part 3

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The whole family was in a hope to find Ragini... not only because she had their heir but also because they wanted her back.. they were badly repenting for the mistakes they have done.. 

Today it is the haldi function.. 
Mr mehta came to his guest house to call the maheshwari family for the function as they were not to be seen..

In the guest house..

In dp and ap room..

Annapoorna.. I really hope we find Ragini here.  Said dp as he sat on the bed. 

Even i hope ji .. but I am scared what if the girl yash has feelings for is our Ragini.. And what if she is planning to move on.. I cant lose my daughter again.. Said ap expressing her worries..

Let keep positive hopes Annapoorna.. dp consoled her..

At that time they heard the bell ring..

Ap went and opened the door to find mr mehta standing there.

Arrey ap ji.. we were waiting for you so that we can start the function after sometime.. Said mr mehta..

Haa ji we were about to come.. bas the children have to come.  ( children means adarsh pari and Lakshman swasan ) said ap

Dp too came there..  He looked at ap as if asking her approval.. And she nodded ..

Mohan.. I actually wanted to ask you.m something.. dp started..

the others including Laksh was also coming down. .

Wo .. we have actually come here not only for the marriage.. but also for something else.. we came in search of our bahu.. Said dp and Laksh was shocked

He knew his family too misses Ragini.. but coming to mumbai had such a hidden intention? he never knew it..

Papa.. what are you telling.. Laksh asked dp..

Haa Laksh.. it was our plan to bring you here..

Mohan was puzzled ..
Dp what are you talking about.  Finding your bahu ?? But swara and pari are with you na..  asked mohan..

We are talking about Laksh's wife.
Said ap..

Ohh so Laksh is married.. ? Ok.. but what happened to his wife ...  how is she missing.. ? Mohan mehta asked...

Dp was about to answer .. but then Laksh interrupted.. Ill tell you uncle..

My wife.. She was such an amazing person. A very traditional shy and naive girl.  Cannot even hurt an ant ... her dadi maa's words were her final decisions.. she was very loving and sacrificing and that is what caused her the pain she had to face..  I never wanted a traditional girl.. So I rejected her thrice and i ended up falling for her sister.. she was so madly in love with me that she cheated us.. tried killing her sister with the help of my brothers who wanted revenge.. even when he changed she didn't.. well thats what we thought so.. she was being blackmailed uncle and she did all that to save me and my fathers company and reputation.. And we .. We thought she changed and became an evil soul... And I did the worst sin of my life ... I used her body and betrayed her by marrying another women in front of her while she was carrying my child..  said Laksh with tears gushing out of his eyes..

He sat down on his knees not able to hide his emotions anymore.. 

For the past six years he kept everything to himself.  It was when he came to know abt Ragini's pregnancy that he opened up himself last .. but now again after six long years which seemed likes six whole births to him he is opening up his bottled up emotions..

I want her back uncle.. I really badly want her back .. but I never went in search of her because I cant face after what all I did to her..  I wanna see my child ..  I wanna be his or her father.. And i want my small dream family with her and only her.. but how can I tell her that i fell for her as soon as she left...  I want her back now uncle.  I know he might be damn angry at me.. but I m ready to ear her punishmen s.. what so ever it might be.. but I just want her ...
He expressed his wanting for her.. there was tears in the yes of everyone..

Par chora yours and kavya divorce is not done right.. asked sujatha.. while listening to Laksh story once again..

And mine and kavya marriages was not even registered as i dont bit her to do it.. at that moment in the heat of revenge I just wanted rag..Ragini.. out of my life and just didnt bother to register my marriage with kavya.  So as a boon I didnt have to divorce kavya.. And evening and Ragini's divorce didnt happen.   So she is legally my wife.. she is still Ragini Laksh maheshwari..
Laksh said.. 

And thats is when it strikes mohan that Laksh's wife 's name was Ragini.  

He feared what of the Ragini he knew.. whom he considered as his daughter is the one they are talking to.. Ragini too had a similar story.. but she never mentioned her husbands name or in laws name to them.. only diya knew about it..

He was afraid if she was the one maheshwari's were talking about.. then she will have to face them today during the haldi.  How can she handle herself.. He thought being concerned about her . 

But then lets leave it to destiny.  One thing mohan under stood from Ragini is that she loved her husband dearly.. no matter whatever he had done to her.. So he thought let them reconcile at least for the children.. He thought to make her accept this relation back if she is the one they are talking about..

Dp.. Laksh.. I know you and your family have gone through a lot of troubles.. And i think I know whom you are talking about.. if destiny is in favour of you.. she will become yours Laksh.. I cant reveal much about her. But in case you get her back.. take care if her like a queen because she deserves to be one after what all she has gone through.. Said mohan..

He didn't reveal about Ragini because he knew how much she suffered and anyways today they would meet her but then he did not want to make RaGini seen weak in front if them..  He dint want them to easily get the relief that Ragini would be found soon.  He knew even they had to go through a lot of pain.. but then it would be nothing to whatever she had to go through..  ..

Acha.. dp.. We will see to it.. can we go for the ceremony now. .. mohan asked..

Laksh was about to reject but then something inside him made him feel that he should go.. the maheshwari's were shocked as they didn't expect Laksh to attend the function.. but then they were happy to see the change in him..

And they all left to mohan house where the haldi was about to take place..

As the were getting in .. a boy of almost five six years  came running and collided with Laksh.. He was about to fall but Laksh caught him in his protective arms...
He smiled at the boy.. hey.. be careful .  He said...

uhh im sorry uncle.. the boy said holding his ears .. the same way Ragini does..  ut reminded him of her.. And he smiled ..
it was after a long time that Laksh smiled genuinely..

The family was very happy seeing him like that while their eyes were teary..  the boy had a huge resemblance to Laksh.. He looked exactly like how Laksh looked in his childhood..

The boy was non other than raksh..
He felt a special connection with the new uncle ..  something that he had been missing over the years...
The kids only knew that their papa was abroad for some work ... they knew he was Laksh maheshwari.. but then they had never seen him.. Even when Ragini cries with Laksh's photo on her hand  she  takes care that the children dont see his face...

Raksh where are you.. they heard a girl calling out.. As soon as Swara sight fell in her .. her eyes turned teray.. She remembered her soul sister  whom she played with during their childhood thinking her to be her neighbour come besties.. 

Raksh how naughty have you been.. never listen to your elder sister... how many times I told you you would catch a cold if you eat icescreams.. she
Scolded her younger brother by a minute ..

The family laughed heartily listening to her scolding her brother .. It reminded them the way ragini scolded Laksh..

Ohh excuse.. you are just one min elder to me.. Ok and that doesnt make you any bigger than me..   We ar the same age ok.. And stop making me feel small.. He said with a cute pout ..

Aww mera bachcha she said pulling his cheeks.. And Laksh couldn't resist himself from smiling thinking of his memories with His beloved..

Hey.. what your name Laksh asked..

I am ragya.. she said with a cute smile..

Acha beta.. thum log twins ho.. pari asked

Haa aunty .. And i am elder to him my one minute.  Ragya said making raksh frown..

The elders laughed..

Laksh kneeled down to their level and called them closer to him..
They usually never go to strangers since their mother had told them that it was dangerous.. but then they We r always polite to everyone.. that was how their mother had brought them up...

But they felt this uncle very safe.. they liked this uncle evnthough they didn't talk much.. 
They went closer to him.. He cupped both their cheeks with in hand in raksh and the other hand on ragya and said..

You both are so cute .. And lovely.. He said and kissed their cheeks.. 

Uncle even you are very handsome ..  Raksh said.  I wanna become like you when i grow up .. He said and kissed Laksh cheeks. 

No uncle you look more cute.. ragya said and kissed his other cheeks..
Laksh eyes were flowing with tears.. .how he wished if they were his children.. 

Oh god.. mamma might be searching for us.. ragya said..

Ohh no.. Raksh said. 

The kids bid bye to the elders and ran from their ..

It might feel so good to have twins.. swara said..

Haa.. And their parents might be so happy.. Said pari..

They felt  connected to those.. While their husbands supported them..

Laksh was just staring at the way the kids went..  with teary eyes..

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