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Having normal conversations with him was nice. I was sleeping next to him after two months and I was crying with joy. I was so happy that I had to turn around to hide my tears at first.

I want to hug him close to me but I have to wait for that. So far, this has been one of the best nights of my life. At least I could spend it with Jimin.

God, I missed him so much.

I fell asleep with a light heart and a smile on my face.

I think I had completely forgotten about the fact that Jimin had nightmares because when I heard whimpers at night I was scared.

I sat up as soon as I heard them.

Jimin was facing my side and clutching the blanket.

He was crying, I have no idea what he was seeing but I took his hands and held them.

I didn't like seeing those tears that streamed across his eyes. His pillow cover was all drenched in his sweat.

I try to wake him up like I did when he had these earlier.

"Jimin, it's me Yoongi. Wake up, it's just a nightmare." I was feeling weak.

After a few tries, he opened his eyes.

He was breathing heavily and had his eyes fixed on me, his hands still in mine.

He got up and dropped himself on me. I don't think he was crying anymore, he was just sighing.

I rubbed his back so that he could calm down.

"It's just a dream. It's okay, I'm here."

His frail arms curled around my body and he stayed like that.

"Here, sleep here." I gave him my pillow but he didn't let go. So I stayed like that, rocking him in place, until he fell asleep.

I slowly place him on his pillow and walk away to change the pillow cover.

When I came back and lied down he shifted towards me and snuggled his face in my arms. I wanted to cry again but I held him close to me and fell asleep.

That night I didn't have the same recurring nightmare, I dreamt of the time we played in the dirt and our parents watched over us.


I was walking in the darkness, I couldn't see anything. I was walking with someone but I didn't really know who that was.

I entered a really dark room and my throat was dry. The person next to me walked away from me, then I was scared. It felt like I was alone.

There was a lot of screaming and it pulled the strings around my heart. I could hear a voice screaming at me pushing me to the ground. All of it sounded strange and muffled but it was hurting me. I was looking for the boy beside me in all of it.

I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't know his name, I was trying to remember but I couldn't and the pressure of the man shouting.

I was on the ground, there were tears streaming down my face and I was in pain.

He wasn't coming but then I saw him at the door. I know him, I know his face, I know that warmth that surrounded him. He was coming to me, but he was pushed back. He was being thrown away and that scared me. I was screaming at the person trying to take him away.

Everything started awfully hurting. I was sweating and holding onto something. I was holding something warm and firm.

When I opened my eyes, Yoongi was sitting right beside me trying to wake me up. I kept looking at him trying to steady my breathing. He was there, he wasn't taken away. He was there with me. I got up and rested myself on his shoulders. He didn't say a word, he didn't ask me about my nightmare, he just hugged me back.

I let myself fall asleep in his arms, they were just safe.

I woke up in his arms and I didn't move away. I peeped from the curtains to see the sky outside, it was covered with dark clouds so I drew the curtains.

I looked over at Yoongi who was sleeping peacefully with his arm around me. I brush his hair with my hands, I was feeling sorry for waking him up at night but by the way he handled me it looked like he was used to this.

Yoongi looked like a little kitten and it made me smile and I hugged him. The sweet vanilla smell filled the entire apartment.

Just like my hospital room, our walls are full of pictures. Some paintings, our pictures, anime characters, the sea, it all looked very pretty.

We had big windows in front of our study table and the faint sunlight fell on his face.

I was getting bored lying in bed, even though watching Yoongi wasn't the slightest bit boring. I just thought maybe I could make our breakfast.

So I carefully removed his hands and went to the washroom to freshen up.

When I was done I thought of the dishes I could make.

I guess I'll just make some pancakes. Do we even have the ingredients?

I looked through our cabinets to find them but there was barely anything. Just a few ramen packets that Yoongi got yesterday and some rice and herbs.

I could go and get the things right?

I didn't really unpack my bag so I am guessing I would have my wallet in it.

Digging through I got my wallet. It had money so I just decided to go and get some stuff for us.

I also hoped he didn't wake up.

I put on my coat and the scarf he gave me and walk out in the cold. It was a pleasant morning, the shops were just opening up. The street was still caked with snow.

I walked into the departmental store and got some snacks that we would later eat maybe, some chocolates because I wanted something sweet. I got the ingredients we needed for pancakes and some other fruits.

I was feeling happy buying the things because it made me feel like I at least did something.

Home was a lot warmer than outside.

I went straight to make our pancakes. I could see Yoongi from the kitchen and he was still sleeping all tucked in like a little baby.

He is making me smile a lot.

I hummed quietly as I made the pancake batter. It seemed like I made these all the time because I felt like an absolute pro.

I was having some flashbacks where I saw us eating on the kitchen table and laughing. Even though my head hurt I wanted to know more. How would you feel if your memories were suppressed? I feel like a part of me is dead. But I feel alive in a different kind of way, I feel like things are going to be fine now.

"Jimin?" He was calling me in his morning voice.

I was excited because he was finally awake and I wanted to show him these pancakes.

"Good morning." I sat on the bed beside him holding his warm hand.

He smiled when he saw me.

"Good morning angel, when did you wake up?"

"Do you usually call me that?" I asked because it made my heart warm.

"Sometimes, what time is it?" he was literally mumbling with his eyes closed.

"7.30 am. I made us breakfast." he got up when I said that. He couldn't believe it.

"You made us what?" He was so shocked.

"Pancakes. Why are you so surprised?" I was laughing.

"Bold of you to assume I wouldn't be ecstatic." he was narrowing his eyes at me and pouting at the same time.

"I went out to buy some stuff. I am done making them. Are you hungry?" I asked.

"I'll freshen up in two minutes." he was going to kiss my cheeks but he stopped because we both got shy.

"Take your time. I'll get the milk ready." I walked back to the kitchen with a red face.

He ruffled his own hair, shy at what he did and went to the washroom to brush his teeth.

"What do you want to do today?" he asked as I served the pancakes with some blueberries and milk.

"Can we go somewhere?"

"Where do you want to go?"

"Wherever you take me." I said cheekily.

"You trust me a lot. Can I get some water?"

"Mhmm, by the way if I remember everything, how do I tell you?" I poured him a glass of water. He looked hopeful for a while but then he looked like he was thinking.

"You just tell me, that's it. Or maybe take me to our place."

"Our place? Do we have a secret bunker?" That felt thrilling.

He shrugged his shoulders in response.

"Heh, I'll get to know from my journals anyway. You're lame." I snorted.

"I want you to explore the dark secrets. By the way, I'm hungry and I can't sit in front of this and keep talking to you."

I was laughing really hard, he is adorable.

"Let's eat." I was still laughing.

"Yes, finally," he said, taking a bite.

"Do you like it?"

"I am about to cry. These are so good." he covered his face with his palm.

I ate mine and they weren't bad, I am glad he likes it.

"Can we buy books?" I asked as we ate.

"Sure thing, but you wanted to watch Titanic right?"

"Yes! I would love to watch it with you."

"Let's make a plan after we eat. We have a lot of free time. Our school year starts next August. So let's work on whatever we can, we would never get this much time normally."

"Were we always in a rush?"

"We were mostly busy but we somehow found time to be with each other."

"What did we do after school?"

"Study?" he laughed. "We studied like maniacs, read together, watched movies, sometimes went out with seniors and friends, went cycling, made food, solved puzzles, played the piano and that's it."

"Let's do all those and revisit places."

He looked anxious, stressed.

"You okay?"

"Mhmm, we just have to be careful. You have a delicate heart and I know how you would react to things, that's why I am worried." he sighed

"How well did I handle them in the past?"

"Better than I did." he smiled.

"We'll get through this together."

"We will."

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