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Gorgor - Gordie

Mum - Melony 

. . .

spikemuth: fuck

this chats gone to shit


is anyone there?

i feel like squidward in that one episode where he's sent to that room that echos alone


a l o n e


dragon prince: do you really think anyone is gonna be on after what happened?

spikemuth: no

dragon prince: soooooo

wanna battle?

spikemuth: normally I'd say yes but i feel like there's some sort of catch to this

dragon prince: no dynamaxing

spikemuth: no dynamaxing?...

I never dynamax

dragon prince: yeah, except I can't dynamax and we'll see who truly wins this time

spikemuth: right now?

dragon prince: right now.

spikemuth: aight, ill do it later

dragon prince: later?

spikemuth: im having a match with Milo today, after that maybe we can battle

dragon prince: oh?

tell him that he's a good gym leader or ill come over there and make him know why he's a good leader.

spikemuth: do you have list of why people are good gym leaders? 

u know what dont answer that

and he can probably read this liKE everyone else

dragon prince: nah he cant read this

spikemuth: and why is that?

dragon prince: ...

he left the chat

and every time i keep adding him back he keeps leaving and it got tiring after a while so im just gonna let him have his space at this point

spikemuth: well then

im just gonna go now. ill tell him you said that

dragon prince: yeah

 me too

spikemuth is offline

dragon prince has added farm boy back into the chat

dragon prince is offline

farm boy is online

Mum & Gorgor

Mum: hello again

Gorgor is online

Gorgor: hi???

why are you talking like that?

alright, who set you up to this

Mum: no one dear

i just

I had some time to think about my words and I'm starting to think they came off a bit to harsh. spur of the moment would you say?


yeah. harsh is a bit of an under exaggeration 

Mum: true, very true

its just, as harsh as my words were, yours weren't any better than mine. and I whole heartily apologize for what I said and not taking your side. I should have most likely gotten the needed context before jumping into the conversation like that.

neither of us are in the wrong but neither of us were in the right looking back on it. I shouldn't have been so harsh with my words while a reprimand was needed for what you said. Gordie, as much as I love you dearly son you cannot say things like that. especially to those who aren't in the right state of mind as it is. 

yes, as your mother it hurts me to see you getting insulted or attacked verbally but that doesn't make it right to do the same to whoever is reciprocating it towards you. Milo was just taking sides and not insulting you at all, there was no need to insult him and say that he was weak or shouldn't have been a gym leader at all, things like that hurt, and I know you'd be hurting if it were you.

And before you say anything let me finish.

it wasn't right for Bea to lash out on anyone, yes, we're all hurting but still, it wasn't right for you to respond back too it, it only made the situation as worse as it was. I know you were trying to defend her but the way you said didn't really seem like it, and in some situations, like hers, it wasn't seen as a defense. 

and so I don't ask for your forgiveness, I just as you forgive Bea for lashing out(and possibly explain that you were defending her once she cools off), and apologize to Milo for what you said to him.


Gorgor: im here, im here

i just needed some time to take this in 

im mean i can see where your coming from but what do you really expect?

I was cornered and i just did the only thing I could think of which was to insult them which wasn't the best idea so ill try and see where this leads me.

Mum: and so? your judgment is?

Gorgor: you're forgiven, i can see what yer saying and what i did wrong its just overwhelming ya know? having everyone turn against me,, even you? it fucking hurt

Mum: and im sorry for that, there's no reason why i should have acted so cold towards you after it along with how cold my words sounded too. my actions and words shouldn't have cost hurting you. 

Gorgor: yeah, it's fine like i said, ill try later on today to try and talk to Milo, no doubt Bea's training in the wild area so i think ill talk to her tomorrow since she usually gets back after that. 

Mum: oh? did you not hear?

Gorgor: hear what?

Mum: both Piers and Milo are going to have a match today, at Milo's gym if I'm sure.

what would you say if I took over the gym for a while so you could take charge and get an apology ready until its done?

Gorgor: I would say you're the best mom ever. and thank you

Mum: no problem dear

Gorgor is offline

Mum is offline

.  . .

dragon prince added Hop, and Gloria to the chat

Hop: Hi!!

Gloria: yo

dragon prince changed Gloria to GG

dragon prince changed Hop to hopscotch

dragon prince: per request of leon

spikemuth: stop adding children to this chat

just stop

dragon prince: I'd rather not

hopscotch: thanks for the name lee!

champion: no problem hopscotch

dragon prince: hold on

dragon prince changed champion to ex-champion

ex-champion: screw you 

dragon prince: I think it's the other way around mate

spikemuth: this was a mistake.

. . .

Prof is online

Prof: @everyone be warned I recently found another power spot reading at Turrfield, I'm not sure if the other gyms are going to follow but I'd be wary if any pokemon starts dynamaxing randomly in your gym that doesn't have a trainer!

@farm boy are you okay?

raging waves: ^^^^

spikemuth: he's fine, we need some backup tho

raging waves: what are you doing there?!

spikemuth: we were having a gym match no time to explain. need help now

Prof: right away, I've sent Hop and Gloria your ways.

ex-champion: ill help investigate further into this. Is that okay Sonia?

Prof: that's great Leon, we need as much help as we can get

galar karate is online

galar karate: I heard the news what's going on with the gyms

Prof: another possible power spot crisis, I'd recommend everyone stay at their respected gyms, Piers won't have to since his doesn't have one so he's in the safe zone, and neither does Leon. Evacuate everyone out of your gym as fast as possible, we don't know whether or not it'll spread to other gyms but we do have a good enough idea on who exactly is behind it. 

If you see anyone or find anything suspicious please notify me as soon as possible so we can get to the bottom of this as soon as possible. 

. . .

Bea looked down at her phone, her grip on her phone tightened, she was just about to get on the train to the Wild Area but with the current situation, it would wait. She put the phone in her bag and turned on her heels rushing out the train station as fast as she could. Sure, Allister could handle the gym by himself but it didn't matter to her, she couldn't put that kind stress on a kid, especially a kid his age. 

With her mind all over the place and thoughts cluttered, she wasn't sure where she was going or to do yet, but she knew where she had to be right now. She had to help her friend.

. . .

Gordie took one last look at his mom as she waved bye to him, he gave her a nervous smile. "Are you sure about letting me do this mum? You think you can handle the gym by yourself for a while?" He asked Melony responded by giving him a reassuring smile. "I've been doing it since for a long time, even before you took over the gym, I think I can handle the gym for a little while. I might be rusty but I still know the basics," Gordie nodded, and waved back, a few moments later turning around and walking towards the middle of the town; he'd call up a flying taxi there. 

But right now, he had a confrontation to make.

. . .

Sordward and Shielbert have been added to the chat

dragon prince: the fuck

who these hoes?

who added them?!

Sordward: Such vile language! Wouldn't you agree younger brother?

Shieldbert: I would older brother!

GG: the only vile thing here is your hairstyles, like who the fuck does that to their hair?!

Im waiting for Gunther to show up with a gun hairstyle like what the fuck???

spikemuth: oh god leon you corrupted a child

oh god

Melony will have your h e a d

Sordward: You d a r e insult us peasant

Shielbert: You d a r e insult us peasant

GG: I might be a peasant but at least i don't look ugly like ya'll

Sordward: Our fashion is better than any ever seen in this region! All clothes have been reduced to ripped and peasant-like clothing.

GG: ok boomer

Shielbert: What is this 'Boomer' you speak of?

hopscotch: an old person, like ya'll

Sordward: We are not old! Aren't we younger brother?

Shielbert: We aren't old, older brother.

hopscotch: ok boomer

GG: ok boomers

Sordward:  gasp

Shielbert: gasp

Sordward: We were on a leave anyway. Weren't we younger brother?

Shielbert: We were older brother.

Sordward is offline

Shielbert is offline

Sorward and Shielbert have been removed from the chat

dragon prince: thank Zacian that's over

there so annoying

spikemuth: you're the exact same yourself

dragon prince: don't you have a gym, to help?

spikemuth: nope. Turrfield is safe and sound now, Milo's taking care of the Pokemon that was forced to Dynamax

Prof: sorry to interrupt this moment but I have another announcement

@everyone both the gyms at Motostoke and Hulbury are having power spots sightings there too, I fear that this isn't just a one-time thing with Turrifled, it'll be happening to all gyms with power spots! Currently, @spikemuth is the only gym that cannot have to deal with the dangerous situation but I'd say that it'd be best if you all prepare just in case it happens to you. We don't have any confirmation if this will happen to more gyms but we have enough foresight to assume that it most likely will. 

Reminder: Evacuate everyone from your gyms even if they haven't gotten hit yet, it's our best chance to ensure maximum safety. It's better to be safe than sorry. I repeat, evacuate everyone from your gyms just in case and be ready if it happens. 

@raging waves and @ever burning try and hold down the fort as best as you can help will be on the way!

ex-champion: thinking about it, after this is all said and done, we should really have some meetings. like monthly meetings where the champion and gym leaders and everything meet up to discuss matters like this, propose ideas, and a place where we can clear the air on scandals and news, like right after this after we are all bombarded with interviews on what the hell is happening

Prof: good idea, bUT NOT THE RIGHT TIME 

we need to focus on the situation at hand before anything else 

ex-champion: alright, alright. just proposing an idea because this is most likely gonna result in some sort of scandal of someone trying to bring back the darkest day or some crap like that.

once this is over we need to have one of those meetings.

and this is the perfect chat to form it, and discuss who will be there and when we can have it. 

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