Marichat for Life

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"Oh, princess, I don't care what Chloe says. As long as I have you, I don't need anyone else in the world to like me." Chat said, wrapping me in a hug. I sighed into his embrace and hugged him back. "As long as you don't get hurt, I don't care." I said quietly.


I woke up and glanced at my clock. I saw it read 7:00 and slowly got up, not ready to be awake. "Tikki, *yawn* why do I keep waking up so early?" I said, stretching my sore back. "Maybe you don't want to late so badly that your body is waking up early." Tikki said, giggling at my annoyed expression.

I wonder if Chat was actually serious about coming to visit me? I thought. I took a shower, got dressed in my usual outfit, and went downstairs for breakfast. "Morning mom, I'm going to head to school early." I said, grabbing a tart and some cookies for Tikki. I left, closing the door behind me, and started the short walk to school.

"I wonder how Chat's gonna visit me when he has school too." I said to Tikki. She shrugged and I looked back up at the school entrance. As I started up the steps, someone put their hands over my eyes. I squeaked in surprise and heard a chuckle behind me.

I know that laugh anywhere. I thought. "So you did come Kitty." I said, pulling the gloved hands from my face and turning around. "Of course purrincess." Chat said, a sly smirk on his face. I narrowed my eyes and said, "What's up your sleeve this time Chaton?"

He attempted to give me an innocent look, his eyes still shining with mischief. "What ever do you mean Princess? Can't a knight visit his princess at school?" Chat said, the grin reappearing on his face. "Okay, now I know you are up to something Chat." I said, crossing my arms and shooting him an explain-now look.

"Okay, you got me, Princess. I just want all of Paris to know you're mine." Chat said, pulling me close in a hug and whispering the last part in my ear. I shivered as his warm breath traveled down my neck.

He pulled back and looked me in the eyes before leaning in. I closed my eyes as his lips met mine in a passionate kiss. I pushed back, running my hands through his hair. I pulled back, out of breath from the kiss. As the realization of where we were hit me, I panicked.

My hands fell to my sides before I stepped back and covered my face. "Oh my word, this cannot be happening." I muttered to myself. I peeked out of a gap in my hands and saw that no one was around.

"I have school Chat, so you need to leave. Now." I said, nervously looking around to make sure no one saw us. "Fine, I'll see you tonight Purrincess." He kissed my cheek before vaulting away.

I blushed and put a hand to my cheek, forgetting where I was once again. I was lost in thoughts about my daring Kitty when someone yelling broke me from my revere.

"-inette! Marinette!" Alya yelled, waving a hand in front of my face. I looked at her, confused as to why she was yelling.

"What's up Alya?" I said. She looked at me like I was crazy. "What's up? What's up?! What's up is that I just saw you and Chat kissing in front of the school so don't what's up me." Alya yelled.

I quickly clamped a hand over her mouth and said "Shh! I don't need all of Paris on my front doorstep asking me how I am dating a superhero. You bugging me is enough."

As soon as the last sentence left my mouth, I instantly regretted my word choice. "Ugh, his puns are slowly infecting me, damn cat." I muttered.

"What was that?" Alya asked. "Nothing, lets just get to class." I said.

"Marichat for life!!"
"Alya!! Put that picture away!"

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