The Underworld

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"No.. no.. NO!!!" Mikoto awoke, fear clutching her heart.. as she sat right up, her heart jolting like an alarm.

She was in a beautiful wilderness, full of extraordinary tall trees, and beautiful flora and fauna. Mikoto had to admit, she had never seen an environment this amazing, even in ALfheim, or anywhere in the real world... though it wasn't as if she were well travelled, so it was tough to say.

She tried to think back to what had just happened and how she ended up here... however, strangely enough, she couldn't remember anything after she, Shino, Asuna, and Kazuto left the Dicey Café..

"Strange.." Mikoto muttered, sitting up in the bright green grass. How strange, each blade of grass felt so comfortable, and each little leaf looked so perfect and pristine, as if some system had designed it.. maybe... maybe she was in a VR world? It was possible.. after all, she never remembered anything of her VR experiences with the BMI whenever she and Kazuto tested it.  And the way this world was so perfect yet real at the same time.. it had to be the new amazing in depth experience of the Soul Translation technology.

Mikoto then realized her clothes felt different then before, and she looked down, so see she wasn't wearing the school uniform provided to her at her cram school for SAO survivors.. but a light pink shirt, and cutely designed pink shorts with a flouncy light sort of air to them.. along with a small bead necklace. There were also white flowers adorned in her hair where she usually wore her hair pin.

Mikoto blinked with surprise when she realized they were the clothes she wore to Hawaii during the terrorist Group known as GREMLIN's attempted invasion of the United States of America years ago. They had been a temporary thing for her, since everyone in Tokwadai Middle was rarely ever allowed to wear anything else other then their uniforms, even on weekends..  However.. there was something strange about these clothes.. for one, the bead necklace had tiny symbols inscribed.. and her clothes seemed to be made out of a lighter, more hand sewn material.. like it had been made in a more medieval or Edo-period fashion. and instead of sneakers, she wore lightly colored leather shoes that were open toed, and had a small metal plate over each one.. like boots from Sword Art Online or ALfheim.

Perhaps this was some sort of fantasy game..

Her doubt began to fade away even more when she saw the familiar looking sword strapped to her waist.

Mikoto grabbed the hilt of the Master Sword, and drew it slowly, listening to the metallic "sheeeen" as it came out of it's beautifully decorated sheathe.

She held the blade before her.. it seemed different somehow.. the blade was more white, and holy looking.. and so mirror-like, that she could see her own reflection in the sword.. something that wasn't often seen in the swords of ALfheim Online.. while they were metallic and reflective.. they were never mirror-like.

This was a whole new level of VR.. it was the creation of a world so real, that one couldn't tell the difference between here and the Real World.. not unless they noted how unusually perfect everything in here was.

Mikoto swung her sword around experimentally, getting a feel for it.. it's weight and balance felt much heavier and sluggish then it did in ALfheim.. and for some reason, it didn't feel like she could properly even use it as a weapon.

"Kirito!!!" Mikoto shouted, sheathing her sword. "Kirito!! Are you there!?"

No answer..

Mikoto was about to give up, when she heard a voice that she did not expect to hear in this world. "Mikoto-chan?"

Mikoto turned around, and blinked with amazement to find Shino there.

Shino was wearing clothing that looked a bit more medieval then hers, a gray short sleeved shirt with a white cloth tied around her waist. And some very short black shorts. She had no weapon however.

"That sword." Shino said. "It's.. the Master Sword! Are we in some sort of VR game?"

"I think so." said Mikoto. "But.. the weird thing about this place is that it's really, really real.. and it's a bit too perfect looking.. I mean, I get all the trees don't look the same.. but.. it's.. perfect somehow."

Shino nodded. "Well.. in that case, I'm not Shino here, I'm Sinon, don't want people in this game figuring out my IRL info. Maybe I can switch my hair color somewhere.. turn it blue.."

"It think the first thing we need to do is figure out how to log out.." Mikoto said. "Do you remember anything-"

"After we left the café?" Sinon finished. "No, not at all.. "

"That's reason enough to log out." said Mikoto. "If our memory lapses have something to do with the BMI technology, then we have to let the testers know."

"But, I'm not working for Rath like you and Kirito!" said Sinon. "Why am I here?"

"Maybe you forgot why." said Mikoto. "You know, memory lapse. Anyways, let me bring up a menu real quick.."

Mikoto swiped a hand through the air.. but no menu popped up. She frowned, and tried her other hand. The same result happened.

"Maybe it's a voice command?" said Sinon.

"Or maybe.." Mikoto said, her voice becoming fearful. "This isn't VR.. no way the testers would give us something too unfamiliar to work with.. they want the tests to be as thorough as possible.. they'd have to give us a similar operating mode to other VR games we played before to get a good gist of how react to the game... "

Sinon touched her face fearfully, she did so to make sure her glasses were there because they tended to calm her down.  Shino never actually wore glasses because of her eyesight, if anything, her eyesight was twice as good as the average human.. and if that weren't enough, her Esper Ability allowed her to gain the eyesight equal to that of a Peregrine Falcon. And since she recently leveled up to Level 3, she also gained an uncanny power to see through certain materials.

The glasses were actually just made of bullet proof materials that helped Shino get over her fear of guns.. which she was still working on to a degree, even though she was still kind of scared.

And of course.. she didn't have her glasses here..

Sinon began to panic slightly as she tried in vane to search for her glasses, but Mikoto put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Hey, we're alive, I have.. er.. a sword I guess.. we're not helpless. Let's just figure out what to do."

Sinon nodded and calmed herself, in a moment, her expression became that of the cold, cool, level headed sniper from GGO.. perhaps it was the slight belief that this still might just be a VR game that brought the Sinon persona out of Shino.. but Mikoto was glad for it.

"Okay.. whether this place is a VR game or not." said Sinon. "We should at least go for our own basic needs first. I'm feeling thirsty.. how about you?"

"Now that you mention it." said Mikoto. "I could drain a lake just about now.."

"Then we should find a source of water or something." said Sinon. "Then, we won't just quench our thirst, we'll also know where to find water when we need it.. there's bound to be a running river in here somewhere. You should probably lead in, since you're the only one with a weapon.. and you know how to use it.."

"Well.. not sure if it's a weapon, or just a cosplay sword replica yet." said Mikoto with a chuckle. "But it's a big metal stick that I can whack over things with.. so okay."

The two cousins headed into the forest.. for about 10 minutes, they stumbled between twigs, trees, and leaves.. until, much to their relief and joy, they found, not only a small creek, but a rather familiar person drinking some water from the creek and washing his face.

"KIRITO!!" Sinon and Mikoto exclaimed.

"Well! Hey!" Kirito said with a relieved expression on his face. "Wow, for a moment I thought I might be alone out here. Anybody else feel like they don't remember anything past-"

"Past when we left the café." Mikoto finished. "No, we don't.. and have you seen Asuna? I mean, if Sinon's here.."

"No." said Kirito, shaking his head. "And.. call it a gut feeling, but out of the 4 of us.. I think we three are the only ones in this world.. anyways.. drink up.. the water's fine."

As Sinon and Mikoto splashed water in their faces and drank from the clean cool water running between the stones.. Kirito observed Master Sword strapped to Mikoto's hip.

"Hmmm.. do you remember buying a Master Sword replica from Ebay or something Mikoto? Anything?"

"Nope.. only swords I have are that carbon one I got from Saten, Kuroko, and Uiharu, and that Anduril replica you got me for Christmas." said Mikoto. "I love it by the way.. Lord of The Rings for the win any day."

"So.. we should test it out." said Kirito. "Maybe the blade's dull and fake.. maybe it's a real sword just customized to look like a game item.. and maybe it's an actual weapon in a VR we're in.. the point is.. we need to know what we've got so we can consider more options.."

"Alright." said Mikoto. She drew the magnificent looking sword and swung it skillfully, to and fro, imitating a Vorpal Strike. however, she couldn't move it as fast and skillfully as she did in ALfheim due to it's massive weight.. she then got fustrated, swinging it at a random tree.

"KASHEEENNN!!!" In one fluid motion. the entire tree was slashed cleanly apart.. and it fell to the forest floor with a crash.

"WHOAH!" said Mikoto. "Er.. wow.. I guess it IS sharp.."

"Good enough for me." said Kirito. "Let's get moving, you and I can take turns using it when one of us goes out alone or something."

And so they moved on.. it had only been a few more minutes however, before Sinon crouched down, and picked up what appeared to be a longbow and a quiver of arrows.

The bow looked like it was made of very white bone, with metal screws and leather straps and mechanisms implanted into it to give the bow balance and adjustable bowstrings..

"Hmmmmm..." Sinon knocked an arrow, testing the bow.. Back in ALfheim, she was already known as one of the best archers.. having enough skill to hit targets at 200 meters with a bow that was only supposed to hit at 100 meters.

Sinon let loose an arrow.. and it sailed right into a tree with a massive thwacking noise, before tearing through the trunk and burying itself in another tree far away.

"That's one strong bow.." Kirito said, sounding impressed.

"More importantly." said Sinon. "Somebody would have had to build this bow.. somebody human.. and that means we're not alone out here. There could be civilization nearby."

As Mikoto helped Sinon strap the quiver to her back,  Kirito shaded his eyes with one hand and peered around the forest. "Uhuh.. uhuh.. I see.. nothing.. if that bow user was around, he's gone now. But.. I think I hear something promising.."

Mikoto and Sinon both strained their ears, trying to hear what Kirito was talking about.. there it was.. a steady, "chop.. chop... chop.." in the distance.

"I went camping once.." Mikoto muttered. "And either this means Jason decided using an axe was better then a machete, or we've got somebody chopping down a tree... and if somebody's chopping down a tree for some reason."

"People!" said Sinon. "Actual people! Hurry! We got get to whoever's there before they leave!"

'Running towards somebody with an axe." Kirito said. "Eh.. well, it's not like we have much choice."

"Hold up.." said Mikoto, suddenly just thinking of something. "Let me check to see that a sword isn't our only means of defense.."

Mikoto held up a hand.. and pointed a finger at a tree.. a powerful arch of electricity tore through the tree, leaving a smoking stump.

"So we also have a Level 5 esper." said Sinon. "Promising.. but.. that means this isn't VR.. "

"Or is." said Mikoto. "Remember what I said about my powers being available during Soul Translation? Anyways, we're well prepared for danger, so let's go. Can't believe it took me this long to remember my powers.."

The threesome ran towards the chopping noise.. running till they nearly exhausted themselves.. until finally they ran into what appeared to be a large grassy hill, overlooking a sunset..

The moment Mikoto saw the sunset.. her head suddenly hurt like crazy.. in that moment a vision entered her mind.

Mikoto stared at the sunset along with her brother Kirito and two friends Alice and Eugeo.. contemplating what their Sacred Tasks would be after they were assigned at age 10

Mikoto blinked and shook her head. Now that was weird.

Within her mind, Mikoto sensed Nox shuffle around nervously, as if she were struggling to remember something as well.. but Nox didn't voice any opinions, remaining silent as she usually did..

"Don't you go turning  me into Viral Mode now.. Mikoto muttered to Nox. "We don't know what this world is.. and I'm not about to start stories about a weird data monster living in the woods.."

After trekking up the hill for a bit.. they came across the source of the chopping noise.

A handsome boy with blonde hair, around the same age as Kirito, was chopping at a massive tree with a thick trunk of abnormal size. He was sweating as he swung the large white bone axe at the tree.. swinging it into the same gouge in the tree.

"Whoah.." said Sinon shyly, going slightly pink. "He's ummm... pretty hot.. "

"Now, now, Nee-chan." said Mikoto. "No cheating on Accelerator.."

"We're not dating." said Sinon.

"Still, how do you know that me and Asuna don't have a couple of bottles saved up in Agil's fridge in case it happens?" said Mikoto, giving Sinon a wink.

"Ha ha.." Sinon rolled her eyes.

"Excuse me!" said Kirito, walking over to the boy. "Sorry to interrupt, but do you know how to Log Out?"

The boy turned around and blinked in confusion. "Well.. er.. if you want to go log riding.. I'm afraid we don't have a lake big enough for that.. isn't that a weird sport though?"

"Well.." Kirito frowned. "Erm.. let's try this again.. okay, do you know if there's any place to stay around here? Just for the night."

"Oh!" said the boy, looking relieved that Kirito was asking a question that made sense. "Yes there is, Rulid Village, my hometown.  It's a little ways from here.. though.. if you want company going down there, you'll have to wait.."

Kirito looked at Mikoto and Sinon. In his mind, he knew it was probably best if they allowed somebody who knew the area to lead the way.

"We'll wait." said Kirito.

"Oh!" the boy looked delighted by this, obviously company wasn't something he came by often on this hill. "Okay then! Hey, I have some lunch, how would you and your friends like some.. some.."

The boy's voice trailed off and his jaw went slack as he noticed Mikoto.  He walked forward in a seemingly dream-like state, he then got on one knee and held Mikoto's hand, kissing her on the wrist. "Excuse me.. madam.. I-I'm Eugeo.. forgive my boldness, but you are very beautiful."

"Uhh.. okay?" said Mikoto.

"W-would you and your friends care to join me for some lunch!?" Eugeo stammered, blushing. "I-I don't have much, but you travelers must be hungry after your long journey!"

"Oh.. umm.. sure, thanks." said Mikoto, as Sinon put a hand to her mouth in an attempt to hold back her giggles.

"Wow.. Mikoto-chan.. you have a fan." Sinon whispered into Mikoto's ear.

"So.. "said Eugeo as he brought out several small bento boxes from a pack he had sitting next to the tree. "What are your names?"

"I'm Kirito." said Kirito. "And this is Railgun and Sinon."

"Railgun?" said Eugeo. "Are you sure? I think I heard Ms. Sinon-san say her name was Mikoto?"

Mikoto shrugged at Kirito, indicating she didn't mind. "I'm Mikoto Misaka.. Railgun is just kind of a nickname.."

"Hmm.. that's a nice name." said Eugeo with a dreamy expression. "A beautiful name.."

"He doesn't seem to recognize you as a Level 5.." Kirito muttered quietly.

"So.. not a VR world then?" Mikoto muttered back.

Suddenly, Eugeo began squiggling an S and C shape with his finger over the food he had. "I hope the Life on this food is okay.."

A menu window suddenly opened up on the food.. showing numbers and labels indicating the food's stats and amount of Life left..

Mikoto felt relief wash over her. This WAS a VR world.. but.. for some reason, Eugeo didn't seem to know that.

Mikoto could feel the same relief and confusion washing over her friends as well as they sat down next to Eugeo and began to eat.

"Sorry, it's not much." said Eugeo. "I need to pack lightly since the axe here is so heavy.. "

"You should have somebody bring lunch for you then." said Kirito.

"Well.. somebody used to." said Eugeo. "But.. well, she's gone. Many of the villagers think she's dead, but I think she's still alive out there somewhere."

"Why are you chopping this tree?" Mikoto asked. "Do you need firewood?"

"Wow, you really aren't from around the Human Empire are you?" said Eugeo. "It's my Sacred Task see? When we're around 10, we're all assigned a Sacred Task by the Axiom Church, which basically determines the job we're going to do for the rest of our lives.. or at least until the task is done.. I'm a Gregis Cedar Tree Cutter, that's my task.. by cutting down this tree.. we'll be able to get to the forest entrance behind the tree and expand farming territory.. but.. I don't think this thing will be cut down in my life time.."

"Hmm.. why don't I give it a try?" Mikoto asked, standing up and picking up the axe.

"W-wait!" said Eugeo. "Are you sure you have the OC for that?"

"OC?" said Sinon.

"Object Control." said Eugeo, looking confused that nobody knew about OC. "The stats required to be able to use certain items correctly.. you know.. like if an object's Priority stat is higher then your Object Control, you won't be able to use it correctly.. it'll feel super heavy and stuff.."

"Super heavy.." Mikoto muttered, looking at the Master Sword sheathed to her hip. "So that's why huh?"

Mikoto swung the axe around experimentally. "Heh, feels fine."

She gave the tree several swings.. but missed several times before she was able to land a nice decent cut..

"It'll take forever at this rate.." Mikoto muttered. She sent an electric current coursing through her arms so the Dragon Bone Axe was enveloped in a powerful bright charge. She swung the axe into the tree once more.. and this time.. a very deep cut was burned into the bark..

Eugeo stared with shocked amazement. "H-how...? Are you a master of the Sacred Arts?"

"Sacred whazits?" Mikoto said. "Hey Kirito, got anything small, metal and flickable?"

"Nope." said Kirito.

"I can break the arrow head off this arrow." said Sinon, doing just that and giving Mikoto the metal spear like head.

Mikoto grinned and rested the arrowhead on her thumb, aiming it at the tree. The was a spark as Mikoto flicked it.. and in a massive orange streak and a sonic boom, she let loose a Railgun move at the Gregis Cedar..

A powerful sizzling hole was sent burning through the tree.. however.. the arrow head shattered before the Railgun could drill all the way through the tree."

"WHOAH!!" Eugeo stammered. "I-if that arrowhead had more Life in it.. you would've take down that tree in one shot!!"

"Guess it doesn't matter how destructive a Railgun is.." Mikoto muttered. "I've got to have a projectile that can withstand the force huh?"

"I-I can see you must be travelling experts in the Sacred Arts!" said Eugeo with great awe and respect in his eyes.

"Nope.. we actually don't even know what Sacred Arts are.." said Sinon. "It's.. just some sort of power she's had for a while now.."

"Oh.. guess foreigners aren't well versed in the Sacred Arts.. and probably wouldn't know what they were if they discovered it.." Eugeo said. "Though.. I have to say that's the most powerful set of Sacred Arts I've ever seen in my life.."

"She's an Esper." said Kirito. "We'll explain it later.. could you tell us more about these Sacred Arts?"

"They are the arts and powers that were handed down to all humans by our great goddess and creator Stacia." said Eugeo. "Like you saw how I was able to pull up that window just now to check the Life on our food? That's a Sacred Art for checking the condition of various objects.. the Stacia Window.. a lot of Sacred Arts can also be used by speaking the Sacred Language.."

"I.. see.." said Kirito

So in here they believed the functions of the VR system to be some sort of magic.. interesting..

"It's getting late." said Eugeo. "Why don't we talk more back at the village? I'm sure there's plenty you Foreigners want to know about us here in the Human Empire.."

The three friends all looked at each other and nodded.

"Sure.." said Mikoto. "Lead the way.."

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