A Friend

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  I looked at my chosen sadly as she fell asleep. 'If only you knew Marinette, they are the same person. I wish I could tell you but you need to find out on your own terms. I know that you're a smart girl and if you really looked, you would know they are the same person. Oh, to see Plagg again, it would be so wonderful!' I thought as I laid down on my bed.  


I yawned and stretched as I floated in the morning light. Glancing at the clock, I saw that it was 7:30 so I decided to wake Marinette up early. "Marinette, time to wake up." I said softly while tugging on a small strand of hair. I heard a mumbled 'One more minute' and giggled.

Marinette's POV:

I heard a small giggle and shot up stock board straight into a sitting position. "Oh my gosh, Tikki, am I late?!" I cried out in a panic, looking at my now doubled over in laughter kwami. "No, I just woke up early so I thought I could help you out." I smiled at my kwami, grateful for her consideration.

"Thanks, Tikki, now I can get ready for the day." I jumped out of bed and took a quick shower. With a towel still wrapped around me, I looked in my closet for my outfit, I finally decided on a black shirt with purrincess scrolled in green on the front, black pants with green stripes down the outside, black wedges with a strand of gold bells on the toes, and I left my hair down instead of pulling it back in the classic pigtails I wore.

"Okay Tikki, I'm ready. What do you think of my Chat style outfit?" I said, spinning in front of my kwami so she could see. "You look great Marinette." I smiled as I grabbed my black and green purse and slipped on the black leather jacket I had tossed over my chair.

Tikki flew into the purse and I headed downstairs, grabbing a couple cookies for Tikki and a cherry tart for breakfast. I ran out the door after a quick goodbye to my parents, slipping the cookies in my purse for Tikki. 

I thought about the previous night with Chat and how he had kissed my forehead and almost kissed my lips. I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks as I thought about my partner clad in black leather. Then I thought about what he would look like if he saw me in my outfit and burst out laughing.

Tikki flew out of the bag and looked confused at me. "Oh, Tikki. I was only thinking about what Chat would look like if he saw me in this outfit, oh what fun that would be. Too bad I probably won't see him today." I herd Tikki mumble something under her breath before she flew back into the bag. I brushed it off with a shrug as the school came into view. 

As I started up the school steps, I heard someone shout my name from behind me. I turned around to see my best friend Alya come up behind me. "Hey, Alya, what's up?" I said, giving her a small wave.

 "Girl, those clothes are great. Can I get a picture for the Ladyblog?" Alya asked. I shrugged my shoulders and nodded. "Sure, not like there is any harm in a picture." I did a quick pose as she took a few then posted them on her blog. "thanks girl, well since you're early, we might as well get to class."

We walked into the classroom and saw we were the first ones there so we set our stuff down and started talking about the last Akuma attack and Ladybug. The warning bell rang and a bunch of students came in. "Nice to see you were early today Mari."

 I looked up to see Adrien looking back at me from his seat. "Oh, hi Adrien. Yeah, I woke up before my alarm for some reason. Weird, huh." I said, shooting him a genuine smile instead of my usual awkward smile. I looked over to see Alya look at me astonished.

"What, I can't have a normal conversation with my friend Alya?" I said, a small smirk playing at my lips. "Who are you and what have you done with my dorky awkward friend Marinette?!" Alya practically yelled at me.

I rolled my eyes before she continued. "What happened, spill. Yesterday, you couldn't even speak a full sentence to Adrien, much less have a flowing conversation." I looked at her in the eye and saw the glint of determination.

"Fine, I had a friend come over last night and while we were talking, things got a little, let's say personal. I realized that I had started falling in love with him and now I don't get as flustered around Adrien. I have known him for a little over three months now." I said calmly.

Alya looked at me, speechless and amazed. "So, you have a friend that you have known for over three months and I haven't met him?! When can I meet him?" She said excitedly. I sighed as I thought over the consequences and what she would do if she found out my friend was the superhero Chat Noir.

"Umm, I'll talk to him about it but if I do, you cannot and I mean cannot tell anyone because it could be dangerous," I said, biting my lip in worry. "Okay, I won't tell a single soul," Alya said.

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