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"It's snowing." I said as some flakes fell on his hair.

"It's so beautiful. When are we going home?" he asked eagerly.

"Today noon."


"Mhmm. let's get back Jimin, you'll catch a cold."


I helped him downstairs, this time taking shorter breaks.

"Are you tired?" I asked as I covered him with his blankets.

"Not really, just this hurts." he said pointing towards his channel on his right hand.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I'll ask Lily to get it off."

I pressed the button underneath the table.

"Does it hurt a lot? It was for your IV fluid."

"It's okay." he said as she pulled out the needle.

"Jimin, you look really tired. Why don't you get some sleep?" Lily said.

When we both said nothing she must have felt awkward.

"I'll take your leave then. Call me if you need anything." she rushed out of the door.

We laughed under our breath.

"Hey, why didn't you wake me up when you woke up?" I wanted that moment to be only for us.

The question took him by surprise.

"You were sleeping really peacefully, I didn't want to wake you up."

That felt nice. He always did this. Getting Jimin back means the world to me and it kind of feels surreal. Just him talking, watching him move makes my heart ache. I missed him so much. 

I wanted to kiss him now, I wanted to hold him. But I felt exhausted, my tired eyelids were almost closing.

"Please sleep, you look really tired." he held my hand in his.

"You can read this then." I hand him his journal that I made for him.

"I love this. It's better than flowers and cards. This is nice. It tells me about you." his cheeks were red but he still spoke. It was so cute.

"That's a very Jimin thing to say." he laughed at that.

"I'll go to sleep then, call me if you need something but I probably won't wake up because..."

I couldn't complete it. He anyway wouldn't remember it.

"Because you are a deep sleeper?" He completed my sentence.

"I am saying that because you didn't wake up even when I moved several times." he answered my not asked question.

"Yes, I am. You'll soon get to see that." I laughed, to hide the tears I felt coming up.


I kept looking at him for a while without thinking much. Then, Chim crossed my mind.

I don't know how to deal with this, how long it will take for him to merge with his personality. It's just too much.

But at least, I have Jimin. He'll make things a lot more bearable than they are. 


Yoongi fell asleep looking at me. He was lost in his own thoughts while I went through the journal.

It was very well maintained and I see how careful he is with details. He didn't miss a day indeed and at the end of each page he wrote that he missed me.

There were notes he wrote while he was crying, with love. It was all so beautiful.

I didn't want to read it all at once so I read only the first few pages.

They were mostly poignant, the feelings were too raw in them and it hurt me. My chest felt heavy with those melancholic words.

All of his notes began with a dear Jimin.

Dear Jimin,

It's your third week here and it's not pretty. Watching you lie on the bed all day and night makes my heart ache. I know you wouldn't want me to be like this. So I am working at the hospital, cooking for old people. I also went to the library to catch up on work. I don't think I said this to you before, but since you cannot attend classes now, I took a leave as well. I just can't go there without you. I just want to catch up on stuff like usual so that I can help you out when you get better. While coming back here, I went home for a while. I didn't feel like staying in that empty apartment so I came back after cleaning and covering our piano. Home is where you are. So I just came back to you.

I'll take your leave now.

I love you,

Yours forever,


The last lines stayed on my mind.

Home, Yoongi felt like home.

After a while, I was watching him. He was sleeping on the recliner sofa next to me. The lights shone on his beautiful face. It was almost 3am. I get to go home after some hours. I will be home with Yoongi.

I switched off the lights for him and draped a blanket around his petite body. I found two very similar phones on the bed side table.

One of them has to be mine. Yoongi's phone could be the one kept for charging.

So I take the other phone and the lock screen has a photo of us. We are in an amusement park, it's winter again. It looks like a group picture but I think I cropped it out.

It asks for a password and I enter it as if my fingers already know what to do, what to type.

I try to recall the numbers I had just punched after I saw my home screen.

1309. That definitely meant something to us.

It also had a picture of us, just me making a silly face and him smiling at me. He had a beautiful smile, it was charming.

I obviously out of instinct first went to the gallery only to find more pictures of us. I was admitted here on the 20th of October. So there are no pictures after the 20th.

I zoom into the ones taken on the 20th.

We are both dressed neatly, looking formal. Yoongi was looking so good.

There are pictures of us on stage, I am singing and Yoongi is playing the piano. I smiled at how good we were looking but soon enough that good feeling was replaced with a sharp pain that spread across my forehead. It's probably because I was trying to remember what happened that day.

Maybe I shouldn't think anymore.

So I mindlessly scroll through the pictures.

I was tearing up at the pain when I concentrated on a picture for too long.

The ache in my chest and the pain in my head, both of them were making me want to cry.

So I just kept my phone away and watched Yoongi.

There was a difference in the way he was sleeping. When I saw him then, he really looked worried and sad. Now he looked like a sleep deprived kid who finally got to sleep.

In this moment I wanted to go to the Church and sit there for a while.

I probably did this a lot earlier.

I tip toe outside my room to find Lily working on her desk.

"Hi Lily, where is the praying room?"

"Oh hi, could have called me." She looks startled.

"Yoongi's sleeping, I didn't want to disturb him." I smiled.

"Will you be able to walk there alone? We have a praying room but there's a church Yoongi visits quite frequently. Why don't you wait for a few hours?"

"Okay, I'll do that." I said mindlessly as I wondered about the church he went to.

Was it the one I thought about when the thought came to my mind?

When I walked back to the room, Yoongi was still sleeping soundlessly. I was tired too so I climbed back to my bed and fell asleep thinking about how home would feel.

Deep within, I knew home would feel like Yoongi.


I wake up to Jimin rolling and stretching on his bed. Two months back this was something that I witnessed every morning , but watching him after so long almost made me cry with joy.

That guy, Chim, crossed my mind but I didn't let it bother me.

I watched him for a while until he woke up. He's gotten a lot thinner but his cheeks are still chubby.

When he saw me smiling at him he got shy but smiled back.


"Hey." he whispered back in a soft, low voice.

"Can I hug you?" I think I thought a little too loudly. I would understand if he didn't want to but his face showed different emotions. He nodded softly and that made me flustered.

I walked to him and he extended his arms towards me. I slowly hugged him close to me. He nuzzled his head in my neck. Doc was right, humans don't forget their habits.

When I let go he had a soft look on his face. We smiled at each other.

"I didn't wake you both up, it's almost 10 AM. You guys should have your breakfast. Jimin, there are some vitamins that you're supposed to take. Doctor asked me to serve you some soup. You'll feel better after you eat something." Lily startled us both when she came.

"I don't really want to eat anything," he said.

"Only a little, I'll help you." I said, asking Lily to get our breakfast.

"But Yoongi, I am not hungry." he whined.

"Yeah, I heard you. I am hungry. I'll eat with you. I promise, just a little. Spit it out if you hate it."

"I want to go home." he cried.

"We'll go home." I felt my heart glow.

"Can we go to the Church? After we go home?" he asked, looking hopeful.

"I would take you there even if you didn't ask. I kind of had this in mind that I have to take you there. I knew you would want to go." I was actually relieved that he asked.


"Yessir, now be a good boy and eat." I said when Lily brought in our food.

I set my sandwiches aside and put his bowl in the center of his table.

"This is your first meal in months." I was so happy.

"You won't eat?" he asked in wonder.

"I will, first you."

"Let's eat together?"

I couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, but let me feed you."


"Hey, Jimin, I don't want you thinking that you are troubling me. I love to do anything for you. It's like I am doing it for myself. "

"How'd you know what I was thinking?"

"I just know."


"Trust me, I do it because I want to, not because it's my responsibility. But because, it's you who makes me, me. Moreover, when you remember everything you're gonna go back to taking care of me. So now, eat."

He was smiling with tears in his eyes.

"It's hot." I blew on the soup.

I could tell he liked it because he was making the face he would when he liked something.

"Okay, I was hungry." he laughed.

"I know, here." I said , feeding him another one.

"The room looks so pretty in the daylight. Did you do it all by yourself?"


"It's so cute." he laughed.

"Are you making fun of me?"

"No, I am just saying this is adorable."

After we were done with our breakfast we just sat in silence while he read my journal. Now that he's getting to read my journal, I feel shy. Because, even if he's my Jimin, he's getting to know me all over again, right from scratch. 

That felt daunting. Because, when we started dating, we already knew everything about each other. But now that he's getting to know me, it's scary. 

But on the other hand it feels like getting to experience my first love all over again. That's a feeling I can't describe with words, it feels warm and beautiful and I feel young again. At least this time, if he falls in love, he won't have any memory of the things that happened to him. It'll be pleasant for him, not painful. It won't be his refuge, it'll just be his home, like he always said. 

In all these years, all I've felt towards Jimin is love and now I want him to feel the same way around me, I want him to feel loved and cared for. 

Life is truly weird and who knows where it takes us. At least, we'll be together, no matter what. 

A/n : i hope my readers are enjoying this story.
I wanted to name my readers, so i decided to call you pretty people my Clouds <3

I wouldn't be able to write this without the help of these amazing authors
Life57278 ressss_v1230
Check out there amazing work too <3

Thank you,
With love,

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