Chapter 2-Training

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Shadowfighter held out a talon and gestured to the objects around the cave. Evergreen studied one of the training items near the cave entrance. It appeared to be a curved, triangular rock of some sort.
"Ah! The claw sharpener! You should try it!" Shadowfighter poked the rock. Evergreen began to scratch at it pathetically. Shadowfighter wrapped his talon firmly around hers and gently squeezed her claws together so they stuck against each other. He then rubbed her claws against the edge of the rock.
"Like this" He said.

Dragonfruit and Citrus were instantly searching the room exploring every corner. They both spotted a circular piece of wood on the wall and eyed it curiously. Shadowfighter strode over to them.
"This is for testing your venom shooting range. Go ahead and see how close you can get to the middle"

Dragonfruit pushed his sister aside. He opened his mouth and sprayed a blobof venom at the target. He didn't even hit it.
"Aww man!"
"Let me try" Citsus cut in.
"You'll fail worse than me. It's obvious you will because you're younger!" Dragonfruitreplied.
"I'm not younger! We're the same age!"

Eevergreen had heard this argument many times.


Day 1 of training:

Dragonfruit's venom splashed against the left side of the target right above Citrus's. Evergreen came out of her corner where she had been concentrating hard and went to try out her venom. A thin splash hit the bottom of the target but not as close to the side as her siblings.

Day 2 of training:

Dragonfruit tackled the scruffy bird but it escaped. Citrus caught it but didn't know what to do. Once again Evergreen exited her corner. A small crack had formed in the wall but she left it to catch the bird that had escaped Citrus's talons in her confusion. Evergreen handed it to her brother who stabbed it through the chest.

Day 3 of training:

Citrus landed her venom close to the center of the target. Dragonfruit practiced an ability he discovered he had called 'Leafspeak'. Evergreen also had it but didn't practice much. She preferred to concentrate on the wall.

Day 4 of training:

Citrus caught the bird and ate it.
"Is it wrong to feel bad for this bird?" She asked.
Dragonfruit  sharpened his claws then attacked a sheet that was hung from the roof of the cave. He left it covered in scratches. Evergreen sat in her corner concentrating on the large crack in the wall that nobody else had noticed.

Day 5 of training:

Citrus hit the center of the target. Dragonfruit used his Leafspeak to make a huge vine grow and throw a medium sized rock across the cave. Evergreen did the same.

Day 6 of training:

Evergreen devoured the small bird and went back to her corner. There was a small hole in the wall of the cave now. Citrus attacked a sheet with her sharpened claws. Dragonfruit hit the target dead on center.

Day 7 of training:

Citrus tried to see if she had Leafspeak. She didn't but at least her venom was much more acidic that her siblings. Dragonfruit caught the prey and tore it to pieces instead of eating it. Evergreen slashed the sheet and tore it half. She then went back to her corner and stuck her talon through the hole in the wall.

Day 8 of training:

Shadowfighter looked around the sleeping cave. Their sleeping cave was right next to his sleeping cave and the training cave. The dragonets were nowhere to be seen. They were gone. Shadowfighter began to panick. He swore he had locked the door! Where could they have gone? A claw gripped his neck and something latched onto his back. Another object knocked his feet from beneath him. A third objectcovered his eyes and giggled.

Citrus uncovered Shadowfighter's eyes.
"How was that?" She asked.
"That was brilliant!" Shadowfighter acknowledged how much they had learnt with so little training. It had only been 7 days of their training and they were this advanced. Evergreen leapt off his back and Dragonfruit swiped his tail away from Shadowfighter's legs.
"It seams you'll be ready for your mission soon!" He exclaimed.
"And what is our mission?" Evergreen asked.
"Well basically to lead our NightWing army to fight for Blister."
"We don't need and army. WE CAN DO IT OURSELVES!" Dragonfruit had the hugest grin.
"But you would need to kill Blaze, Burn and anyone who might be a powerful ally for them" Shadowfighter  said.
"Done" Said Citrus.

Evergreen threw her talon against the wall of the cave and the rock shattered. It left a hole large enough for only the dragonets to get out of. Evergreen slipped out with her brother and sister close behind. All 3 of them stretched out their wings and flapped. After a couple attempts (The had never flown before but had jump/flew a bit) they were airborne.

They were going to kill Blaze and Burn. They were going to kill their allies. They were going to kill anyone who got in their way.

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