to play Tom and Jerry fight while running all over their house. They even threw things on each other and laughed at their face. The clean and beautiful house was messed up but they didn't care about their mess. All they wanted was to live that moment. Finally, Laksh caught Ragini and throw her over his shoulder and started to move towards their bedroom. "You caveman, leave me!" Ragini squealed while punching his back with her soft fist. Laksh dropped her on the bed and immediately hovered over her before she could run again and said "You don't know the real definition of caveman. Let me show you now!" making Ragini's eyes go wide.

Their night spent well while exploring each other's body. On the other side, fingers tightened around an iron rod while muttering in a low dangerous tone "This isn't over!"


Yes, the story isn't over. It will be continued in the next book.

I know, I am already having pending works but I promise that nothing will be left incomplete.

I don't know when I will start the next book, I just need a good start. If I get it, I will immediately start posting it. Thank you!

And my first work, Love has no eyes is being edited to a new version and I promise it's better than the old one along with some new chapters. So old readers can also read it. Leave your love for it too. Thank you!

Love you all!

Keep smiling! Stay happy! ^_^

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