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Being impatient with Chim won't help, I'll have to handle this maturely.

"You're leaving?" He is so abrupt sometimes that it's scary.

After he switched away I could see the change in his face. Jimin's soft eyes, warm look, it was all there.

He didn't look okay, he was pale.

"Jiminie?" I held his face in my hands.

"I'm feeling lightheaded, it doesn't feel great."

He placed his head on my chest. It reminded me of his old habits. I combed his hair with my fingers.

Jimin cutely stayed like that for a while playing with his own fingers without saying much.

"Are we eating?" he asked in a low voice.

"Mmhm, it's done."

He sat on the table and smiled with sleepy eyes.

"I am hungry." he mumbled.

"I know."



"I don't want to hurt you, ever."

It gets difficult when life throws to us these challenges when we are unprepared. What hurts the most is when you see your loved ones suffering. Then you'd wish to take the pain away from them, but you can't.

"A cute little boy whom I adore so much would never hurt me." I pulled his soft cheeks.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, just sit." he tried to hide his smile.

"You know, I can see the smile you are fighting back." so he let go.

I served us two bowls of stew with rice. He looked so happy just to see them.

"Your hands, I don't know, but they create magic."

"You like it that much?"

"You don't give yourself enough credit." I would happily watch him eat all day.

We kept talking about how to take care of Cloud as we ate. He is a lot more concerned than I am.

Jimin was browsing the net for ways to look after a cat and glanced at me every once in a while, giggling all the time.

I was staring at my ring, I didn't open it once. I kept it close to me all this time and I kept Jimin's with me.

"Minnie? Do you want yours?" I asked him.

He was looking at me with hopeful eyes and when his eyes went down to the ring his smile didn't disappear like I thought it would. There was a warm smile on his face when he held my hands and brought them to his cheeks.

"Thank you for loving me the way you do. Thank you for making me yearn to remember what my life was like with you."

"What would I do without you?" I got up to get his ring.

He took it very carefully from my hand and slipped it on his ring finger.

"Now they look better." he said, holding out his arm in front of him.

"They do."

"Let's go to sleep early tonight. We have to buy things for our baby."

He makes my heart flutter with everything he does.

It was a good night and I could only hope.

I hope this winter takes away all the pain and all the sadness.


I kept staring at my ring even after Yoongi fell asleep. I held it close to me. Things felt at place.

This night too I was sleeping close to Yoongi because I was afraid of getting the same nightmare.

But tonight I dreamt of eating cotton candy with a kid who looked like Yoongi. It was a happy dream.


Today Yoongi woke up before me. And my heart wasn't heavy when I woke up.

I woke up to a cheerful and excited Yoongi.

"You slept very well." he handed me my toothbrush as I sat up.

"Hmm, and why are we so excited?'' What a beautiful sight right in the morning.

"It's 12 pm Jimin." he laughed.


He nodded.

"Well, my dream was really good, so I slept in." I giggled.

I think I might have some obsession with giggling and every time I giggle, there is a beautiful smile on Yoongi's face. Maybe that's why I like giggling.

"What was the dream about?" he tilted his head to the side, his hands in his pocket.

"I think I saw us eating cotton candy at the fair, but we were really young. You looked so cute. All chubby and cute."

"You should have seen yourself, people couldn't stop pulling your cheeks. You would get annoyed when they hovered over you non stop." He was now looking at his phone.

"Even you?"

"No, you were okay with me. Look here." He showed me some photos from the fair.

"We went every year. This is from last year and this one is from when we were 6." I zoomed into the photo to see us. It was exactly how I saw it in my dream.

This was so special to me, at least along with the nightmares I am also getting back my memory bits by bits.

I walked out of the bed and got ready. My heart was filled with excitement for bringing Cloud home.

Cats are beautiful and warm. They do smack you but they will also love you and make you feel needed. They are just like an introvert. They don't do much, but when they do anything it's perfect and cute.

"Yoongi, what should I wear?" I was holding out two long coats in front of him.

"The brown one." he crossed his arms assessing both of them.

I quickly changed into them and held out my hand to him.

"Let's go?" He took my hand, smiling widely. I felt like a kid who was being taken to shop.

"Yes! But I am hungry."

"We'll get something on our way. Do you want to drive?" he asked as we walked down the stairs.

"Oh my God, yes I do. That would be great."

"You tell me if you get tired okay?"

"Yes, yes, I know I still haven't fully recovered. But hey, I am getting better."

"Okay Park Jimin." The first thing we did when we got into the car was switching on the heater because it was so cold.

"Do you know this shop we are going to?" I asked.

"It's an hour drive. I'll open Maps." I could just admire Yoongi doing anything anywhere all the time.

We drove slowly through the snow and the pretty neighborhood. I hummed the same tune I was humming yesterday. The song was dear to my heart, that's all I could say.

"Serendipity." Yoongi whispered looking out of the window.

I looked towards him, intrigued by what he had said.

"That's the name of the song you are humming. Serendipity. Do you want to hear the song?"

"Yes, do you have it?"

"Of course, it's your song., Namjoonah wrote it for us." he took out his phone and played the song for us.

The song was so pretty, every line reminded me of Yoongi.

But driving was actually difficult for me now. It wasn't smooth. So I pay attention to the road and the frequent instructions from Google Maps.

I never noticed that Yoongi was silently crying after hearing the song.

He quickly wiped his tears and leaned in to kiss my cheek. It made me want to kiss him back.

He kissed my cheek again after I pulled the car over in front of the shop.

Before he could say anything I kissed his cheek. I felt like it was needed, for the both of us. I don't want him to feel I don't want to be with him.

We sat there in silence for a while in the car holding hands. When the silence got too long I spoke up, "Yoongi?"

He looked at me with a smile plastered on his face.

"This is a stupid question. But are you feeling a little better?"

"Silent time with you is healing. Okay now we have to look for our Cloud, let's go."

Just hearing Cloud's name made us all happy again.

The shop was warm inside and some cats were meowing.

"Welcome to the Mewtopia, are you planning to purchase a cat?" a middle aged lady approached us.

Jesus, I didn't even notice the name of the place before entering, I was trying to hold the laughter that bubbled at the pit of my stomach. It wasn't a funny name, it was just cute and well, creative. 

I could see Yoongi smirking from the corner of my eyes.

"Yes, we certainly are." Yoongi said in a sing-song voice. I could tell he was excited.

When I looked around I actually saw something cuter.

Yoongi does resemble a cat. His mouth, the cuteness, the warmth, his habits are all so feline like it made me adore him even more.

"Did you ever raise a cat before?" she asked.

I quickly pointed towards Yoongi.

"Here's one, pretty similar." I laughed.

Yoongi looked at me. I couldn't tell if he was surprised or happy. Maybe both.

"Yes, well, I am like a cat. I've heard that a lot." he was so red.

"You are funny. Do you know what breed of cat you want?"

"It doesn't really matter." Yoongi said.

"Then, young men, let the cat choose its owners." She gave us a pleasing look and let us be.

Yoongi and I looked at each other, then looked around to find our little Cloud.

The cats in the cages had their ages and breed written on a plate in front of their cages.

I went towards a kitten who had her face leaning towards her cage. She was watching me intently.

Her pale yellow patches looked beautiful against her smooth white fur.

"Can I take them out of their cages?" i asked

"Feel free." She was a very nice lady.

I opened the cage and took her out carefully.

"Yoongiah she is so small and warm, oh my look at her." I was going to cry. She is so delicate.

He turned towards me with a tabby kitten in his arms but it looked like the kitten didn't like him that much.

He had a pout on his face but then he walked to me.

He was watching the kitten as she watched him. He had a smile on his face.

Yoongi took her from my hands and gently caressed her head with his thumb.

She is beautiful.

"Do you like her?" he asked.

"She feels so warm." I am getting emotional now.

"Then she's our Cloud." He kissed Cloud on her head and gave her to me.

"Looks like the baby has a name already. Are you sure about her?" She had a very comforting look on her face.

"Oh boy, she's purring. She's so small." this time i let my tears fall. Life is so beautiful. Especially life in something this small and cute is even more beautiful.

"Awe, come here." Yoongi wrapped his arm around me. Cloud watched me with her deep green eyes.

"I'll get the paperwork done. Come with me. This is the first time someone found their cat so fast. She is a gentle cat and only 3 months old. I don't think she will be a hassle. And I feel she found herself nice and warm parents." she said typing something on her laptop.

I was shy at the last comment but I really did look forward to spending my life with Yoongi and Cloud.

Being with him, all the memories, the dreams feel very close to my heart. And I want to be with him. If I was away from him, I don't think I would be able to live my life properly.

"Oh yes, Jimin is amazing. I'll try to be a good parent." His arms were still wrapped around me.

"Don't kid me, you're better than me." Cloud was trying to escape from my hands to go to Yoongi and that warmed my heart.

"Look, she already loves you. Hold her, let me get a picture."

Yoongi and Cloud looked so good together, they shared the same cuteness.

The ride back home was very cheerful, Yoongi was driving and I kept her little crate on my lap.

I took her out and she was looking out of the window.

Yoongi checked up on both of us from time to time.

"Jiminie, do you know how happy you look?"

I'll be happier on the day I remember everything, there will be things that are difficult for us both but we will be happy.

"We got our cloud to protect us. When I can't protect you, she will."

That made him laugh.

"Why are you laughing?"

"You said the same thing you said last time we thought of getting a cat."

"Hmm, are you happy?"

"Very. By the way, the year is about to end." it's so weird, where did all the time go?

"In 4 days." It's funny.

"Time really flies."

"This shall pass too." 

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