ix) Night Changes

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So next part is here!

Very late... But here it is!

I'll rant about what made me come so late at the end. Hope you'll forgive me sweety.

Happy Birthday floatingstarsx!! ❤


Mumbai University,

It was the last day of college. Exams had ended and all were preparing for the final farewell. Ragini was supposed to host the programme.

All were in the activity centre of the college practicing their own parts when the principal of the college walked in.

"So...? How is the preparation going? "
Asked the principal.

"Good Sir. "
The students replied resuming back to their parts when he interrupted again.

"Sorry students, I'll just take a few more minutes of yours. I have some guest with me who I would like that you guys meet. " He said.

"Offo! These people leave no chance to waste our time. " Ragini murmured to herself as she saw her principal going out to take the guest.

A few minutes later, the principal walked in with a man might be half his age. His walk had class, hairs groomed to perfection and his aura speaking volumes of charm.

And for a second, Ragini just couldn't remove her eyes from him for a moment.
But soon, she came back to herself.

"Students, meet Mr Laksh Roy. He is here to offer job opportunities for young lads like you. The guy is the son of Mr Yashraj Roy, owner of the most known Fashion House in Mumbai and lacking interest in that sector made him to start as a new entrepreneur. Here he comes. "
The principal explained.

All looked keenly towards him as who would not want to get a job assurance even before completing studies.

All keenly waited for him to start. He took a step forward to speak but instead slipped over something and fell down.

There was a dead silence.

All students got stunned. The gorgeous man standing with his head high in clouds was lying on the ground now.

Ragini stifled a little chuckle and immediately covered it by going to help him.

She gave him her hand and he embarrassedly took it and got up.

"Are you fine?" She asked him.

"Yea... Yeah...! Thank you. " He said and looked around with a red face.

"It.. It's fine. " Ragini said and went back to her place.

Laksh then later explained how he was starting a new company and what all requirements were there to join the company.

And the idea being really good, students including Ragini went for the interview.

A few weeks later,

Ragini got a newsletter about her being selected with other 10 students of her college. She was glad to have a job while pursuing her further degree.

All this while, she never met Laksh again but him falling never left her mind. She would lightly chuckle over it and then would resume her work. It wasn't meant to be derogatory but she found it cute.

"He's so bumbling. Haha. It would be fun working under him. "

First day,

Ragini walked into the small building as it was just a startup company. She talked to the receptionist and she asked her to meet Laksh directly.

It wasn't like it happens in big companies where it's nearly impossible to meet the boss but here she was asked to meet Laksh so that he could explain her work.

She walked into his cabin only to find nine students already seated there waiting for Laksh to start. She grabbed a seat near her friend.

"Good Morning Sir. "
She greeted and he nodded with a smile.

"So.. Let's start. First on..uhm first of all, I-I heartfully thank all of you to volunteer yourself here. I am really grateful. I hope we..I hope uhm I hope we will make a great team. "

Laksh started speaking and Ragini could clearly see him getting nervous, hesitating, dropping the marker again and again. She heard a few guys planning to make an exit because they thought that Laksh didn't have a personality as that of a boss.

She didn't know how to act. He wasn't indeed impressive. The image of a boss all had in their minds wasn't fulfilled by Laksh. But, she wanted to be here. A little part of her wanted to be here.

And then she heard her best friend saying,
"I don't think I'll be working here. The staff, the workplace, everything is such a mess. And the guy himself is not confident enough to pull this work. Let's not waste our time Ragini. What say? "

And, she agreed to her coming under her influence.

As a result, out of 10 students, only four remained there (all boys).

Three years later,

XYZ University,

"Students, I want you guys to meet, Ms Ragini Deshmukh. She is here to start her own software company and would want to speak a few words. "
The principal said asking Ragini to come and host students.

Ragini came forward, took the Mike but her heels got entangled within the wires of the mic and accidently she dropped it which made a banging sound giving a pain in ears to everybody.

"Oh shit am sorry am sorry. Am so sorry."
She said and picked the mic back hearing a few giggles.

"Oh how fumbly she is. Haha. "
She heard a few words. But, she wasn't clumsy. She wasn't a fumbling bee. She was nervous. She was scared. She was in doubts because it was a very big decision she took by refusing to marry someone as her family said and now it was a bigger responsibility on her shoulders to prove her parents that she was right by refusing them. And it scared her.

Somehow, she carried on and managed to get five volunteers from the college after her noob and a slight dissapointing presentation.

A few days later, she decided to work on her presentation because she knew that her idea was a bang. She trusted herself and so decided to work on it even more so that she could take it to big companies so that they could invest.

And she did take it. Standing in front of many big MDs, her presentation a still underconfident, she spoke what she could. And...nearly all of them rejected the idea. But, there was this one voice which stopped her broken heart to shatter down in to pieces.

"I like the idea. And I'll like to take forward my company with it. "
She saw a man saying that.

"Thank you so much Sir. I am so glad. "
Ragini said and walked towards him.

Everybody else left. Only the man and Ragini remained there.

"Hello, I am Shaurya from the RoyTech. Your idea is amazing. "
He said.

"Thank you Sir. "
Ragini was ecstatic. Before she could continue further, he said.

"Actually I am not the real owner. Our boss, Mr Laksh Roy, he doesn't attend attend youth fest. We come here on his behalf message him the idea and then he gives a thumbs up or down because he says that demeanour sometimes hides the actual kaam ki baat. Hahaha. "
He said in a flow while Ragini felt like she had heard this name somewhere.

"Oh.. Haha. It.. It's interesting. "

"Here is the company's card with address and visiting time. As you are the MD of your own company, you'll meet directly to our boss. "
He said and went.

While Ragini stood in confusion.

Next day, when she visited the address, she knew this place. This place was known but completely different. It had a huge building with a beautiful infrastructure just like a dream. A dream of her own.

She wasn't still aware that it was a company she rejected years before.

She walked in and found a familiar woman sitting on the reception table but now in a much better place and now everything started running in her mind like a flashback.

"Ma..am, where can I meet Mr Roy. They called for the meeting. " Ragini said.

"Oh, your name darling? "

"Ragini Deshmukh. "

"You'll have to meet for four hours. Am sorry. Sir is actually in a meeting right now. "

"Oh okay. I... I'll come later then. "

She said and went back. That later lasted for a week when finally Ragini got a chance to meet Laksh.

The moment she entered into his cabin, and she saw him her mind blew off. What an amazing transformation the guy had taken. All this week, she thought where had she seen that company and name and remembered. She remembered who Laskh was and now this was a shock.

The first meeting happened after a second she entered his office and now it took a complete one week to just be able to see this man.

"Good Morning Sir. "

"Hmm. Have a seat. "

"Thank you. "

"Yeah, we like your idea, you can begin from tomorrow. Send in your teammates to my manager. They'll handle everything and All the best. " Saying that he signed the agreement and asked her to move out.

Ragini wasn't even in her senses. It was like waiting a whole week for just two minutes. What the hell was that. And the man's demeanour was like 100000000 times different than what it used to be.

What actually happened. She couldn't understand.

Two year later,

"Laksh, I never said that to you but... I rejected your company in the earlier stage of your career. Remember you slipped in my college? "
Ragini said sitting between his arms on the couch while he watching a film. It had been an year that these two were dating.

"Na I don't remember. "

"But I do. How did you take that transformation? " She said.

He sighed and faced her.

"Are you the same what you were when you started off as young sweetheart? "
He asked.

"No. But what actually happened? "

"Experience happened. And that happened to you as well. " He said chuckling lightly.

"Yeah. And I used to think that  you were clumsy. "

"That's what everyone would have thought about you too when you gave your first presentarion. They didn't see the idea but the person you were then and that is where people usually make mistakes. "
He said.

"True. " She said with a short smile and kissed him on his cheeks while he smiled lightly.

"Does it ever drive you crazy? Just how FAST THE NIGHT CHANGES......! "
Ragini started singing loudly.

"Oh gurl, you and your pbsession with these five lads. "
Laksh rolled his eyes.

"Oh cmon you love them too. "

"Oh I do. "

"Then sing along. "

"Going out tonight changes into something red...... "
And these two sang like there's no end and marked the n8ght lovely with their cuddles, affection and fun.


Okay so first of all, I need a round of applause to actually end this..

I'll explain everytging on the dm. You enjoy here hehehe.

And sorry sandy. 😅

Love you

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