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My voice was all sore from singing.

I went to my very pale looking Jimin who was cooking for us.

I cupped his cold little cheeks in my palms. He looked really sick. His eyes were red and swollen. He looked so fatigued

I realize that I didn't say a word until now. I didn't know what to say.

He hugged me close and laid his head on my shoulder.

I moved a little forward to turn off the gas and then curled my arm around his waist and rested his head on my shoulder.

For a second I thought he was sleeping. But then he spoke.

"Do you wanna go somewhere?"

"Our place?" I asked. It was an abandoned park on the east side of the town, our favorite place. We always go there when we need some quiet time. .

"Oh, perfect. I completely forgot about that." The happiness on his face was what I wanted to see.

"Do you want to go shopping before that?"

"See, I told you, you are a magician." he said, kissing me softly.

"Okay." I'm glad to be his magician.



"You are my favorite singer." he said, smiling in the most endearing way possible.

It made my heart glow.

My heart yearned for a life which is perfect like him. A life where there was nothing to bother us.

We ate as we talked about what to do in the fair

"Ok wait, what about our homework?" He laughed as finished eating.

Ah. The work. Of course.

"Who cares? We can just pull an all-nighter if required."

"So that you can sleep through classes and then whine about missing them?" He teased me

I shamelessly nodded my head smiling like an idiot.

It was 3pm already, why does time fly so fast?

"We didn't go shopping for a while."

"Jiminie, we went shopping like some weeks ago." I laughed.

"That was for groceries dummy. And even then it feels like an eternity back."

"It was still shopping." I joked.

"How can someone be so lame?" He rubbed his eyes like a baby rubbing off sleep.

I pulled his hand back and saw that his eyes turned red.

"You got these bad habits, Park Jimin ." I tightened my lips to a straight line frowning my eyebrows and narrowing my eyes.

He pinched the bridge of my nose saying, "Okay daddy. Let's get ready."

I hit his arm and it fell off. I had tears in my eyes cause he pressed my nose so hard.

"It hurt."

"Awe, you kinda deserved it." He said taking away the plates and putting them on the sink.

I shook my head and just threw open my sweatshirt.

I kept glancing at him because I was a little jittery about his health.

"Why are you standing half naked? You will catch a cold Yoongi ."

"I can't find a shirt. And are you my mother?"

"Umm no." He whispered awkwardly walking towards me.

"You can't choose anything can you? What are you going to do without me, Yoongi? Hmm?" He said picking up a comfortable breathable t-shirt with a denim jacket and soft pants and shoving them to me.

"I chose you." I said cheekily.

"Wow! Cheesy." He teased pulling me closer.

"It is called being romantic. Not everyone can be romantic."

"Especially not you." He joked, coiling his arm around my waist.

"I will show you what romance is." I grinned.

"Oh yeah?" He asked, playing with my hair.

"Yeah."I laughed, pressing my forehead to his, pecking his lips. He giggled cutely under his breath and pressed his face on my shoulders.

"It's getting late, Yoon." He said, pulling away

Jimin dressed in a red striped shirt and a denim jacket with a maroon beanie.

"You really look cute." I purred ruffling his hair.

"You look pretty." he said, straightening my jacket. Indeed, my mom.

"Let's go?" I said extending my arm for him to loop in his.

It was getting chilly and the wind blew against our faces leaving our noses cold.

"I love the smell of new clothes." He said excitedly.

"Yeah me too." I agreed.

We got our coffee on the way to the shopping mall. I hoped to have a good time with him.


"Am I the only one who thinks you look cuter and chubbier when you are wearing your beanie?" Yoongi asked as we got out of our car.

Yoongi's compliments make me blush. All the time. Just everything about him makes me want to live the happiest life with him.

We entered the warm mall and the smell of lavender really made me happy

"We can play hide and seek over here and no one would even know." He laughed.

As kids, malls would be our place to play hide and seek. And we still sometimes do that.

"Let's select our clothes first." I said, already looking through the pile of clothes changed from the shining railing.

"Why don't we pick for each other?"

"Yes! I've always wanted to do this. Once we are done we can call each other. And a very ugly outfit." I smiled.

"Or wait? Why not girls' clothes?" just his ideas were wild. And I loved them.

"You did not just-" he cut me off.

"Yes! It is amazing. Come on, we should totally do this."

Actually, why not?

"No one would even know." I say

I have never seen him so excited while shopping. It just warmed my heart.

"And we are going to wear it out." He blurted as he nodded.


"Yes and to college tomorrow."

"Oh. Oh you are unbelievable Yoongi ."

"That means you agreed. Yayy." He jumped excitedly and kissed my cheeks.

How can I not? I would do anything to see this happiness on his face.

We both went separate ways, hunting for good clothes.

He always liked the idea of high waisted jeans and a white shirt with flowy sleeves. I can only imagine how good he'll actually look in them.

Yoongi and I wore the same size so it was no problem. But I was assessing each and every piece of cloth carefully. I imagined him wearing them to know if he would like wearing them.

After a while, I was done shopping for him and I was sure he would love the clothes I got from the female sections.

Yoongi was already near the trial room.

When I saw him, he was scrolling through his phone and the bag next to his foot was even larger than mine.


"Finally! What took you so long?" He looked very happy.

"I was analyzing each and every cloth."

"Right." He said, reaching out to his bag.

"I think you'll like this." he said, taking out the prettiest yellow shirt.

The soft yellow of the sweatshirt soothed my eyes and soul.

I couldn't pick something nicer. The sleeves are long that reach up to my fingers almost.

I must have been looking at it for a long time because he asked, "You don't like it?"

"I love it." I say pulling them close to my chest.

"Phew. I was nervous."

I took out the clothes I got for him.

"You didn't-"he started off as he saw the high waisted jeans.

"Oh my god it has this little stitch in the end. Why didn't we do this earlier? I mean they are all clothes? How does it matter who's wearing it?"

"Uh huh." I replied as I saw the level of excitement in his voice.

"And this white s-" I cut him off by crashing my lips on his.

He was a bit surprised but pulled me closer as he breathed in.

"What was that for?" he mumbled on my lips, peppering more kisses on my lips.

"I just felt like it." I said, holding his face gently in my hands.

He touched his forehead against mine and kissed my cheeks and my forehead.

We both smiled like idiots.

"Okay." He laughed.

"Let's get changed." I said.

Yoongi 's p.o.v

I loved the clothes he chose for me. It felt soft and warm.

I quickly changed into those high waisted Jeans. I wore the shirt and tucked it in. He even got me joggers.

I was looking pretty good. The shirt didn't press to my chest. It was perfect.

I heard the shuffling of his feet in the next room.

"Do you like them?" I whispered.

I am pretty sure he was startled when he heard my voice because I heard him bang his head on the wall and whisper shout an 'ow!'

"Yes! It's perfect Yoongi . I love it." He said excitedly.


"'Kay" he breathed and I could feel him smiling hard.

We walked out of the room to see each other. And Jimin looked breathtakingly beautiful. The black jeans just complimented the yellow so well and it made Jimin look so pretty, that I could almost cry.

"It is exactly how I pictured you would look. You look beautiful Yoongi." He said.

"You were picturing me wearing the clothes?"

"Yes." He said with his cheeks turning pink.

I smiled.

"You look beautiful, Jimin"

"I love these, I wouldn't have never tried them on if you hadn't asked me to." it was all worth it after all.

We made the payments for the clothes and were making our way to the parking lot.

"Can I drive?" He asked, tugging at my shirt sleeve.


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