I Love Calories - 2

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I am back with other part. Did you like this new writing style?

Well, I loved it a lot and so all new works will be in this way only. Hehe.


Author's pov

"Bhagta kahan hai kamine, ruk!" Ragini ran behind Sanskaar with a glass who was escaping from her running in the entire room over the bed and couch. He was laughing hard.

"Wait..Oh..Hahah..Ragu..sun meri baat. I swear, I didn't know about it. I came to know yesterday itself when your father told me at the construction site." Ragini came to a halt as she was tired running. She started huffing.

"Chubby Tubby, you tired?" Sanskaar mocked. Ragini passed him death glares then picked a cushion from side and banged it hard on his face making him silent.

"Don't even let a word out, you betrayer. " Ragini glared him. Sanskaar sighed and then came towards her. He then side hugged her and made her sit on the floor and he himself too sat.

"Tera dimaag bhi mota hai kya? Bulky head! Don't you get what I am saying? I myself didn't know about this. And moreover, why are you angry? Laksh isn't the one who you would reject. You know it that I am well aware of the fact that you had a massive crush on him. Haha." Sanskaar winked at her.

"Uhm...Uhm..It's just, you all fooled me!" Ragini said timidly adjusting her specs. "Would you have accepted to meet a guy for your marriage proposal, if told earlier?" Sanskaar asked punching lightly on her arm.

"Hell No! And don't do that. It hurts." Ragini said cringing her nose and rubbing her arm. "Then this is your answer and according to me Laksh too didn't know about this." Sanskaar said thinking.

"Exactly, because he jokingly asked if we married each other, as in you and me because we are so close." Ragini said remembering his words. "What!?! Chiiiiiiiiiii! Tere se shaadi karne se accha main kunwara mar jaaon!" Sanskaar said making an ugly face.

"Toh tereko kya lagta hai ki main tere pe mari jaa rahi hoon? Langoor kahin ka!" Ragini said rolling her eyes. "Oh puhlease, I know you die for my just one look. You are so desparate about me." Sanskaar smirked.

"You know what, I was thinking to say this to you from so long..." Ragini said narrowing her eyes at him. He nodded to let her speak.

"Roses are red; violets are blue. I have five fingers, and the middle one is for you." She said showing him her middle finger. Sanskaar's eyes widened and then he scrutinized his eyes at her.

"Ah...I forgive you for the time being. So, come to the point, what's your answer to this alliance? Are you ready to marry him?" Sanskaar asked. "Laksh is a great guy. I'll be happy with him." Ragini said smiling.

"What's your answer?" Sanskaar still asked irritating Ragini. " I just told you." Ragini said glaring him. "When?" Sanskaar asked confused.

"Are you always such an idiot, or do you just show off when I'm around?" Ragini angrily asked him. "Why are you starting off a fight? I just asked you to say either a yes or no! And you didnt give my answer!" He yelled.

"Fuck you Sanskaar! Hell, its a yes." Ragini shouted making Sanskaar stunned. "Really?" He asked excited. "Yes!" She confirmed.

"Oh My God! Oh My God! Everyone, its a yes from this side too..." Sanskaar stood and ran outside making Ragini holding her head.

Next day,

Ragini's pov

The meeting was over. And as planned, I and Laksh went for the coffee. He drove us to the Nik Cafe. We took a table and got seated.

The cafe was a beautiful place. It was simple yet fancy. We gave our orders and then Laksh got nervous. It felt like he wanted to say something but was not sure to speak about it. He constantly tapped his fingers on his thumb and was looking here and there.

"Is everything alright? " I asked him. He looked towards me and then stuttered out a weak yes. "Ye... Yeaaa..h."
"Then why aren't you speaking? Speak it up. " I told him to say.

"Ahh... Actually the thing is, Look Ragini, I didn't expect this and I had no intention like that, it's just even I wasn't aware of the fact that the meeting we had yesterday was also meant to be for...you know what I mean. " He said closing his eyes. He was afraid that I might judge him.

So. Cute.

"You're way too cute. It's not fair!" I suddenly laughed making him jolted. He looked amused. "What!? " He questioned with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah. Haha. " I still laughed.

"You're so weird man! " He said rolling his eyes. "I know that you didn't know about the alliance thingy but then you accepted, so easily? I mean are you okay marrying me? " I asked getting a lil insecure about myself.

He again, agaaiiinnnn smiled breathtakingly.

Kill me for once and all.

"I told my answer yesterday itself. And I am obliged to have a person like you by my side for life. Like, we know each so well being college mates, and then we are in the same career line that too business partners. Then, you are an intelligent, humorous and beautiful woman. I don't need more. " He said smilingly.

"Every woman needs a man like you. I am glad to have you as my to be partner hottie! " I flirted and complimented him.
He smiled and then chuckled with red cheeks at me mentioning him 'hottie'.

The Engagement day,

After a week, it was our engagement day.
I managed to lose two kgs. Sanskaar told me the reality. And I hate to listen that. But it's the bitter truth.

With Laksh being so free minded and okay with however I looked, I was on an ease and happy as I was. But Sanskaar wasn't.

"There is nothing as such ugly. But my dear friend the thing is, a fat body is home to many diseases. Diabetes, Thyroid, PCOS, Heart diseases, Kidney failure and what not!! Babe, give a fuck to the society. You aren't dieting to fit their mindset. You are dieting to secure your life, for yourself. And for this, you need to trim down calories. Don't be proud of it. It ain't an achievement. But don't let it make your morale and confidence down. You aren't inferior to anyone but you are risking your life. Are you getting what I am saying? Ragu! " His words rang in my mind.

He also told me that, I have 8 months for marriage and I could easily lose some more kgs. And I was pretty much confident. But, I was missing my food, it had been so long since I saw junk food. Neverthless, I ought to be determined.

I got ready for my engagement. Maa made me wear a heavy red anarkali with my hairs opened and a lil bit of makeup. Wait a sec, lil bit?

Hell no!

It took an complete hour for my makeup! I wasn't happy with my outfit though. Because, I wanted to wear a lehanga but as my figure didn't allow me, I had to wear this anarkali.

Wait a second, does that mean, they will not let me wear the wedding dress of my choice? Oh no! I won't let any such thing happen.

Thinking of this, we came down only to find Laksh standing on the stage already. Aaah-----The man was in a golden sherwaani with a red dupatta draped around him as he was a prince of somewhere.

Over that, his beautiful soul added more charm to him. I was shot dead by him. His gaze then fell on me and he smiled. I returned back it. Walking up the two stairs, I stood right next to him.

"Hi." I said. "Hey. You're looking gorgeous." He complimented. "Thank you. You don't look bad either." I said and he chuckled a bit.

We weren't in love. Offcourse, how can you expect someone to fall in love in a meet or two? But, we were sure that we will be in love. Now that's interesting! Right? It is.

Everything was going pretty smooth. Sanskaar and Laksh were talking about the new deal. I knew it all already, so I preferred not listening.

And then I saw some people coming upto the stage. It took me no time to realize that they were Laksh's friends from the college. Offcourse we were acquainted as we were in the same college but the thing is whenever we people met, we got engaged into ugly fights. Laksh was a common friend.

They hated me for God's sake what reason. I didnt like them either, duh!

Reena (one of them) , out of nowhere just came and hugged me tightly!!

"Mottiiiii!!! Congratulations." She screamed loudly gathering other's attention towards us.. You don't need to show your smartness. I very well know why you did that. I remained quite.

And then, Soumya started laughing loudly. "I can't believe this, Laksh you getting engaged to baby panda is so unreal. Hahaha...Sorry to say, you deserve someone better. You are soo lucky Ragini. Anyways congratulations." She said and then hugged Laksh who looked displeased.

Sanskaar was ready to burst but seeing me silent, he knew that I was enough for them.

All started mocking me making my family unhappy. But then, all knew me. Laksh was about to say something when I held his hand. I assured him.

Waiting for the right moment.

"A lot girls died for you Laksh, then why her? What if she accidentally someday sat on you?"
Nachita laughed making everybody laugh.

Its the time.

"And if I remember you were one of those Nachi? Running behind him always. Hahahaha.....college days. " I said acting nostalgic. She got shut. Before, anyone out of them could speak, I resumed.

"And you don' worry, he'll manage if I someday sat on him. You tell me about yourself? Hahaaha...Looking at you now, I feel you had been starving for months, so what if I sit on you now? Should I? Hahahaah...." Sanskaar laughed along with me encouraging the gathering to laugh along us.

Laksh just kept looking at me surprised. And Nachi's face was flushed. Boom!

Don't angry me. Haha.

Soumya and Reena were standing passing daggers at me. I snapped a look at them.

"You heard my heart's voice Soumya. I myself think that Laksh deserves someone better. Maybe someone like you." Laksh gave a horrific look to me. Sanskaar put his hand on his shoulder saying that I haven't completed yet.

"I mean he deserves a girl who should worship him, clinge to him, roam around him everytime, do clumsy things to seek his attention and one who has no job to look after so that she could invest her all time in this. Look at me, I am his business partner, I have huge deals to look after, then I believe in equality...I want to be a wife who could be a guide to him during his dark times. I want to be a life partner, with whom he could share his grievances. And I don't stand somewhere in comparison to you. Sooo....you know what I mean."

"Ooooooooohhhhhh.....Hahahahahahaahaha." A loud sound I heard from the gathering.

Two shots down.

Now, Reena was left. I walked to her and hugged her tightly imitating her.

"Reeeeennaaaa!!!! Congratulations!!!! You earned an invitation over here." I said breaking the hug.

"Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!" Sanskaar yet laughed again making others laugh too.

"By the way, you should thank me. Laksh was denying to call you. I convinced him to call you. And see you are here. " I told her. It wasnt true but I am a cruel bitch.

All shots down.

She simply gave a tight smile and paced down from the stage along with other bitches. The boys who accompanied them didnt utter a word.

Soon, the tension out there normalized.

The ceremony began, and we exchanged rings finally. I saw a hint of admiration towards me in his eyes which kinda made me blushed. Hehe.

My parents, Laksh, Sanskaar and his parents were surprised by my handling the situation but it did hurt me when they said those things.

Not hurt, but I was really angry! I wanted to kill them. Why were they here infact.

"Ragini am sorry for this. Its all my fault." Laksh said apologizing for calling his friends. "Its fine." i smiled at him.

"No! It isnt. It isnt fine. I can not tolerate anything against my fiance. Your respect is mine, I promise to keep no contact with them at all. I swear.

Husband Goals.

"You don't need to worry. I am fine." I gave him an assuring smile and he nodded still guilty and left for his house.

Time flew like anything, Months kept passing, in these 8 months we met many times and we grew closer to each other even more. Sanskaar had still kept me on a diet. And it was giving good results.

Before one week of my wedding, I weighed 63 kgs and Sanskaar who was living my life had gained 5kgs. Hahahahaha. He was 80 now. But to my dismay, there was no change in his look.

Everytime, I asked him to exercise, he would say that he was in a permissible limit which he was.
My body had a drastic change. With 63kgs I was now in a permissible limit.

Neither, I was slim to have a perfect model like figure nor I was a stout potato. I was normal now. My cheeks still chubbier. And I didnt want to lose more. I was happy and content.

Laksh had no as such change in his behaviour. But he did motivated me all the time to be myself and lose my weight for myself not for some comments passed on me.

We got married, while I was in my choice of dress and we are living a happy married life now! Laksh is the man of my dreams and I am grateful to God to send him in my life.

We both confessed love for each other on our marriage day at the night and spent time knowing each other more.

I told him that I was crushing on him since college and he was all blushing while he found me a good friend durinf college times. Nothing else. That is because he was a nerd.

Sanskaar got married after us with Neha who returned a week before from London.

I think my life is perfect, fit and healthy now. I have started working on my fitness but Dude I LOVE CALORIES!!!

So, me and Laksh get out once in a fortnight to dine out like we are doing now.

So the food is calling me. I must go.

Ragini out.


I am sorry for this rushed chapter!

Its a waste I know but I had nothing to write. I was just bank. I lost the track and so procastinating it further was more wrong.

Thereby, I thought to end it now.

I am dissapoimted with it but I hope it aint bad too that level.


These were the two shots.

I hope you all enjoyed though the ending was a bit rushed.


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