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Welp, here we are!

Welcome to my first story on the site!

This is a story I have been planning on making for MONTHS now, it's unbelievable. But it's a great one, and I'll go ahead and say who I'd like to thank mainly.

First, I'd like to think my friend Eren for helping me out, for without him, Team crystal wouldn't exist. Kammi wouldn't exist, none of this would exist. It's because of him that I'm able to tell the story of this beautiful trainer and her love and connection to her pokemon :)

Second, I'd like to thank my insprations on YouTube, for without one of them, I would've never started writing this story,

And thank you to all my friends who are suporting me as I type up this wonderful tale.

Now, the updates for this story are going to be about bi-weekly, if not weekly. Sorry for the long wait, I just...really hate writing xD But I'm told I'm decent at it, so I might as well make a skill from it.

And without further ado,

Enjoy :)

"Hey...Pri, sweetie..wake up."

The dark bitter coldness of the room seemed to only make the voice that spoke deeper, as the girl seemed to open her eyes. A soft groan came from her and she tried to roll over. But the warm touch of her lover's hand on her back was enough to lull her back to sleep.

"Pri, I have something to show you. Cmon."

Her lover tried to coax her awake yet again, making her open her eyes more. She glanced over and tried to turn on the lamp light, groaning softly. "Rain, what time is it?"


Surprised, she blinked. "Honey, can't whatever you have to show me wait until the morning? I'm really tired."

The persistent and proud look in Rain's deep ocean eyes and the cute passionate smile across his face was enough to convince her. Even the way his messy ebony locks fell above his eyes made him even more convincing.

"This can't wait, it's very important. " His smile widened as if he couldn't sit still for the world.

"Alright...where are we going?" The girl rolled out of bed and began to put on her other clothing, including a different shirt and some shorts.

"We're going to the lab."

"What?! But… why all the way there?" She seemed almost reluctant to go.

"It's a surprise." He chuckled happily before excitedly hugging her and kissing her forehead lovingly.

His lover frowned slightly. Putting trust in him, she ignored her gut and decided to listen to her heart, even if the bad feeling she received left an awful taste in her mouth. Nevertheless, she grabbed her purse which held all six of her pokemon. If she was going, she needed them. She never left without them, in fact , she won the Unova League and Hoenn League with them.

Yes, she was a champion. But she didn't like to brag about it. She was happy with Rain, and he was happy with her. That's all they needed, especially since they were engaged.

Following him, he began to drive them to the lab he worked at. Her eyes had drifted to the window, and watched as the world flew by. She trembled, for some reason. It happened a lot whenever she was tired - it was strange. She wasn't cold, or excited. Maybe she just had some excess energy. She gripped her hand into a fist, she let out a breath as Rain kept driving. The biggest grin remained on his face, as he seemed more than excited to bring her to his work.

When they finally pulled into the laboratory, and the girl climbed out of the car, she looked up at the huge building nervously. On the outside, it looked like a normal corporation building. One that belonged to a very rich man. But on the inside, it was a base for a secret pokemon team. One that, many years ago, the girl herself tried to defeat. The team was called, 'Team Crystal'. And what they believed in was to make a world where pokemon were no longer mere 'tools.' They would create a safer order of ways, but it only seemed like that to the naked eye. Even after trying to defeat this organization, the girl ended up falling helplessly in love with it's leader - Rain. And thus here she was today.

"Cmon, let's go inside. " He smiled, taking her hand in his softly and leading her to the entrance. She had a terrible feeling about it, but she followed him, frowning.

Walking into the building, they proceeded to take the elevator down into the underground lab, as the girl clung onto Rain's jacket sleeve. He smiled at her, oblivious to her nervousness, and happily led her deeper into the lab when the elevator stopped.

"Now, hear me out….I know you don't like us using pokemon in our labs...but it was for an important cause. We needed them to help us gain control of other pokemon. And since our goal is the three legendary birds of Kanto…" He stepped up to a door, typed numbers into a pad, and the door suddenly slid open. He smiled widely as he let her walk in first.

She was terrified at what she saw.

Screeching in pain and struggling in the containment it was in, Zapdos was trapped. It was trying to escape, but to no avail, and Rain only smiled wider. Zapdos was obviously in a lot of pain from all the restraints around it.

She began to tear up, viewing it's conditions.

"Isn't this great!? Now we have one of them - we just need the other two and our goal will be complete!" His eyes were wild, as they were no longer ones that belonged to the man she loved.

" isn't right…" She took a step back. Being her father's daughter… she could understand what Zapdos was saying.

And it was screaming in pain.

Shaking, she backed up one more time. Hearing it crying in pain was about to overwhelm her.

Rain turned around, hoping to see a proud expression on her face, but his look fell when he saw her terror. "What do you mean…? This is helping us create a much better world for pokemon! With the three legendary birds at our side… we can do it!"

"No,this isn't right, Rain. It's in pain!"

"So?! Who cares?!'"

THe girl flinched.

"What you're doing...what you have done… this… this is terrible! How can you…" Tears began to drip down her cheeks at the sight, and she bit her lip. "Rain, please stop this...set Zapdos free."

Rain stared at her before he began to laugh, unable to stop. "I can't do that, Pri, I'm sorry. I've come too far."

The girl looked at him more. "Rain. Stop. This. Now." She shakily said, reaching into her purse.

Rain's exression began to grow cold. "Pride. I refuse to stop. We're so close, I can taste it."

'Can't you see this is wrong?!"

"Can't YOU see that this is our only way?!" He pointed to Zapdos.


Zapdos cried in pain.


It began to struggle, and it desperately looked at Pride with tears in it's eyes.


She screamed loudly, summoning her lucario before picking up a piece of wood nearby.

"PRIDE,STOP!" Rain shouted, making her pause and glare at him.

"Love, what are you doing…" He whispered, a confused expression on his face.

"I can't let you do this…" Her voice cracked "Greed, use Bone Rush!"

THe lucario nodded before summoning his bone weapons, smashing all of the computers and tanks within the lab. Electricty jutted and sparked everywhere, as Zapdos slowly began to grow it's power. Pride was smashing just about anything she could, destroying years and years of data, tracking, and information they had. Rain let out a defiant scream as they wreaked havoc in the lab.

With the computers down, Zapdos managed to break open it's cage, expanding its wings as lightning struck. It broke open a side of the wall from how powerful it was...the true might of the legendary. Rain watched in horror as the bird they took YEARS to capture began to fly away.

"...PRIDE!" He screamed angrily and looked at the girl. SHe had dropped her piece of wood, as her hands were stained in her own blood. She looked at him with tears in her eyes before holding her own stomach and running off, her lucario racing after her.

"CATCH HER!" Rain called on a walkie talkie.

"Bring back my love…." He whispered as he watched her run.

"And my child."

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